How in the hell did we get in a position in this great land of millions where one man, a man who has not held elected office in our government, can dictate, almost demand, the GOP will not EVER vote to raise taxes if they sign his fuckin pledge!? This must be the idiot who mastermind the tea party! I am so fuckin' sick of those words, tea party...I'm so fuckin' sick of those fuckin' teabaggers and their infiltration into out Democracy!!
Grover Norquist is his name and here's the pledge....
"I _____ pledge to the taxpayers of the state of _____ and
all the people of this state, that I will oppose and vote against all
efforts to increase taxes," this is the version of the pledge signed by Republican lawmakers, hundreds of them.
Grover Norquist, an ACTIVIST, is brought into Republican circles to give his okay on actual budget issues, and if the Grover says NO deal the GOPers listen! AMAZING!
Bill Clinton agrees with me, he said Norquist has such a powerful hold on the Republican party, they rarely make a move without his input. When speaking about the GOOPER party getting PERMISSION from Norquist to vote yes to end ethanol subsidies Clinton said 'My God, what has this country come to when one
person has to give you permission to do what's best for the country.'
This one man, Grover Norquist, Activist NOT ELECTED LEADER, meets with Republicans every Wednesday to PLAN strategies.....I don't know about you but I find that disturbing because this one man claims to make or break politicians careers. He has a poster in his office showing the politicians who broke their PLEDGE and are now jobless. He worked hard to have those people defeated in their districts, bringing in more and more teabaggers! Oh great, just what the country longs for, more fuckin' teabaggers....
This one man has taken hold of the Republican party with this idiotic PLEDGE, actually since 1985, but now with the infiltration of the teabaggers it is more obvious then it was back then. He claims the American people hold the politicians to the PLEDGE promise, but that is bullshit. This man threatens politicians careers if they don't OBEY him and his PLEDGE! Poll after poll after poll shows the American people think it is in the country's best interest to raise taxes on the wealthy, the American people believe in shared sacrifice. This makes the teabaggers puke....
That idiot Norquist and his demands to the GOP to stand firm on the NO NEW TAXES even if the country defaults, is ludicrous!! He says the revenue problem is because of the unemployment problem, WELL DUH FUCKIN' DUH, the states are laying off in droves because they ARE NOT ALLOWED to raise taxes, so therefore the states are "BROKE" and claim they must lay off workers which add to the unemployment numbers which adds to the decrease in I right people??
STAND STRONG President Obama, that dictator thinks he can control the conversation in Washington!! I've heard enough from that idiot Norquist and his fuckin' teabaggin' party of Stepford wives...
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
3 hours ago
Yes you are right. Pledges are for people who don't want to think for themselves.
What irritates me is Norquist says he is speaking for me! He is not speaking for the public at large, as proven by the latest polls. I wish I could tell this arrogant ass to stop using the American public as his excuse. This is HIS pledge and not mine!
Well... one has to compensate majorly for being named after a Muppet.
I'll add this in a comment...
Chuck Todd: The difference between '95 and today is the Congress LISTENED to the leaders on serious matters like debt ceiling votes. Todays teabagger freshmen say they "have their own set of facts".
Well isn't that just dandy! These freshmen believe they were elected to form their own teabagger arm of Congress and can use their own beliefs(even if these beliefs are not mainstream and the best interests of Americans)..and their own facts to form an opinion(even tho their facts are false!!)
This is such a scary scenario. We have to unite in this country to rid our government of this infiltration by VOTING!!! These SOB's can't change America into teabagger heaven if they are not voted in!!
Our friend (O)CT(O)PUS has an excellent post on this subject at The Swash Zone and cross-posted at PE.
The GOP is pledging itself to Grover? And not to the Constitution?
The never were very bright on the Constitution anyway.
I didn't see Sue's comment when I pushed the "publish" button. But to add to her observation, one has only to visit some of the harebrained extremist rightwing blogs to see for oneself that they truly DO NOT believe in facts.
At one particular blog, a number of the commenters actually admit that Snopes, PolitiFact, and are biased, so they don't trust what they report.
I do notice that these TeaBaggers do trust the squirrelly blast emails that get sent around.
This, of course, is the reason we see so much insanity from these people. They create their own reality and never bother with facts.
I'll put Snopes, PolitiFact, and's records of truth and accuracy against ANY conservative source ANY day!
A bit ironic that the Republicans can keep a pledge they made to some Naziesque thug but they can't keep their pledge to represent the people when they took office, or their pledge of allegiance, or their pledge to protect the Constitution and the laws of the land - or even their effin marriage vows.
