Monday, October 25, 2010

Mitch McConnell wants you to know his goals to bring down our president and he's not a bit afraid to tell ya...

Mitch McConnell is not afraid or embarrassed to admit it,  most of the GOP admit it too. Hell even the leader of the Republican party Rush Limbaugh said in Obama's first few months in office that he hopes he fails. Mitch UGH McConnell promises more obstructionism if he becomes majority leader. He really believes their strategy has played well for the party of HELL NO. This bozo feels his “single most important” job is to defeat President Obama in 2012. He will do everything in his power to make sure Barack Obama is a one term president. Have you ever heard ANY democrats talk this way when we had republican presidents? Remember how the democrats worked with Bush, voting with republicans on wars, tax cuts, prescription drug bill? Let's be real here, the GOP HATES President Obama and it's NOT about his policies. That is a lie. Count the stalled bills in the Senate, count the bills that were filibustered. Alot of these bills were Republican sponsored legislation, but when the brown skinned Obama came into office suddenly the thugs changed their minds on these bills and said fuck this president and everything he tries to do.

 In an interview with the National Journal’s Major Garrett,
MCCONNELL: We need to be honest with the public. This election is about them, not us. And we need to treat this election as the first step in retaking the government. We need to say to everyone on Election Day, “Those of you who helped make this a good day, you need to go out and help us finish the job.”
NATIONAL JOURNAL: What’s the job?
MCCONNELL: The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.
McConnell added, “Our single biggest political goal is to give our nominee for president the maximum opportunity to be successful. … We need to work smarter than we did [in 1995], and not become the foil off which [President Obama] pivots.” In 1995, then-Speaker Newt Gingrich led a shutdown of the government, which many Republicans now acknowledge was a “serious mistake, tactically and substantively.”
This morning, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough was floored by McConnell’s open admission that his single most important goal is to defeat Obama. “Mitch McConnell said that?!? … He admitted that on the record?!? That is embarrassing,” he said. “Can I just say for the record – that is pathetic.

Thank you Joe Scarborough, McConnell is a pathetic American. He should be an embarrassment to the republican party, but he is not. The GOP embraces this kind of idiocy. McConnell needs to be honest, he does not believe the election is about the people, it is about the thugs and their power grab. They are like salivating wolves, or should I say slobbering bulldogs.....

Who Mr. McConnell do you propose will run against Barack Hussein Obama in the 2012 election? Sarah Palin?  Work smarter than you did in 1995? I don't think that is possible. The country thinks you are a clown Mr. McConnell, a pathetic one at that....


Silverfiddle said...

Just imagine! And after Democrats treated President Bush so politely...

Jerry Critter said...

This is just further proof that the republicans don't care about you. They don't care about jobs. They don't care about the economy. They don't care about ending the endless wars. They don't care about educations. They don't care about our crumbling infrastructure.

Any efforts to improve any of these things would improve Obama's chances of success in 2012.

All they are about is power. They are willing to run the country and YOU into the ground to defeat Obama.

Oh, and SF, the democrats have treated Bush wonderfully. If I had my way, he would be in prison!

Silverfiddle said...

Well you don't, and he isn't, so get over it.

Government is not the fount of all that is good, and it sure isn't where the jobs come from. The less money wasted by bureaucrats is more money in the private sector, in our pockets where our money belongs.

Infrastructure is a legitimate government function, for the states. But they are broke, caught between the greedy unions and a voracious feral government.

Lisa G. said...

Bitch McConnell never has anything nice to say and he's proven that over the last 2 years, filibustering even their OWN legislation. He's a worthless piece of shit and really ugly to boot!

Jerry Critter said...

No jobs come from government? How many jobs do you think would be lost if the government defense budget was cut to zero?

Sue said...

democrats in leadership roles SF. Jerry's right, if the dems did to Bush what the thugs are doing to Obama, Bush would have been impeached or jailed. Not one single solitary thing Obama has done should he be investigated for. McConnell and his ilk are dirt bag, power hungry, sleazebags. BUT....the insane just love 'em!

Republicans care about power, power to give back the power to Wall St. and Corporations to run free as the wind. "Go boys, do your work with no one bothering you....." That's thug america.

The states are broke, but who's gonna help them? You don't want government to step in even when people are dropping like flies! Stop blaming unions, if unions didn't fight for the worker everyone would be making 5 bucks an hour or less. Just like the 17 and 1800's the GOP wants to take up back to. But it's really weird of you righties who want to get rid of the minimum wage, you don't bat an eye when it's reported billions are given out in bonuses this year to the bigwigs. You say its their money, they earned it. Why does it sicken you when the little union worker gets to make 35.00 an hour. Does he not work hard to earn his money?

Sue said...

