I'm posting this Alter Net article in it's entirety because it's a must read. The GOP spinmeisters want you to believe Social Security must be phased out because it's devouring our budget. NONSENSE!!! as usual....
The Social Security and Medicare Boards of Trustees today released their report on the Status of the Social Security and Medicare Programs. Here is what it says:
Social Security Just Fine Until At Least 2037
The summary of the report says, "The financial outlook for Social Security is little changed from last year. The short term outlook is worsened by a deeper recession than was projected last year, but the overall 75-year outlook is nevertheless somewhat improved..." and is otherwise fine until at least 2037 with no changes.
It is just fine forever, in fact, if we do something simple like raise the "cap" on earnings that are taxed to pay for the program. (That's right, when you make more than a certain income level you stop paying the tax!) Compare that to the military budget. We spend more than $1 trillion on military and related programs each year - more than every other country combined - and unlike Social Security that is completely "unfunded," and adds to the deficit.
Medicare Outlook Improved Substantially
The report also says, "The outlook for Medicare has improved substantially because of program changes made in the [Health Care Reform Bill]"
Those Are The Facts
Those are the simple facts: everything is fine. Everything will be fine. There are some things that should be changed to make them even more OK than they are. They are good programs that demonstrate that government works.
So What's The Problem?
The Social Security program collects money via the "payroll tax." Much, much more money -- trillions -- has been collected than needed to be paid out to cover the coming retirement of the "baby boomers," and the extra -- the "trust fund" -- was invested in US Treasury Bonds.
Under Reagan and then both Bushes that money was borrowed from the trust fund and used to give huge tax cuts to the wealthy. (Clinton was paying it back but Bush II cut taxes again for the wealthy.) Now those boomers are beginning to retire, and the trust fund money that was borrowed and given out to the rich is needed back to cover their retirement. The obvious solution is to get the money from where the money went. But those who it went to are trying to stop the obvious from happening. They say we should cut benefits, make us retire at 70, anything to keep them from paying back what is owed to the retirees.
Oh, and there is another conservative complaint about Social Security. Social Security is very successful and popular, and is a constant, living proof that government of the people, by the people and for the people works and works really well. Among a certain crowd, that just can't be allowed to stand.
So now, let the anti-tax, anti-government conservative bamboozlement begin.
Let The Bamboozlement Begin
The anti-government conservatives are using several approaches to undermine public confidence in the program (and therefore government). MoveOn.org has a "Top 5 Social Security Myths" page up that is worth looking at.
Myth: Social Security is going broke.
Myth: We have to raise the retirement age because people are living longer.
Myth: Benefit cuts are the only way to fix Social Security.
Myth: The Social Security Trust Fund has been raided and is full of IOUs.
Myth: Social Security adds to the deficit.
Please go to the website to learn the truth about these myths. And please answer with those facts when you hear people spreading these myths.
Let's see how the conservatives are doing at spreading myths today, and how the mainstream media covers it:
Heritage Foundation: Once Again, the Social Security Trust Fund Has No Money in It
Washington Times: Social Security in the red for first time ever (Note - that's only if you don't count the interest that the trust fund earns. Just more bamboozlement.)
FOX News: Social Security 2010 Outlays to Exceed Receipts
CNN: Social Security: More going out than coming in
NPR: 2010 Social Security Outlook: Not Great
CNBC: Social Security 2010 outlays to exceed receipts
That's just a quick sampling. Compare what these headlines lead you to believe to the facts above. When was the last time you saw a headline that reads, "Massive military budget causes huge federal deficit." Right. Bamboozlement, plain and simple. Expect to see a lot more like these. Don't fall for it.
Social Security Is Not Broken
Social Security is not broken. If we fight the myths and the anti-government lies it will be there for all of us.
Here is a statement by Nancy Altman, co-chairman of the Strengthen Social Security Campaign, a coalition of 60+ organizations, representing over 30 million Americans:
Please visit the Strengthen Social Security website to learn more, and sign up to join the fight.
House Republicans Can Kiss The Majority Goodbye As They Pass Medicaid
Gutting Budget Bill
House Democrats are now set up to run against every single Republican who
voted for gutting Medicaid in the budget bill.
6 hours ago
Every Dem should be knocking this bullshit from the repugs out of the park every day.
But they won't do that and that's why the crazy's have a real chance to gut this. Of course some dims will help them.
Sue, I'm sure you know that I am a long term proponant oe eliminating the income cap, now set near $110,000. That single act would fix social security for over 100 years.
Look at the percentage of teabaggers who collect SS, these idiots should know better than to listen to this lying crap from the right! In every check that is sent out should be a letter to the recipient saying just what this article says because those SS collecting teabaggers ONLY watch Fox and listen to Limpballs for their news!
TC the cap is a huge problem that could make a huge difference!
I got an email the other day about the LIES being spread about Social Security! What a shame... What the teabagger's don't seem to understand is that "Artificial intelligence is no match for a natural stupidity." -Nigerian Proverb
Donna Marie
the shame is the American people believing the lies without question. These are the voters who will turn back Obamas progress because they are blinded by rethug loyalty.
