Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Adults vs. The Children

You tell me, is it the GOP acting like 2nd graders?? In a previous post I said watch Mitch McConnell, watch his next move, and here you have it. This says it all about the GOP and their agenda.....Make sure Barack Obama is a one term president. They are not shy about it either are they?! Those who support this Republican party and their antics deserve what happens next in this once great country...


Leslie Parsley said...

Isn't McConnell listening to anyone? Nooooooooooooooo. Ass.

Silverfiddle said...

Yeah! We should just remove the debt ceiling so they can spend whatever they want!

It's for the children! old people! veterans! (fill in the blank)

BTW, could someone provide me a link to the president's plan?

Sue said...

SF, stupid rightwing talking points, I expect more out of you! Raising the debt ceiling to pay for your party's old debt is something this president must do. If he does not accomplish this then your party of clowns and incompetent boobs will start impeachment proceedings... wow isn't that a bitch! FUCK THE GOP!!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The president's plan doesn't matter SF. it's Congress' job to budget and authprize spending.

I saw Senator Kyl lying earlier today about how republicans wanted to get a deal but Democrats wouldn't work with them. the truth is the republicans want it their way only. Any other views are unacceptable to them. They would rather cause another recession or worse than ask their wealthy benefactors to pay more to help our Nation pay it's bills and keep it's promises.

I'm with Sue and her view on republicans. In a related note, fuck this comment moderation also.

Jerry Critter said...

Raising the debt ceiling does not let them"spend whatever they want".

First of all, it has to be voted on and approved by Congress and signed by the President. And we elect them. Don't like what they are doing, elect someone else. The voters are ultimately responsible for whatever Congress and the President do.

Silverfiddle said...

"Don't like what they are doing, elect someone else"

Yeah. The American people taught the democrats that lesson in 2010. Looks like 2012 may shape up as another teachable moment, but I doubt the dems are teachable at this point.

No matter how you slice it, the numbers do not add up.

Tax "the rich" at 100% and you can maybe get another 1.2 trillion, still not enough to cover Obama's reckless spending, which makes Reagan and Bush look like frugal skinflints.

Face up to the facts and own them, my lefty friends.

Shaw Kenawe said...


The debt ceiling has nothing to do with "spending whatever they want."

What the dopes in the TP don't understand is that America has to pay for George W. Bush's bills--his two wars and his Medicare Part D--all of those items costing billions and not paid for in addition to cutting taxes. Incredible fiscal irresponsibility.

Saying "they can spend whatever they want" applies to the GOP, since that's what they did. And now the TPs want to renege on their commitments?

Like Rep. Joe Wilson of Illinois, they're deadbeat lawmakers. Disgusting and disgraceful.

The president doesn't come up with a plan for paying America's bills. The House does. And during the Bush administration, Congress agreed to pay his bills and that's what this nonsense is about.

Sue said...

SF really doesn't understand when we are in a recession you can not cut spending the way the teabaggers believe we should...this is the problem and it's really that simple. They are so stupid as to think not raising the debt ceiling means Obama can't spend anymore taxpayer dollars! Sad state of affairs when we have such fuckin stupid assholes in the peoples House who don't have a fucking clue how government works!!!!!!!!!!

I am so sick also of the liars in the GOP who say Obama won't say what he wants, what they really mean is Obama won't suck their stinking ass dicks and give them what they DEMAND!!! FUCK REPUBLICANS!!

Sue said...

sorry friends, I'm pissed!

Silverfiddle said...

Shaw: I pretty much agree with you (tea party slams aside). This is a bi-partisan issue. Bush spent too much and Obama quadrupled down on it.

So firstly, the president and the Dem senate should repeal Medicare part D, right? We're already winding the wars down, so now what? How do we cover the rest of it?

Sue said...

you are incorrigible SF!! The teabaggers are destroying themselves and your fucked up party, THEY are unteachable, therefore are irrelevant in the eyes of the people!

Silverfiddle said...