Lisa, turtle man is a piece of work. Filibustering their own legislation is correct. This country IS NOT paying attention to their antics! I just hope there is a replay of Clintons midterm blowout which led to his next 6 yrs of great things getting accomplished. This time will be different tho because we have different players in the wingnuttery side, and we have a different colored president with a bad economy. We have Fox who is running the candidates, we have Limbaugh as leader, we have Palin screeching and screaming to the masses of morons. But even with all that hysteria a democrat will again win the presidency in 2016 because the country will see 6 years of do nothing obstructionist behavior. As the country struggles to grow out of the Bush era and the thugs keep punching them down while rising up the rich sector, how much of this do you think our country will be able to handle?

Grung_e_Gene said...

And in true Party over Country mentality, Republicans would rather Americans suffer so theat they may regain control of the Federal Government and Destroy OSHA the Department of Education and Steal Social Security...

It really shouldn't come as any surprise Republicans harm Americans with their policies they do it whilst in poweer they do it whilst out of power....

Republicans choose Elections over Ethics.

Infidel753 said...

Mitch UGH McConnell promises more obstructionism if he becomes majority leader. He really believes their strategy has played well for the party of HELL NO.

And if the Republicans do do well next week, this belief will be intensified and they'll become even more obstructionist.

It's a good example of how people over-interpret elections. Each party has a multiplicity of things in its record and platform, and whichever party wins interprets the win as an endorsement of the whole package, whereas usually election outcomes are mostly a function of the unemployment level or of (if something spectacular is going on) foreign policy.

If unemployment right now were at 4%, and everything else were exactly the same as it actually is, the Republicans would be looking at only very modest gains, at best.

The crazed right-wing responses to a Democratic President are not new. Remember the Clinton years? The government shut-down, the "patriot" militias, Oklahoma City, and the impeachment? What we're seeing today takes somewhat different forms, but it's basically the same thing. If Hillary were President it would still be happening, with differences only in detail.

Dave Miller said...

Silver, while you say that infrastructure is a legitimate function of government, you'd be hard pressed to find and Republicans, or Team partiers who will have time to think about that as they look into whatever they can in an attempt to fulfill McConnell's goals.

Is there anything the GOP can work on with President Obama?

Dems reached across the aisle to do prescription drug coverage, no child left behind, support for the wars in the middle east, and much more for President Bush.

I realize you may not have liked these things, and even some Dems hated them, nut they did compromise to get the bills done and signed.

Can you name one piece of legislation that the GOP compromised and worked with the Dems?

And TARP does not count as that is another bit of legislation where the DEMS worked alongside a GOP President.

The GOP has no desire to compromise or work with a majority at all. They seem hellbent on fulfilling the goals of Senator McConnell, who in trying to defend his moment of truth, also said his top political goal is to set up the top GOP Presidential candidate to win in 2012.

Those are great political goals for America for the next two years.

Silverfiddle said...

@ Jerry: "How many jobs do you think would be lost if the government defense budget was cut to zero?"

Good question. Probably over 1 million or more. But could you imagine the power of that money in the hands of the people who earned it? It would end up much more efficiently allocated.

But it's all a fantasy. Defense is a constitutional responsibility of the government, unlike housing, college money and retirement funds.

Silverfiddle said...

@ Dave "Dems reached across the aisle to do prescription drug coverage, no child left behind, support for the wars in the middle east, and much more for President Bush."

These were progressive projects, so of course the dems swarmed all over them.

(Overseas adventurism, especially when its for "the women and children" are just progressivism on an international level. Read up on Woodrow Wilson.)

Dave Miller said...

Silverfiddle, I noticed you left unanswered my central question, so I'll give it to you again...

Is there anything the GOP can work on with President Obama?

Practice makes perfect, take another stab at this...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Dave, Silverfiddle can't answer your question -- because he's talking out of his ass -- as usual. It was the BUSH ADMINISTRATION that lied us into the Iraq war, not Liberals! And their reasons were for oil, political capitol and war profiteering -- not to help women and children.

Progressivism on an international level would involve aid to foreign countries -- it is NOT declaring war on a foreign country, slaughtering it's citizens, and then providing lucrative "reconstruction" contracts to your cronies in the private sector.

Your comments regarding Woodrow Wilson are truly baffling. Wilson ran for reelection on a platform of keeping us OUT of war. In his second term he asked Congress to declare war against Germany because their subs were attacking and sinking our merchant ships... Perhaps you should read up on Woodrow Wilson.

Prescription drug coverage and no child left behind were both bush crony giveaways. GWB's brother Neil personally profited from NCLB. The program was never fully funded because the whole point of the legislation was funneling public dollars to the private sector and NOT helping children.

The same is true of the Medicare Prescription Drug bill. It was written by the pharmaceutical lobbyists and it prohibits the Federal government from negotiating discounts with drug companies. The bill was shepherded through the House by a Republican Representative from Louisiana, Billy Tauzin. Two months later he accepted a job as head of PhRMA. His payoff is reported to have been 2.5 million a year.

This is why the Chamber of Commerce is throwing their support behind Republicans this election season -- they know they can rely on the Republicans to help them rip off the American public.