Darren has posted about the White House and its stance on HC reform, as much as it pains me to admit it Darren, YOU ARE RIGHT! It pains me because I believed real change would come with a dem president. I believed the whole schmeel.
Now what do we do? We are being taken for a ride, we are being deceived and I HATE the fact rethugs are gonna throw it in our faces! I wanted a STRONG, opinionated dem president, one who would listen to his base, one who would bring change that we could actually see, so different from rethuggery we could throw it in their faces! Ah Ha look at our president, he's for the people, of the people! Not at all like your dictators Bush/Cheney!
Do you know why those 90 something accomplishments get over looked? Because the things we were counting on from our new dem president, wars ending and REAL healthcare REFORM, are not in our sight. We don't trust and we don't believe. [ I should stop here and say I, not we, these are my feelings and my opinion and this is my blog where I want to express them, thank you for letting me do that without condemnation.]
But we find ourselves so angry, so disillusioned these past few months. We have some who say hold on it's still early, but the signs are there. The lobbyists are still there, the insurance companies are spending millions and millions to buy senate support for their greedy fingers to keep a grasp on our pocketbooks. Obama said he was going to change Washington but I don't believe him, so far there are no signs of it. Darren is right, the more things change the more they look the same.....
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
Sue, thanks for your post and for the link to Darren's. It's just such a debacle. I'm worn out and am just going to take a wait-and-see stance for the moment.
A conservative commented on my blog: "what I see are plans to penalize the poor for being poor by making them pay for not having insurance."
Please link to the above article and see a comparison of the process in place for the current health care bill as compared to other bills passed in the past. It is very eye opening and screams for every American to pay attention to what their legislators are doing TO us, not for us. Please read it...this is important.
No Linda I can't, cuz ya know what, the republicans are lying more then the dems are, I am pissed but not that pissed where I start to believe rethugs!
It's not your fault for feeling betrayed Sue. I've gotten so cynical I just expect to be screwed continually. What our side has to realize quickly is that we are never going to be allowed to get squat from our government. Not the way it is now. It's just lip service. The prez could make the difference if he wanted to but he will not. He is on the side of corporations and will remain there. His speeches make it seem like something other but the reality is thatit's a smoke screen/political illusion of words!
Tom I am a DEMOCRAT and don't plan on leaving my party but I will criticize and bitch if I'm feeling betrayed! I really expected something much different.. Thanks Tom!
One Fly ~ What is it that you wanted from your government that you now think that you will not receive?
I am really not sure what you thought would be different no matter who was elected President.. I guess I sound like a broken record and maybe I am.. but no matter who the President is, they are still working with Congress..
The President DOES NOT write the legislation. That is the Congress's job. Oh, unless you are a Rethug named Bush and you go to your cronies in the House and the Senate and tell them what you want and they march step like a good little bunch of soldiers and produce just what you want.. like the Patriot Act, FISA and so forth. Is that what you want, again? Didn't we have enough of that the last 8 years? Didn't we decide we didn't want that any longer and so we voted to make a difference?
Maybe you didn't get the President of your choice. Maybe you didn't get the Democratic candidate you wanted, but if you truly think this would be a different story now than what it is.. you are sorely mistaken...
Have you listened to Bill and Hillary? They both seem to think this President is doing a wonderful job and have just stated that this bill just needs to be passed and we can fix it later. They never got this far.. and they had a bigger majority than Pres. Obama did when they first started.. and look what happened.. they lost their majority...
If we don't get behind this President and start supporting him and yelling at Congress, which is where the blame lays.. we are going to lose the majority and end up just like we did in 1994, and we will have an impeachment and be in dire straights with Pres. Palin running the country.
Yes, emotions are high, I understand that.. but railing against the President and saying what a failure he is, that is not the answer.