Thanks Donna!
Nothing like cutting your own stupid foot off just to get back at a black president - and hurt everybody else in the process.
Leslie, I'm so tired of arguing with dumb, deaf and blind wingnuts. We know the truth, the truth is on our side. But give up?? NEVER!! I will continue to post and expose every single rightwing lie I can, I hope one day it gets through their thick, clouded skulls.
you can watch James Roosevelt here...
Grandson of President Roosevelt talking about the 75th anniversary of Social Security and debunking the rightwing lies exactly as I posted about here.
Oh Sue, if you want to expose the right wing nuts lies, you will be busy from now till doomsday...lol
Thanks for posting about this.. it's the best thing to do, one of these days, I still believe some people will realize how bad the right is screwing everyone.
Let me get this straight. Those damned Republicans stole the social security money...
"Under Reagan and then both Bushes that money was borrowed..."
"Now those boomers are beginning to retire, and the trust fund money that was borrowed and given out to the rich is needed back to cover their retirement."
Got it. Then You say this:
Myth: The Social Security Trust Fund has been raided and is full of IOUs.
So which is it?
Also, you do realize a president can't just blow money, right? Congress must put it in the budget and appropriate it. Also, if memory serves... We had Democratic congresses during the time span you cite.
Anon: It looks like they can't spot the contradictions in their own propaganda pieces either.
the article is 100% correct, GOP fearmongering about SS is something they have done since its inception. Listen to the grandson of Roosevelt.
of course you would concentrate on the post title instead of the article SF. The GOP are fabricating lies in order for the people to fall for the ridiculous privatization plan they have for SS. It's never gonna happen and libertarians like yourself need to hear it. sorry if my titles get a little intense, shoot me...
I'm not publishing your fuckin insane comments lisa, give it up...
Your article contradicts itself:
First you say those mean republicans stole the social security money:
"Now those boomers are beginning to retire, and the trust fund money that was borrowed and given out to the rich is needed back to cover their retirement."
Then You say this:
Myth: The Social Security Trust Fund has been raided and is full of IOUs.
So which is it?
And again, the democrats had their hands in the till as well.
the title is mine, the article is AlterNet which I stated I posted in it's entirety. Do you want me to take the STOLE word out of the title? You are making way too big a deal about my stole word and who stole what money. The article is about the republicans fearmongering and lies about SS. It is alive and well and the country won't allow the GOP to touch it. Simple as that...
OK. But you still posted contradictory information.
No it's NOT. Where is it contradictory?
What is contradictory is the republicans claiming to love America while at the same time trying to destroy the very backbone of our Nation. The American Working Middle Class Family.
They do this through bullshit propaganda and repeatedly calling everything that isn't a give away to the rich socialism or something akin.
Keep on truckin with more exposes of republican lies and misleads Sue.
Thanks Truth. When you get the chance you should listen to James Roosevelt in the link I provided. It's astounding how the right has demonized SS for the past 75 years, and they have people actually believing the lies! A government program that the taxpayers pay into, SS insurance is not an entitlement, it's the peoples money and it has WORKED for 75 years! Amazing, and to be able to say that with pride feels great! I LOVE liberals and our policies that are GOOD for Americas middle class workers!
I still think the program should be an insurance program, not a pension program. Bill Gates and other rich Americans don't need a government check.
Remove the income cap.
RAISE benefits.
Getting by on SS doesn't make it, and forces seniors to make terrible choices. Electricity over medications. Some even by and eat pet food to make their money last the month.
Personal dignity should be part of the goal of a government program.
Tom: I agree with the first part of your statement. It should be an insurance program, and the benefits are sparse.
But eating pet food? Have you priced dog food lately. Rice and beans are cheaper (and healthier).
I'd definitly buy a can of tuna before I would eat a can of catfood, YUK!!
We live on a modest disibilty check, if it wasn't for our savings account to get us thru til 2 of our bills are paid off, we'd be eating cereal every day and night! It's not easy for those on fixed incomes but whatever SS pays is better than nothing. It must never be touched by those who lie and fearmonger about it!
Sue's information isn't "contradictory" at all. The SS trust fund isn't full of IOUs, it is invested in US treasuries. The Republicans are attempting to steal the SS trust fund money by saying that the treasuries can be defaulted on.
"it is invested in US treasuries"
And where does the money come from when those treasuries are cashed in?
Regardless of who did what, only the federal government could get away with such a scheme. Bernie Madoff went to jail for less than this
Those treasuries are going to be purchased by someone, so why not by the people in charge of running the SS trust fund?
The SS trust fund money has to be invested somewhere, or it would lose value due to inflation.
There is nothing improper or illegal at all about investing SS trust fund money in treasuries. It is a very safe investment (as opposed to turning it over to Wall Street, which would be a hell of a lot riskier).
Comparing this to Madoff's ponzi scheme is ludicrous.
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