Friday, July 29, 2011

Why so critical?? All joking aside, Obama is NOT SUPERMAN!

For those who can't grasp reality and seem to believe President Obama is inept and deserves their criticism, need to read this blog post I found today The Peoples View is the blog,  you can go here to read more.....

Despite our strong belief that the government does not and should not operate like a business, many on the so-called "Left" seem to be suffering from the delusion that the President is a unitary executive, and can do whatever he pleases. If he really wants to do something, he can do it, the argument goes, thereby attributing anything that does not get done to the President's unwillingness to do it, rather than legislative reality or any other extraneous factor. It allows people to flat out ignore the fact that the President is but the head of one branch of government, restrained by the other branches, as well as the Constitutional limits on his power. But the same people are also always the first to scream that any use of legitimate executive power is itself abusive!
You have heard it all before. A, B, C didn't get done because President Obama didn't really want to do it. Or he didn't fight for it. He didn't pound podium enough. He didn't twist enough arms. He didn't do this. He didn't do that. If only he had gone to Maine and verbally beat the Maine Republican senators over the head, we would have the public option in health reform. If only he had issued an executive order rather than go through the legislative process, DADT would be history on Day 2 of his presidency. And I suppose he was supposed to bullypulpit and podium-pound into submission all 90 senators and the overwhelming majority of the House who voted to block the closure of Guantanamo.

President Obama was elected to govern the Whole country, not just the selfish Me Me Me Lefties,  AS were the House members who we so freely criticize.  Those Tea Party Freshmen MUST get real, they are not the ONLY group in Congress allowed to legislate! The bowing down to the righties has officially ENDED, the tea party is over and the people want you to go home....God I can't wait for the next election...cut cap and balance can go straight to hell with the supporters of this hideous partisan bill....


Les Carpenter said...

Cut, Cap, and balance is actually a VERY good idea. In the long term we need to get our fiscal house in order. If we don't the future may provide drama that may be as bad, or worse, than the current one we are experiencing.

Having said this the republicans SHOULD NOT be holding America hostage to drive home their ideological agenda.

Having our rating lowered from AAA, and or defaulting on our debt WILL impact every single American and result is a higher cost of living for them. At least in the near term. Not to mention the negative impact it will have on the markets. Thus hitting Americans again in a negative way.

Cut, Cap,and Balance is a worthy goal. One that ought be pursued and accomplished after we get beyond the current crises.

Hopefully level heads in both parties will find a way to get our house back in order. I am hopeful, not optimistic.

Neither the Congress nor the President has totally clean hands in this mess.

""But with respect to future debt; would it not be wise and just for that nation to
declare in the constitution they are forming that neither the legislature, nor the
nation itself can validly contract more debt, than they may pay within their own
age, or within the term of 19 years." --Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison,

How far we have strayed from sensible fiscal responsibility.

Leslie Parsley said...

The Democratic-controlled Senate voted to table Republican House Speaker John Boehner's debt-limit bill Friday evening, effectively killing it less than two hours after the House passed it.
Democrats and several Republicans killed the GOP measure by a 59-41 vote

Sue said...

L, we have a long way to go. McDick will not negotiate with Reid and will filibuster...I'm stunned. I actually believed McDick was gonna be the adult, but no, he has no intentions of helping Dems save us from the brink of disaster. What the GOP is doing is economic terrorism...

Justin said...

I agree with you totally on this! It's funny to me how alot of people on the left were so pissed off at Bush for steam rolling his agenda. And now they're pissed at Obama for not steam rolling his agenda!?!

It's a three branch government system! One branch shall not dictate it's terms on another no matter how much one likes it or dislikes it!


Ranch Chimp said...

This whole prank with this debt crisis nonsense was strictly orchestrated for two reason's through GOP/ TeaBag personel, one to try to privatize America and drive gvmnt and affiliate's bankrupt, morally and financially, to divert all revenue's to the intl private sector, to buy up failing gvmnt ran business, and eliminate people's voice or at least minimize it, and two all will be done as I have posted in detail 2009/ 2010 to eliminate this President and administration at whatever cost's, even to the people at that. One of the biggest feat's that the GOP is trying to accomplish is to eliminate any public assistance programme's especially SSI which is actually paid for by people to divert them annula billion's as well to offshore investment's, etc.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Look at it this way, Sue. If we had a balanced budget amendment (and, no, I'm not necessarily arguing for it here), President Bush wouldn't have been able to ram through those highly expensive tax-cuts 10 years ago. And he wouldn't have been able to start those 2 wars without paying for them, either.............As for the debt-ceiling, don't worry, it'll get raised. There are still too many (relatively) sane people in Washington to muck around with it.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Neither the Congress nor the President has totally clean hands in this mess."--RN-USA

There is no "both sides did" equivalency in this crisis.