Wanna talk stupid, Sue? Promising people things you can't afford it stupid, and it's immoral, especially when such favors quash personal initiative make people dependent on a bankrupt government.

So we raise the debt ceiling (I never said I was against that, go back and look), putting us further in debt. At what point will this really put us in trouble, or do you think we can continue on like this forever?

Sue said...

what are dems promising that is stupid and immoral?? I hope you are not talking about SS and Medicare.

Sue said...

Obama and dems are on a track to pay down the debt, a 4 trillion dollar number was put forth but the GOP said NO DEAL. WHY??

Raising the debt limit does not mean Obama will spend your money.

Silverfiddle said...

Liberals and conservatives both like to point at things they hate in the budget and claim THAT is what's bankrupting us.

I truth, it's the aggregate, and it's voted on by congress and approved by the president.

Spending money you don't have is stupid.

And I'm glad everyone here recognizes it is congress who passes the budget, something the Dems failed to do the first two years of the Obamanation.

Silverfiddle said...

$4 trillion still raised the debt by over $11 trillion over the next decade, even using Obama's laughably rosy numbers.

See? This is the problem. Many don't even understand the numbers.

Obama's own projections show the debt growing by around $15 trillion over the next decade, so by definition we must cut that same amount over that same timespan, or we increase the debt.

Silverfiddle said...

The GOP (finally) are standing up and saying we can't afford this bipartisan profligacy. Meanwhile Obama and the Pelosicrats continue to preach lollypops and rainbows to the masses, all funded by taxes on private jets.

It's adults vs children alright, you've just got it backwards.

The GOP helped create this mess, at least some in their ranks are fessing up and proposing fixes. I see little ability to face fiscal reality on the left.

Sue said...

the left is not opposed to cuts, what we are opposed to is the lies from the right when it comes to what should be cut...

Les Carpenter said...

So precisely Sue what do the dems believe should be cut? What programs, what part of the bloated bureaucracy, what federal departments, to what degree should the welfare state be funded.

In reality for most dems it's about raising taxes, and I don't believe for a moment it will stop at the top 1-2% of top income earners.

What do the dems really believe with respect to simplify the tax code, with respect to subsidies.

Yeah I admit, have for awhile Bush had a spending problem. As I see this thing shaping up we will be right back in the fast train to another crisis.

Silver, you make a bunch of great points.

TOM said...

Cuts are not the only answer. We have a revenue problem. We would have a spending problem, but Americans overwhelmingly want SS, Medicare and other government programs. Why not. We have had them for generations and citizens rely on them, and pay taxes for the willingly.
The problem started when Republicans (Reagan) cut taxes and instantly the muti-trillion dollar debts started mounting.
They want to destroy government as we have known it for almost 100 years. FUCK them.

Sue said...

thank you Tom, excellent!

let's start with corporate welfare, don't ya think welfare for the super rich is a teensy bit RIDICULOUS??????

Jerry Critter said...

SF says "Tax "the rich" at 100% and you can maybe get another 1.2 trillion, still not enough to cover Obama's reckless spending..."

Wrong SF. Actually there is only ONE thing that needs to be done. All you have to do is get rid of the Bush Tax Cuts and the budget will be balanced by 2016, something that must be done before the debt can be reduced. Any additional increase in revenue and/or decrease in spending will accelerate that date.

Sue said...

Thank You Jerry, my Liberal friends are extremely intelligent...:-)

Silverfiddle said...

Saying it don't make it so, Jerry. You're telling us that rescinding the Bush tax cuts will raise an additional $1.5 trillion per year? Gotta hand it to ya, even Krudman isn't that far out there...

Show us the numbers. It's not that simple.

And Tom, provide us a link showing how revenue went down after the Reagan tax cuts. truth is, you can't because the went up and GDP doubled from the dismal Carter years to the end of Reagan's second term.

You guys are wallowing in liberal fantasies.

Les Carpenter said...

