House Republicans Are Falling Apart And Now Mike Johnson Could Be Toast
The first little bit of pressure involving passing a bill to keep the
government open has broken House Republicans and may cost Speaker Mike
Johnson his job.
6 minutes ago
Nice little windy mohawk thingy going on up there, Donald.
The first time I saw that photo of the Donald I thought it was a tree growing out of his head.
I will vote again for President Obama, gladly.
Trump is a joke, he's making a fool of himself.
I will gladly vote for Barack Obama AGAIN too!
F them both. A couple of useless losers on opposite ends of the same posicle stick.
But my money is on the BILLION dollar candidate... BHO.
Money buys elections. So now go and dutifully contribute to your Manchurian candidate.
I am sure the unions are gleefully rushing to donate to GWB junior's reelection...
RN, Yes, thanks to the Citizen's United Decision, money actually does buy elections.
I won't commit to voting for the President again, although I'd rather suffer amputation than vote for a Rushpubliscum. If he actually takes some steps to require the freeloading rich to pay their own way and to draw down these wars, then I'd be interested in what he has to say again.
But my money is on the BILLION dollar candidate...
But the Koch suckers haven't anointed who they are buying this year yet ... just have to wait till they hand out the bribes er I mean campaign donations for the repugs to do their dirty work this year again.
RN is one of those nut jobs who will vote for a dead person, Rand. These cultists. Where do these loony tunes come from?
RN your comments are starting to resemble lisa's. If I commented like that on your blog I would get deleted. If you have something of importance to offer then offer it, otherwise keep the leftie bashing to your own blog. thanks.
JR I totally agree about the rich and the wars...AND the amputation, I would cut off my right arm before I would vote for a GOP candidate. There's never gonna be a president who gives us 100% of our dreams and wishes, so I will gladly vote for Obama again.
Instead of Obama/Biden or Trump/His Ego how about Palin/Bachmann?
BTW, Sue, you left a comment on my blog indicating that you liked a story I had written. I wrote a new one on 4/2/2011 and a different/unrelated story on 4/4/2011. Please visit my blog if you're interested.
F them both. A couple of useless losers on opposite ends of the same posicle stick.
Happy pills not working today? Obama and Trump is a difficult comparison. After all how does one compare a Kentucky thoroughbred champion with a dead rat? I think your idea of opposite ends (of one spectrum) might be helpful!
O: Respects the points-of-view of opponents and is willing to compromise to achieve forward progress.
T: Willing to make a fool of himself on a partisan propaganda network.
O: Intelligent, altruistic, well-spoken, compassionate and articulate world leader.
T: Had a reality TV show where he got to yell, "You're fired!" at some actor with an imaginary job.
O: A stable family man, in love with his wife, two beautiful children.
T: On his third trophy wife.
O: Respected and loved the world around.
T: A clown and object of ridicule.
O: Wonderfully handsome, physically fit.
T: Never mind!
Sure thing Sue, I'll do that.
And please come to my site and "comment like that", whatever that is.
Oh, and by the way, unless you ignore the site policy with respect to language you will never get deleted. That is a tactic the progressives.
Have a wonderful day Sue.
Well..... I have to be honest.... I expected more from Obama. The truth, though,is that the Republicans left him such a mess...War, raped economy and then with partisan political maneuvering combined with racist fear mongering... handcuffed him from the git-go
And so far there are no viable alternatives... unless you consider Bachman, Palin, Pawlenty, Trump etc alternatives.
Damn straight I'm going to vote for Obama (unless the green party or someone else puts forth a candidate that won't split the vote and actually has a chance, which is never going to happen). I am not at all happy with some of his choices, but he has done a lot. I don't know where people get off saying that he hasn't done anything. He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't, and it's been that way from the start. I truly believe that after he gets re-elected, he will know it's his last term no matter what, and we'll suddenly see him get more comfortable with putting his foot down and completing more of his promises.
Mary M., I agree.
But I'm not sure Mr. Obama is a foot-putting-downer.
Since his college years, he's been a concensus seeker, which in our current political climate is seen a weak. He has always tried to see the other side's POV, and that has gotten him into trouble because the other side detests him.
The whole labeling of Mr. Obama by the Right as a Marxist Socialist is laughable and idiotic.