Thank God we have men like Anthony Weiner standing up for us! The progressives in Congress who have had to cave to the few obstructionists time after time after time are clearly begging for Obamas leadership. Weiner says the president CAN be more forceful in addressing Congress, stating his position. The guys who have sweated blood day after day, and have given up so much, for what?? People like Lincoln, Snowe, Nelson, LIEbermann?? All the time wasted on Snowe when she has no intentions of voting for the bill, its friggin stupid! Yes it's Congress, but Obama CAN do more, I don't see it from him. I'm disappointed yes, I voted for a dem president and expected him to be different from the last idiot in office. There is a difference when it comes to this president telling Congress to get it right, the people are demanding a PO, there will be no real reform without it. Thats different from Bush and his Patriot Act. When a majority of the country wants something done the president can't pussy foot around with Congress. He needs to do more Annette and I will criticize him for it. I am not calling Obama a failure, I just want to see more from him.
I understand your disappointment, but you should reevaluate your expectations of him.
There is no such thing as a political messiah. Obama is a good politician, but just a politician, with all the bad and good that implies.
There is no way Obama can make lobbyists disappear. Money has been declared free speech by the Supreme Court, and that includes election donations.
Annette is right, Congress is the problem.
Obama is sitting out the details (and most of the fighting) hoping to be able to say that he got a health care bill passed.
He talked about a public option for over a year, now that it's gone, he's not putting his political reputation on the line.
A public option is not as important, as to be able to say during the 2012 elections, that he got health care passed.
He told us during the election, that he would reengage in Afghanistan.
I'm giving him some slack. Some time. The benefit of the doubt.
I voted for him. I'm not very happy with him, yet, I'm SO glad McCain/Palin are not in the White House.
And it is true, and proven by History, that something like health insurance reform has to be taken a bite at a time.
In the future, we will revisit this legislation and make it better. It will be easier to get more reform, once Americans get used to having the reforms in this bill.
Tom you have a way about you! Of course I'm glad McCain and Palin aren't in the White House, and yes I do realize the problem is Congress. But it's more of the same frustration, up and down like a roller-coaster with me these days. I think the whole country is feeling the same frustration. Democrats do have a problem and if you read Frodo, the oh so wise Hobbit, you will be as nervous as I am! :-)
Tom ~ You are right about one thing...that IS how socialism takes over any country..."one bite at a time" and that is why so many Americans oppose this health care reform bill.
Don't despair, though, Libs, because when the Dems shove this terrible legislation down our throats on Christmas Eve or whenever, the needed structure will already be in place to add in later all the "dropped" options so desperately wanted by Ms. Nancy and Obama. There is still a good chance for the destruction of the health care system of the United States...along with our economy...sigh.
Linda the country and I are despairing because the PO was dropped, not because we fear it will be put back. It's not socialism Linda. If we get a bill with no real reform our premiums will continue to rise, you will be paying out half your monthly income on HC. Insurance company greed is destroying our country, our economy will collapse from inside our borders. Costs MUST come down, and rethugs have no answers so I for one, even tho frustrated, am counting on the Senators like Weiner to FIX this bill so it resembles REFORM!
why do you continue to defend insurance companies?? Why are you afraid of this bill that resembles a rethug take-over?? Yes there are good parts of the bill so far but even you and your party should be voting yes for the way it looks today. But NO, your party of NO will stand back and ignore the will of the people, so God help us to watch YOUR parties demise over the next few years, not my party.
IF it passes, which is far from certain, it will be made law by majority vote.
This is not Stalin's Socialist government, nor will it be.
It is a social program, to help a large number of people, by the approval of the people.
Social programs do not lead to a Socialist government. There is a BIG difference.
It is not being forced on us against our will, your disagreement with it does not mean you did not have representation in Congress voting your viewpoint.
I'm to old and have lived through to many A hole politicians and violence, to get nervous about our current situation.
We will be OK, but not without some bad times.
Try a few of your Tequila cookies and get ready for the ride.