A this blog so freely accepts the phrase ... FUCK THEM... with respect to any opposing views I say ... FUCK THEM AS WELL!.

Happy now all you incorrigibly progressive uncouth single minded clueless partisans.

Look in the mirror... Assuming you are cable of doing so.

Sue, forgive my rant. It is just I am tired of the lefts equally offensive bullshit. It is time everybody grew up and got a real life.

Sue said...

there ya go RN, if ya can't handle lib talk then...well you know!

This blog says Fuck and it says it freely...oh well, what the fuck..

Sue said...

ok, just reread your comment, you weren't criticizing us for saying fuck, you were criticizing us for having liberal view points, sorry! Oh and sorry about our highly intelligent liberal view points..

TOM said...

If you don't know the History of, and cause of the multi-trillion dollar debts we have accumulated, then what the Hell are you talking about?
What an idiotic statement.
If the income was good enough, why the multi-trillion dollar debts?
The multi-trillion dollar debts started adding up after the Reagan tax cuts.
I'm not your teacher. I don't do your homework. If you don't know the facts, or just want to spin the facts, or lie about the facts to fit your ideology, then get out of the conversation

Silverfiddle said...

That's what I thought. You can't back up your unsubstantiated assertion. That's ok, you fit in perfectly with your liberal friends.

You said:

The problem started when Republicans (Reagan) cut taxes and instantly the muti-trillion dollar debts started mounting.

I'm simply performing the very conservative act of asking you to prove it.

Put up or shut up

Sue said...

use Google, SF. You'll find all the info you need :-)

Flying Junior said...

Well can we all agree on this???

Cut travel and expense accounts for politicians!!! Can I get an amen? Let 'em pay for their own food. Nobody else is paying for my lunch. Let 'em pay for their own gas and vehicles like everybody else. If they are that cheap, they can print out the MapQuest and apply for reimbursement at $0.35/mile. I know for a fact they're not doing anything so important that we should have to pay for it. Hotels?? Airfare?? Ask yourself this question... Is this trip really necessary?

Les Carpenter said...

Sue - I don't give a rat's ass that you have liberal viewpoints, that is your RIGHT and that is OKAY with me.

My point is... "Sue, forgive my rant. It is just I am tired of the lefts equally offensive bullshit. It is time everybody grew up..."

TOM said...

It's all in the History books as fact.
You prove otherwise
Put up, or shut up.

Silverfiddle said...

That's what I though you'd say, TOM.

Flying Junior: Your idea is a good start, but we need to go a lot further.

Government historically, through high taxes and low taxes, has collected revenue around 18% of GDP. It is now spending 25%. Therein lies the problem.

Figure out how to collect 25% of GDP in revenue, or cut government expenditures back to 18%, or some combination.

There is no other answer.

Mordechai said...

We should just remove the debt ceiling so they can spend whatever they want!

The money is already spent, raising the debt ceiling is just paying the bills run up since Reagan ET AL put the country on a credit card economy of spending money like a drunkin GOPer and refusing to raise revenues to actually pay the bill.

Remember Reagan got the debt ceiling raised over 17 times during his illusionary reign of mismanagement that raised the debt more then any other president (adjusted for inflation).

Runner up for most debt forced on the country with no plans of EVER paying for it George The Dumber

Spending money you don't have is stupid.

Somebody should invent a time machine and tell the most mis-informed president in the second half of the 20th cen, the mantra he handed the deluded children in the GOPer crowd is the cause of the whole problem ... cut taxes for the rich, screw over the poor and middle class; then scream we don't have any money to pay the bills, even though taxes are lower (adjusted for inflation) since WW2.

Funny only the GOPer cry babies and chicken hawks in the 2001-2007 period thought it was a good idea to start two wars with NO plan to put the costs on budget NOR a actual plan to pay the bills for the wars off (like FDR and Truman did for the costs of WW2), just hand the children of America the bill. It seems the GOPer crowd is still stuck on stupid, you know the one ... do as I dishonestly say (when we are outa power in the white house), not as I do(when a republiscum is president),

I wonder why any of their faithful propaganda spreaders still buy the bull they sell after the dismal way their ideology has worked out historically.