Corporations, banks, and Wall Street are rolling in dough and doing far better than the average small business person, and far, far better than America's working classes.
The Right labels Mr. Obama a Socialist because he dared to reform our health care system, and give insurance companies MORE customers!
The Koch brothers have done a great job in propagandizing a certain segment of our population; but since the Wisconsin Winter of Labor's Discontent, perhaps the scales have fallen from their eyes.
ya got me to the last line then I had to laugh out loud, FJ!
RN I did leave a comment a month or so ago and it wasn't there when I went back to check. Either it was deleted because of my liberal view(clean language too i might add) or a blogger mistake.
I have said the same things jimm. Mainly the wars, the unfair cuts in the budget, plus the tax cuts to the rich extended which were way off base for a Dem president to have agreed with. But like you say, there is no viable alternative.
Agree Mary. I do hope he will be more progressive/Liberal in his thinking and doing in his second term. What does he have to lose? If not we will clearly see who the man really is. At any rate, he has done alot, but the Righties have been so LOUD in their criticism we have a hard time seeing the positive. The positive far out weighs any negative.
"Corporations, banks, and Wall Street are rolling in dough and doing far better than the average small business person, and far, far better than America's working classes." This is what makes it all so frustrating for Obama loving liberals, Shaw. The Righties have no reason on gods green earth to criticize the president, they have gotten everything from him. This is why liberals feel slighted and for good reason.
I deleted the post because...why waste my time?
thats ok Linda, I'll read it in my inbox and what the hell, maybe copy and paste it on over here, if it's good....
Linda has left a new comment on your post "It's Official":
Sue said, " There's never gonna be a president who gives us 100% of our dreams and wishes, so I will gladly vote for Obama again."
And that statement sums up the very reason that conservatives MUST prevail this next election and in all those thereafter. Libs like you, Sue, are only interested in what you personally GET from the President. The nanny state will be alive and well as long as ignorance reigns.
The sad thing is that you and your comrades think you know what you want, but if you ever are so unlucky as to finally get the cradle to grave bottle feeding that you seek, it may FINALLY dawn on you that you once possessed a priceless treasure and that you blindly gave it away when you cast a vote for radical liberalism.
Sue - I assure you I never delete a liberal blogger due to their views. Even when their views amount to hyperbole and are no more than rants.
I, unlike some progressive {or liberal} bloggers} have no fear of progressive views. So therefore it would be illogical of me to delete them.
I find them both amusing and at times thought provoking. I fear them not because I do not have to accept them if I choose not.
And I leave that decision up to each individual. Whether they are conservative or progressive.
A wonderful thing don't you think?
So, it was either my blogger error, or yours. Unless the posted criteria as to profanity etc. is violated all posts stay.
Have great day now ya hear?
what is it you think I GET from having a democrat for president Linda?
After 30 yrs of failed GOP policies the WHOLE country, not just Democrats, put Barack Obama in the White House because we were desperate for our country to come back from the abyss and prosper once more. NOW when we are coming back the fuckinrepubliscums want to STEAL it all back with their lies disguised as promises, but the people are wiser so it WON'T HAPPEN. These lies being told by the GOP, "the people put us here in the last election to fix Washington" LIES again. The ONLY reason the GOP has the House majority is because the dumb Dems didn't vote. Dumb, yea, but also learned their lesson well.
Linda, you make an assumption that Sue wants something tangible, like give-aways, when Sue says nothing about that.
YOU are the one who is biased and believe that all liberals want are handouts.
Guess who's getting the handouts, Linda? OIL COMPANIES, AGRI BUSINESSES, and countless others.
Sue could have meant that what she wanted from Mr. Obama was a single-payer health care provider system, which actually SAVES tax dollars. Maybe she said she would have liked Mr. Obama to have ended the war in Afghanistan, and not gone into Libya.
Perhaps Sue would like to have seen Gitmo closed down.
KSM's trial in civilian court rather than a military trial.
More support of green energy.
The GOP took over the House in January and promptly went to work on jobs creation--NOT!
The first thing they did was hold a meaningless vote on repealing the ACA. They then went on to the terribly important issue of defunding Planned Parenthood, thereby making poor women's lives more miserable and difficult than they already are.
And then they took away the measley 3% government funding for PBS! Sticking it to Ernie and Bert! What courage that took!
