Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Emotions is an excuse for a man to tackle a young woman at a debate??? TEATHUGGERY!!

The video is above, thanks to Leslie for allowing me to steal it from her. By now all of blogland has seen the hideous video of teabagger thugs tackling a 23 yr old woman to the ground while a big thug with size 13 shoes thought he should stomp on her head while she was down because they feared her, they thought she was a threat to Rand Paul! His name is Tim Proffitt, he is a campaign coordinator. What a stinkin' thug!

The Lexington Police have issued a criminal summons for the head-stomper.

The Lexington Division of Police has identified a suspect in connection to the October 25, 2010 assault of a woman at 600 Cooper Drive.
On the 25th, at approximately 7:00p.m., officers were alerted to an active assault at 600 Cooper Drive (Kentucky Educational Television Studios).
Officers responded to the scene of the assault and made contact with the victim. She identified herself as a member of MoveOn.org and stated she was assaulted while attempting to take a picture with candidate Rand Paul. Division of Police patrol officers took an assault report and forwarded the case to the Division of Police Bureau of Investigation.
Today, October 26, 2010, detectives identified the suspect, involved in the assault, as Tim Profitt. Mr. Profitt is currently being served with a criminal summons ordering him to appear before a Fayette County District Court Judge.
Profitt apologized -- sort of -- while claiming that his stomping on a woman's face only looked bad because of the camera angles.

Lauren Valle was diagnosed with mild sprains and a concussion, and said to reporters that her attackers threatened to "take someone out" before they wrestled her to the ground. She is scheduled to appear on MSNBC's "Countdown" tonight.

Wingnuts like Glenn Beck, Limbaugh, and Palin (All spokesmen for the GOP/Teabaggers) claim violence WILL come and it will come from the left! I can't wait to take a peek at the wingnut blogs to read their twisting of this story. Would they dare blame the young MoveOn member because she wanted a picture of Rand Paul??  There can be NO excuse for a young woman to be assaulted just because of her political views. Shameful, but not at all surprising, teabag thuggery....


Ahab said...

Monstrous. I hope the perpetrators serve time for what they did to that woman. This may be a portent of things to come, I fear.

Jerry Critter said...

New teabagger slogan:

Stamp Out Truth!

Sue said...

Hi Ahab, The young woman was just interviewed on Olbermanns show. She said 5 men surrounded her after recognizing her from other events. She did not provoke the attack like lisa the troll suggested in her comment which I deleted. She is pressing charges on the thugs and hopefully will be compensated for her injuries. These people are disgusting and NO excuses should be made for this kind of thuggery.

Leslie Parsley said...

Slime + swine = "no good name for it." I read somnething on TPM, I think (but don't quote me) by a former KY attorney who still has a license to practice there. He knows the top cops, says they are highly respected and totally honorable. They are both Democrats but non-partisan when it comes to carrying out the law. A good thing I think.

The GOP verbal and physical abuse keeps ratcheting up. I shudder to think what some goon will do next.

Sue said...

yes Jerry and with a picture of this idiot with his foot on a womans head. Show America who they really are, THUGS!!

Sue said...

Leslie the woman was interviewed by Keith tonight, hope you can read her words on the web tonight or tomorrow. This attack was totally unprovoked and the cops were there for her she said.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

You probably saw Lauren Valle on with KO this evening....it seems like she was singled out before Rand Paul even got out of his car.

You've got Joe Miller in Alaska with his security people "arresting" a reporter, Sharon Angle scaring the beejesus out of people with threats of illegals coming across the border to join gangs (hey, we've got enough of our own All American thugs- see above) and now this cowardly attack on a relatively small woman.

It looks like battery to me.

Why is it that I feel this need to play GOON SQUAD by Elvis Costello?

Leslie Parsley said...

Hugh, LOL. I made this comment on my own blog:

"Remind me, if I ever attend a GOP event, to wear my steel-toed shit-kickers."

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

What a shame Sue that our country has to treat our own this way...very sad girl...Love ya S.
hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Sue said...

yes Hugh of course I saw Keith, Lauren is pressing charges and rightly so! End Thuggery in America!

Leslie LOL! Although I would NEVER attend a GOP event!

Sue said...

Gloria so nice to see you here! It really is a shame people have to act this way, and violence like this towards a woman is just insane! Thank God for video these days! xoxo

Jerry Critter said...

Or maybe their new slogan should be:

I Tread On You!

instead of Don't Tread On Me.

Jerry Critter said...

Now, in addition to fear and bigotry, teabaggers are adding physical violence. How soon before they shoot someone at one of their rallies?

Thugs is being nice. Fucking assholes is more like it.

Sue said...

I like that slogan Jerry!

well, the righties seem to think the violence will come from the left but it is not us who are the gun toter's, just sayin'....

The Wool Cupboard said...

I see you have selective outrage. Where was your angry revulsion at the vicious attack on an black tea party vendor this past year? He had to be taken to the hospital. There is NO reason for violent behavior at a political rally. I hope the man is punished for attacking this woman.

