Glenn W. Smith has written an interesting piece at firedoglake, please read it.
He says this.....
" Progressives have to remember that the president is not the symbolic hero in a movie we just sit and watch. We’re in the movie. It’s about us, not him.
America has never had a progressive president or a progressive government. We have achieved progressive reforms, of course, all of them due to the work of champions of freedom and equality who worked outside of government. Abolition, universal suffrage, labor reforms, civil rights – all of these were the achievements of a people, not a person."
I know, you've heard it before, alot of us progressives keep harping on the same subject... keep the faith, stay positive...but we have to keep saying it, we can never let our guard down and give up by being lazy and uncommited. Too many people worked long and hard to get where we are today. Glenn is correct, it is about us, we are the ones who can change this country, if we stay focused and positive. Don't fall for the rethugs scare tactics, they say 2010 is their year, yeah when pigs fly!!
So come on guys, we have alot of work to do, don't be all down in the dumps and most of all don't give up HOPE!!
"When we fail to inspire hope, we fail the future"
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
I haven't given up hope. Things don't happen overnight.
Was voicing my dissatisfaction to hubby the other day about some of Jon Stewart's and Keith Olbermann's negative comments on Prez O.
Hubby said their negativity is a good thing because it keeps Prez O on his toes.
unlike republicans and their unwavering support for their leaders whether sane or not, we can see the good and the bad when it come to our president and we call him out on those things we don't like, I hope it does keep him hoppin'! I think it's ok to demand alot from our president.
It's called Party Unity and Party Loyalty.. but it doesn't say BLIND Loyalty or BLIND Unity. We can still stand with our President and with Congress and yet use constructive criticism to help them move legislation along that needs to be done. That's just part of the loyalty and unity in our country. This president came into office with the worst circumstances than anyone has faced in 60 years.. since FDR.. we can't expect him to fix it overnight.. however it seems a lot of people expected just that. I think he has done very well in the time he has been in office.. and I think that is the problem.. he has done so much already, a lot of people seemed to think he should have done more, all the while yelling he was doing too
How many times have we heard that?? He is doing too much, his plate is too full.. he is taking on more than he should.. he should drop this or that.. then in the next breath it is why hasn't he done more on the economy, jobs, health care, Gays, and the list goes on and on...
Like I said.. it is mostly a matter of Congress doing their job and the President signing the legislation they have passed.. such as the FISA, repealing DADT, Health Care.. that is all Congress.. they are the ones who haven't done their jobs.. Not the President.. He is waiting on them.. lol
Yet he is getting the blame for it..
It isn't all going my way 100% - but it sure beats what we had. Nothing is perfect in this world of ours, so I do have hope.
I wonder how many people actually know about the 90 something things Obama has done so far. He doesn't get enough credit from either party. We focus too much on the big bills like healthcare. You are right about Congress, they better get their butts in gear!
The goal of republicans for decades has been to consolidate power at the executive branch. That is not and never has been the center of power in the United States. But when you play a card long enough, people take it as the card to play.
Republicans complain that Obama is not "owning" the policies of new legislation like the health care bill. The particulars of a bill IS Congresses work. The Presidents job is to define priorities and get the Congress to act on those priorities. Leaving the details to the writers of law. The President voices his ideas on a priority, but leaves the debate to the Congress and the people of the United States.
I just posted a comment on my blog. It probably won't do any good but I urged the president to move on from trying to be bipartisan. It hasn't worked and it never will. And I urge everyone here to do likewise.
That was in an email to the WH. At the top is "Contact."
Having a brain fart day.
I really think he has moved on from trying for it as hard as he was.. that's why he has called them out several times lately. In his Weekly Address this week.. for one.. he said they were joined with the Lobbyists from Wall Street to obstruct the reforms he was trying to enact.. and he made another comment the other day along the same lines about them just working against him. So I think he is through trying to work with them.. He will still hold out his hand.. but he isn't trying very hard.. but he won't slam the door either.. He can't.. if he does.. then everything the Right says about him is true.. he has to continue to look like he is holding out the palm branch.. while crossing his fingers behind his
Good points, Annette. I think he recently criticized for spreading fear.
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