It's ALL about politics and Obama wins (or losses). That is ALL the Republicans care about. Even going as far as putting their offensive, repulsive, and jealous feelings about our brown skinned intelligent president before our country's national security. They are disingenuous in their arguments whether or not they will vote to ratify the START treaty. This is political showmanship, GOP grandstanding. They want this treaty ratified when the GOP has a majority in the House of Representatives, that's how pathetically stupid they are. Do they think the American people will then say wooohoooo the GOP did something great!! Yes, that's how stupid Mitch McConnell is...
Republicans are whining about amendments, well 2 amendments proposed by the Republicans have been defeated. Now what? More amendments to drag this on? And what if an amendment was agreed upon, it means this, "Any change in the language or substance of the pact would require reopening negotiations with Russia, effectively killing the agreement". So there you have it. The GOP is hell bent on killing this treaty, OR they want the credit for it getting done when they take the House.
Get on with it Harry Reid. Stop this relentless game playing by those thugs! I'm a C-Span junkie, but listening non-stop to the Democrats on the floor trying to convince the GOP this treaty needs voted on NOW, is just ridiculous! JUST VOTE! FUCK THEM!
Attn E. Musk
Elon Musk sent an outrageous, disturbing, and ominous email to federal
employees with the subject line, *“What did you do last week?”*
*“Please rep...
1 hour ago
If they got 65 votes to overturn DADT, I don't see why they can't get the 67 to pass this treaty. I mean, there's got to be 10-12 Republicans sane enough to pass a bill that every living former REPUBLICAN Secretary of State has now endorsed. I would think/hope.
Here's my struggle...
We will never see a commercial in the next campaign that says something like this...
Senator McCain, Graham, or whoever, was for the START Treaty, favored by every living Secretary of State and Former President, Republican or Democrat, before he was against it!
And we will never see an ad saying that these clowns refused to allow a vote on the First Responders Bill.
Why? Because we the Dems seem to be playing the game with different rules, and it is driving me nuts!
I would think they had the votes Will. But with McConnell still saying NO, who knows how many will side with him, their most trusted leader..
Dave for as long as I can remember the dems have acted in the same manner as today. We're just toooooo nice, that's what it comes down to. We don't want to stoop to the dirty, nasty, slimy tactics the right uses. That's just the way it is. The left needs someone tough who will put out ads like that, and I don't mean someone like Karl Rove. We need an honest person who will lay out the truth without dirty tricks and lies like the right uses.
that is the problem the democrats are too nice to our enemies.
Meanwhile Russia supplies nuclear weapons to Iran and North Korea. So while they spread Nuclear weapons around they demand we disarm ourselves when we will be needing more missle defense to protect ourselves and our allies from the despots they help.
Lisa, are you aware of the START Treaty, designed to limit, worldwide nuclear weapons?
Can you explain why every living Secretary of State, Democrat and Republican is for this treaty?
Can you explain why every living former President is for this treaty?
Can you explain how a group of Senators, some of whom most likely have never ventured outside our borders for more than a suntan vacation, think they are more versed in world affairs than men such as these?
The very Senators your side has hated the last few years, and derided as RINO's, men like John McCain and Lindsey Graham, are the ones who are most against this treaty.
It isn't that the Dems are weak when it comes to the war issues that the GOP seems to love so much, it's that we recognize that we are not the only people on the planet and that somehow the "my way or the highway" approach is not a good long term strategerie for success.
LISA: "...that is the problem the democrats are too nice to our enemies."
I'm guessing the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki would disagree with that statement.
Lisa: Russia supplies nuclear weapons to Iran and North Korea.
No, it does not. This is a libelous statement.
Dave, Lisa is unaware of how to wipe. She's proven that so many times now I've lost count.
Perhaps Ingraham will talk about how to wipe some day on her show, which Lisa's family would be very grateful for.
"that is the problem the democrats are too nice to our enemies."
How old are you, again?
you just want it to pass so Obama looks good.
How old are you, again?
December 21, 2010 8:26 AM
Lisa said...
you just want it to pass so Obama looks good.
Oh gawd! I'm guessing she's 12, because no one older than that would write something as juvenile as what she wrote above.
The fact that all living Secys. of State and past US presidents, and foreign policy experts (Rep. and Dem.) agree that the passage of this bill is vital to America's security means nothing to Lisa and her fellow travelers. No. In her adorable hazelnut of a brain, Mr. Obama wants to pass the START treaty to make himself look good!
This treaty has been in the works for 7 months. The senate has had dozens of committee meetings on it.
What is happening is completely the opposite of what Lisa writes.
The GOP doesn't want to pass the treaty for fear it will be another accomplishement for Obama.
But don't tell Lisa.
I want to pass it because people like Colin Powell and George Schultz think that it's vital for our national security. And couldn't also be said that the Republicans don't want to pass it because it would make Mr. Obama look weak, bad, etc.? Me, I think it's the Republicans this time who are playing politics.
Lisa, i noticed you chose not to answer any of my questions.
Your view that Obama wants this passed so he will look good has to be understood in the context of its idiocy.
What you are saying is that Condaleeza Rice, Jim Baker, George Schulz, Colin Powell, [All Republicans by the way] The Joint Chiefs of the Military, and Former Presidents George HW Bush, GW Bush, Carter, and Clinton, all only want this passed because they want President Obama to look good.
Is this an accurate understanding of your statement, based on the reality of the situation?
Lisa, you're good... you write the lines for us. False facts, so he'll look good... wow!
I'm hearing there are 9 republicans on board to vote yes. Bipartisan, yes, but also pretty pathetic small number! The GOP should be ashamed!
Sue, nine is better than none...
I am guessing the other part of the party of no, thinks the formers Secs of State are either lying, or just wrong.
I am sure most of those Senators are so much smarter...
We are truly blessed...
Sorry, politics with treaties just pisses me off. the other stuff is normal, but this is, or at least should be different.
Dave I guess the best we can hope for is passage, even if the margin is tiny. They are playing politics, simple.
"Lisa, i noticed you chose not to answer any of my questions."
Dave, get used to it. This is why she is known as the howler monkey. She throws random shit in her posts, never gives an answer(or a CLEAR answer, anyway) then moves on to throw some more shit. She(it) is an annoyance, plain and simple.
This is why I also do not address her by name anymore as she has not earned the right to be acknowledged.
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