Saturday, December 18, 2010


John McCain tried again this morning, one last ditch effort to stop the repeal of DADT. He began his speech by slamming the “bizzaro world” that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) inhabited, and accused Democrats of trying to “jam through” the remaining items — START, the DREAM Act and repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell — on an agenda that was “absolutely repudiated” on November 2. “Everything we’re doing is completely ignoring that message,” McCain said. “Maybe it will require another election.”

Why do these republicans keep saying that? They have it ALL wrong! This DADT repeal was something 8 in 10 Americans favored, yet McCain still says the people have spoken, they do not want DADT repealed. What planet does he live on??  77% of Americans were for this repeal. The support cut across partisan and ideological lines with majorities of Democrats, Republicans, Independents, liberals, conservatives and white evangelical Protestants in favor of homosexuals serving openly. Imagine that John McCain...

 In his final act of protest, McCain called it "a very sad day", and imagined a successful vote would lead to "high fives all over the liberal bastions of America". What a disgraceful bigot he is...

 With all his ranting on the Senate floor, whining and crying to the cameras, he said,  “I hope that when we pass this legislation that we will understand that we are doing great damage,”  and we could possibly and probably, as the commandant of the Marine Corps said, and as I have been told by literally thousands of members of the military, harm the battle effectiveness vital to the survival of our young men and women in the military.”

He and other opponents of lifting the ban said the change could harm the unit cohesion that is essential to effective military operations, particularly in combat, and deter some Americans from enlisting or pursuing a career in the military. They noted that despite support for repealing the ban from Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, other military commanders have warned that changing the practice would prove disruptive.
This is all about bigotry. These homophobes are clearly thinking about sex! They can't fathom gay men in a fox hole or in a shower room with straight men! I don't know if it scares them or just makes them queasy!

 "Christians" are outraged and are demanding a theocratic repeal of today's vote.  Matt Staver of Liberty Counsel, along with a coalition of anti-gay Christian hate groups (i.e., American Family Association, Family Research Council; Liberty Counsel, Liberty Alliance Action, Vision America, The Oak Initiative, The Call to Action, Concerned Women for America, High Impact Leadership Coalition, Campaign for Working Families, Conservative Action Project, Traditional Values Coalition, and others), who today signed on to a letter vowing to force the next Congress to reverse today's repeal of DADT, American Family Association hate group radio host Byran Fischer, and of course, the Klan loving Tony Perkins of FRC.

The vote was 65 to 31. Eight Republicans voted in favor, Scott Brown, Mark Kirk, Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, Lisa Murkowski, Richard Burr, George Voinovich, and John Ensign.

President Obama issued a statement saying it was "time to close this chapter" in the nation's history.

"It is time to recognize that sacrifice, valor and integrity are no more defined by sexual orientation than they are by race or gender, religion or creed," he said. "It is time to allow gay and lesbian Americans to serve their country openly."



Infidel753 said...

He began his speech by slamming the “bizzaro world” that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) inhabited,

Despite the fact that large majorities of the public and many military leaders favor repeal, as you point out -- and so do a majority of our soldiers.

We're not the ones who live in Bizarro World any more. McCain and Perkins and their ilk are.

Mauigirl said...

McCain has it all wrong. He is from a different generation, and maybe that's part of his problem. But let's face it, today's generation is much more comfortable with their own and others' sexuality and believe me, they know gays are already serving in the military and doing a grand job of it. If over 2/3 of the military personnel surveyed didn't think it would have a detrrimental effect, I can't see why McCain and his crowd are still so dead-set against it. All I can say is, well done, and good for the 8 Republicans who voted to repeal. Let's hope this means a whole new world for gay and lesbian rights! One step at a time...

Mary said...

I was watching this morning when McCain said something about how this repeal would hurt the 'gold star' he is assuming that none of those gold stars represent soldiers were gay?...he is a pig!

I am also sure John McCain would have been there fighting to keep blacks out of the military too...he is just a pig!

He is a big freaking pig!

Jerry Critter said...

