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I recall republicans crying and whining, saying tax cuts for small business is the way to go, and now that President Obama is proposing just that(a new tax cut for small businesses that hire in 2010) plus an elimination for one year of the capital gains tax on profits from small business investments, they are STILL CRYING!! What the hell do these guys want?? Bonehead Boehner is a friggin blowhard and needs to get his head straight before he comes out in public criticizing the president. Stimulating the economy for job growth means spending, sorry rethugs but we have no intentions of going backwards and doing it your way again, so cry all the tears you want!
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
Tarp funds are supposed to be returned to the treasury when payed back not spent. Maybe they shouldn't have wasted all that stimulus money to secure political futures.
Democrats just can't help themselves when they have a big pot of dough.
lisa you do realize our country is in dire need of jobs and a recovery right now, there will be plenty of time to pay down the debt. You guys need to have faith in dems, afterall look what Clintons administration did, then along came a moron rethug who destroyed it all! President Obama knows what he's doing, relax and enjoy the ride Bwahahhahahahahha!!! Nah, I'm kiddin' ya, don't be afraid ;-)
One consistent point I've always harped on is that for most of us, no tax cut will ever be large enough to notice.
I'm fortunate that my wife and I have relatively safe employment situations. I and most people like me wouldn't mind out taxes going up 1 or 2 percent. It only means 8 to 10 bucks a week but it would do far more when we all contribute to get our budget situation under control and help Americans in need then another silly tax cut that will make no difference in anyone's way of life.
I do get tired of being taken for a fool by promises of tax cuts I will never notice. This bullshit has been going on since Reagan.
The rethugs have to remember one thing. This started under W and Paulson. Remember [ if we do not get this money, there will be a global financial meltdown]. This recession, depression for some, started in 2007. W kept telling Americans to go shopping, while cheney's answer to the deficit was [deficits do not matter]. The system is broken, both parties are to blame.
The republicans will whine and cry about everything Obama does. It doesn't matter what side of an issue he comes down on. They will take the other side. Their whole purpose is to take him down. Policy doesn't matter. The issue doesn't matter. The people don't matter. All that matters to the republicans is that they defeat Obama.
All they want is to get back in power no matter what the cost. They will let the country collapse if it will get them back in power. They now whine and cry about the very things they supported during the Bush years - big spending, big deficits, big government, all supported by the republicans during Bush -- and ALL republican administrations.
JC: The republicans will whine and cry about everything Obama does.
Absolutely. I often wonder if Hillary or any other white Democrat had won the election, the out-pouring of whining, viciousness, obstructionism and undisguised hate would be quite so severe.
I'm avoiding touching on taxes because the financial side of my brain is dead.
Let me amend that last statement a bit. I can't add 2 + 2 but I know enough, I think, to know that if we didn't have taxes, we wouldn't have roads and schools and a lot of other good things that contribute to the welfare of the country.
Sue do you realize that Clinton did that with a republican majority? Do you even know how many times Clinton vetoed reductions in spending and was kept in check? Haven't we learned that a one party system does not work for our country.
Obama has no clue what he's doing. He's trying to "fundamentally" change 250 years to please Moveon. No logic to any of it.
You can't run a country with a pipe dream. Time for adults to take on an adult job.
When Ronald Reagan became President of the United States, the cumulative deficit was approximately one-quarter of a trillion dollars. So, Lisa/Linda/et al, under whose watch did the deficit swell to its present level?
Bill Clinton?
One year under Barack Obama?
Or (surprise, surprise) could it be that three Republicans actually spent our nation into a cycle of debt that even you now claim threatens our very existence?
Frodo shares your fears over the need to end a recession by spending even more, but, isn't it time to start being honest with yourselves,and to recognize that the Republican Administrations of Reagan, Bush, and Bush Light bear the historical burden? Quite obviously, Democrats in Congress played a big part in some of those 20-years of fiscal disparity, but for you to argue that spending now be halted as we come out of recession is exactly the same principle Herbert Hoover applied in 1932.
President Obama is doing the right thing, and he has a sense of process, which is something that eluded all your heroes, cowboys they may be.
Frodo: I don't know where this originated but there's an old saying, "you have to spend money to make money." My former husband was quite successful at both.
God! Or, use a debit card, get overdrawn, and support the banks through the fees.
Lisa: I hope to hell you're not a school teacher.
Frodo, you are my hero!
Leslie it's true, you have to spend money to make money, even Wall Street knows that!!
Well if I were a teacher I wouldn't be teaching kids to sing praises to serve the president.
Amazing how you defend every policy this president does.
Frodo am not defending the bloated spending of republicans. If that was such a problem for you how are you defending the record spending we see now?
It was all political spending. Obviously this president forgot why he was voted in.And I don't mean the 20% who agree with his Soros policies.
lisa Bush spent us into a catastrophe, he hid the cost of 2 wars. and his usual repub tax cuts for the rich on top of that! Obama has included the wars into the budget, and has been handed a recession to deal with on top of the 2 wars. He's doing a super job. YOU CAN NOT end a recession and 2 wars, plus turn around the economy in 10 months! I'm not gonna argue with you anymore today and I hope the others here don't engage you either. I will start deleting pronto!
So what's Obam's answer tax increases on the poor?
How counter-produtive is that.
The thing the left is so afraid ti admit is one the main reasons for the recession was the phony money pumped up by the Fed and the housing crisis. ALL GOVERNMENT!
I just wish once one of you would admit that.
Money pumped up by the Fed, Housing crisis, was all under W, Greenspan, Paulson. The Fed prints money out of thin air. This has gone on under both parties. Ever read the book [The Creature from Jekyl Island]?
No kidding RZ and they are still doing it with this big crisis we have. Makes no sense to me.
There was no other choice. The Banksters did not even have the 6% in reserve. They were leveraging 30-50X. It was a casino of [get what you can while you can]. Under W Bernanke dispersed 2.3 Trillion $$. He will to this day not say where it went. W stated himself that he went [away from the free market system in order to save the free market system] W.T.F. is that suppose to mean. It means that we were in collapse during his regime. Try googling [Bank of International Settlements]?
Maybe it was the politcally correct thing to say.
Hmm maybe we could really use a Tea Party candidate or a Ron Paul
Oh and dn' forget that Chris Dodd Fillibustered regulating Fannie and Freddie . Him and Barney Frank smack in the middle of it all and they continue continue on like they had nothing to do wth any of it.
It is no use. Teabagging talking points make me puke. I will now excuse myself from this parrot cage of the party of no. AGAIN i will say once more. The rethug party has no credibility at all. They are null and void, and should be treated as such. If the spineless Dems can not govern [shove it down their throats]then we deserve to fail.
a tea party candidate??? get friggin real!!!
haha keep parroting. 2010 is a coming and so is 2012.
we will wait and see who "the people" believe in more when that time comes.
So far there is little faith in Democrats and republicans
bull honkey
Ignore it and maybe it'll go away. I've chosen just to slide on by and pretend it's not there. Not worth my energy.
LP; " to slide on by" LOL
RZ: Slip Slidin' Away
Don't we wish? You betcha.
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