Sunday, October 31, 2010

It's not gonna happen with smaller government and tax cuts, stupid...

 The Republican Party is the party of small government, lower taxes, less spending.....

Well how has that worked for YOU?

In a recent cover story in Time magazine and in a special on CNN this weekend. Fareed Zakaria traces the growing loss of faith in the American dream and the ways that technology and globalization have put millions of middle-class jobs at risk.

This article from, author and host of CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS spoke to CNN on Thursday, here is some of the interview...

CNN: What can we do about the threat to American jobs?
Fareed Zakaria: The first thing we have to do is to stop doing what we've been doing for almost 20 years, which is pretending we don't have a problem. We've been kicking the can down the road, we've blamed other people, blamed other countries for these issues. And most important, we've deluded ourselves that there is no crisis because we've kept the economy going by overconsuming.
From the 1950s, America had a very stable pattern of consumption. Consumer expenditures made up between 60 and 65 percent of GDP [Gross Domestic Product] -- in the 1950s, the 1960s, the 1970s, that was the pattern. Then in the early 1980s, that starts going up, and it goes up to 70 percent of GDP by 2001 and it stayed there ever since.
Now this wouldn't be a problem if we actually had that money, but we have been consuming using borrowed money for the last 20 years. So the average American household now has 13 credit cards, 40 percent of which have an outstanding balance. Debt has gone from $700 billion in 1974 to $14 trillion now. This is completely unsustainable. A fundamental way to think about it is that we have to shift this economy from an over-reliance on consumption and move it more toward investment.

 Zakaria says,  "One of the things I'm struck by in talking to corporate CEOs -- these are all real free-market types -- but they all agree that the key to getting growth and middle-class jobs back is that we make massive investments, investments in technology, investments in research and development, investments in infrastructure. That is in a sense, investing in the middle class, because that is investing in the industries of the future, the industries that will create middle-class jobs.
We used to spend 3 percent of GDP on research and development. We don't do that now even though Obama has raised it a lot. I would argue that we actually need to do a lot more than we did in the 1950s, because in the 1950s there were millions of jobs for semiskilled labor, manufacturing jobs, making steel, making cars. All those jobs are under enormous competitive pressure from both technology and globalization.
And so we need jobs in the new industries, industries of the future, knowledge based industries, scientific industries. To get those jobs and to make sure that American companies dominate them will take huge investments.

CNN: Should they be government investments?
Zakaria: That's what's produced the semiconductor industry, it was government investment. That's what created the internet. Al Gore may not have created the internet, but DARPA certainly did. That's the Defense Department venture capital group. And GPS, the technology that's now fueling the next internet revolution, the mobile revolution, that was also a U.S. Defense Department project. Those are now producing hundreds of billions of dollars for the private sector, all started by government funding.
Zakaria: The middle class is being hollowed out
There's another urgency. We're falling behind. Just today in the news, on the front page of The New York Times, China has developed the fastest computer in the world. Why was that? Was it because of unfair trade practices or an undervalued currency? No. It was because the government of China has made massive investments in technology ... in many of these areas we've lost a lot of ground.

Here's the rest of the article, it's a great read and shows us why we do need our government, NOT less government at this time. Zakaria talks about the US paying for the investments in technology, he talks about Germany, (something the rightwing lies constantly about), And he talks about the importance of education (something the rightwing wants to dumbdown)
CNN: You don't think there could be consensus on this in Washington right now?
Zakaria: The problem in Washington is that the minute one side suggests something, the other side demagogues it. So the incentive to come to the center is vanishing. The minute you try to come to the center, if you're a Republican, Rush Limbaugh will denounce you, Glenn Beck will denounce you. There will be a primary opponent in your district who will be able to raise money.
CNN: Will Tuesday's election change that?
Zakaria: No. I fear it will actually exacerbate it. A lot of Republicans will get elected, will tell you they are mad as hell about the deficit, and the solution is to cut taxes. This is insanity, cutting taxes will create an even larger deficit. This is math, this is not politics. ...
In the face of the problems we have, to have one more experiment in the idea that if we cut taxes, this will somehow goose the economy, we've been there done that. [President George W.] Bush had this massive tax cut and it produced almost no growth. What it did produce was an $800 million hole in the budget.

Zakaria: The countries that have been able to maintain a manufacturing base, such as Germany, are really worth studying.
The Germans have high taxes, they have lots of regulations, they have strong unions and yet they've seen their imports increase year after year. They've weathered the economic crisis very well, they've had 15 months of falling unemployment numbers, and why is that? Because they have really focused on scientific education, technical education, apprenticeship programs, retraining. They focus on high-end manufacturing, they train and retrain their workers. We don't have any such systems in America. We need there to be more of a coordinated effort by government, business and educational institutions -- a triangle of training.
We've been too cavalier about letting skills of higher manufacturing erode among American workers. That work has not gone to India or China, that work has gone to Germany and Canada and Japan, other high wage, high income countries.

These opinions by Zakaria are worth reading. The country is about to put Republicans back into power in our House of Representatives , because they are impatient? What a crock of shit! They need to educate themselves instead of listening to Fox noise. They are about to reverse the hard work of the past 2 years. The top CEO's spoke to Zakaria about the problems facing our out of work Americans, yet they pour millions into putting the GOP back into power! When will common sense and the idea of caring about the people of the United States of America come first? Where are the smart people who can implement these simple ideas to bring our country back to prosperity? Why are smart people like Fareed Zakaria talking and writing about how to fix our problems but we are not listening?