Tom ~ Over 60 % of Americans do not want this misbegotten health care "reform". So, for you to say that it will be passed by a majority is hogwash! It is being passed AGAINST the will of the majority of American people by the majority party in Congress who are ignoring (in many cases) the will of their state's voters. Illinois (my state) is a prime example of this. The entire downstate of Illiniois (with the exception of a few little pockets of voters near St. Louis) is conservative. Chicago, on the other hand is practically all liberal. Because of this situation, my views are almost NEVER reflected in the two Senators' votes. I do, however, have a great conservative representative from my area (who replaced the ignorant Ray LaHood, the SUPPOSED conservative.)
I'm sure that you know that just because the liberals in Congress won election does not mean that they are voting to represent the views of their constituents, as evidenced by this lack of support for the health care "reform."
Sue ~ Your health care costs under the current bill will also rise a great deal. This bill is all about control - not helping those with no health care. There are much simpler and less costly ways to correct the problems with health care. Conservatives just happen to think that this is not the best way to reform - REAL reform.
Tell me EXACTLY how not passing this health care reform bill will collapse our economy. This lie by Obama is so detestable, and I have yet to hear a cogent explanation of how even leaving things the way they are (which few people support) will collapse our economy. I would love to hear the particulars on that subject.
Annette ~ Quote "Have you listened to Bill and Hillary? They both seem to think this President is doing a wonderful job and have just stated that this bill just needs to be passed and we can fix it later."
That is like saying to your builder, "Yeah, just go ahead and put up the frame any way you want it. I'll come back and fix it all later." SURELY, you are not that ignorant.
Passing legislation with the idea that it will be corrected later is a fool's game. Talk about the cart before the horse...with ideas like those, no wonder our country is in such a gigantic mess!
Welcome to Washington politics.
Welcome to representative government.
You can move to a more conservative district, or State.
Often a majority of Congress votes for something that does not reflect the will of the people.
Yet, we elect them, we empower them, we give them authority to act and vote on our behalf.
I also disagree with your figures. where did you get them?
I'm sure you are aware that since all Republicans are voting against this bill, that means they are voting against the wishes of millions of liberals they are supposed to be representing. It does go both ways.
Health care reform was supported by 75% of Americans at the time of the election, and one of the reasons Obama won. Americans forgot how badly the Congress can mess up a bad idea. That includes Republicans, and if you don't believe that, then you are either a party hack, or living in a delusion.
Republicans offered no constructive ideas, they only used hate, bigotry, and fear to try and mold public opinion against health care reform.
The mistake the Democrats made, was to cave into dumping what they wanted just to get one, or two Republican votes.
The Republicans never had any trouble using reconciliation (simple majority-51 votes) when they were cramming bills through the Congress. Check the record.
All the Republicans voted against better regulations. A majority of Americans want those regulations.
Tom I do so love your points!
Health care reform was supported by 75% of Americans at the time of the election, and one of the reasons Obama won. Americans forgot how badly the Congress can mess up a bad idea. That includes Republicans, and if you don't believe that, then you are either a party hack, or living in a delusion.
The mistake the Democrats made, was to cave into dumping what they wanted just to get one, or two Republican votes.
Republicans offered no constructive ideas, they only used hate, bigotry, and fear to try and mold public opinion against health care reform.
Actually I could sit here and copy and paste the whole comment but that would be stupid of me, Hope Linda reads it! Thanks Tom!
I love what Tom Harkin said the other night too,
the bill is like a small house, well built with a good foundation.
We can put additions onto the house after we purchase it.
There surely is nothing wrong with that Linda and thats what gives the progressives hope for a bill we can support.
Thanks for the kind words, but I think I screwed it up.
It should read "how badly Congress can mess up a GOOD idea"
But then Congress can mess up good and bad ideas.
Tom does that mean I don't fully read my comments?? LOL! Of course I read and understand every word! ;-)
Actually, the problem is not Congress. The House voted for a good bill, with a public option. Something similar had majority support in the Senate, and would have passed except that Senate rules require a 60-vote super-majority. (Getting around that by using "reconciliation" is not as simple or easy as many seem to think.) Those Senate rules are part of the probblem.
