Wednesday, December 23, 2009


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While the repubs and the dems are arguing back and forth on my blog as well as in Washington, stop and listen to the voice of reason, Bernie Sanders. He speaks the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. It's the good, the bad, and the ugly. Is this country so sick and tired of fighting that they will put an Independant in the White House next time around?? Maybe......


Jerry Critter said...

How great it would be if we had many more senators like Bernie Sanders. The Senate is a sad group of people when, as Sanders said, there were only 5 votes for a single payer system.

I try to catch Sanders on the Thom Hartmann show every Friday on his "Brunch With Bernie" segment.

Sue said...

it would be great Jerry. Wasn't that a good video? I'm surprised nobody else has been by to comment!

Jerry Critter said...

Yeah, I thought a Bernie video would bring out the trolls.

Tao Dao Man said...

Sanders made the main point. imo. That the Corps run our Congress, and they they are making out like bandits. This Shill Bill was written by the corps, and for the corps. They threw the people a bone. Now the politicians want to run around and give lip service that this is a victory for the people and that they have done something good. bull shit. they are trying to save face. How in the fuck do these cretins sleep at night.

Anonymous said...

Bernie is a good guy, yes. Who knows, the number of independents is growing fast, maybe we'll have one in the White House finally.

Jerry Critter said...

They sleep very comfortably on their million dollar bribery mattresses.

Money, works better than sleeping pills any day.

Tao Dao Man said...

JC; very true. lol I was thinking they sleep upside down like bats in a cave. lol
Elizabeth; A true independent can only have power if there are term limits for all parties concerned. THE SYSTEM IS BROKEN.

Anonymous said...

Now you tell us, Jerry... All these years of Valium, while I should have been using those millions of bucks (which I don't have). Eh, so it's back to Valium. ;)

Anonymous said...

No disagreement from me, RZ. None.

Leslie Parsley said...

jc: You mean Lieberman, Grassley, Boehner and Blue Dog Rep. Mike Ross (Ark.) who has receive over $1M from the pharmaceutical industry?

Jerry Critter said...

Yup! Among others.

Leslie Parsley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TomCat said...

The bill still stinks. But it would damage the country more to give the GOP a victory at this point, so lets hold our noses and go to work to enact new legislation to fix its flaws.

Leslie Parsley said...

The Baucus video is back up. I don't know what happens - even went to YouTube and it wasn't accessible. And now here it is again.

Anyway, Baucus is not as calm as Sanders - by any means. I've seen a number of interviews with Sanders. I have enormous respect for the man - not bad for an Independent, an honorable one.

If you want to compare to Baucus:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you too, Sue.

Your house looks beautiful, so peaceful and... Christmas-y. :)

Infidel753 said...

Happy holidays Sue!

Nice house!

Hope Santa brings ya a big shiny nuclear-powered troll-delete button!

Leslie Parsley said...

That's my kind of house. I love it. Did you shovel all that snow yourself? Reminds me so much of Denver.

I hope you and yours - and everyone who stops by here - has a very merry Christmas.

Sue said...

thanks Infidel but I doubt I'll get that shiny button!

Leslie we had help from our neighbors, it was nice!

Thanks for the kind words, the house is a 1939 4 square, shes small, but country cute and we love her!

TomCat said...

Off topic, Merry Christmas to Sue and all here. And to our resident teabaggers, Happy Holidays. ;-)

Lisa said...

Tomcat Teabagger is Rachel Maddow's obsession.

But hey Merry Christmas to all from your resident "opposite".

Oh and stay healthy. It will be your best defense.
Take your Vitamin D and your Omega 3 and keep the Echinecea handy.
Don't forget the water to prevent UTI's and most of all keep mobile.
And for those of struggling now may be a good time to look for that 2nd part time job,if you can find one.

Karen said...

Merry Christmas!

Love the pic!!

TOM said...


That's a much better shack than Leslie Parsely owns. Are you sure your not a Republican?(jk)

Sue said...

thanks and Merry Christmas to you lisa Karen and Tom!

Tom, LOL, I am most definitely NOT a rethug!!!

Sue said...

Merry Christmas TomCat, You're right what would we do without the teabaggers, Merry Christmas to them too!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Bah humbug to the tea baggers.

To everyone else, Merry Christmas. I hope RZ still wants me to have one after calling for support of the health insurance bill. It's a pile of dung but the alternative, no bill, would be a much bigger, smellier one.

Tao Dao Man said...

LMAO. 101; AND TO ALL OTHERS. MERRY XMAS. As far as the health care bill goes.

check the price of health care stocks, Insurance companies today. THis shill bill was written for and by the Insurance Corps. Now our legislators will give us more lip service.

Leslie Parsley said...

Annette has just posted a fantastic piece by Frank Schaeffer. It is well worth the time it takes to read it. There is a message for all of us.

Leslie Parsley said...

Actually, you might want to go directly to Scaeffer's blog as there is a response by Andrew Sullivan.

Annette said...

RZ hate to burst your bubble but the Health Insurance Stock has been debunked.. get your story straight now.. and for your info.. the stocks of all the insurance companies FELL today after the signing of the bill.. so what does that do to your story of it being a big payoff to them.. hmm falls apart in daylight doesn't it.. just as it did if you looked at the facts before.. The stocks rose on Friday, before there was ever an agreement reached with Nelson .. so that's just false.

