We all have those relatives, the ones from the "right" who will argue til they're blue in the face. They don't see one single good thing about this president or the current Congress. They say things will NEVER improve in our country, jobs will NEVER come back, we will NEVER get out of debt. Its nothing but negativity and gloom and doom......
I'm talking about my younger brother. He was on the Obama bandwagon then fell off, I think head first cuz now he's reciting Glenn Beck. He talks about the 52 trillion dollar debt our country has, yes he said 52 trillion. He talks about the world ending in 2012. He says we are doomed and nothing will ever be the same...We talked about the HC bill and the first words out of his mouth were "the government will pay for abortions"! OMG, he is listening to all the Fox Faux Noise idiots!!! I'll never be able to talk to him without the insane talking points from Beck butting into every sentence!
I asked him to read the 90 accomplishments of the Obama first year, he just rolls his eyes and won't even read the list! How can you reason with people like him??
He says Congress will go back to rethug majority, but then he says there is no difference between democrats and republicans so it doesn't matter.
Me, I don't like the doom and gloom talk, it gives me anxiety. Are things gonna get better?? Or are we doomed?....please tell me he is wrong....
Some good news:
* From the Lincoln Project*
*"Trump's in full retreat today as his poll numbers slip:*
*He convened the cabinet to limit Elon after voters pressured C...
3 hours ago
Some people just like to be miserable. They moan and groan all the time. Everything and everyone is against them. I think they get some sort of charge out of it. It is a way of explaining all of their problems and it makes their problems someone else's fault. They are miserable people and best just ignored.
It is hard when it is a family member.
You have just described my son. His only source of “news” is Fox News. Your brother won’t read the list of 90 accomplishments (it’s now at 92) for a reason. One of the first things hammered into those who seek out right-wing “news” sources is: trust no other source but us. I believe it is a form of brainwashing.
My son has never read my blog, regardless of what I post, because I am a liberal and a Democrat. There is a part of me he will never know. But, he loves Limbaugh and says Glenn Beck is his new hero.
I share your frustration. I suspect I share your pain.
One thing’s for certain: if you are to have a loving relationship with your brother, you cannot bring up politics.
You got me till yor boy comes to his senses Sue.
Jerry, BJ and Truth,
It's a sad thing to watch a loved one being brainwashed by faux news and by misinterpreting(?) the Bible. I was raised by a religious fanatic dad who talked ad nauseum about END TIMES! Now my brother is walking in his dads shoes. I don't want to live with gloomy people around me, its like they WANT the world to end just to stop their miserable life(you're right Jerry!)
I'm sorry about your son BJ, my son is a rightwinger too, but mostly he says democrats and republicans are one in the same. He's gloomy and doomy like his uncle.
So, are we right or are they??
Of course we're right. I'm tired of the doom and gloom. Negativity never got us anywhere. Plus, it's alway easier to "sit back, do nothing and complain" than it is to get actively involved and work toward a positive end.
Leslie, thanks!! And thanks for positivity, I need it bad right now!!
BTW, I'm starting the New Year out on a positive note. I deleted Firedoglake and added Frank Schaeffer to the bloglist. Read his Pro-Obama posts, good reading, AND it's not with blinders on either, just truth even though some here will find it HARD to swallow. Tough shit....
Its nothing but negativity and gloom and doom......
You mean you've noticed that too?
Gloomy America-is-doomed talk has been around for a very long time. A while ago I wrote a post about that which you may find entertaining.
Things look bad now because we're just coming out of a recession; unemployment is still bad (it's always the last thing to recover after a recession); consumer debt is dragging things down, though that problem is now shrinking, etc. But we now have an administration committed to intelligent intervention instead of laissez-faire. Without the stimulus plan, the Bush recession could have turned into a full-blown recession. That was avoided. The government understand the need to focus on jobs. Congress is even going to delay reconciling the House and Senate versions of the jobs bill so it can focus on a jobs program during January.
The United States has been through crises much worse than this and come roaring back stronger.