BTW, Linda, have you been paying attention to the anger from the thousands and thousands of working men and women in states like Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, Maine, Florida, and Indiana? Those people will remember how their GOP governors gave tax breaks to the wealthiest in their states, while screwing the working class.
If the people of Florida were to have a do-over election today, Rick Scott would lose in a landslide. After less than 3 months in office, the GOP governor of Florida is detested by Floridians.
Let's see what happens in Wisconsin tonight.
The Democratic ticket will be Obama/Biden. But what will the Republican choices be? I doubt either Trump/His Ego (or his hair?), or Palin/Bachmann could survive the primaries.
BTW Sue, you commented on the story I wrote for my blog, indicating that you liked it? If you're interested I've written two more. One on 4/2/2011 and another on 4/4/2011. Take a look if you're interested.
Thanks Shaw, exactly right on all of it!
Most middle class republicans like Linda are not rich, so why do they vote for a candidate who wants to take away everything they work all their lives for and give it all to Wall Street?? They are blind delusional wingnuts who just hate liberals, that has to be it.
w-d, your writing is superb, I'm enjoying your short stories!
Do you folks really and truly think that Mr. Trump is running for President? 'Cause if you do, I definitely have some premium/top of the line real estate for you. It's all about the publicity, people.
Voting is important, even if you don't vote for the President. If you sit on your hands, then Tea Klux Klanbaggers like Linda will send even more racist, ignorant, criminal nutjobs into the Congress and State offices.
Even if I do not vote for the President, I will, most certainly, be voting in 2012. I have come to the conclusion that the only "Change you can believe in" will come up from the bottom.
I dream of a country where all are treated equally, where our people are treated as human beings not plastic GI Joe's, where our water and air are clean, where our food is safe and these things are paramount for health reasons and not ignored because of cost. I wish for every hard worker to have a job with wages above the poverty line, I wish our leaders would put the people before their selfish needs. I wish we could all enjoy wealth and riches and not just the top 2%. I wish ALL of us could have good health not just those who can afford it but because it's a right for all. I wish every person had equal access to affordable higher education, not just the privileged,
Please add to the list with your dreams and wishes.
See Linda, your response to my comment was immature typical teabagger accusations.
In defense of RN but not his politics:
RN is by no means the only blogger saying one thing on someone else's blog and then returning home and saying something entirely different - or giving mixed signals in his comments on different blogs. I'm seeing more and more of this amongst some liberal bloggers as well.
Don't know if it's because folks just really haven't made up their minds, are simply confused, or are trying to please all the people all the time - depending on which way the wind is blowing. In all cases, I'd prefer that people have the courage of their convictions and not try to appease everyone - no matter how much I may disagree with them.
Just my little thought on hump day.
wish we could all enjoy wealth and riches and not just the top 2%
every hamburger flipper should make $150,000.00 per year
Thank you Sue for a little bit of dreaming. It's been a while for me.
Too often I have failed to dream about what I would like to see happen in this country. I have become increasingly discouraged about so many things that I have seen happen around me in the last two decades that I have traded my optimism for resentment, blame and distrust. I tried to tell myself that my youthful hope simply evolved from a naiveté, unsophistication and lack of general knowledge about the true evils of this world. Now I believe I understand the degradation that has occurred before my own eyes. I think we all have a sense of blaming a willing coalition of politicians and conglomerates for the deregulation of the media, the diversion of valuable tax dollars to selfish schemes and the loss of so many protections for the common, hard-working people that have been the backbone of this country. Perhaps most disheartening of all is the deep divisions that seem to turn us blindly against each other. After the nightmare presidency of Bush, turning our precious notions of decency and responsibility upside-down, I was left with very little in the way of dreams.
But if I still could, I would dream of an America where our minds could truly be free, fed by the lofty aspirations and honest reporting of a society united by a common goal of caring for every citizen and keeping our commitments around the world. An America where the cold-hearted and insane ramblings of agitators like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck were simply relegated to the trash can of ignorance and prejudice as they once surely were in my childhood. I would dream of an America where knowledge and achievement were valued above ideology and narrow-mindedness. I would dream of an America where school employment centers did not rest until every graduate had been placed in a position of gainful employment. I would dream of an America where even the great robber barons and captains of industry remembered the value of charity and philanthropy. I would dream of an America where conservatives and liberals alike could work together in a spirit of enlightened self-interest seeing our nation as a whole, not a tapestry of haves and have-nots. I would dream of building more libraries in more small towns and promoting life-long learning for anyone who would seek it. I would dream of an America where the accumulation of wealth would be balanced by care and protection of American families, singles and senior citizens, with pensions and health care and rewards for honest toil.