Sorry, but we need to keep facts straight, not buy into the Rethuglican talking points so easily.

Annette said...

Merry Christmas Everyone.. Hope you have a wonderful day..

Leslie Parsley said...

And I want to give Annette credit - not only for her knowledge of facts - but for calling attention to the Schaeffer piece.

susan said...

Merry Christmas Sue!! Your photo of your house looks wonderful and christmassy. Enjoy

Darren Lenard Hutchinson said...

Your home is beautiful. Happy holiday!!!!!!

Darren Lenard Hutchinson said...

People are running with Nate Silver's ongoing effort to argue that the insurance companies are not benefiting greatly from this deal. One-day stock movement is not a good predictor of behavior or an indicator of ongoing trends. Since it has been apparent that the public plan would get deleted, the stocks have soared.

More importantly, since that time, several financial investment firms have advised their clients to "buy" health insurance stocks. This is a far more important measure of the value of the deal to insurance companies -- much more valuable than short-term stock prices. Apparently, Silver did not take courses in finance.

SantaCat said...

Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas to all you cool cats and pretty kitties! And have a purrrfect New Year!

Annette said...

Actually, I wasn't quoting Nate Silver.. I was quoting someone you have never heard of and someone you wouldn't even have known if I mentioned the name.. that's why I didn't..

Check your facts.. the Insurance company stocks have been rising for a long time.. just as have been all the other stocks.. The entire stock market has been rising.. goodness people are you that stupid you will buy into the idiocy that comes from the RNC and Faux News.. And you call yourselves progressives..

Keep it up.. instead of the Rethugs being in the wilderness it will be us.. because we are too stupid and too blind to realize we have something good we are throwing out the window.

TomCat said...

Lisa, actually the term teabagger comes from the tea party extremists, not Rachel Maddow. She just had some fun with their failure to check the term for other meanings before adopting it. Nevertheless, Merry Christmas.

Sue said...

I like that one TomCat!

Lisa said...

No it doesn't TomCat,actually Anderson Cooper was the first one to call them that early on before the movement became popular back in April. And he should know the term well don't you think?

Jerry Critter said...

I don't think it matters who used the term teabagger first. It is obvious to me that a member of the Tea Bag Party should be called a teabagger. What else would they be called?

Sue said...

Jerry I'm willing to call them morons, or just plain 'ole stupid!

Sue said...

Susannah the truth is... we all, left and right, can complain "our voices aren't heard". It has nothing to do with liberal leaning media, (of which is a joke in itself), it has to do with those elected most often do what suits them and their personal agenda. Look how progressives are up in arms complaining and turning their backs on Obama because their voices aren't being heard. Your side has had their chance, why can't you relax and go with the flow, the world is not gonna end just because we have a dem president. Another thing, you righties who come and read liberal blogs can't handle the talk here and you go away all insulted, but do you take a look at what your side says, how hateful and meanspirited the righties are on their blogs? You can dish it out but you sure can't take it.

Jerry Critter said...

I have to laugh when I hear Teabagpersons (how's that for being PC) complain about not getting media coverage. They have been plastered all over the place. I just googled "Tea Bag Party" (with the quotes) and got about 804,000 hits, so the news is out there.

TOM said...

Actually, talk radio has been dominated by conservatives for decades.
FOX (conservative) has been dominate in the cable ratings since they came on the air. Until just a few weeks ago, when MSNBC passed them.
The cry that media has a left bias has not been true for at least 10 years, maybe more.

Jerry Critter said...

You said "there is no such entity as 'tea bag party.' "

Check out:

Sue said...

actually Susannah you said you wouldn't be back to my blog so I figured it's because you don't like what we say here, as in, can't handle the truth. But, whatever, you are welcome here as long as you don't insult us and we will try our best not to insult you, deal?

Don't be offended if you get blasted for your remarks about the anti-American congress, its a crock of steaming shit. And your remarks about HC reform, crock of shit also. Reform has been decades in the making, we are lucky to have the leadership willing to take it on all the way to the finishline. So far you are wrong on every front, have a good day!

TOM said...

Right back at you.

Check the listings, ratings, and ownership of theses media outlets.

Lisa said...

If the media actually did it's job there is so much material that could have made Obama lose this election.The media has been influencing elections for 50 years and they promote the candidates that are more likely to destroy them if they don't promote them. The left is infamous for threatening and harassing it's critics and abusing their power to get their way yet the media would have us believing it's what the republicans do and of course when you have a gullible audience who can't see beyond "Hope and Change" what would we expect?

TOM said...

What are you talking about? If millions more watch and listen to conservative , then the slant is to the conservatives.
Many more people watch O'riely than Matthews.
Content means nothing when no one is watching.
Of course you don't care about ratings, or ownership, then you would have toadmit you are wrong.

Have fun living in your delusion.

Sue said...

I took down your platform, go find another blog to invade

Sue said...

BTW, the platform comment is for lisa and susannah, and alisha, all others disreguard please

Alisa Rosenbaum said...

It appears that the growing number of independents worked out nicely for Mr. Brown in MA; for Mr. Obama, not as well.