Oh right it's the faith of the fairy tale of Reagansim, they tell each other, not the facts of history where they fill their heads, no matter how colossal the fiascoes they create in their faith based form of governance.

That and all the money they get from the billionaires club to destroy our democracy for the oligarchs who want to run the country like the robber barons did back in the Gilded Age.

TOM said...

Come on SF put up or shut up.
Are you denying History? Are you denying the multi-trillion dollar debts started when Reagan cut taxes? How do you think we got into such debt?
I'm waiting for you to prove History wrong.

Shaw Kenawe said...

TOM: "The problem started when Republicans (Reagan) cut taxes and instantly the muti-trillion dollar debts started mounting."

SILVERFIDDLE: "I'm simply performing the very conservative act of asking you to prove it.

Put up or shut up"

Look at the chart.

Shaw Kenawe said...


I thought you'd like to read this from US News. There is no "both sides do it" equivalency in the current crisis started and exacerbated by the extremists in the GOP:

There are many times when “Washington” falls down on the job, when “Congress” can’t do its job, and when “both sides” are to blame for whatever the failure of the moment is. Blaming both sides is easier than thinking, but it also has the virtue of sometimes being true. This is not one of those times. Let’s be very clear: The current debt ceiling crisis is the deliberate creation of the Republican Party, especially its Tea Party wing of fanatics.

Let’s start from the beginning. Raising the debt ceiling is a routine legislative matter. The debt ceiling was raised 18 times under Ronald Reagan; nine times under George H. W. Bush; six times under Bill Clinton; and seven times under George W. Bush. Sometimes the opposition party will use the occasion to score some political points (as when then-Sen. Barack Obama voted against raising the ceiling in 2006). But that was just political theatre because heretofore everyone understood that the United States could not default on its legal obligations, be they money owed to owners of maturing bonds or to Social Security check recipients, military personnel serving around the world, or border security guards expecting to get paid, or any other of dozens of functions of government that have been legally authorized.

It’s worth underscoring this point: The debt ceiling isn’t about new spending. It’s not about a “blank check” as GOP talking points would have you believe. It’s about paying bills that are coming due for goods and services that Congress and the president have already acquired. It’s as if you called your credit card and utility companies and told them that you were very sorry but in the name of fiscal responsibility you just wouldn’t be paying your bills. That’s neither fiscally conservative nor fiscally responsible. I can actually remember a time when conservatives stood for things like fiscal and individual responsibility.

But powered by an angry base that, frankly, doesn’t understand the issue and actively opposes the very notion of legislative compromise, the GOP decided to deliberately manufacture a crisis around raising the debt ceiling. It was, in the memorable words of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, a “leverage moment,” to extract policy concessions from President Obama. But the GOP’s hostage wasn’t some esoteric or super liberal Obama initiative. It was a routine measure necessary for the continued healthy functioning of the economy.

TOM said...


Go to my blog and read "Mondale Was Right."

It has the graphs and History to show.

There, I gave you a link to History.

TOM said...


If you are having trouble here is the link address:

Along with the link Shaw gave (and any economic History book) you have what you want.

Where is your proof to prove History wrong?

Silverfiddle said...

If you examine a chart of taxes collected overlayed with money spent, you quickly see revenue collection increased during the Reagan years.

You will also see that spending increased even faster, which is where the problem lies.

And of course, we know Reagan wrote all those checks himself, right? Tip O'Neil, George Mitchell and the Democrats who controlled congress are blameless, right?

I would not be surprised if some were actually ignorant enough to believe that.

Also, I've put specific numbers out, but I notice people here are averse to mathematical facts...

Silverfiddle said...