But believe me, if it were up to me, I would just give up. That’s why I was so attracted by our current president. He still refuses, to this day, to just thrown in the towel!
from a Madison report
Kloppenburg wins... recount more than likely
"The last remaining Wisconsin precinct in Lake Mills has apparently split roughly 700 votes in the Wisconsin Supreme Court race down the middle. That split allows JoAnne Kloppenburg to keep a margin of somewhere between 220 and 230 votes above incumbent Justice David Prosser (there are conflicting reports as to the precise number, but they all fall within that spectrum). The next step is very likely a recount. According to News 3 reporter Jessica Arp on Twitter there is no automatic recount trigger in Wisconsin and it needs to be called by a campaign. Arp adds "if vote within one half of one percent (about 7,000) cost of recount will lie with the state/counties."
WOW jimm!! Thanks for the update!
FJ that was so moving I want to base a whole new post around it! I hope you don't mind. Thanks friend, you said it beautifully
Sue said, " There's never gonna be a president who gives us 100% of our dreams and wishes, so I will gladly vote for Obama again."
I'm quoting your statement again, Sue, because I did not misread your statement. You clearly indicate that you expect these "dreams and wishes" to be granted by a President. That cannot happen. No President has the power to grant your many wishes, so the whole statement was futile. Why blame others for misunderstanding such an impossible statement?
What you wish for can only be granted by an extremely benevolent king with unlimited wealth. Time to come down off the pipe dream and face the real world. You really want a land where everyone is the same, thinks the same, earns the same, spends the same, has the same opportunities and everyone is rich..................
Hm, no response to the above. From an earlier dated comment.
"Sue - I assure you I never delete a liberal blogger due to their views. Even when their views amount to hyperbole and are no more than rants.
I, unlike some progressive {or liberal} bloggers} have no fear of progressive views. So therefore it would be illogical of me to delete them.
I find them both amusing and at times thought provoking. I fear them not because I do not have to accept them if I choose not.
And I leave that decision up to each individual. Whether they are conservative or progressive.
A wonderful thing don't you think?
So, it was either my blogger error, or yours. Unless the posted criteria as to profanity etc. is violated all posts stay."
What you wish for can only be granted by an extremely benevolent king with unlimited wealth. Time to come down off the pipe dream and face the real world. You really want a land where everyone is the same, thinks the same, earns the same, spends the same, has the same opportunities and everyone is rich..................
Jeepers Linda! You're a little bit mean. I think we just envision a nation where hard work is rewarded and dreams can still come true for everyone. Maybe that's too much to hope for. Your point-of-view seems fairly typical for a republican. Glad you got yours. Go enjoy it.
LINDA: "That cannot happen. No President has the power to grant your many wishes, so the whole statement was futile."
Well he granted at least TWO of my wishes:
Universal health care for Americans
the repealing of DADT.
There are others, but I just want to point out that what you said is not true.
why do I bother...oh well, Linda my phrase "dreams and wishes" is being taken OH SO SERIOUSLY IN THE WRONG DIRECTION. Give me a fuckin break...
RN, that's fine, I understand completely. I didn't think a response was necessary, so sorry if you felt ignored.
Anon Said... every hamburger flipper should make $150,000.00 per year.
Someone mentioned hyperbole earlier... I think this comment certainly qualifies.
BTW, I plan on voting for Obama. I've composed a post explaining why -- it can be read here.
I look forward to receiving numerous comments from all this blog's regular readers. (Actually I do not. According to blogger "stats" a lot of people follow links from here to my blog, but nobody but Sue ever comments).
I'm not criticizing your having dreams...everyone has a few. It was simply a response to address how chimerical it would be to pin all your hopes and dreams on a president...even one so "accommodating" as Obama.
It would be nice if everyone could make a comfortable living, but we cannot possibly guarantee that life will never be cruel or unfair. There are inequities and downturns. It happens to everyone sooner or later.
please read w-dervish, his short stories are so GOOD! (His whole blog is too!)
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