“I can’t control what people think this was.  I can only tell you my intentions.   This was not a rally to ridicule people of faith or people of activism or to look down our noses at the heartland or passionate argument or to suggest that times are not difficult and that we have nothing to fear.  They are and we do.  But we live now in hard times, not end times.  And we can have animus and not be enemies.
But unfortunately one of our main tools in delineating the two broke.  The country’s 24 hour political pundit perpetual panic conflictinator did not cause our problems but its existence makes solving them that much harder.  The press can hold its magnifying up to our problems bringing them into focus, illuminating issues heretofore unseen or they can use that magnifying glass to light ants on fire and then perhaps host a week of shows on the sudden, unexpected dangerous flaming ant epidemic.
If we amplify everything we hear nothing.  There are terrorists and racists and Stalinists and theocrats but those are titles that must be earned.  You must have the resume.  Not being able to distinguish between real racists and Tea Partiers or real bigots and Juan Williams and Rick Sanchez is an insult, not only to those people but to the racists themselves who have put in the exhausting effort it takes to hate--just as the inability to distinguish terrorists from Muslims makes us less safe not more.  The press is our immune system.  If we overreact to everything we actually get sicker--and perhaps eczema.
And yet, with that being said, I feel good—strangely, calmly good.  Because the image of Americans that is reflected back to us by our political and media process is false.  It is us through a fun house mirror, and not the good kind that makes you look slim in the waist and maybe taller, but the kind where you have a giant forehead and an ass shaped like a month old pumpkin and one eyeball.
So, why would we work together?  Why would you reach across the aisle to a pumpkin assed forehead eyeball monster?  If the picture of us were true, of course, our inability to solve problems would actually be quite sane and reasonable.  Why would you work with Marxists actively subverting our Constitution or racists and homophobes who see no one’s humanity but their own?  We hear every damn day about how fragile our country is—on the brink of catastrophe—torn by polarizing hate and how it’s a shame that we can’t work together to get things done, but the truth is we do.  We work together to get things done every damn day!
The only place we don’t is here or on cable TV.  But Americans don’t live here or on cable TV.  Where we live our values and principles form the foundations that sustains us while we get things done, not the barriers that prevent us from getting things done.  Most Americans don’t live their lives solely as Democrats, Republicans, liberals or conservatives.  Americans live their lives more as people that are just a little bit late for something they have to do—often something that they do not want to do—but they do it--impossible things every day that are only made possible by the little reasonable compromises that we all make.
Look on the screen. This is where we are. This is who we are.  (points to the Jumbotron screen which show traffic merging into a tunnel).  These cars—that’s a schoolteacher who probably thinks his taxes are too high.  He’s going to work.  There’s another car-a woman with two small kids who can’t really think about anything else right now.  There’s another car, swinging, I don’t even know if you can see it—the lady’s in the NRA and she loves Oprah.  There’s another car—an investment banker, gay, also likes Oprah.  Another car’s a Latino carpenter.  Another car a fundamentalist vacuum salesman.  Atheist obstetrician.  Mormon Jay-Z fan.  But this is us.  Every one of the cars that you see is filled with individuals of strong belief and principles they hold dear—often principles and beliefs in direct opposition to their fellow travelers.
And yet these millions of cars must somehow find a way to squeeze one by one into a mile long 30 foot wide tunnel carved underneath a mighty river.  Carved, by the way, by people who I’m sure had their differences.  And they do it.  Concession by conscession.  You go.  Then I’ll go.  You go. Then I’ll go.  You go then I’ll go. Oh my God, is that an NRA sticker on your car?  Is that an Obama sticker on your car? Well, that’s okay—you go and then I’ll go.
And sure, at some point there will be a selfish jerk who zips up the shoulder and cuts in at the last minute, but that individual is rare and he is scorned and not hired as an analyst.
Because we know instinctively as a people that if we are to get through the darkness and back into the light we have to work together. And the truth is, there will always be darkness.  And sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel isn’t the promised land. Sometimes it’s just New Jersey.  But we do it anyway, together.
If you want to know why I’m here and want I want from you, I can only assure you this: you have already given it to me.  Your presence was what I wanted.
Sanity will always be and has always been in the eye of the beholder.  To see you here today and the kind of people that you are has restored mine.  Thank you."

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trying to restore sanity......

No, I'm not gonna say which rally was bigger, Jon Stewarts or Glenn Becks. I'm not gonna compare the trash left behind like every rightwing blogger will.........That's not what's important to "our" side. What's important is the message. In Jons closing speech he said  "We live in hard times, not end times."
Stewart sharply criticizes the media, saying, "If we amplify everything, we hear nothing." Adds that it's insulting to not distinguish between real racists and Tea Partiers, and real bigots and Juan Williams/Rick Sanchez.
"The press is our immune system. If we overreact to everything, we actually get sicker."

What is obvious to me is the Stewart rally was not about dividing Americans, but about "Restoring Sanity" to America.. The people were there to have fun, not to hear talk about our president and leaders in Washington, whether or not they are destroying America, and how we can get the evil-doers out of the White House and Congress.

 Becks rally was divisive, pitting the Christian right against the liberal left. Beck and Palin were speaking to teabaggers, it was not a bi-partisan rally. It was a rally for Christians and how to take back their country from the liberals, how they need to turn to God to solve the country's problems. It was partisan hate, not the love fest they want you to believe.

A woman called in the C-Span program after the rally and said she was a Christian but that does not mean she has to be a Republican. She urged all her Christian family and friends to give President Obama a chance. She said he is not the evil person out to destroy America like the righties claim he is. Her statements gave me hope that the country is paying attention, that we are mostly sane, intelligent people and we will vote for the party who has OUR best interests at heart. There IS a difference between the parties....

From the Christian Science Monitor:
Jon Stewart's "Rally to Restore Sanity" in Washington has sparked more than 1,160 mini-rallies in 84 countries, morphing into something of a global political happening.
The last time a political rally in America gained such international traction was during the 2003 protests against the Iraq war, says Timothy Patrick McCarthy, director of the Human Rights and Social Movements Program at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.
"I have been surprised by the proliferation of rallies worldwide," says Dr. McCarthy. "But I’m not sure what it means. I don’t know if this is just an outlet for people who share frustrations to come together for some cathartic exercise of political relief. But one of the things I think is interesting is there is a lot of anger and disaffection across the political spectrum."
Both American expatriates and foreign fans of "The Daily Show" and its creator, Mr. Stewart, are organizing meet-ups Saturday – everywhere from London to Tel Aviv to Seoul – to concur with the rally on the Washington Mall.
While many criticize Stewart's gathering as lacking a clear focus, some Americans living abroad say it has inspired them to take part in next week's election. Mr. Stewart organized his rally in reaction to Glenn Beck's Aug. 28 gathering at the Lincoln Memorial.

It was a great day in Washington, the rally was a success, and hopefully it moved people to VOTE on Tuesday. Someone has to restore sanity in this country, so why not Stewart and Colbert? I love them...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Voter Fraud accusations... AGAIN!!!!

When the going gets tough the right resort to LIES..... This is from a conservative blog, of course...

The reports are rolling in from all over the country.  A Craven County, NC resident attempts to vote a straight Republican ticket but his choices come up straight Democrat four times, despite receiving assistance from poll workers.  In NC's Lenoir County, registered Democrat Ervin Norville also tries to vote straight Republican but finds that his ballot has the names of several Democrat candidates selected.  Boulder City, NV resident Joyce Ferrara says that when she and several others went to vote for Sharon Angle, they found that Senator Harry Reid's name was already checked off.  In Dallas County, TX' congressional district 30, Democrat Eddie Bernice Johnson's name was the only one on the ballot in a few locations (no, she isn't running unopposed).  And some states have been late in mailing out military absentee ballots, whose recipients, interestingly, are known for their Republican leanings. 
These happenings are generally referred to as "mistakes" and "glitches," but if that's all they are, then we're witnessing a truly historic anomaly.  Because either the mainstream media is now suppressing stories of mistakes and glitches benefitting Republicans, or the laws of probability have suddenly been rescinded and tossed coins are coming up donkey tails every time.  Welcome to American elections, Venezuelan style.

OMFG!!! This is typical rightwing insanity! Typical close- to- election- day theatrics. They destroyed ACORN, they stole the Gore v Bush election,  and now they want Americans to believe their losses this election will be the result of FRAUD! LMFAO!! 

Remember this from the Bush /Gore election.......
an anonymous leaflet explaining to voters that because of heavy voter registration, the rules had been changed: Republicans would vote on Tuesday, Democrats and independents on Wednesday.

this is from an '07 Salon article.....
Republicans do cherish their little practical jokes -- the leaflets in African-American neighborhoods warning that voters must pay outstanding traffic tickets before voting; the calls in Virginia in 2006 from the mythical "Virginia Election Commission" warning voters they would be arrested if they showed up at the polls. The best way to steal an election is the old-fashioned way: control who shows up. It's widely known that Republicans do better when the turnout is lighter, whiter, older and richer; minorities, young people and the poor are easy game for hoaxes and intimidation.
The latest and most elaborate of these jokes is the urban legend that American elections are rife with voter fraud, particularly in the kinds of poor and minority neighborhoods inhabited by Democrats. In 2002, Attorney General John Ashcroft announced that fraudulent voting would be a major target of the Department of Justice. As the New York Times reported last month, the main result of this massive effort was such coups as the deportation of a legal immigrant who mistakenly filled out a voter-registration card while waiting in line at the department of motor vehicles.

Sickening isn't it? Get real wingnuts, we know your games....