McCain is irrelevant. The only people who listen to him are those on the Sunday morning talk shows. He lost the election by proving that his decision making abilities were left in a North Vietnam prison. It is time for him to fade into the sunset.

Sue said...

It was definitely a good day for Americans! It really is disturbing to hear McCain and McConnell try and convince themselves America does not like this repeal. They are living in their own little bizarro world!

Mary I didn't hear McCain say that, it IS disgusting and plain stupid. The guy needs to go somewhere and RETIRE!

Shaw Kenawe said...

We're not the ones who live in Bizarro World any more. McCain and Perkins and their ilk are.


At the end of his political career, McCain looks like a befuddled old man standing on his front porch yelling at all the kids to get off his lawn.

The CDM said...

Ever notice how McShame always wants "more time" for everything? For what? What the fuck is he waiting or better yet, stalling for? It's like he's milking the time clock.

Sue said...

Shaw I had a vision of McCain on his lawn in his jockey shorts and black socks with sandels...oh lordy the guy is a wacko!

Infidel753 said...

I had a vision of McCain on his lawn in his jockey shorts and black socks with sandels

It could have been worse. You could have been having visions of David Vitter:-)

Jerry Critter said...

McCain proved is residency in Wackodom when he selected Palin as vice president.

Jerry Critter said...

That should be "his residency".

Leslie Parsley said...

Well, from the proud state of Ten-uh-see we have Corker the Dorker who was quoted in the Nashville Scene as having said this the day before the vote:

"These issues that have been brought forth are absolutely partisan political issues, brought forth to basically accomodate activist groups around this country," Corker said. "I'm hoping those will be taken down or I don't think the future of the START treaty over the next several days is going to be successful. I'm hoping that's going to change."

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Seasons Blessings to you my Dear friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Infidel753 said...

I'm hoping those will be taken down or I don't think the future of the START treaty over the next several days is going to be successful.

That's a message that should have been delivered in the form of separate letters cut from newspaper headlines and taped to a piece of paper. "iF yOu eVeR wAnT tO sEe yOuR sTaRt tReAtY aLiVe aGAiN, hAnD oVeR tHe fAgS."

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Okay folks. This once again proves how correct I am about everything.

I said McCain may be a closet homosexual and this is more proof. What he was doing with his vote and blather was trying to protect Gays from being shot at or blown up.

You see. After being spanked by Bush and Cheney in 2000, McCain found out he liked it. This was an epiphany for the manand he then dedicated his life to getting hugged and kissed by George Bush and protecting his new found brotherhood. This included keeping them safe from military service.

You can come out Senator McCain. At least after you shoo those pesky kids off your lawn. (Hee hee. Shaw is funny)

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Tony Perkins is a bald-faced liar. He went on Hardball a while back and said that the repeal of DADT would allow for homosexuality to be practiced openly in the military. It obviously wouldn't. Rules against fraternization would continue to apply. People would (now will) just cease to be kicked out on their asses because of their orientation.

Pamela Zydel said...

I’m with Mauigirl on this. McCain is, well, old and today’s generation, as Mauigirl said, is more comfortable with gays and sexuality. Not that some “older” folks aren’t, but there are a lot of “older” generation people who are so set in their ways that they won’t budge, not for life or limb.

I don’t believe this ever should have been a “political” issue. It’s a humane one and ALL people should be treated equally and gays have just as much right to serve openly and be proud about it! The closet door has finally opened and by goodness let’s keep it that way!

Malcolm said...

Finally! The repeal of DADT is a long time coming. The selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate was John McCain's "jump the shark" moment and he's kept the water skis on ever since. What McCain describes as a "bizarro world" is deemed reality by most of us.

Lisa said...

I bet if a republican president put DADT in place every time Obama would mention it he would add "The policy put in place by a Republican President"

The CDM said...

"I bet if a republican president put DADT in place"

But one didn't...for 8 years and plenty of opportunity.

Shaw Kenawe said...


I'm not sure what you're trying to say with that comment.

But the fact is that 17 years ago when DADT was instituted, there was little to no support for gays openly serving in the military.

Almost a generation later, attitudes toward gays and lesbians have changed in the military and in the civilian population.