Thanks for writing this post Sue. I was just talking about this a-hole the other day. Off to drink more caffeine...
Former President Bill Clinton says that he would invoke the so-called constitutional option to raise the nation's debt ceiling "without hesitation, and force the courts to stop me" in order to prevent a default, should Congress and the President fail to achieve agreement before the August 2 deadline....
Obama declined to use this option, he needs balls as big as Clintons and tell those thugs who ran up the debt but don't want to pay it to get fucked...of course he won't say that...
L, love that comment!!
Norquist, Murdoch, Kochs, etc. are all the same and interchangable faces of "greed uber alles". The Greedy Oligarchic Plutocracy serves only the interests of power of wealth. It is a monster that would simply replace any greedhead that was removed with another greedhead.
Tell me Dave, have we ever in our history had this ferocious greed coming from one party?? The number of Righties who seem to be hell bent on destroying our democracy, our middleclass, eliminating the poor and minorities, the sick and also the non Christian and homosexuals, is staggering. These kinds of religious rightwingers/teabaggers are not acting out as patriots, quite the opposite! This is a beast I don't know how we can fight.
Shaw when I peeked in at that lamebrains post on the outlandish email I just about fainted while laughing so hard! And these morons say WE need to wake up?? The lack of brains is startling!! I think the whole friggin bunch of them are really 5th graders. And to think some people say I'm wrong for deleting lisa's comments.. Bwahaahaahaaha!
Well Grover does hang around with some shady characters;
He was knee deep in the Abramoff scandal, funneling money from the GOPer CON Jack A to Ralphie Reed, so Ralphie could push non-christan crapola to the right wing christofacsists, to undermine gambling casions who did not pay the corrupt trio, and to benefit the casions who were willing to fund the scams and bribes the three were involved with.
Grover was willing to use his anti-american totalitarian PAC to help several cons commit felonies(including Grover himself for laundering the money).
Ralphie was willing to use stupid right wing buy-bull thumpers to further their goals and enrich himself, Jebus would be SO PROUD of ralphie.
In some ways the Mafia are impressed how blatant Reed and Norquist were, and the fact they got away with it.
But then again the mafia never held so many right wing politicos balls in their hands, Grover threatens their future if the GOpers don't goose step to his starve the government till he can drown it like Bush ET AL allowed New Orleans citizens to drown.
Ralphie guarantees the stupider part of the right wing will follow along no matter how much damage to the country they do.
Reed scammed the sheeple along with Pat Robertson during the 90's till they had cleaned the coffers, the, they both bolted leaving the remaining people to deal with the bankruptcy of the crumbling Christain coalition.
Thats when ralphie moved on to use Grovers PAC to help Jack A in breaking the law.
The three should be doing decades for their criminal activity, and forced to repay every dime.
Yada, Yada, Yada...
Norquist is the lefts new bogeyman and it is certain ye all will play it to the hilt.
Extremism, no matter from whence it comes, is a danger to our republic. And this site certainly fits that description.
Those who butcher the English language using the kind of verbal filth this site {Sue}excels in speaks louder than whatever else the content may hold. And Sue, sometimes I actually take a step back and give your positions consideration. Usually I don't agree, sometimes I am neutral, and rarely I agree.
Perhaps it's the presentation?
Blogging can get into your blood and with it a dangerous phenomenon takes place. I'll leave it to you Sue to figure out what that means. It took me two years.
It is not my place to lecture or pass judgement. So please forgive me if I am out of line. I will make one more observation and leave...
You have a passion and whether I or anybody else agrees is immaterial. It is also Obvious that you really want to be part of changing the USA and maybe the world to your world view. Fine Sue, I encourage you and welcome the challenge. And if I may please allow me to offer a bit of advice:
Become the teacher, become less vitriolic, sell your ideas by the force of your logic, and knock off the foul language that is so prevalent in your posts. I believe you will find it will make you more effective .
Thanks for allowing me this comment.
PS: I don't listen to NorquisT. As a fiscal conservative I can safely say he does not represent me, and I suspect there are millions of other fiscal conservatives that think the same way.
RN, do I say thanks I appreciate the fatherly advice and say I'll tone down the language or do I say I don't think any blogger should go to another bloggers home and tell them what is appropriate and what is not? I am who I am, I was raised not to take Gods name in vain, and it stuck even at 55 I don't feel comfortable saying those words, but fuck is something I use freely, always did and always will. Sorry if that offends you, I have told you before when we had this conversation, I am a grown woman, this is my blog, I talk like that in my real life and I talk like that here, so if you can't handle it then don't read!