The wingnuts are INSANE and it's getting worse, scary worse. People wise up, look around you. The latest arrest, a nasty, man-handled, knock-down drag out arrest by thug cops, of a democrat minding his own business in a public coffee house waiting for Eric Cantor to show up for a small town question /answer gathering, is proof of something very evil creeping into our society by the wingnutfucks. It is something I plan on calling attention to and begging, daring, any rightwinger to come here and defend their thug party! This man was accused of causing a disturbance, he was in a public coffee house, he was told to leave because he was a democrat and the righties FEAR democrats asking questions of their candidates!! THAT'S IT, That's why the man was knocked to the ground and jumped on by 3 or more thug cops!! Sorry guys this is not my America!

Sarah Palin thinks she can win the GOP nomination in 2012 based on her "common sense  sensibilities"

Where's God when you need Him??

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Meet the new Congress, is this the change teabaggers wanted??

This is from Public Campaign Action Fund......

After you read this PLEASE go to Jolly Rogers and read about a murderer the teabaggers want representing North Carolina, you will be shocked I promise!!

 Washington, DC – The possible Republican takeover of the U.S. House of Representatives would usher in a new class of chairmen who have raised millions in campaign donations from the industries they would be charged to regulate, according to a new analysis by Public Campaign Action Fund. The organization’s analysis was based on the total amount raised for both candidate committees and leadership political action committees found at the Center for Responsive Politics website.

The group pointed to the ranking Republican member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Rep. Joe Barton of Texas, as a prime example. Rep. Barton, who controversially apologized to BP at a hearing last summer, has raised $3.7 million from the energy sector, including $1.9 million from electric utility interests and $1.3 million from oil interests.

“Placing the committees in the hands of these chairmen would be the same as giving the power to Wall Street, Big Oil, insurance giants and their lobbyists to write laws,” said David Donnelly, director of Public Campaign Action Fund’s Campaign Money Watch project. “Conflicts of interest are everywhere. It’s time to get Congress out of the fundraising business and place elections back in the hands of everyday voters with the Fair Elections Now Act.”

In addition to Rep. Barton, Public Campaign Action Fund’s research also pointed to seven other potential chairmen with significant amounts raised from the industries they would oversee:

  • Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL) is in line to be the next chairman of the House Financial Services Committee. If Republicans go through with plans to roll back the Wall Street reform legislation passed this year, it would emerge from this committee. Rep. Bachus has raised $6.1 million from the finance, insurance, and real estate sector, with more than $1.1 coming in this election cycle alone. Over his career, Bachus has pulled in $1.2 million from commercial banking donors, and another $1.1 million from those representing the securities and investment industry.
  • The House Appropriations Committee ranking Republican member, Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-CA), is already a lightening rod for fundraising scandal, and has been named one of the most corrupt members by the nonpartisan Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. The Committee is notorious for special interest earmarks lined up for business clients by well-connected lobbyists. Rep. Lewis has raised nearly $888,627 from lobbyists for his campaign and leadership committee over his career – more than almost any other Republican.
  • Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI) is the chairman-in-waiting for the House Ways and Means Committee. The committee has the potential repeal of all or part of the health care law on its agenda, and as such, Rep. Camp has hauled more than $3 million in health care and insurance money. The New York Times profiled Rep. Camp’s lobbyist fundraising in a news piece this morning.
  • Under a Republican takeover, the House Natural Resources Committee would be chaired by Rep. Doc Hastings (R-WA). Rep. Hastings received $409,948 in career contributions from the energy and natural resources sector.
  • Rep. Frank Lucas (R-OK) is in line to takeover the reins at the House Agriculture Committee. Rep. Lucas received more than $1 million in career contributions from the agribusiness interests, including nearly a third of that -- $331,750 -- in the 2010 cycle alone.
  • The House Armed Services Committee would be headed by defense industry favorite Rep. Buck McKeon (R-CA). Over his career, Rep. McKeon has received $842,250 in contributions from the defense sector.
  • The House Transportation Committee ranking Republican member is John Mica (R-FL), a recipient of $1.2 million from the transportation sector.
“Taken together, these potential chairman represent the corporate special interests’ wildest dreams,” said Donnelly. “If Republicans take control, Americans will have to fight to hold these members accountable for any favoritism they will show their corporate donors. This is not a new problem, but it looks like it’s about to get worse, much worse.”


Public Campaign Action Fund works to hold politicians who are against comprehensive campaign finance reform accountable for where they get their political donations. Learn more at

The TeaParty wants CHANGE yet they support the Republican takeover of Congress?? If they think this is CHANGE they are in for a rude awakening in 2011. This is where we will see just who the teabaggers really are and who exactly it is they support and why!

Joe Scarborough asked a very pertinent is it a party with 24% approval rating can win over 50 seats in this years midterm election ? 

What the hell is going on?? I want my country BACK!!


Chris Christie killed the tunnel project!

Why did Chris Christie want to be governor of New Jersey?? The wingnuts around the country love him but WHY? This one man, this buffoon, is gonna  kill a project that has been in the works for 20 years. This tunnel project, linking NYC and NJ under the Hudson River, would have provided 6,000 immediate construction jobs and as many as 40,000 jobs after completion! This is not small potato's people!  Christie cares about NJ?? I don't get that feeling at all do you? Think about it, the largest public transit project in the nation, rejected by this asshole governor of NJ!

The long-planned project, Access to the Region's Core, was projected to cost 8.7 billion with the federal government and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey each paying $3 billion, and New Jersey paying $2.7 billion plus any overruns.
Recent federal estimates place the total cost between $9.8 billion and $12.7 billion.  On Oct. 7, Christie said he would kill the project but then agreed to mull over the matter for two weeks after U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood flew to Trenton for a meeting.

Federal officials then laid out a number of possibilities, such as low-cost, long-term federal financing, and alternate plans that eliminated portions of the project, such as a connection that would have created a nonstop journey for riders from Bergen County. But New Jersey officials believed the more parts peeled away from the project, the less likely it would be able to achieve its goals.
So while this gov. was campaigning across the country for people like Meg Whitman(loser), things here in NJ heated up as the unemployed waited with baited breath to hear this govs decision. Sounds like he cares not a bit about his residents and their lack of employment woes....

Sen. Frank Lautenberg, a New Jersey Democrat and major tunnel supporter, said one option from the federal government would have taken New Jersey off the hook.
"The federal government presented Gov. Christie with a number of financing options that would limit and even eliminate New Jersey's responsibility to pay for cost overruns on the ARC tunnel," Mr. Lautenberg said in a statement. "The federal government demonstrated its strong commitment to building this tunnel, but it was clear from the beginning that Gov. Christie planned to kill this project no matter what." There were options to go ahead with this project that would help thousands get back to work and Buffoon man STILL said NO??

A spokesman for Mr. Christie could not be reached for a response to Mr. Lautenberg's statement.

The project became a symbol of the ideological wedge that divides the country as it tries to recover from a deep recession. Republicans have argued for spending cuts and debt reduction, while Democrats have pushed for infrastructure projects as investments in the future and to put people back to work.

Which sounds better for New Jersey today in this economic environment?? You can cut spending and reduce debt but what good is that if people aren't working and contributing to the state through their income taxes, sales taxes, etc. What happens to us then? More tax cuts for the rich because the thugs believe in trickle down economics? Another jump in our property taxes because the towns are broke and we the middle man must support our school systems because the Governor cut 800 million from the education budget? Seniors  on fixed incomes don't get their rebates this year yet still must pay their portion of school tax through their exorbitant property taxes? But because Chris Christie stopped the biggest project in the country that would have put thousands to work, we are right back to square one. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer and soon move from NJ because there is a job killing governor at the buffet table who doesn't care about us!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

George Soros gives $1 million to pot legalization measure

I don't care one way or the other about legalizing pot in America, but to post this George Soros piece just makes me giddy because the wingnuts HATE him!!

