Friday, July 9, 2010

Is Inglis one rightie we can call sane??

What should we make of today's GOP headlines? Is Bob Inglis being sincere in the criticism of his party's  influential leaders like Limbaugh, Beck, Palin? Or is the slamming of his fellow republicans just sour grapes? Does he truly believe his party is heading off a cliff because of their inability to speak against those radio and TV  hate and fearmongers? Will we see him on TV apologizing to the repub leader Limpy, taking back these statements of truth? Whatever his motives are, these words by him are the TRUTH about the republicans and their bowing down to idiots like Limpballs! And to think the righties have the nerve to make fun of Obamas "bowing", sheeeeesh....

GOP Rep. Bob Inglis slams Republicans for being led by hate radio, 'preying on fears.'
By Lee Fang at 9:45 am

Rep. Bob Inglis (R-SC), who lost recently in his primary run-off for the Republican nomination to keep his seat in Congress, is speaking out about the influence of hate radio and right-wing fear mongering in the Republican Party. In an interview with the AP, Inglis called out reactionaries like Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck for spreading “demagoguery” and hatred in society:
– Noting that Palin had spread the “death panel” smear, Inglis said, “there were no death panels in the bill…and to encourage that kind of fear is just the lowest form of political leadership.”
– Inglis slammed GOP leaders for following hate radio talkers, rather than leading on principle: “I think we have a lot of leaders that are following those (television and talk radio) personalities and not leading [...] What it takes to lead is to say, ‘You know, that’s just not right.”
– Inglis on the right-wing’s effort to divide America: “It’s a real concern, because I think what we’re doing is dividing the country into partisan camps that really look a lot like Shia and Sunni. It’s very difficult to come together to find solutions.”
– Although Inglis did not hear the racial slurs hurled at Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) at a tea party protest on Capitol Hill during the health reform vote, he did see threatening and abusive behavior. “I caught him at the door and said, ‘John, I guess you’ve been here before,’” said Inglis, referring to Lewis’ role in the Civil Rights movement.
Like Inglis, Sen. Bob Bennett (R-UT) lost his GOP primary, despite a similarly conservative voting record. Bennett later slammed the GOP for being held captive to far right-tea parties and Fox News, noting, “I find plenty of slogans on the Republican side, but not very many ideas.” Inglis, who stood out as one of the only Republican lawmakers to publicly criticize Glenn Beck, warned that voters eventually will discover that the GOP is “preying on their fears” and turn away.


Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

It is interesting that Mr. Inglis is making these comments after being defeated in the primary.

The bottomline is that moderate Republicans are going the way of the passenger pigeon to extinction; there's almost no way one can win nomination since the party has swung so far to the right.

Remember former NJ Governor Christie Whitman, the darling of the tax cutting GOP of the 1990's? Because of her pro-choice and moderate stand towards gays and lesbians she wouldn't be able to get elected as a county freeholder these days by Republicans.

Chris Matthews had issued a challenge months ago for any Republican of stature to go on HARD BALL and denounce far no takers.

About as gutless as they come.

Sue said...

Hugh someone said on Morning Joe today if the GOP doesn't win the House it will be such a blow to their party and wondered if it will cause them to move farther right for 012!! Can you imagine?? I say if they lose in November it's because they already have moved far right and it's killing them! teabaggers beware!!

Annette said...

I read the statements he made and thought the same as you.. refreshing to hear the truth.. Is he only saying this because he lost.. or is he really speaking from his heart..... We may never know... but it was some much needed rebuke and I hope he stands by it.

TOM said...

"Spent like drunken sailors."

Love the way he uses the words of the Republicans against them.

John McCain phrased "spend like drunken sailors" during the election.

Leslie Parsley said...

Linked this to my FB where there are mainly right-wing family members. I can almost gurantee that none of them read any of my propaganda. Frankly I don't give a hoot whas Inglis' motivations are, I'm just glad he's saying what needs to be said.