Sunday, December 13, 2009

A WIN for ACORN.....

I got this article from Salon, you can read the whole post here,

Major victory for ACORN and the Constitution

(updated below)

In September, I interviewed Rep. Alan Grayson about the unconstitutionality of Congress' attempt to de-fund ACORN, and a couple of weeks later, examined Supreme Court precedent -- principally the 1946 case of U.S. v. Lovett -- that left little doubt that the Congressional war on ACORN violated the Constitutional ban on "bills of attainder." Yesterday, in a lawsuit brought by the Center for Constitutional Rights, Federal District Judge Nina Gershon of the Eastern District of New York found Congress' de-funding of ACORN unconstitutional and enjoined its enforcement. This is a major victory not only for ACORN, but also for the Constitution.

Judge Gershon's opinion is a model of careful and dispassionate judicial reasoning. Rejecting the DOJ's claim that Congress had merely exercised its funding discretion rather than "punished" ACORN, the court wrote: "Wholly apart from the vociferous comments by various members of Congress as to ACORN's criminality and fraud . . . no reasonable observer could suppose that such severe action would have been taken in the absence of a conclusion that misconduct occurred." The court pointed to numerous statements made by Senators, including the bill's primary sponsor (Sen. Johanns), in which they anointed themselves judge and jury to declare ACORN guilty of crimes with which they had not even been charged, let alone convicted.

Why post this ACORN piece you ask? Well see my constant commenters Lisa and Linda love to talk about the evils of ACORN so I thought they would enjoy this. Below is an update...

UPDATE: As always happens whenever there is a judicial decision that undermines the Right's political interests, there are going to be hordes of right-wing polemicists marching forth to denounce this ruling as "judicial activism." They're already starting. These are people won't bother to read a single word or case about "bills of attainder," but overnight, they're self-proclaimed legal scholars on this Constitutional prohibition and are in a position to criticize the Judge's ruling as legally erroneous. Of course, the only thing they really know is that they hate ACORN and therefore dislike the outcome of this case. In other words, they're denouncing the decision for reasons having nothing to do with law and everything to do with their own political beliefs and outcome preferences -- i.e., they're advocating, as usual, for the consummate act of outcome-based "judicial activism" which they endlessly claim to oppose.

As the cowards in Congress rushed without a trial to unconstitutionally punish ACORN on a very bipartisan basis, Judge Gershon was able to ignore the lynch mob and dispassionately apply well-settled legal principles to safeguard core liberties


Leslie Parsley said...

I am very happy for ACORN and for what it represents for similar organizations.

The Republicans are always yakking about how much something costs and then they do something so stupid and mean-spirited as this.

Sue said...

one of the comments on the article at Salon says if most of ACORN was white not black, rethugs wouldn't have a problem. They always say we call them racist but in this case it appears to be true.

Evita Vresnoc said...

It's all part of the conspiracy of liberal activist judges who show their bias by privileging real reality above right-wing made-up reality. Just like those judges who keep throwing out the birth-certificate lawsuits because they're prejudiced in favor of Godless Commie liberal real facts over all the imaginary facts that Orly Taitz went to so much trouble to make up.

Judge Gershon showed her liberal activism by looking at the mere actual Constitution instead of at what Glenn Beck, teabaggers, and Congressmen who think the Earth is 6,000 years old just know it really means.

It's a dark day for the rule of law when un-elected judges can stop politicians from re-interpreting the law as necessary to carry out their vendettas.

Sue said...


Infidel753 said...


Sue said...


Leslie Parsley said...

Am I really reading this nonsense? These people have shit for brains and seem to enjoy rolling in it.

Leslie Parsley said...

Oh, just picked up on Infidel's comment.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

This is a victory for the poor who are served by ACORN. Let's hope Congress doesn't abandon them in the name of kissing republican tea bagging asses. That seems to be what's in vogue these days.

Leslie Parsley said...

But, Truth, don't ya know? There wouldn't be any poor in this country, if they'd just get a job
and then there'd be no need for fradulent non-profits.

Lisa said...

Leslie there will always be poor people. You can't make everyone equal no matter how hard you try.

Leslie Parsley said...


Sue said...

lisa did you go to Salon and read the whole article? There are others beneath it too, educate yourself PLEASE!

Infidel753 said...

Sue, there will always be easily self-deluded people. You can't make everyone equal no matter how hard you try. :-)

Leslie Parsley said...

My mom always said, "Some people are so stupid they don't know they're stupid." Let's just ignore it.

TomCat said...

The day Congress passed this mess I posted that it could not pass judicial muster, because it is a Bill of Attainder on its face.

The Wool Cupboard said...
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