SAN FRANCISCO — Billionaire financier George Soros has thrown his weight behind California's marijuana legalization measure with a $1 million donation a week before the vote. The contribution reported Tuesday by The Sacramento Bee is the single biggest donation from an individual other than Proposition 19's main sponsor, Oakland medical marijuana entrepreneur Richard Lee.
Soros, a high-profile liberal and philanthropist, has long backed drug law reform. He was one of the top financial backers of California's first-in-the-nation measure that legalized medical marijuana in the state in 1996.
But Soros held off on openly endorsing the current measure until writing an op-ed published Tuesday in The Wall Street Journal. In the piece, Soros said legalizing and taxing marijuana would save taxpayers the costs of incarceration and law enforcement while raising revenue for the state.

You can read the rest here while you smile....

Have you seen the latest Jerry Brown ad? Meg Whitman is endorsing Jerry Brown and his policies which brought her to California 30 years ago! LOLOL!

"You know 30 years ago, anything was possible in this state," Whitman is shown saying at the beginning of the new commercial. Text then appears asking, "Who was governor 30 years ago?" Jerry Brown's name soon appears beneath the question.
The ad flashes back to clips from Brown's tenure as governor, while a narrator says that the Democrat "cut waste, got rid of the mansion and the limo." The spot continues to rattle off more of Brown's accomplishments before cutting back to more from Whitman. "I mean it's why I came to California," she says.

It's a great one, watch.....

Go Jerry Brown and Barbara Boxer! Just goes to prove money can not buy an election! YAY true blue California, this is for all my Cali friends!!

Emotions is an excuse for a man to tackle a young woman at a debate??? TEATHUGGERY!!

The video is above, thanks to Leslie for allowing me to steal it from her. By now all of blogland has seen the hideous video of teabagger thugs tackling a 23 yr old woman to the ground while a big thug with size 13 shoes thought he should stomp on her head while she was down because they feared her, they thought she was a threat to Rand Paul! His name is Tim Proffitt, he is a campaign coordinator. What a stinkin' thug!

The Lexington Police have issued a criminal summons for the head-stomper.

The Lexington Division of Police has identified a suspect in connection to the October 25, 2010 assault of a woman at 600 Cooper Drive.
On the 25th, at approximately 7:00p.m., officers were alerted to an active assault at 600 Cooper Drive (Kentucky Educational Television Studios).
Officers responded to the scene of the assault and made contact with the victim. She identified herself as a member of and stated she was assaulted while attempting to take a picture with candidate Rand Paul. Division of Police patrol officers took an assault report and forwarded the case to the Division of Police Bureau of Investigation.
Today, October 26, 2010, detectives identified the suspect, involved in the assault, as Tim Profitt. Mr. Profitt is currently being served with a criminal summons ordering him to appear before a Fayette County District Court Judge.
Profitt apologized -- sort of -- while claiming that his stomping on a woman's face only looked bad because of the camera angles.

Lauren Valle was diagnosed with mild sprains and a concussion, and said to reporters that her attackers threatened to "take someone out" before they wrestled her to the ground. She is scheduled to appear on MSNBC's "Countdown" tonight.

Wingnuts like Glenn Beck, Limbaugh, and Palin (All spokesmen for the GOP/Teabaggers) claim violence WILL come and it will come from the left! I can't wait to take a peek at the wingnut blogs to read their twisting of this story. Would they dare blame the young MoveOn member because she wanted a picture of Rand Paul??  There can be NO excuse for a young woman to be assaulted just because of her political views. Shameful, but not at all surprising, teabag thuggery....

Monday, October 25, 2010

Mitch McConnell wants you to know his goals to bring down our president and he's not a bit afraid to tell ya...

Mitch McConnell is not afraid or embarrassed to admit it,  most of the GOP admit it too. Hell even the leader of the Republican party Rush Limbaugh said in Obama's first few months in office that he hopes he fails. Mitch UGH McConnell promises more obstructionism if he becomes majority leader. He really believes their strategy has played well for the party of HELL NO. This bozo feels his “single most important” job is to defeat President Obama in 2012. He will do everything in his power to make sure Barack Obama is a one term president. Have you ever heard ANY democrats talk this way when we had republican presidents? Remember how the democrats worked with Bush, voting with republicans on wars, tax cuts, prescription drug bill? Let's be real here, the GOP HATES President Obama and it's NOT about his policies. That is a lie. Count the stalled bills in the Senate, count the bills that were filibustered. Alot of these bills were Republican sponsored legislation, but when the brown skinned Obama came into office suddenly the thugs changed their minds on these bills and said fuck this president and everything he tries to do.

 In an interview with the National Journal’s Major Garrett,
MCCONNELL: We need to be honest with the public. This election is about them, not us. And we need to treat this election as the first step in retaking the government. We need to say to everyone on Election Day, “Those of you who helped make this a good day, you need to go out and help us finish the job.”
NATIONAL JOURNAL: What’s the job?
MCCONNELL: The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.
McConnell added, “Our single biggest political goal is to give our nominee for president the maximum opportunity to be successful. … We need to work smarter than we did [in 1995], and not become the foil off which [President Obama] pivots.” In 1995, then-Speaker Newt Gingrich led a shutdown of the government, which many Republicans now acknowledge was a “serious mistake, tactically and substantively.”
This morning, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough was floored by McConnell’s open admission that his single most important goal is to defeat Obama. “Mitch McConnell said that?!? … He admitted that on the record?!? That is embarrassing,” he said. “Can I just say for the record – that is pathetic.

Thank you Joe Scarborough, McConnell is a pathetic American. He should be an embarrassment to the republican party, but he is not. The GOP embraces this kind of idiocy. McConnell needs to be honest, he does not believe the election is about the people, it is about the thugs and their power grab. They are like salivating wolves, or should I say slobbering bulldogs.....

Who Mr. McConnell do you propose will run against Barack Hussein Obama in the 2012 election? Sarah Palin?  Work smarter than you did in 1995? I don't think that is possible. The country thinks you are a clown Mr. McConnell, a pathetic one at that....

Friday, October 22, 2010

Believe it, Democrats ARE fired up for November 2nd!

The pundits, the pollsters, they love reminding Americans the Democrats are just not enthusiastic this election cycle. .. they say there is a huge enthusiasm gap. Well I don't believe it! As I write this post President Obama is in Nevada at a rally for Harry Reid speaking to a fired up crowd.  Earlier today the president was in Los Angeles with Barbara Boxer and Jerry Brown, the crowd at USC was estimated at 37,000! Both Boxer and Brown have taken leads in the polls.

Thursday the rally was in Seattle for Patty Murray. The University of Washington's football stadium held 10,000 plus an additional 3,000 who couldn't be admitted were outside the stadium where Obama spoke to them first.

Tuesday the crowd at a rally in Wisconsin at the University of Wisconsin campus was estimated at 17,000 with another 9,000 lined up for more than a mile to get in but were diverted to overflow areas. Does this sound like the democratic party is not fired up to vote Nov. 2nd?

