You've encountered those racists since the election of Barack Obama, right? Ya know those who say.."oh but it's not his skin color I hate, it's his policies". Yea right, and I was born yesterday! The racists who despise President Obama because he's a black man are too stupid, too redneck, too ignorant to hate his policies, they don't even know what his policies are! These haters are uneducated, back woods types who were born to hate blacks, it's what generations before them did, it's what they now do to our beautiful Barack and Michelle Obama... and yes even their daughters...
My friend JB posted this on Facebook, this comment from a Caucasian woman on a board called American Live Wire....If you say encountering this kind of person is rare you are living in a different country than I! I'm posting her filthy ignorant words because I want all to see what our president faces every day, it should not be like this in the USA!!
Noeleen Cleary,
I dislike her [Michelle Obama] because she is completely devoid of any sense of class or social graces whatsoever. As is her husband. Neither of them have a clue as to how to conduct themselves in civilized or political circles without embarrassing not only themselves but also the people of the United States of America, whom they DO NOT represent as a whole. I resent her and he both for that. Unfortunately we the people have to be ashamed for him, her and their followers because they lack the ability to be ashamed for themselves.
To be can take the person out of the ghetto...
wowfuckinwow...I can't believe I share the same airspace with these types, actually she sounds quite a bit like Malcontent, he hates the Obamas and does not call Michelle Moochie because of her personality...
Noeleen hates Barack and Michelle Obama because they are so beautiful, because they are extremely talented and highly educated, because they are wonderful parents to 2 beautiful daughters, because they are our most popular and beloved POTUS and FLOTUS, not only in the USA but around the globe! Eat your heart out Noeleen!
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
Anyone who accuses the Obamas of lacking class have no class. This woman sounds like my neighbor who is a Tea Party bigot and a total moron. They should be rounded up and given lobotomies.
It's pure racism, no doubt about it. They can whine and cry and stomp their feet but we don't believe them when they say "its his policies"!!
Thank you. Definitely shows the ignorance of the person quoted. It's totally sad. I'm definitely afraid for my country because of people like this.
Leslie, I think a good many may have already had those lobotomies...
I think Mrs Obama is a beautiful woman and extremely classy.
That would not influence me one iota either way in voting - if I were American - but I have always thought that nonetheless.
Noeleen wrote: "...whom they DO NOT represent as a whole. I resent her and he both for that."
And I resent Noeleen for making a grammatical fool of herself while criticizing the First Family.
She apparently is too uneducated to understand her glaringly ignorant error.
As you pointed out, Sue, those who declaim against PBO and his wife and family are usually cryptic racists who are unable to face their prejudices, so they claim their hatred is based on the Obamas' lack of class, his reading from a teleprompter, Mrs. Obama's eating habits, etc.,--thereby exposing their very real racism.
The good news is that those people are a distinct minority. Mr. Obama is liked by a very large majority of Americans.
People like Noeleen are sad and frightened little people.
I love Albert Einstein's quote:
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
You have just provided confirmation on the human stupidity part.
Can't tell you how many times I get the "You righties always go there first" when I bring this up, but then, I do because it is most likely the case.
My mother's best friend was a long-time democrat until Obama got in office. Gee, wonder why she turned the other direction so fast? Unfortunately for her, she forgets that I remember the mast majority of our conversations about people in general and can quote her back her own words. And she wonders why I don't "friend" her on facebook...
She, of course, denies it, but the again, aren't they ALL in denial?
They both look very sexy in that photo. Fifty and still nifty! Imagine a glam shot of McCain and Cindy or Palin and the FDOTUS, perish the thought.
Thanks everyone for coming by! This comment I'm leaving you with is by a very wise woman on FB, she left this comment on my post...
Jane PittsGreer Msw:
Obama is more than equipped and skilled at filtering through the raciism, he was prepared for the fight and like Carter said, "his character will overcome the racism"-- he knows all too well -- we seem to be the ones that are shocked.. I was .. but he is well able to remain loyal and courageous and the perfect gentlemen in the middle of a CHRONIC stream of micro-aggressions. think i would best model his character than rage about what he is well prepared to handle..thinking today about loyalty and how easy one can abandon -- how he has had to stay --regardless-- I am thinkhing that the world does not deserve him.. if we had just 1/3 of his character we quit so easily -- no, the racism is one aspect it is his response as man is the object lesson-- what he does under pressure? I rage abandon and quit and allow others to determine how i feel-- that is the lesson of Obama and the racist pigs will never change-- what I admire is ability to be the same and I have underestimated his ability to keep bouncing back he does not need me to rage-- he needs me to rage about how he is treated ..
my troll says Barack Obama is a phony...LOLOL!
For this black man to run for POTUS at a most critical time in US history, for this black man to know how much he will be criticized, mocked, vilified, denigrated, yes denigrated, and STILL want the job, that speaks volumes about the character of our President!
Is Noeleen related to the woman who asked John McCain "How do we beat the bitch?"
I guess by ideology.
Republicans can be so embarrassing to the rest of the country.