But it is telling that only 8 Republican senators found the courage to vote on this issue. Only 8.

I hope Mr. Obama will remind Americans in 2012 of the anemic support the Republicans gave to this very important issue. And I also hope, except for the 8 who voted for repeal, he will remind the American people of the cowardice shown by those who did not have the courage to do the decent human thing and vote to repeal DADT.

Jerry Critter said...

It is hard to find a republican that has the "...courage to do the decent human thing..." on any important issue.

Shaw Kenawe said...


Lisa is an unhappy, negative person. She comes here and deposits her load of negativity on every accomplishment by this president.

That she could come up with that foolish supposition instead of feeling satisfaction for this sensible legislation is ample evidence of the rot that is eating the GOP.

Mitch McConnell has vowed that he will block the START treaty, a treaty that every living Secretary of State, Republican and Democrat, as well as former presidents, Republican and Democrat, have said is essential to our country's security.

More evidence of how the present GOP would rather play politics with America's security than cooperate with Mr. Obama.

If and when the START treaty is passed--there is still a glimmer of hope it will be, I wonder what inanity Lisa will rush over here to unload and show off more of her frothy thinking.

Lisa said...

Look who's been laying politics for the last 10 years.
Pelosi and Co with her Union thugs.

She comes here and deposits her load of negativity on every accomplishment by this president.

You mean his "wet dreams" don't you Shaw?
Reminds me of what you do on Joe's site.

Lisa said...

Hey Shaw your hair is showing n your picture. That is 53 floggings for you.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Poor confused Lisa,

We live in America where women are not flogged for showing their hair.

Perhaps in your excitable mind you believe you're living in Saudi Arabia?

I understand. You obsess over situations that don't exist so that you can ignore the real threats to this country--Mitch McConnell and his anti-American stand on the START treaty. That's real, Lisa, not some cockamamie fantasy about living in a repressive Muslim country.

I knew you'd come back with another load of, how shall I put it? offal and leave here it for us to marvel at your limitless supply of it.

Lisa said...

How does it feel to have so much wisdom Shaw?

The Start treaty is not without it's flaws but that doesn't matter to you does it. Just as long as Obama can get yet another thing passed so history can be rewritten/

The verifications of the treaty are not specific. It's careless to pass big legislation without specifics. We have to pass it to find out what's in it right?

Lisa said...

Another real threat to our country is our borders yet the Dream Act was so urgent and so was DADT because that was so crucial to our National Security right?

Sue said...

you had your 15 minutes lisa, stfu now. Your babble makes me ill...Go back to Joe and Mal and talk about us liberals

Sorry Shaw but you give her one comment and she turns it into 50

The CDM said...

Yet another shining example of the conservative howler monkey throwing more shit against the wall hoping something sticks. Can't even stay on topic....

Oh wait, I forgot, she comments soon after listening to some idiot on Faux News so she can parrot their misinformation.

Little does she know that there is a study showing just how misinformed those viewers are.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Lisa responds by saying the START treaty is not without its flaws--but fails to give us examples of those flaws. Why? Because it's easy for a know-nothing to repeat something she heard from some rightwing source rather than do the hard work of studying the treaty.

Let's see every Secretary of State, R&D, every past president, R&D, and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Mike Mullen, all agree that the START treaty should be passed.

But Lisa, whose experience in foreign and military affairs is well-known, writes that the treaty is not without flaws, therefore, she must be correct, and all of the people who actually, you know, understand the issue are not.

But, see, Lisa exposed herself with this anti-Obama nugget:

"Just as long as Obama can get yet another thing passed so history can be rewritten/"

That's why McConnell and his gang of obstructionists are holding up the agreement and why Lisa felt the urgent need to come here and repeat Rush's hogwash.

We must never forget what McConnell revealed when he said the most important goal for the Republicans in the next Congress is to make sure Mr. Obama is defeated for re-election.

Think about that statement and try not to puke.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Joe? Mal? I'm going to need a program pretty soon.

Sue said...

joe joe politico and Malcontent. Lisas buddies