The other part is that Obama repeatedly pressured liberal Democrats in the Senate to compromise with the Blue Dogs (and Lieberman and Snowe) rather than pressuring the holdouts to compromise with the liberals.
If we end up with a bad bill or no bill, the fault lies with the Senate's rules and with Obama personally. Not with Congress or Democrats in general.
As soon as possible the Senate needs to change its filibuster rules. Otherwise 40 Republicans plus Lieberman or one Blue Dog will be able to do this with every later piece of legislation that comes along.
Bullshit!! I'm offended by the stupidity of the comment. Delete the sonofabitch Sue.
Indeed the public wanted and voted for Obama because he was for health care insurance reform.
You say, "If in deed?" Don't you know?
That was the biggest issue with all the Democratic candidates running for President.
That was the top issue with Democratic voters.
Google it.
The Republicans did not come forward with any ideas. Their alternative plan was a 4 page document (check video archives) that was no plan.
We go through the Summer and people get shouted down at the health care town hall meetings, and beaten up. The Republican fear tactics were in full swing.
Obama gets called Hitler, a Racist, a Marxist, a Communist, a Muslim, and on, and on, and on. But no ideas except to attack Obama and scare the American people.
The right's fat mouth piece (Rush) was blowing flames of lies, and blogs were talking about Mrs. Obama's fat ass. Lets not forget the right wing blog line, "Obama Eats Babies."
They waited til the end, then they start talking about tort reform, which is only 2% of the problem and will solve nothing.
Republicans were invited to the White House, the day Obama was sworn in. They offered no ides.
Lieberman said he would support the democrats health care reform, then boom, one day he says no. He lied to the president, and stabbed his fellow democrats in the back.
NOW, they want to talk. BS.
Where were you "spend less" Republicans when Bush was racking up a 5 TRILLION dollar debt?
We have only had one Democratic President in 29 years, but we have built up 12 Trillion dollars of debt in that same amount of time. And Clinton handed Bush a budget with a surplus.
You need to read more true facts, and stop regurgitating the false facts of the Republican talking points.
Tom, OneFly and Infidel: Don't waste your time talking to the two L's. They are only here to be royal pains in the asses - and as you can see - they are quite good at it. It's just best to ignore them. Will they go away? Nope, but we can talk over their heads as if they weren't here.
sorry you guys had to put up with that!! All taken care of!
Tom thats a hell of a rant, you go big guy!!
"Tom, OneFly and Infidel: Don't waste your time talking to the two L's. They are only here to be royal pains in the asses - and as you can see - they are quite good at it. It's just best to ignore them. Will they go away? Nope, but we can talk over their heads as if they weren't here."
This is EXACTLY why I don't address them if at all possible. It's like arguing with a brick wall and just as dense.
Add to that, neither of the 2 have credibility.
Life is so much better when you have an open mind, that's why we are called "liberals".
I love liberals, C. I'm so glad we're liberals....
CDL ~ Let's see how "open minded" you are when you get the bill for all the spending Obama has done. Our taxes and our utility bills (when they ram cap & trade through, too) are going to be so high that EVERYONE will be complaining.
The environmental agreements that will be coming down the pike will finish off the already plummeting job situation in the U.S. THEN who will be in a position to pay the billions we will be forking over to third world dictators who will be pocketing your hard earned tax dollars in the name of global justice for their poor countries? I guess we can borrow more from China and then give it back to them so that they can afford to clean up the polluted air over Bejing. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. That's a great plan, Obama.
Linda you shock me with your comments anymore. Everything you just said is from the Beck talking points. He said himself he's just an entertainer out for ratings. We'll soon see who has the last laugh...
Lisa, you missed Olbermann blasting the President for a while now. Watch him once in a while.
OOOPS, I forgot you were clearing her comments.
I have to Tom, she is beyond annoying!!
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