Sue, you're not implying here that ALL criticism of Mr. Obama is racially motivated, are you? When I was criticizing him on Afghanistan, I wasn't thinking about his skin pigmentation at all. I was thinking about the needless additional deaths that would no doubt accrue from the policy (all in an effort to a) nation-build, b) prop up a corrupt government and c) chase down a couple dozen al Qeada). He could have poke a dot for all I cared.
This is milder than what I expected. Still, that doesn't excuse Noeleen's comments. She is so full of hate she can't see straight. If you were to ask her to give reasons why she feels the way she does, you'd probably get a lot of stammering and double talk.
for this black man to know how much he will be criticized, mocked, vilified, denigrated, yes denigrated, and STILL want the job, that speaks volumes about the character of our President!
Or speaks to his Narcissism. Just sayin'. :)
How racist of you all to attribute any and all disagreement with President Obama's liberal policies to his ethnicity! You cannot see the error in his failed policies precisely because of his black skin color. Rich, isn't it? You are being the racists, and yet you apply the racist label to EVERYONE who happens to be in political disagreement with the Obamas.
Will:'re not implying here that ALL criticism of Mr. Obama is racially motivated, are you?
The example statement Sue provided, "you can take the person out of the ghetto"... was 100 percent racist, and zero percent political disagreement.
Yet Will is confused and thinks MAYBE we mean all political disagreement, and Linda thinks we definitely do.
I think these accusers are either genuinely ignorant or are pretending to be ignorant... The smarter ones think they can use the racists in their ranks to attack the president AND make us look bad by falsely claiming that we're labeling all political disagreement racist.
(I don't know what Will's deal is. I thought he was smarter than his question suggests.)
btw, If anyone wants to know what some of the code words are, I covered that in a post on my blog here. I also have three new stories you MIGHT want to check out, Sue.
Linda: Just to be clear, I don't think all of those who oppose President Obama are doing so because of his race. However, if you don't think some of the criticism directed at him is race-based, you're kidding yourself.
Will, why do you keep asking me that? To you and Linda, this post is about Noeleen and the generations of racists just like her. You can see by her words she doesn't know a thing about Michelle Obama nor does she want to, all she sees is her black skin.
I do not attribute all disagreements to Obamas policies to ethnicity. You are way off base! It's high time for the Republicans to wake up to the fact there are racists in your party, why so embarrassed by it?? If you are not then fine, but stop defending those who are.
oh JR, you do amuse me at times!
Thanks malcolm and w-d...we are on the same page.
w, I always check out your stories even if I don't leave a comment. You know how much I enjoy them. It has been a few days so I will come by!
I don't have a party, Sue. And so your "your party" demarcation is also WAY off base. As for your affinity for Mr. Obama, the man's a frigging politician, for Christ. And not a very adept one at that. The dude backed himself into a corner during the campaign, "The Afghan War is the good war, yada yada" and now God damn it there have been more Americans killed there under Obama than under Bush. But, hey, at least he ain't a frigging "Republiscum", right?
Yes, wd, racists who hate President Obama for the color of his skin are racists. Thanks for the clarification.
I don't have a party, Sue.
But you do such a good job pushing their talking points.
Here's my latest post, Sue (right off the presses). Please post it to show what a weaselly and deluded little twerp that this fellow is.............It isn't so much that Sean Hannity criticizes the President. Presidents, folks, SHOULD BE CRITICIZED, scrutinized, challenged, etc.. It's the fact that he a) demeans and ridicules him and b) lies his frigging brains out while doing so. Just take the other night, for instance. He stares into the camera and says (to the effect), "The 'anointed one' wants to raise your taxes."...And the fact that he never gets called on any of this!! a) Nobody's ever there to tell him that the President wasn't anointed but elected and elected decidedly. b) Nobody's ever there to tell him that the President only wants to raise taxes on the top 1-2% of Americans. c) Nobody's ever there to tell him that Mr. Obama has repeatedly shown a willingness to compromise on this and a whole host of issues (I, along with David Frum and others, still say that the Republicans should have taken Mr. Obama's bluff - if in fact it was a bluff - on that $4,000,000,000,000 package, 3-4 to 1 in favor of spending cuts). Nada. Nada, folks. And all of this, of course, while Mr. Hannity's incredibly gullible audience continues to dully lap it up. Unbe-frigging-lievable.............Just another of my many "right-wing" talking-points.
thank you for despising Hannity right along with me. Of all the righties he has to be tops for me on the hate scale. He puts a smile on his ugly mug when he demeans and lies while deceiving his blind followers. He makes me PUKE!!!!
Will is really letting Clif push his buttons. Perhaps Clif is just a provocateur whose goal is to get Will to laugh at himself?
In any case Hannity is an easy target. Just because Will doesn't like him doesn't mean he doesn't used Reich-wing talking points.
Will: racists who hate President Obama for the color of his skin are racists. Thanks for the clarification.
I didn't make any such clarification. I was talking about Republicans who deny there are any racists at all in their ranks and falsely claim Democrats are saying all political dissent is racism.
Oh my hell you are an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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