Having an interest in future technology, I'm aware of a number of things under development or on the horizon which will revolutionize life for the better in the decades to come, in ways we can hardly imagine now. This is a complicated subject, but I'll be posting more about it on my blog in the new year.
He talks about the world ending in 2012.
I can't speak about your brother personally, but people who believe this kind of stuff often also believe that the world began in 4004 BC. They're completely cut off from reality. They've been indoctrinated with religious visions of apocalypse, and see signs of it everywhere.
Great things are afoot. Billions of people in Asia and South America are starting to emerge from poverty and ignorance and join the modern world. Iranians are ready to fight for freedom and perhaps bring down one of the most evil and dangerous regimes in the world. Our own country now has leaders who fully understand the threat of global warming and the importance of science. To me the future looks very hopeful. Don't get bogged down in worry about the short-term problems. We can handle them. The fundamentals are sound.
He's wrong. That simple. We elected a moderate Dem, no surprise there. But it's gonna take more than 11 months to reverse eight years of deficit and current ruinous state of our nation. I don't agree with everything so far, and health care reform did not end the monopoly chokehold that insurance has on us all - doubtful that committee will help much. But there are still three more years, and much work to do - I say we give the man time to work, and give credit for what he has been able to accomplish so far.
As to the brother, once Fix News and Co. have their hooks in him, I think he's beyond hope. My sympathies. I guess you'll need to stick to sex and religion at the next family gathering...
Infidel: Fantastic. We're such damn spoiled babies.
I wonder what all these whiners would do if the stock market had crashed like it did in 1939 and people jumped to their deaths from skyscrapers. There were absolutely no jobs and people were forced to stand in soup lines just for some watered down potato soup (with mostly peels). Or people would have to go begging from one back door to another.
If it had not been for FDR's Civilian Conservation Corps, Work Relief Program (building dams, repairing roads), and writers' programs, millions of people would have starved to death.
Or, how about the dust bowl where there was no rain for over five years? Dust would invade the homes to over a foot deep and clothes turned black.
Or, if you were black, you couldn't drink at a water fountain, go to the movies, a good school. You couldn't feel safe attending church because the vigilantes (KKK) would shoot through the windows or burn the church down. And of course, there were the good ole lynchings. And people even got killed in our own country during the civil rights movement. Young children were sprayed with fire hoses - the thrust of water so strong it would knock them down. Trust me, none of these whiners would have the courage, even if they had the interest, to help register blacks to vote or to march from Selma to Montgomery.
Forget the polio epidemic where victims had to spend their lives in iron lungs smaller than MRIs. Or people with mental illness who were locked away like criminals and more often than not physically abused.
Sorry for the rant but I'm really getting pissed hearing all this cry-baby, negative crap.
And Lisa, I don't want to hear one fucking word from you about socialism.
Infidel you have brought me peace and comfort,I think I can sleep like a baby tonight! Now if I can get my brother here to read all your great comments, maybe.....Nah, I'm not so hopeful, maybe after 2012 and we're all still here!
I'll come by and read your previous posts and look forward to more from you, thanks!
Thanks for coming by MommaP! I think it will take something drastic like 2012 passing peacefully, or a turnaround in jobs and economy problems for my brother to see our side. I'll keep my fingers crossed! Afterall he was a supporter of Obama last year and voted for him!
Religion is as bad as politics at the family gatherings, I guess it's gonna have to be sex!
rant away Leslie! Did you notice we haven't acknowledged lisa??
Infidel is a smart guy, we love his visits!
Sue: I dropped Firedoglake recently. Got tired of their negativity and sensationalism - sometimes at the expense of truth.
The BS about Hadassah Lieberman being a case in point.
Leslie Parsley: I wonder what all these whiners would do if the stock market had crashed like it did in 1939 and people jumped to their deaths from skyscrapers.