OK, you've all tied us up with the partisan politics as sports score keeping, which by the way is your tacit agreement that we have a big problem on our hands. And the problem was created by the socialists of all parties, so while it may be entertaining or gratifying to scream about how your corporate pigs are better than mine, it doesn't solve the problem.

Here are some adult questions:

How are you going to pay for it?

How long can we continue to run $1.5 trillion annual deficits?

How do you propose to collect revenue higher than that historical 18% of GDP bar?

How do you propose to balance the budget? Pay off the national debt?

Short of that, how do you propose to simply slow the growth of the debt so that it grows no faster than the economy?

Shaw Kenawe said...

"And of course, we know Reagan wrote all those checks himself, right? Tip O'Neil, George Mitchell and the Democrats who controlled congress are blameless, right?"--SF

They're as much to blame as are the Congressional Republicans undeer GWB who went on a spending binge during his administration.

Amazingly, it was only when the bi-racial guy became president and AFTER the billions and billions of dollars GWB spent for TARP that the conservatives started their Holy War on spending.

It's a bit late for the mea culpas don't you think?

Obama didn't start the fire.

Silverfiddle said...
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Silverfiddle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Silverfiddle said...

TOM: Your link asserts a correlation between top marginal rates and national debt, completely ignoring how spending went through the roof.

Of course I can't "prove history is wrong." Your understanding of it is what is wrong.

I can also draw a correlation between increase in debt and increase in the number of microwave ovens in the US, but like your link, it would be completely useless.

Revenues has continually increased, but spending has increased more.

I'm not going to hold your hands. Instead of going to some leftwing kook site, go to this official government website, download the data an do your own analysis.

Table 1.1 in particular lays it out in black and white.

What you think you know just ain't so.

We have some tough decisions ahead as a nation, and you've got to have a fundamental understanding of the numbers.

Silverfiddle said...

@Shaw: Amazingly, it was only when the bi-racial guy became president and AFTER the billions and billions of dollars GWB spent for TARP that the conservatives started their Holy War on spending.

Another smear by false correlation.

Stick to the facts and save us the race card games.

Sue said...

thanks for that US News piece Shaw.

How frustrating the strategists say the teabaggers in Congress are winning the fight. More cuts to come I guess because the morons voted down Reids bill. This is such a joke, the whole thing is just a big f'in joke put on by the teabagger/haters...

TOM said...


What's amazing, is that you support the fiscal policies and politicians who created the 14 trillion dollar debt.
What's amazing, is that you argue Reagan's policies created more income, yet he left office with a more than 2 trillion dollar debt because of those policies.
Sue is correct, the right will not listen to even the facts, much less common sense.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Sorry, SF, but Mr. Obama's race IS a component of all the rancor and hatred coming from the extreme right.

Deny it all you want, but that is a reality.

No rightwinger has ever been able to explain how in April of 2009, the conservatives were on Mr. Obama's ass about spending before he even had his cabinet named.

Before his presidency began, the conservatives, led by a former drug addict, screamed about wanting Obama to fail.

This is all about spending and taxes, my friend. If you believe that, you are naive.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Typing too fast, and a two year old wanting Nani to play trains with him.

Sorry. That should have read "
This ISN'T all about spending and taxes, my friend. If you believe that, you are naive."


Jerry Critter said...

You want a plan that attacks our overspending problem, balances the budget, and starts paying down the debt. Sounds like you want the Peoples Budget.

"It look at the things that caused the deficits, and reverses them."

" eliminates the deficit, balancing the budget and begins to pay down the debt."

"The People's Budget:

* Deficit reduction of $5.6 trillion
* Spending cuts of $1.7 trillion
* Revenue increase of $3.9 trillion
* Public investment $1.7 trillion

Dave Dubya said...

I am amused at the utter inability of Righties to face the reality of debt increase under Reagan, Bush 1, and Bush 2. They only hate debt when a Dem is in the White House.

Obama's spending is a result of the mess the GOP and corpodems made. It didn't happen in a vacuum.

