Saturday, December 25, 2010

Changes are a comin'

My Life....

Did you all have a nice Christmas day?  I want to thank all my friends who came by to wish me a Merry Christmas and apologize for not visiting your blogs.  And to ALL my friends in blogland I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!

My Life... it's gonna be sooooo different from this day forward.  My 80 yr old mother has begun to move in with me......

We had this stairglide installed a few weeks ago... this is what it looks like.....

this is the big ugly intrusive  rail the big ugly chair glides on .....(she is right here looking at what I write, so NO, she is not offended, LOL. She still has to walk up another 4 steps once she gets to the first landing so my brother has to come and install a railing for her to hang onto so I don't have to go up the steps with her every single time....the woman has to pee like every friggin half hour....

Yup she is moving in, her cat too. I bought a new litter box and scooper, bag of litter at the dollar store yesterday, the cashier asked if someone was getting a new kitty for Christmas, I said no, my mom is coming for the weekend and bringing her cat....She has her basket of meds, and paper, pens, lotions, meds, meds and more meds sitting on my usually bare clean kitchen table, her walker, her tub chair, her nebulizer(?) machine.....ALL her STUFF, it's coming here....well most of it will go in storage because I have a small house. One bathroom too which does not please her, but can't help that. She insists she needs her walker to walk 10 feet to the bathroom 2 or 3 times during the night. Poor husband heard it all, but I sleep with earplugs so I didn't....

She stays up late and wants me to keep her company, she keeps the TV on half the night, the volume way too loud.  But I have my earplugs in.......

She is a political junkie like me so we can watch MSNBC all day and evening without getting on each others nerves. I can blog on the computer that is in the bedroom she'll be taking over and she doesn't mind because I'm good company. I'll be calling the cable company to have the computer hooked up downstairs this coming week though because I thought Santa would get me a laptop for Christmas, but so far it ain't happenin'.

 Today was our first day, I cooked ALL day practically non-stop. Company in and out, presents to open, wine to drink, my son and his girl got engaged.....yup they surprised me with that news when just yesterday he called to say he was leaving her....

My Life from this day forward will be so different, but I'm looking forward to it. I am blessed to have my mother here, have her spend time with her great grand daughter will be so nice too. She's happy, I'm happy, all is well here in New Jersey.....

Oh BTW, did I mention a blizzard is coming through tonight? They say 12 to 18 inches of glorious SNOW, YAY!! I'm a happy girl, easy to please too.....

Good night y'all, I promise I will be by to visit soon. I need Ed Schultz to get me fired up for a long overdue post...


Jerry Critter said...

I am glad to see that you are embracing change instead of fighting it. Just another difference between a progressive and a conservative.

Say hi to your mom. Maybe she will blog too?

Mary said...

I missed Christmas didn't I? But I was thinking of you, and hoping you had a wonderful day.

So now my sage advise on the 'Mom in your home' can I'm some kind of expert...NOT!
I put a big dent in my pickup the first week Mom moved in with us, so my first piece of advice is to breathe at all times and check the rear view mirrors!

You will do fine...patients and finding some kind of relaxation technique (and a lot of booze, just kidding...sort of) really help.

Infidel753 said...

It's a great thing you're doing by giving your mother a home, and I'm happy for you that she's still with you at age 80.

Perhaps you could look into getting headphones to connect to the TV, if she likes the volume loud? Noise might get to be a sore point after a while.

rickbob said...

Thank you Sue for taking in my sister. I hope you hvae many good times together and that you live in harmony. Happy Birthday Sue!

Flying Junior said...

What a nice thing to read about. Good for you. Merry Christmas to your family. Hope you have lots of great fun with your mom. It'll be just like old times. Cooking, baking, iced tea...

If and when Sarah Palin becomes our president, just imagine all the great times you could have bellyaching, bitching and moaning!

Sue said...

thanks everyone!! So far so good, it'll give me fun things to blog about when politics gets boring!

I have to get her in the shower, have a great day!

(thanks Uncle Bobby!) Where's the politics comment?

Leslie Parsley said...

Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday. Looks like you're getting double the pleasure.

Despite moments of frustration, one day you'll look back and be glad you had all these memories to cherish. It's not unlike raising kids. But her mind seems sharp which is a good thing. Infidel's suggestion re headphones is a good one, just go for the lighter ones - not the heavy ones because they'll be too uncomfortable and those itty bitty ones probably wouldn't work either.

Enjoy your weather, stay warm, eat leftovers and enjoy the day.

Leslie Parsley said...

PS - I hope your family is supportive. By supportive, I mean setting up a schedule so once a week you and hubby can have a break - go out somewhere. It's an act of love you're doing, but with also taking care of your granddaughter, you will need some time for you.

Sue said...

Thanks Leslie!

Loud tv is just when she's in bed at night, during the day its not like that. Might be because my computer is SO loud once I get it downstairs it'll be better. (or maybe I need a NEW ONE! LOL)

I do go shopping in Lancaster every once in awhile so I have to plan ahead for that, but Butch is retired so he'll be home with mom when I'm out. We'll be fine, she's not disabled but will need some more practice with the stairglide.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Fortunately I have a ranch style house so if Dad or one of the in laws needs to move in I won't need a chair lift.

You're lucky your Mom is a wise lady Sue. If my Father in Law moved in it would be hell. Damn right wing kook.

My Dad would be great. Wise. Life long Democrat. Would be popular as hell on the blogs with his experience and writing ability.

Can't get him to do it though.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Sue- first, I apologize for not getting over here to wish you a MERRY's been incredibly hectic from Thanksgiving Day until about 9:00PM last night, Christmas's been like living on roller skates for a month.