Exactly so. Unemployment in the current recession peaked at 10.2%, equal to the worst level of the 1982 recession, and has dropped slightly since then. Unemployment in the Great Depression reached about 30%. It was a completely different situation. FDR brought the country back from a disaster so profound that today we could scarcely imagine it.
America today is far wealthier and has far more knowledge about handling economic crises than in the 1930s.
Or, if you were black, you couldn't drink at a water fountain, go to the movies, a good school.
And if you were gay you were invisible, or else. And women had only just gotten the vote and had much more limited social and economic independence.
I frankly suspect many teabaggers of nostalgia for those days.
Forget the polio epidemic where victims had to spend their lives in iron lungs smaller than MRIs.
And polio is now almost exterminated. I've seen what I consider strong grounds for believing that cancer and all virus diseases (AIDS, flu, herpes, etc.) will be exterminated within the next ten years, perhaps sooner. The necessary technology is in development already. The pessimists are wrong, wrong, wrong.
Sue: maybe after 2012 and we're all still here!
About that, at least, I have no doubt at all.
Hang in their Sister. Believe it or not, we've got the less blind and deluded righties refusing to identify themselves as republicans now.
Actually, the Market crashed in 1929. I can probably find a couple of more errors if I look hard enough.
Your brother should read the History of gloom and doom, and how it never happened. Maybe that will give him a hint on what not to believe, or at least ease his mind.
How many times over the centuries have religious leaders predicted the end of the Earth.
Preaching fear and hate is never ending. It changes from one thing to another, and back again. It's a carousel of nonsense and those caught up in it, are wasting their time.
I too am old enough to have seen much worse times in this country. We will survive. So we must spend our time making things better, not sticking our heads in the sand and wasting precious time.
Don't give up on your brother. Refute the very reasons he feels we are doomed. Prove to him, he is wrong. It won't be easy. He might not get it, until he has enough years to have proved it to himself. Good luck.
Sue, two things. First, check site again for me, I think the response came about because I was working on the site at the time. I cannot find any virus indication.
Second, remember the phrase "The only constant is change." There are many, many people who rebel against change, and they foolishly feel that they can prevent it.
Change is good. Carole King will tell you, believe it or not, "These are the good old days."
I saw my brother yesterday for the first time since July, well to actually talk, and talk specifically about politics. I said "So Bud, are you back supporting Obama again?" He said "Obama is a socialist".
See what I mean?? Beck talking points, its the first words out of his mouth. All the righties think about is socialism, its so fuckin boring and so overused.....
Merry Christmas Sue,
I see you let the troll reinforce your points!
Very smart!
I try Oso! Hope you had a nice Christmas, it flew by didn't it?!
Sue, if nothing else, present company should demonstrate to you that there is no way to reason with a completely closed mind. I'm so sorry he feels that way and perhaps when he sees that the world does not come to an end in 2012, he might open it again.
When the world does not end in 2012, the republicans will try to take credit for it.
don't feel sorry for him Tom, he believes what he believes and he feels good about it. It actually runs thru my family because of my dad. I remember my sister watching the horrible scary Nostradamus program and her 2 small girls saw it and were petrified. It spoke about the world ending in 2000. I told Bud and he said NO, the program said 2012. You're right, 2012 has to come and go before he has any second thoughts on the matter.
Jerry you are fabulous!! lol
"We all have those relatives, the ones from the "right" who will argue til they're blue in the face"
Ya meant *red* in the face... right!?! :o)
I have a sister who's one of them, so I can relate, Sue!
my deleted troll commenters were twisting my words, they were assuming I was talking about the Obama administration when I spoke of doom and gloom. I was not. I was talking about my brothers interpretation of the Bible and End Times which he believes is near. THATS what gives me anxiety. Also his talk of world banks and debt, jobs never coming back to America, etc. thats what gives me anxiety, not Obama as president. The things my brother says about Obama has nothing to do with my asking are we doomed. It's religion, it gives me anxiety.
He's still complaining about the Chester Arthur administration.