Sunday President Obama and First Lady Michelle were in Ohio.....
Jeremy Bird, Organizing for America, wrote this for Huffington Post.....News coverage of the "Moving America Forward" rally at The Ohio State University this past Sunday has focused on the massive, energized crowd of 35,000 that gathered to hear from President Obama and the First Lady.  Walking the line, listening to young people talk about politics, and watching them fill the Main Oval in the center of OSU's campus, I can tell you it was a truly moving sight.

The latest Newsweek poll shows Democrats remain in a close race with the Republicans. Also news today, the presidents approval rating has risen sharply, 54% up from 48% in late September. His disapproval number dropped to 40. You might say so what, dems are still gonna lose seats in November, Yes I know but the tidal wave has turned into a ripple! 48% of registered voters would be more likely to vote for Democrats compared to 42% lean Republican according to the last NEWSWEEK Poll.

President Obama still has IT, he can fire up the base and has proven it this week. The right has Palin to fire up its base, but can she be president??  Other than Palin who fires up the Republicans? Who will they put up against Obama in 2012? I don't believe they made any strides in the past 2 years, in fact I think the GOP has lost all momentum....

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Christian group goes beyond the realm of sanity...

This country is in deep trouble. I have NEVER seen such disgusting filthy antics from a political party in desperation mode in my whole life. I thought the John Kerry swift boat ads were sickening,  but people you haven't seen anything until you see this. Rightwingers I dare you to come to my blog and say one word. In fact I don't even want to hear your thoughts or apologies. The Christian right is seeking the face of Satan and here we go... Those who want to conjure up Satan and Jesus for the holy showdown, here you go and it's coming straight to a neighborhood near you Coloradoans. I really pity you to have to live with this, which will go down in our history books as the most disgraceful  treatment of a US sitting president in our lifetime...


Monday, October 18, 2010

Where's the Respect?

Here we sit, just weeks before the big elections and Democrats are gettin' no respect! Why is it so when this Congress was the most productive in nearly half a century? It's beginning to sound like a broken record but I will say it again, President Obama has done a good job and you naysayers need to stop listening to wingnuts and read for yourselves the progress made in the past 2 years.

Not since the explosive years of the civil rights movement and the hard-fought debut of government-supported health care for the elderly and poor have so many big things — love them or hate them — been done so quickly.

 I feel increasingly sad and disillusioned when my party gets no respect, because Democrats do deserve respect.  All throughout our history Democrats have consistently made great strides. In 1966 after creating Medicare and Medicaid and passing civil rights laws they got hammered in the election. They lost 48 seats in the House and 4 in the Senate but managed to hold on to the majorities in both houses. We are waiting, not so patiently, for November 2nd to come and go. Optimistic are you?

In the 1960s Democrats paid the price for events largely outside their control — an escalating war in Vietnam going badly, rowdy anti-war protests and violence in American cities, said Linda Fowler, professor of government at Dartmouth College.
"I think that's what's going on this time too," Fowler said, "despite a very significant record of accomplishment."

In terms of legislative successes, the current session of Congress is "at least on a par with the 89th Congress" of 1965-1966, said Norman Ornstein, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.
But, he added, Republicans have done all they could to discredit Congress and Democrats have failed to sell their agenda. Moreover, it will take years to fully feel the effects of the health care law and financial regulation.
"A world dominated by bickering and epithet-throwing and bomb tossing in Washington obscures accomplishments," Ornstein said.

Yes, and it will probably take years for the people to understand the effects caused by Republicans which resorted in drastic moves by President Obama. The bank bailouts have been paid back AND with intetrest. But do the people know this?? Who is touting this accomplishment for Obama? The President had no choice but to ask Congress to pass a stimulus package to avoid a depression, thanks to Republican policies....Has the country grasped the severity of the problem and given Obama credit for saving us from economic collapse? No, two years is not enough time to see real change, it will take longer. But sadly the people do not want to be patient so we're headed back in the ditch. I believe if this does happen then the GOP will be forced to actually do some work, they will have to show Americans that they can govern or they will pay dearly in 2012. I say GOOD!

Two landmark acts of this session were the health care overhaul, a giant step toward universal coverage that had eluded presidents back to Franklin Roosevelt if not Teddy Roosevelt, and the Wall Street accountability act.
Obama has also signed into law at least a dozen other pieces of legislation of significance. They include:
_Making college loans more affordable.
_The Cash for Clunkers program that helped rejuvenate the auto industry.
_New consumer protections for credit card users.
_Making it easier for women to challenge pay discrimination.
_Increasing federal regulation of tobacco products.
_Cracking down on waste in Pentagon weapons acquisition.
_Making attacks based on sexual orientation a federal hate crime.
_Giving businesses tax incentives to hire unemployed workers.
_Tax credits for first-time homeowners.
So where is the love?

Do you remember the cries of socialism in the 1960's during the bitter debate over Medicare? Back then even with the fighting on both sides, the polls showed the country had faith their government was doing the right things. Today the polls tell us something very different. The country trusts neither party. This erosion of trust has enabled the Republicans to score points by arguing that Democratic big government programs are destroying our foundation.  It is shameful Americans are not paying attention, they are letting extreme rhetoric tell them what to think and believe. Too much bitterness and partisan divide keeps people from opening their minds to the truth.

"The amazing thing is that we have had such a productive Congress despite the obstructionism," Steny Hoyer said. "Republicans and their media have successfully sent out a message that the Congress has failed."
Democrats cling to a hope that voters in the last two weeks before the election will come to a more favorable view of how the party handled health care and the economy.

We Democrats know there is still much to be done. We are not blindly following Obama like the righties think. We do hold his feet to the fire as we do Congress too. Immigration reform, tax cuts expiring, jobs programs, DADT, universal healthcare, wars ending, these are all on the Obama agenda the next few years. If he doesn't get the support and cooperation he needs then who do we blame? We always have to blame someone don't we...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hateful Wingnut

Hold me down people, HOLD ME DOWN!
There's this post by a bigmouth, know nothing blogger slamming the elderly for collecting a Social Security check every month.
He's crying about the whiny, pathetic old geezers (his words, not mine) in an ad telling the GOP candidate to keep his hands off their SS. Of course he calls SS a ponzi scheme in collapse, so anyone who collects a check every month is stealing from the paychecks of young workers.

"I would just bet that this ol' biddy paid perhaps a total of $30,000 into the system over her lifetime, and has now taken out over $150,000 (and counting....), and yet demands that we keep our hands off of 'her so-security." he said

".They must surely know that the checks they are cashing are not the funds that they contributed, and that were stored safely away in the So'-Security Lock Box. Are these old geezers that stupid?."
Wow! He is calling these seniors un-American because they are standing up to the GOP candidates who want to end SS as we know it and put that money into the stock market. Has this moron ever been to a teabagger event? I'm sure he has. How many in the teabagger community are seniors on SS?? Those seniors are the ones standing at the rallies with their signs saying 'Keep your hands off my Medicare', 'NO Pubic Option', so I wonder what this guys teabagger rally friends think about his claim they are 'Old Codgers' stealing from him and his buddies.
What he really hates about seniors on SS is the fact they collect a check from the government. He calls it eating off of their fellow Americans tables directly and unashamedly. He says they are not self sufficient. They are sticking their old liver spotted hands directly into the pockets of the young worker. Need I go on??
Sorry, yes I must.... He says SS was never intended to be a retirement fund, it was set up to assist the poorest among us to make ends meet, not to finance a lifestyle of meeting every want and need from age 62 til death! Oh and he called it a socialized mess of course, lets not forget the socialism word in every conservatives posts...
Do you think this 55 yr old has parents who collect SS? Do you think he has ever encountered a senior who lives on SS and SS alone? Does he not hear the stories of seniors who have to skip grocery shopping because they can not afford to eat, pay rent, AND buy their meds??
Hey you hateful un-American wingnut, pick a different subject because you are WRONG on this one. Educate yourself on Social Security and the people who collect it before you call them nasty, hateful names.  That senior who is sitting in his apartment hungry and cold because he can't afford heat AND groceries in the same month, will one day BE YOU!!!
All my faithful readers know he is wrong on SS, but if any new visitors want to read an old post on the GOP and their fearmongering about Social Security, you can go here.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

they really do want to abolish public education, do not be fooled

I'm done talking to teabagger Linda, she is a lost cause and a waste of our precious time....