Their hero, Dick Cheney said, "Reagan proved deficits don't matter." And they didn't...until January 20, 2009.

The hypocrisy reeks.

Here's an idea. Let's cut defense spending in half and rebuild America with American jobs. Win/win.

Bridges we need are a better investment than bombs we don't need.

Once again, Reagan tripled the debt! Go worship that fact at your little bedroom shrines to the man who turned America into a debtor nation.

Jerry Critter said...

A bridge we use over and over again. A bomb we use once, then we have to buy one again. Business may like the belt-in obsolesce of a bomb, but it is not good economics. A bridge pays you back over and over again.

Silverfiddle said...

@ Shaw:Sorry, SF, but Mr. Obama's race IS a component of all the rancor and hatred coming from the extreme right.

Prove it.

Dubya: The debate is over what caused the debt increase, not who. We can all read the debt chart.

And we could zero out defense spending and it still wouldn't cover Obama's unprecedented deficits.

And finally, I love it when you guys bring up Reagan. Obama has already outspent the Gipper, and he's only been in office three years. At least Reagan gave us a good economy and jobs.

Sue said...

how many jobs bills have the GOPpers killed?? How can Obama sign into law a bill if its not on his desk? How many bills have the GOP led House passed? How much time has the House GOP spent on JOBS???

NOW, how many jobs bills have the Dems brought forward to be killed on arrival??

Sue said...


Silverfiddle said...

Sue: Government does not create jobs; the private sector does.

As long as Obama's regulators are running roughshod over the economy, nothing will improve. Would you put your money in a rigged game?

And Jerry: Thanks for the laugh mentioning The People's Budget, aptly named since it is a socialist's wet dream.

There's no way you can collect that much taxes. If you tried you'd drive every last job out of this country.

Thankfully, congress has not gone totally insane, so that idiotic piece of Communist 80's nostalgia is a non-starter.

Dave Dubya said...

The debate is over what caused the debt increase, not who.

Oh really? ...As you say, Obama has already outspent the Gipper

Flipping at the speed of sound.

And we could zero out defense spending and it still wouldn't cover Obama's unprecedented deficits.

Prove it.

At least Reagan gave us a good economy and jobs.

And a debt slide that you still want to blame on Obama, not that we’re talking about WHO caused the debt increase, of course. Just as long as it isn’t about Reagan or Republicans who presided over most of the debt increases.

I know, let’s blame Obama, and then talk about what, not who, caused the debt.

Yes, let's put the foxes in the henhouse and allow the Republican corporate insiders to manage the MMS, FCC and every oversight agency. That always works out swell. Especially when "free speech" pays for cocaine and orgies. Now there's some regulation.

A rigged game is what the GOP is all about. Disenfranchise voters, rig the voting machines, and give corporations super personhood with unlimited free speech as only cash can buy.

Sounds fair...if you hate democracy.

Silverfiddle said...

The 2011 defense budget is $549 billion. The 2011 budget deficit is over $1.5 trillion. Do the math.

I didn't flip anything. You guys are the one blaming Reagan for everything from aids to Snooki's poor acting. You are also in a righteously indignant snit over his spending, so I thought some perspective was in order.

In three years, Obama has already spent more money than Reagan did in eight, and we have nothing to show for it

The truth hurts, Dave...

Now, how would you fix it, now that I've explained some simple numbers to you.

Silverfiddle said...

Here's the link. Silverfiddle, doing the homework the liberal left just won't do:

Dave Dubya said...

The math says a quarter trillion spent on infrastructure and related jobs would be far better for Americans than military bases in dozens of countries.

I know about Reagan’s poor acting, but who is this actor, Snooki?

Actually, you are very wrong about “nothing to show for it”. We have many real things to show for Obama’s spending. Your wars, for example, Bush-Co’s wars on credit. The bill he left for us to pay is coming due.