Hello all,I'm Sues younger brother.First of all I want everybody to know that I'm a christian and believe in God and my savior Jesus Christ who died for me on calvery.I know this will upset alot of leftwing folks on here,but I'm not ashamed of my beliefs and I will respect your beliefs as I would do the same to you.
I'm not a miserable person JerryC.Quite the opposite.I'm comfortable in my life now,I've given my life over to the lord,I no longer drink,smoke,and carry on a wild and sinful lifestyle that my sister Sue is well aware of.
Thee problem I see in the mainstream media today is the likes of Glenn Beck,who speak the truth,offends those who do not live a life dedicated to jesus,it's not convenient to live righteously and spirituosly.
Therefore the Right(and the majority are not true christians)are accused of being selfrighteous bible thumping neo-nazis.and its an unfair accusation.
People have to realize that the politicians by and large do not have the average americans best interest at heart,just look at how far away we've come as a nation from our strong belief in God in the last 50 years.
Just look at the moral decline of our people and the uncontrolled deceit of our political system.
We all need to Wake up and take our country back,and put our FAITH in GOD not man.
By the way,I DO NOT BELIEVE the world is gonna end in 2012!
Dear Sue~ Delete my voice (again) if you want, but to set the record straight, I didn't twist your words. Most everything your post addresses has to do w/ your brother's take on the Obama Admin. Only one sentence identified (your perception of) his 'end times' theology. You were very clearly speaking of the political discussions w/ your brother & the BHO Admin. when you identified 'gloom & doom' talk.
"Me, I don't like the doom and gloom talk, it gives me anxiety. Are things gonna get better?? Or are we doomed?....please tell me he is wrong...."
Thus, I stand by my original statement:
"Take a step outside your echo chamber...LISTEN to your instincts & let your anxiety propel you forward to DO something about BHO & his anti-Americanism.
America is NOT a place where the only jobs created are government jobs! America is NOT a place where people are forced to buy something just because they're breathing, or face JAIL! America is NOT a place that cracks down on freedom of political speech...I could go on & on, & have a @#$$ of a lot more than 92 things BHO has stood for in his 1st year in office...Listen to your anxiety, not the echos you're getting from the Left."
btw, I think you're cool, Bud!
"First of all I want everybody to know that I'm a christian and believe in God and my savior Jesus Christ who died for me on calvery."
Glory hallelujah!
Bud you do to believe the world will end in 2012. All the times I told you to stop talking about it, remember???
I'm a liberal and a Christian, I'm a supporter of Obama and a Christian. I don't live a sinful lifestyle and I'm still a liberal. The moral decline of our country is not because of liberals, its HUMANS. We are ALL sinners, the right and the left. Only problem is the right are self-righteous holier than thou smartass jerks!!(not you Bud, you're still my brother and I do love you)
Dear sister,your anxiety stems from your reliance on the world and man to provide for you.Open your heart to your father in heaven and he will remove your anxiety.I did and it's a great feeling!!
Susannah the gloom and doom talk is Buds talking of end times. Not Obama and his agenda. I believe Obamas agenda is going to bring our country back from disasterous Bush regime. I'm not a writer and maybe my post is a little wonky.
Bud go to my bloglist and read RealityZone A New Era? RZ is a good friend and you will find his interpretation of the future interesting.
Sue that was before i was saved and since studying the bible daily for the past yr,I've come to my senses,lol!
Bud I gotta go out to dinner. Stay and read my other posts, you'll love them!! xoxo
No sue,the Bible tells the future,you have to stop listening to mans interpritation of the future.Only GOD knows the future.
LOLOLOL!!! You just said it to me this past summer....
Where you goin to eat?
No i didn't it was while i was working on your pantry,it's been more like 10 months.
Thanks Susanna your a breath of fresh air on here!
that would be 6 months brother Bud...
"Me, I don't like the doom and gloom talk, it gives me anxiety." -- Really? Because that's all you do. Look in the mirror. You are so full of hatred towards anyone that doesn't think like you do.
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