Did you know Glenn Beck wants grandparents to get off the golf course and home school their grandkids?!! He wants you to take your kids out of pre-school right now, WHY?? The Heritage Foundation and teabagging so-called patriotic Americans want to abolish public schools. Do not be fooled, this is what they will fight for if they get any power in the upcoming election. The taxes citizens pay for public schools will go where when they shut down the schools? What will happen to the poor who can not afford private schools for their kids? What if parents and grandparents just don't have the skills to home school their kids? Ask yourself people!

from Mother Jones: It's fairly common for conservative political candidates to support eliminating the federal Department of Education. But in California, tea party darling and congressional candidate David Harmer has gone further. He's advocated eliminating public schools entirely and returning education to "the way things worked through the first century of American nationhood," when educational opportunities for poor people, African-Americans, women, the disabled, and others were, to say the least, extremely limited.
Harmer has a long history of pushing libertarian education policy. In the 1990s, he worked on education issues for the conservative Heritage Foundation, and published a book, School Choice: Why You Need It—How You Get It through the libertarian Cato Institute. He also coauthored an article in which public schooling is referred to as "socialism in education." In that piece, Harmer and coauthor Joseph Bast assure readers that they "are 100 percent committed to getting government out of the business of educating our children." They cite the "life-ruining effects of government schools" and argue for school vouchers—but only as a step toward for the eventual total elimination of the public school system.

 In late July, both President Obama and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan spoke to the National Urban League’s Centennial Conference, the president said,  "Now, for years, we’ve recognized that education is a prerequisite for prosperity. And yet, we’ve tolerated a status quo where America lags behind other nations. Just last week, we learned that in a single generation, America went from number one to 12th in college completion rates for young adults. [We] used to be number one, now we’re number 12. At the same time, our 8th graders trail about eight [to] 10 other nations in science and math. Meanwhile, when it comes to black students, African American students trail not only almost every other developed nation abroad, but they badly trail their white classmates here at home - an achievement gap that is widening the income gap between black and white, between rich and poor. We’ve talked about it, we know about it, but we haven’t done enough about it. And this status quo is morally inexcusable, it is economically indefensible, and all of us are going to have to roll up our sleeves to change it."

Is this a black or white issue? Isn't it the right who cries about accusations of racism yet they want to deliberately hurt the poor and minorities by abolishing public education? The rightwing of America wants your kids dumb so they will not know what the hell is going on in our country! We must NOT let them take us back to colonial times. If what happened to Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson is any indication of how the American people feel about the rightwing religious fanatics, the teabaggers should be killing themselves off in the next 2 years. But that doesn't mean we sit back and wait for their demise, we have to stop them before they kill us....

Public education has to be a priority in this country. Secretary Duncan says...
"This issue is even bigger than education - it is an issue of social justice and economic security. We have a moral obligation to change these outcomes and it won’t happen unless we start doing things differently. Not just talking about it, but actually doing it."

Obama outsmarted the righties, it's that simple
I don't know why but Linda wants to talk about Obama's donors. I think the righties are just jealous of Obamas strategic and masterful campaign victory and it makes them crazy!

Obama’s platform may have envisioned a grand reform of the political system, but the primary change he brought to political fundraising was to do more of it than anyone in history:
3 million donors made a total of 6.5 million donations online adding up to more than $500 million. Of those 6.5 million donations, 6 million were in increments of $100 or less. The average online donation was $80, and the average Obama donor gave more than once…Obama also raised millions from traditional campaign bundlers — rich, well-connected fundraisers — but the bulk of the more than $600 million that Obama raised throughout the campaign was through the Internet, aides said. (Some of those bundlers, of course, also arranged for donations to be made online, so there is some overlap.)
“Obama Raised Half a Billion Online,” Jose Antonio Vargas, Washington Post, 11/20/2008

That last line is key: “online” doesn’t necessarily mean “small.” In fact, early in the primary season Obama had already assembled a network of big-money bundlers, fundraisers who tapped social and business connections to solicit large checks from other wealthy people. Obama’s big donor program accelerated as the general election approached, and regardless how many millions of small donations arrived over the internet, the bulk of the cash he raised in the end — some 75% — came from people who gave $200 or more over the course of the campaign.
Let’s tease two different ideas out of these numbers. First, it helps a campaign immensely if most individual donations, even the big ones, come in online rather than as paper checks. Money collected via credit cards is available instantly, allowing a candidate to take immediate advantage of an overnight surge in income. Plus, online donation details automatically end up in a database, simplifying accounting and reporting — a serious concern in a campaign environment in which the press and bloggers pour over a candidate’s FEC filings online.
By contrast, physical checks present an immense logistical burden, since each one has to be processed individually whether it’s collected at a fundraising dinner or arrives in the mail. Had Obama’s financial tsunami come in on paper, the process of opening, logging and depositing it would have overwhelmed just about any political staff in the pre-internet era. The time delay might have been equally fatal, as Gary Hart found out after winning the New Hampshire primary in 1984, when a surge of donations arrived too late to help in the next round of elections.
Another point: many (most?) Obama donors who gave more than $200 did so over the course of months rather than all at once. They tended to part with relatively small amounts repeatedly, which in turn is why a small-donor list is such a valuable resource — it’s the gift that keeps on giving, quite literally. Unlike traditional big donors who often reach their quota for a given candidate with a single check, small donors can contribute repeatedly, providing a financial consistency that’s priceless in a years-long campaign.
This dynamic was already apparent on the Democratic side of the presidential race by September of 2007: Hillary Clinton’s strategy of wrangling big money from traditional Democratic sources was beginning to max out, but Obama was able to return to his much larger list of grassroots donors again and again. By 2008 and the general election, his enormous pool of donors and volunteers provided Obama with a tremendous advantage over John McCain, with results decisive both financially and at the polls.
Of course, Obama’s supporters didn’t give that money all on their own — they were the target of a series of emails and other contacts stretching over the course of a year or more.

Cultivating the Grassroots

As we’ve already seen, the Obama campaign turned volunteer mobilization into a science, and it’s no surprise that they took equally great care in managing donors. The main tool they used to solicit money? Email — it’s not hip, it’s not sexy, but it absolutely worked. Of course, every communications tool from direct mail to Facebook no doubt played a role, but the campaign’s fundraising workhorse was a combination of email and a website — some two-thirds of the money they raised online was directly attributable to an email solicitation.
While anyone can send out a message asking for money, it takes a professional operation to manage virtual relationships with millions of people over a period lasting many months without burning them out in the process. Any activist database experiences “churn” as old members drop off and new ones join, but mismanagement can turn churn into flight. The Obama solutions: analytics, technical skill, experience and tactics.

Snopes says Linda is wrong...

In response to Lindas claim about President Obama and his campaign donors.

Home --> Politics --> Barack Obama --> Campaign Contributions

Campaign Contributions

Claim:   The bulk of donations to the Obama campaign come from a handful of wealthy foreign financiers.