The venom on this blog is unsurpassed.

Jerry Critter said...

If you think the venom on this blog is unsurpassed, you sure don't get around much.

Sue said...

venom? Because I called the bigfoot jerk a thug? That's ridiculous Linda! Jerry's right, your bloglist has some of the most hateful conservatives in blogland, but you have followed them and added them to your list so you must be reading their venom....

The CDM said...

"The venom on this blog is unsurpassed."

Something tells me you too are using selective outrage. As the saying goes, "You can smell your own".

You can't tell me or anyone else here that you haven't visited conservative blogs that keep a calm and civilized tone. That goes 10 fold for that mormon cow's blog from Utah.

Pot calling the kettle here. Some things NEVER change.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

"The venom on this blog is unsurpassed."

Possibly the most naive....or inane...statement I've ever seen posted at this site.


Or else you really don't get around very much, heh?

The Wool Cupboard said...

Way to avoid the issue of YOUR selective outrage...and yes, I have read some conservative blogs that go overboard, as well, but this blog is waaaaay up there with hateful rhetoric.

Sue said...

Boo Hoo...

jadedj said...

Let me add to the "venom". So lisa thinks that one small woman, even if she did provoke them, which she didn't, deserves to be throw to the floor with a foot on her head? By five men? Now that is venom folks.

Sue said...

JJ this is her insane comment, need I say more??

Blogger Lisa said...

He's in trouble. People are angry and knowing how the left is she probably pushed her way through and maybe people saw her for the loon she is wearing a wig for a disguise.

Talk about thuggery when the SEIU thug beat up a conservative black man at a Townhall in Missouri totally unprovoked or when an Obama supporter bit the tip off a man's pinky at a health care town hall.

Maybe if congress would stop forcing all this crap down people's throats there wouldn't be so much anger but I think it's being orchestrated intentionally from what I have learned over the past few years and how it's been done in certain other countries to create unrest.

jadedj said...

Enough said. I should have known. It always goes back to the rhetoric of hers about "shoving shit down our throats"...no matter the subject.

Sue said...

I just found this from a wingnut blogger, no wonder he had zero comments agreeing with him!

(VIDEO) MoveOn.org's Lauren Valle Proved a Liar by Just-Released Video Showing Events Before Head-stomping Incident

If you are like me and voraciously following election news this week, you are most-likely exhausted of reading about the "head-stomping" incident involving a violent, paid, far-left batsh$t-crazy MoveOn.orger with a mile-long rapsheet and a Rand Paul supporter. The left has found it to be the cause célèbre of the final week election push - proving just how desperate, doomed and pathetic they truly are. In some ways I consider the issue a blessing as it is distracting hundreds of Soros-funded Bolshevik-bloggers at this point and Rand is going to easily win his race.

LMAO!! Not once did he say the bigfoot thug was deadwrong for stomping on the head of a woman! RW THUGS!!

jadedj said...

Violent? Paid? Rap sheet??????? Paul Rand supporter? Did I miss something Sue, you Bolshevik blogger you?

Sue said...

no, she wasn't a Paul supporter, he didn't put the comma in. This is RW writing at its worse.

batsh$t-crazy MoveOn.orger with a mile-long rapsheet and a Rand Paul supporter.

he meant.... the batshit crazy woman AND the Rand Paul supporter(Proffitt)

jadedj said...

One needs a program to read the man's blog, it would seem.

The CDM said...

Again Linda, thank you for proving YET another point in your naivete. I'll give you a hint, you and the lot of conservatives have a self-serving bias while folks like me look on shaking our heads at your being oblivious to the obvious.

Again, thank you.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Sue, I really don't mean to be taking sides on this stuff (I'm personally supporting "none of the above" this cycle). But Linda does have a point here. The media does seem to want to talk only about conservative violence. Back in May, for example, 3 Minutemen protesters were viciously attacked by left-wing extremists in San Francisco (the city of peace and love - apparently not) - with mace and brass knuckles, no less. The media didn't talk about this atrocity at all. It's really gotta make you wonder, no?

Malcolm said...

So much for Glenn Beck's baseless proclamation that violence would be coming from the left. The bottom line is that people are capable of violence no matter what their political viewpoint. However, I often see that when violence comes from the right, conservative bloggers/pundits will either look the other way or make up some BS excuse (Lauren Valle asked for it, her head didn't really get stomped, Tim Proffitt isn't a Rand Paul supporter, etc.). The kicker is that Proffitt said he feels Lauren owes HIM an apology! Unreal.

jadedj said...

Correction, "bitch hit ASSHOLE on the head with the sign..."

Sue said...

JJ is responding to an assanine comment from lisa that I HAD to delete. Sorry JJ...

jadedj said...

I DO understand.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

No will, it doesn't really gotta make me wonder. The violence coming from the Right is clearly more prevalent than the few isolated incidents of violence coming from the other side. This is the excuse the Right ALWAYS uses when caught doing something naughty. They accuse the other side of doing it too.