There are some good speeches from the Senators going on right now on C-Span 2 before the 2 votes on taxcut extensions...
Some good news:
* From the Lincoln Project*
*"Trump's in full retreat today as his poll numbers slip:*
*He convened the cabinet to limit Elon after voters pressured C...
3 hours ago
I totally forgot about the vote today..and missed it, but I did catch the President speaking, so I guess the obvious happened...The Republican's once again said NO to the Middle Class while fighting for the I am shocked!
Did McConnell call the middle class is 'Chicken Crap' too?
I missed ALL of it because of shopping, DAMN!! I hope I can catch some replays on C-Span!
The Democrats have put forth some substantive compromises. The Republicans, as of yet (and to my great disappointment), have not. Hopefully, folks, the American people are paying attention.
As did the Demothefts.
Sadly, the American public has the attention span of a fruit fly. Next week, the Republicans will continue their mantra, “The Democrats want to raise your taxes,” and the right-wing in the lower- and middle-classes wlll believe them. As for the term “Demothefts,” there are some very simple charts online which clearly show which administrations have depleted the nation’s treasury.
BJ, you can't show them charts, they can't digest the truth the same way we can.
Will, you're right, the dems have been more than cooperative, TOO much actually. When will the people start paying attention? I don't think that's possible because
the conservative movement is based on religion and you can not talk to people who think you are messing with their religious views. They truly believe deep in their hearts that liberals are the evil-doers and nothing will change that. Not even when they are homeless and standing in soup kitchen lines will they believe it's the fault of their precious GOP. They will just continue to pray like their leaders tell them to, for God will save them from despair. The Republican Party of God can do no wrong in their eyes, what they say is the gospel truth. So when they say to the poor, give all your money to the rich, they listen.
Rational Nation USA??? Uhhh....
That has GOT to be an inside joke there. What a douche...
don't you realize that the democrats are saying no to the middle class too?
The democrats are the ones who need people poor.
Progressives hate the middle class. They would love to see the middle class wiped out altogether. They are such phonies because the middle class is the biggest pool to get taxes from and that is where they prefer to take it from so they can keep them all dependent after they take most of their earnings from them.
Such friggin liars.
shut up lisa...
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