Status:   False.

Example:   [Collected via e-mail, July 2008]


Published: June 29, 2008


Certainly the most interesting and potentially devastating phone call I have received during this election cycle came this week from one of the Obama's campaign internet geeks. These are the staffers who devised Obama's internet fund raising campaign which raised in the neighborhood of $200 million so far. That is more then twice the total funds raised by any candidate in history — and this was all from the internet campaign.

What I learned from this insider was shocking but I guess we shouldn't be surprised that when it comes to fund raising there simply are no rules that can't be broken and no ethics that prevail.

Obama's internet campaign started out innocently enough with basic e-mail networking, lists saved from previous party campaigns and from
supporters who visited any of the Obama campaign web sites. Small contributions came in from these sources and the internet campaign staff were more than pleased by the results.

Then, about two months into the campaign the daily contribution intake multiplied. Where was it coming from? One of the web site security monitors began to notice the bulk of the contributions were clearly coming in from overseas internet service providers and at the rate and frequency of transmission it was clear these donations were "programmed" by a very sophisticated user.

While the security people were not able to track most of the sources due to firewalls and other blocking devices put on these contributions they were able to collate the number of contributions that were coming in seemingly from individuals but the funds were from only a few credit card accounts and bank electronic funds transfers. The internet service providers (ISP) they were able to trace were from Saudi Arabia, Iran, and other Middle Eastern countries. One of the banks used for fund transfers was also located in Saudi Arabia.

Another concentrated group of donations was traced to a Chinese ISP with a similar pattern of limited credit card charges.

It became clear that these donations were very likely coming from sources other than American voters. This was discussed at length within the campaign and the decision was made that none of these donations violated campaign financing laws.

It was also decided that it was not the responsibility of the campaign to audit these millions of contributions as to the actual source (specific credit card number or bank transfer account numbers) to insure that none of these internet contributors exceeded the legal maximum donation on a cumulative basis of many small donations. They also found the record keeping was not complete enough to do it anyway.

This is a shocking revelation.

We have been concerned about the legality of "bundling" contributions after the recent exposure of illegal bundlers but now it appears we may have an even greater problem.

I guess we should have been somewhat suspicious when the numbers started to come out. We were told (no proof offered) that the Obama internet contributions were from $10.00 to $25.00 or so.

If the $200,000,000 is right, and the average contribution was $15.00, that would mean over 13 million individuals made contributions? That would also be 13 million contributions would need to be processed. How did all that happen?

I believe the Obama campaign's internet fund raising needs a serious, in depth investigation and audit. It also appears the whole question of internet fund raising needs investigation by the legislature and perhaps new laws to insure it complies not only with the letter of these laws but the spirit as well.

Origins:   The faux news article reproduced above is a masterful bit of political effluvium, one which proffers the "shocking revelation" that not only were the bulk of donations to Senator Barack Obama's presidential campaign made via the Internet coming from a handful of wealthy financiers in China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and "other Middle Eastern countries" (rather than from American voters), but that Senator Obama was fine with accepting such tainted and compromised funding because of the technicality that "none of these donations violated campaign financing laws."

The article was not, as claimed in its header, written by veteran political columnist Maureen Dowd (her 29 June 2008 column was about Senator Hillary Clinton's supporters, not the financing of Senator Obama's campaign), who said of it:
The line about it being the 'most shocking revelation,' I don't think I've ever said those words, except in a satire. Also, it is about money, which I never write about. Sometimes you try and protest things you hear about, but sometimes it's just not worth it... It is hard to track down and control these things, and anyone who reads my column knows that this wasn't me. I got to the second line and I knew it wasn't me.
And aside from the article's bogus attribution, the facts it posits about contributions to the Obama campaign are wrong: The bulk of the money raised by the Obama campaign via donations has come from contributions of $200 or larger, not contributions of "$10 to $25 or so," and campaigns must, by federal law, identify "all PACs and party committees that give them contributions, and they must identify individuals who give them more than $200 in an election cycle." 
I have a sick baby here, so I will do more research after she goes home. Let's start with this Snopes fact...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Deliver us from EVIL....

When I first read this email from MoveOn I did not read it as something funny but Flying Juniors comment made me go back and reread and check the MoveOn email again. This is what they said that I left out.....

 It's too bad antitrust laws only cover mergers between corporations because these days it seems as though the Republican Party itself has become just another arm of the biggest multinational corporations.
The GOP barely even pretend to represent the interests of voters anymore. Well that got us thinking: what does this near merger actually look like?
The best way to stop these corporate front groups from stealing our election is to make sure as many people as possible know they're trying to do it—and we created this chart as a fun way to spread the word. Can you help?

Hover over the elements of the takeover plan to find out more. And be sure to tell your friends about RepubliCorp's big plans:
The Cabal of Multinational Corporations is pleased to formally announce RepubliCorpTM, a new combined entity following our complete merger with the Republican Party.
RepubliCorpTM combines the ethics-free campaigning savvy of the GOP with the limit-free spending power of Corporate AmericaTM. This merger is precisely timed: With the recent Citizens United ruling finally placing the United States Government on the open market, RepubliCorpTM is now perfectly positioned to lead our hostile takeover bid, currently scheduled for completion on November 2nd 2010.
See below for the restructuring plan for the takeover bid, designed to maximize the impressive array of assets which are now—or soon will be—wholly owned subsidiaries of RepubliCorpTM:

Established Subsidiaries

Republican National Committee

Public Relations
This unit has a proud track record of mass-marketing corporate priorities and training our political associates to serve us in government. Unfortunately, funding transparency laws and the GOP’s visible contempt for the American people will pose a serious challenge to this unit until all campaign finance regulations are repealed and the GOP’s image is sanitized. Of course, these are two of RepubliCorp’sTM top priorities for 2011.

US National Chamber of Commerce

Revenue Generation and Political Enforcement
This unit has an unparalleled capacity to funnel hundreds of millions of dollars to corporate candidates and lobbying operations. While recent accusations of tax fraud, money laundering, and soliciting donations from foreign corporations have posed minor setbacks, these will be quickly resolved following our US Government takeover.

Fox News

Left unchecked, an informed electorate poses a serious risk to our long-term interests. Thankfully, this unit has demonstrated a best-in-class ability to ensure a healthy climate of constant fear, driven by unquestioned RepubliCorpTM talking points, perfect for achieving and maintaining our full ownership of the US Government.

Republican Governors Association

HR and Development
Funded by other subsidiaries such as Fox News and major oil companies, the recent merger will allow full integration of this growing campaign asset into the RepubliCorpTM family.

New Business Units

We’re proud to bolster our hostile takeover bid with an outstanding set of new divisions, led by the very best in the field political manipulation.

Americans for Prosperity (AFP)

Founded in 2004 by Oil and Gas billionaires the Koch Brothers, AFP is the industry-leading expert in converting corporate funds into the appearance of grassroots support. The well-financed force behind the “tea party” apparatus, AFP will ensure RepubliCorpTM appears to be on the side of “the people” for years to come.

American Crossroads

While protesting that he doesn’t, Karl Rove (see staff profile) will lead this unit with a healthy $60 million budget. Unfettered by principles and funded by billionaires, this unit’s deceptive and negative advertising will considerably strengthen our takeover bid.

American Action Network

RepubliCorpTM was proud to hire disgraced politicians Norm Coleman, Haley Barbour and Jeb Bush to run this division. AAN is posed to spend $25 million on attack ads in 2010, and is fully immune from disclosure thanks to Citizens United and the Senate's fortuitous failure to pass the DISCLOSE Act.