BTW, I do not use fuck as freely as I did in the beginning, if you noticed. I am beyond sick of those fuckin teabaggers and their agenda to destroy America so yes, they piss me off and I'm not apologizing to anyone.
Don't fuckin' care. Use it however the fuck you want.
you da man, C!
The multi-headed Greed Monster of the Guardians Of Plutocracy has always been around, but it certainly has grown larger and more powerful. The tragedy is it has infiltrated the Democratic Party to a dangerous degree. It's time for Democrats to purge their corporatists and become the party of democracy.
We need serious grassroots efforts and bold leadership to achieve this. Above all we need to keep the Guardians Of Plutocracy out of the White House, or they will crush democracy beyond repair.
Frankly, RN, if I were Sue, I'd kick your ass off of her blog, period. Most of us are tired of you coming here and slinging personal insults at all the rotten liberals. To add insult to injury, you have the audacity to tell her how she should conduct herself on her own blog in front of the whole world!!! Where do you get off doing such a thing? Do you waltz into a person's home at a party and start criticizing the host in front of the guests? If you're really interested in giving your brand of advice, what's wrong in sending a personal email? You, sir, are way off base here.
thanks L, I appreciate the support.
I've been getting heat over at Wills because I delete lisa, can you imagine what would be said about me if I deleted RN??
thanks Dave, So I guess the true liberals of the Democratic party have alot of work to do or the beast will over take America...
Sue, My apologies. We are all what we are.
LP - Perhaps it's the "Audacity of Hope."
Good question Sue. I think Grover took advantage of the GOP's fear of the Tea Party and got them to sign the pledge. It's ironic how a man like him has achieved so much power when you consider how right-wingers often claim George Soros is an evil puppetmaster who controls the progressive movement. Can you imagine how they'd react if Soros made the Dems sign a pledge to never vote to cut taxes?!
that's a great question Malcolm, it would be entertaining watching the teabagger hysteria over a George Soros pledge!
A pledge to never cut taxes makes as much sense as a pledge to never raise taxes. I love it! We must talk George into creating one.
But the fact is..Norquist IS controlling the debate! You can not change that fact. He is a simple man w/an ego the size of texas. Simple as in he works for the corporatocracy and no one else. Someone who would rather see our economy and the world's economy tank than be reasonable isn't playing w/a full deck or they really really like being powerful. I hope he lives to regret this fuckery as his bought and paid for elected fuckwads will regret him and his stupid pledge.
RN-USA: "Become the teacher, become less vitriolic, sell your ideas by the force of your logic, and knock off the foul language that is so prevalent in your posts. I believe you will find it will make you more effective ."
RN, there's a fellow conservative blogger who goes after Sue and me all the time. His idea of a rational discussion is to call me a witch and numerous other juvenile names.
I think you should take your advice and trot it over to that person's blog. He needs all the help he can get.
PS. Sue, lisa joined in with "he who will not be named" in sniggering over calling me a witch.
Their combined IQ hovers around that of a jar of horseradish.
to regret means the economy must sink, Dusty. I don't think Obama will let that happen, so on lives Norquist and his lovely teabaggers.
Shaw, yes Mal and lisa are joined at the hip, in fact share the same brain! She trots over there, swallows his stupid words, all the while talking about me and you...and her friends think I should publish her comments! LOL!
Grover Norquist is leader of the Republicans, including Joe Walsh (a Republican Representative from Illinois).
The link is to a clip from Hardball in which Joe Walsh "gutted Chris Matthews like a flounder"... according to the blogger Rusty (the guy that hangs out at Will's blog and left a few comments here).
For some reason Joe Walsh keeps saying "Chris" over and over... later on Chris Matthews reveals that Joe Walsh said "Chris" 60+ times during the 10-minute interview. I thought it was pretty funny (the guy comes off as a total weirdo).
Chris Matthews was not "gutted". Joe Walsh is another Republican lying about what the American people want. The American people believe the focus should be JOBS. Before the midterms the Republicans promised they were going to pursue a "jobs agenda".
The objective of the cutting agenda is quite straightforward... it's an anti-stimulus designed to depress the economy and make the president look bad so he loses in 2012. I don't understand WHY the Democrats are playing along.
here's an excellent piece from politicusuas on Grover Norquist...
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