Secondly....yes, your life is going to change now that your Mom moved in. As you know I'm primary caregiver to my parents, both in their 80's.....and a good day for me is when they're both feeling good on the same day. Your life will change, and you learn to adjust. Just take a deep breath....or lots of 'em. Good luck!

Thirdly....where the hell did this snow storm come from? As of Christmas Eve night it was supposed to miss us in New Jersey by 200 miles! I put on the news at 7 AM today and they're calling for up to 18" of snow! Crikey! HOME DEPOT was a madhouse this morning. pallets of salt and snow shovels flying out the door, and a full parking lot by 9am! Even the workers there said they've never seen anything like it. Gas stations have cars lined up....and even the Vikings at Eagles has been postponed because the city of Philadelphia is under a state of emergency.

It's going to be a heck of a winter.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Merry Christmas, Sue. And many blessings on you for taking you mother into your home.

I admire you.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Any friend of Ed Schultz is a..........Oh heck, I just can't say it. I don't like Ed Schultz. I am sure, though, that you're mother's very nice.

Jolly Roger said...

Embrace the time. I spent a year with my mom while she was succumbing to a terminal illness, and I think I got to know her better then than I ever had.

magpie said...

I think it's great you have your mother coming to live with you. I hope she blogs.

I've offered the same to mine but I think she figures it took two decades to get rid of me in the first place.

B.J. said...

Stretch marks, dirty diapers, middle-of-the-night feedings, no sleep, colic. Boy, did her life change when her babies came along. Make a list of questions you should have asked before she was no longer there and ask them now. You are blessed. BJ

Lisa said...
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Mary said...

Definitely do what BJ suggests!
I never asked my Mom all the questions I wanted answered because I was too busy with kids and MY LIFE...and now she can no longer give me the answers. That is one of my biggest regrets.

Frodo, gettin' older everyday, said...

It was almost exactly a year ago that Frodo brought Bilbo to the Shire. She was 92, and on 02 24/7 (guess who's teaching himself to tweet?). Keeping her in a three-story house made no sense, so the option was independent/assisted living, nearby. It ain't cheap.

Even finding a GP to take a Medicare patient in new turf grows increasingly problematical.

Every doctor ended a visit with the dreaded words, "I want to see her in a month" (since she had 5 specialists to go along with the GP, oh and did I mention she was hard of hearing?).

This was Frodo's first Christmas without her, and it will not be the last.

She missed her little house in Arizona every single day.

She rooted for the Arizona Diamondbacks, and was delighted whenever they beat the gallant Braves. Long periods of silence followed whenever the gallant Braves kicked their butts.

Through it all, Frodo did what he was supposed to do, without asking questions why. It was not always pleasant, and apologizing to other people became rote.

Frodo and Sam are proud of how things were handled, and Sue and Mr. Sue will be too.

Sue said...

Hi everyone! My last comment was on the 26th, I have been sick with a stomach virus and just today feel well enough to peek in on you all.

All your comments have been so sweet and kind, I really appreciate the support.

Truth my mom is a liberal and diehard Obama supporter. She's like me, we gag at the thought of a republican ANYTHING!

Hugh it's been hectic here too, getting sick on top of it all didn't help. At least I was able to spend almost 24 straight hours in bed cuz of our snowstorm and Amelia staying home yesterday. I think we got the least amount of snow in comparison to the rest of the state, but the high winds were terrible.
Yes I know you are caretaker to your parents so I'll come by for advice on how to keep my sanity and patience! LOL! Mom is the type who sits at the kitchen table and wants me to sit there too!

Sue said...

Thanks Shaw I appreciate that!

Will, I said it was me who gets fired up listening to Ed Schultz, not my Mom. But thats ok....

JR I'm glad you had that special time with your Mom. We seem to take our parents for granted, well some in my family do...did. They can't anymore.

She probably won't blog Magpie but will take part in some of the posts. Should be interesting! LOL

Sue said...

that's sweet BJ, thanks. Mom claims I'm the one losing my mind, not her LOL!

I'm sorry is a whole other set of circumstances you are going through. Stay strong, you are a good woman and will be rewarded!

Sue said...

Frodo you are so kind....I know how you miss dear Bilbo.

My Mom LOVES the Phillies, so her and the husband will have that to look forward to. Yup lots to look forward too. It's all gonna work out fine. Thanks Frodo xo

Lisa said...
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Sue said...

lisa this is not a political post, DO NOT COME BACK HERE WITH YOUR STUPID COMMENTS!

Lisa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

May your New Year be filled with many Blessings and abundances of Joy for 2011. From my mountain to yours, Until next year
Hugs and Smiles Gl♥ria

Sue said...

Still feeling kinda blah...

I hope I don't end up as one of those forgotten bloggers who haven't posted in like forever....I gotta get my groove back, find my mo jo, be inspired.

Don't forget about me please!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

you sound so disappointed over such a nice thing
I just hate it when I hear people that express their anger and hatred over older folks.

Anonymous said...

anon # 2 she did not say she was dissapointed or expressed any anger .

Sue said...

thank you anon, you are right, the post has no anger, just tried to add some comic relief to a situation that was pretty much foisted on me and Mom. She was in a terrible situation and I begged her to leave there and move in with me, so why would I be angry?

I'm still plagued with the remnants of a stomach virus, so I'm trying to relax, but thats almost impossible these days. Now thehusband is sick with bronchitis. I hope the rest of the family stays well.

I'll be back soon when there is politics to talk about....

Flying Junior said...

Here's some fun politics. Sarah's latest tweet.

She thinks FOX has a little too much unfair competition in the taxpayer and listener-supported ultra-liberal NPR.