Americans for Job Security

This unit has faced troublesome allegations in the past of hiding its revenue and illegally funding corporate money into deceptive electioneering. Despite that, this unit soldiers on, running political strategy for the narrow self-interest of our donors. Thankfully, once our takeover is complete, this highly effective branch of RepubliCorpTM will be able to advance our interests without fear of accountability.

Planned Acquisitions

U.S. House of Representatives

U.S. Senate

U.S. Supreme Court

White House (2012)

Staff Profiles

RepubliCorpTM shareholders can be confident that our hostile take over bid for the US Government is in the hands of an all-star team of executives who are passionate about transferring power from voters to corporations—and have the track record to back it up.

Rep. John Boehner

CEO-Designate, Government Division
As the top Congressional Republican, Mr. Boehner is a life-long pioneer in bringing corporate power deep into government. He set the new standard in 1996 when he when he physically distributed checks from tobacco lobbyists to Republicans on the floor of the US House of Representatives. Just imagine what his leadership can do for RepubliCorpTM once the takeover is complete.

Rupert Murdoch

Vice President For Corporate Communications
Mr. Murdoch is not just a principle investor in RepubliCorpTM but a passionate advocate of replacing journalism with corporate PR. He will now fully devote his considerable talent to our hostile takeover bid for the US Government, and ensure voters are sufficiently frightened and misinformed to avoid any interference from below.

Karl Rove

Marketing Director
A legend who needs no introduction, ‘The Prince of Darkness’ has proven the boundary between politics and governance is just an antiquated formality by bringing the same fear-mongering, divisive agenda into George W Bush’s Whitehouse as he made famous on the campaign trail. RepubliCorpTM shareholders can rest easy knowing our takeover bid and future administration plans for the US Government are in Mr. Rove’s experienced hands.

Rand Paul

Diversity and Equal Employment Solutions
Cumbersome laws promoting diversity and equal employment opportunity have long bedeviled many of our private sector subsidiaries. Following our government takeover, Mr. Paul will be retained at the ‘Senator’ level and lead the effort to eliminate these tiring restrictions. With a long track record of outspoken opposition to key provisions of the civil rights Act, Mr. Paul is clearly the right executive for this delicate task.

Sarah Palin

Director of Outreach and Incitement
Until our R&D engineers at Diebold are able to perfect the Fully Automated Voting System, individual voters still pose a potentially threatening externality to our takeover bid. And nothing disturbs voters like facts. That’s why RepubliCorpTM is proud to retain Ms. Palin, the world’s leading authority on the replacement of facts with folksy talking points and Facebook posts. Ms. Palin’s legendary ability to neutralize voters though inciting and misdirecting anger while obfuscating our activities makes her an irreplaceable addition to our senior executive team.

Thomas J. Donohue

Executive Vice President for Fundraising and Arm-Twisting
Mr. Donohue’s excellent leadership of the US Chamber of Commerce makes him an invaluable asset to the takeover bid leadership staff. He has demonstrated a prodigious talent for converting corporate wealth into unrivaled DC influence, and a healthy penchant for money laundering and deceptive smear campaigning against politicians who refuse to join our business units. And the vast quantity of consumer dollars that secretly flow into US Chamber political coffers ensures a reliable revenue source even in a worst-case-scenario outbreak of voter awareness and outrage.

Michael Steele

Chief Morale Officer
Mr. Steele has raised all of our spirits over the past year as Chairman of our newly acquired GOP unit with his knee-slapping gaffes, lesbian bondage excursion scandals and astounding ability to retain a straight face despite his kind-hearted buffoonery. While we are confident of success, hostile government takeovers can be grueling affairs, and we are excited to have secured Mr. Steele a permanent slot on our senior team to keep the smiles coming.

Glenn Beck

Director, Conspiracy Unit
At RepubliCorpTM we know that customer service comes first. And nothing interferes in our ability to serve our corporate customers like voters who demand know ‘what’s going on here.’ That’s why we've found Mr. Beck’s conspiracy unit to consistently yield amongst the highest ROI’s of any RepubliCorpTM division. With just a healthy imagination, a common blackboard, famously flexible ethics, and the integrated support of our Fox News unit, Mr. Beck has provided millions of voters with carefully fabricated answers to their questions, expertly diverting their concerns and even enlisting them as inadvertent supporters of our takeover bid.

The Koch Brothers

Chief Investors, Shareholders, and Chairmen of the Board
Nothing proves the unofficial RepubliCorpTM motto: ‘billionaires know best’ like the inspiring story of David and Charles Koch. These visionary brothers understand that hard work is the engine of progress, and no one will work hard if they think that once they become billionaires they will still be expected to pay taxes like regular suckers. As billionaires themselves, the Koch’s have selflessly contributed over $100 million to a series of RepubliCorpTM campaigns to remove the yoke of reasonability from billionaires’ shoulders and thus unleash the hidden potential of this great nation. RepubliCorpTM is humbled to have this duo as our chief investors, shareholders, and Chairmen of the Board.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Obama/Biden going head to head with a "witch"

 I wanna go!! President Obama and VP Joe Biden will be in Delaware next Friday campaigning. Some say why go to Delaware when Chris Coons is leading in the polls, he is double digits ahead of Christine O'Donnell. Well, Delaware LOVES Obama and Biden! O'Donnell is on the defensive with her ad "I'm not a witch", so sad, so very sad for her because she really is a witch ;-). OKAY, she's not a witch, but she will never be a Senator, thank God...

So why are the President and VP spending time in DE?  A party strategist says this..

 "Elevating O'Donnell as the face of the Tea Party isn't a bad thing," said the strategist. "Think about the tightening [in the polls] after she got nominated. The money that started rolling in. She's Sarah Palin. She causes people to pause and say, 'Whoa, this is who the Tea Party is. Do we really want to hand them the keys to the kingdom'."

While one prominent Democrat warned, "If you end up making women the object of ridicule it could end up a big mistake." This is not what the president intends on doing. O'Donnell has campaigned on a tea party platform and Pres.Obama is correct in making O'Donnell the face of the tea party. The women in Delaware, and around the country, do not want that kind of woman representing them in the Senate. Her views are not mainstream, but so radical as to take women's rights back to the 1800's!

From the NY Daily News...
Christine O'Donnell wants to know secrets.
The Tea-Party favorite and Republican Senate nominee said on Friday that she "would love" to sit on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee if she wins her race in November.
She acknowledged the desire while being interviewed on her stances on Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran by Fox News' Greta Van Susteren, Congressional newspaper The Hill, reported.
When asked if she thinks it's inevitable that Iran will acquire nuclear weapons, O'Donnell said "You know, I don't know. I don't have access to the intelligence information that would help make that decision. Perhaps as a U.S. Senator sitting on the Foreign Relations Committee, I will…I would love that."
On Iran, she said the U.S. needs to strengthen its military, giving a shout out to former President Ronald Reagan.
"His foreign policy was summed up in four words—‘We win, they lose'. And he did that by not backing down, by not compromising, by strengthening our military and making it once again that the threat of military action, U.S. military action, had some teeth to it. Right now, it doesn't, and that's tragic."

The woman is hilarious. Some say do not make fun of these moron teabaggers, they are dangerous and can't be taken lightly. I say phooey! This woman will never be a Senator!  The Foreign Relations Committee??? LMFAO! How dare she demean our military! She is demeaning our military and our president during wartime! Is that allowed? I don't think so and she will not get away with this latest statement of absurdity!