The successful part of the Stimulus also kept many Americans working. My road was in need of re-paving. I am witness, user and beneficiary to infrastructure improvement. I even saw real live workers earning money that allowed them to pay taxes, spend on what they need and circulate more money into the economy. I hereby testify bridges are better investments than bombs.

Thousands of American auto manufacturing and related jobs were saved. That’s quite a lot to show. We all want Americans working,... right?

Government gets the job done when unregulated capitalism fails. It’s historically repeated. Upward re-distribution of wealth is creating the largest chasm between rich and poor since the Great Republican Crash and Depression in 1929.

The problem is we need an “America First” mentality. Instead we have greedy elites riding on unprecedented riches saying, “America second”. Your kind of folks.

Jerry Critter said...

SF says "At least Reagan gave us a good economy and jobs."

Yes he did...after he RAISED taxes. The economy crashed when he lowered taxes.

And tax increases don't destroy jobs. Loss of demand, not profits do.

Sue said...

Kudos and high fives to Dave, Jerry, Tom and Shaw! I'm exhausted by all the reading, you must be exhausted with all the typing...Keep up the good work, it all makes perfect sense. DEMOCRATS ARE CORRECT, Rethuglicans CAN NOT govern, nor can they do math...

Silverfiddle said...

Pretty weak response, Dave. Fact free fluff.

We've haven't had unregulated capitalism here in over 100 years.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Government does not create jobs; the private sector does."--SF

Repeat that nonsense to the industries that rake in billions from military contracts.

The Military-Industrial Complex is an all-too friendly relationship between defense contractors and government forces, where both sides receive what they are looking for: a successful military engagement for warplanners and financial profit for those manning the corporate boardrooms.

Jerry Critter said...

Tell that to all those government employees, like policeman, firemen, teachers, all the VA employees, SS employees, IRS employees, etc. The list goes on and on. Hey people. You don't have jobs. You are just sucking on the public tit! Spit it out and get a real job. Silverfiddle says so.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Ronald Reagan: A government employee for 16 years. He kept telling his fans that government couldn't solve problems because government IS the problem, then he campaigned his ass off to become the Chief Problem.

Meanwhile, Michele Bachmann is still an ignorant fool.

Les Carpenter said...

Hyperbole for everybody! It makes for such great sport.

The reality is, and I believe it may have been Nixon {haven't time to config the accuracy of my belief at present}that said "We're all Keynesian now."

Too bad h was right. Hayek ought to have won that battle.

But here we are. Muddling...

Jerry Critter said...

"They" say,

"You are either part of the problem or part of the solution."

You can't be neither.

Flying Junior said...

Well, according to the NYT, it's looking like a done deal tonight. The PUMAs, (may they perish as prey to wild animals,) can have their field day saying how Obama caved. Boehner can apologize to his radical fringe that, "It's not the deal I wanted." Obama will have lots of 'splaining to do to his base. And the true losers will be the American people.

It may be a necessary blood-letting. I am the first to admit that an increase to the debt of $35 to $50 mil per day is a bit much. But let's vote these dumb tea partiers the hell out and crank up taxes double on the wealthy just to make them pay for their sins and get us out of the hell out of this depression for the foreseeable future.

Balanced budget sounds good to me. But with only cuts and no revenue increases, it's just a slashed budget. There is no real balancing going on. I would imagine that the saner conservatives ought to be pretty fucking happy by now. What the hell more could they expect? We all want to be anti-war hippies and levitate the Pentagon just like Abbie Hoffman did, but change comes slowly. Apparently, the military is the last remaining sacred cow/third rail. As long as I don't read about anybody being "thrown under the bus," I'm not going to gripe. We'll kill that damn tea party off for good next year!

Les Carpenter said...

FJ - Yup, your right, the American people will pay. Each and everyone of us in one fashion or the other.

There is no free ri8de and a always the middle will get hit the hardest.

Whistling Dixie.

Radical Redneck said...

I just can't stop myself from being a blockheaded jackass.

Look at me! Look at me!


I'm a gen-U-INE Tea Party moron!