The president gave the GOP a HUGE package with a 3 to 1 ratio in cuts vs. revenues--revenues that would have been realized through closing tax loopholes for billionaires. That enraged Mr. Obama's base.

The GOP--rather the Tea Party said NO! and has continued to say NO! to anything that approaches raising revenues.

There is no equivalency to what the thugs in the Tea Party are doing.

They have pledged their allegiance to ideologues in the GOP--Grover Norquist--and given the finger to America.

We are being held hostage by a group of rogue nincompoops. They know nothing about governing--just listen to the moronic ideas coming from Bachmann and Palin and West.

Sue said...

Thanks for commenting! This is amazing shit going down isn't it?! I can't believe we have to wait til Sunday for another vote...

One thing to come from this clownfest is an even wider eye-popping realization the teabaggers voted in last election are the blame if doom and gloom happens. They were elected solely for the purpose of destroying Obamas presidency. They have NO other purpose for they can not comprehend what it means to be a team, to come together in compromise for the whole country, not just teabagger Obama haters agenda. They have no experience in government workings, and believe they can dictate. There is a nose in the air attitude about this group, they and their followers don't care what anyone thinks of them, they are on a mission and if anyone gets in their way..."shoot to kill". Look what they did to their leader, Boehner. Within a 24 hr period he came out with his tail between his legs, singing and laughing, cuz the baggers got their way!! Stunning!!!

For the hard left who are so critical of Obama, picture this...Teabagger majority in BOTH House and Senate and Repub president! It can happen if the left doesn't organize. There was a teaparty leader on TV this week and he said they are working extremely hard to oust over 60 dems and 60 moderate repubs from Congress. Picture that!!

Les Carpenter said...

Shaw you cherry picked my comment. I am aware what the President offered. In fact I have placed more responsibility with the GOP for the current situation with respect to the debt ceiling.

I support Cap, Cut, and Balance, it only makes fiscal sense. If done properly and responsibly.

The primary issue right now is we must raise the debt ceiling to avoid default on our obligations and calm the markets.

Then we must address those pesky issues of deficits and the national debt, and find a way to make 4 trillion in real cuts. Cut, Cap, Balance will do this. Provisions for waving the cap during times of national emergency, war etc. obviously would be necessary.

I have always maintained that the tax code needs to be simplified, loopholes closed {for corporations as well}, and marginal rates reduced, subsidies eliminated, and significant spending cuts made, including shutting down unnecessary federal departments.

The MIC and foreign aid {welfare) put on the cutting block as well.

Only after these things are down do I support an increase in "revenue."

Having said this I realize compromises must ultimately be made. The pursuit of achieving a return to fiscal sanity is not moronic. It is responsible. Unfortunately some are narrowly focused on "their singular agenda" there is no room for compromise.

The beautiful part of this debate is we are free to hold our representatives, senators, and the President's feet to the fire of public outrage.

Les Carpenter said...

Sue, you worry too much. The majority of the country finds itself in... the middle ... and likely the political landscape will look different after the 2012 elections.

I am as fiscally conservative as the Tea Party freshman. I actually share their vision of restoring fiscal sanity to the federal government. Through responsible means. Not by causing this nation to default on our obligations.

I was not an Obama supporter and remain in large part in the same category today. This due to a differing philosophy and world view. However, my desire is not to destroy the President. I do not believe it would be the overt or covert desire of any rational person .

I turned in my republican badge for the badge of independent conservative a while ago, thus I have no party affiliation. There was a reason.

Party affiliation and allegiance is not always a good thing. It often gets in the way of rational thought.

Jerry Critter said...

RN - "I turned in my republican badge for the badge of independent conservative a while ago, thus I have no party affiliation."

But when you vote, I bet you vote overwhelmingly republican. That makes you a republican whether or not you claim them.

Les Carpenter said...

Sometimes Jerry you simply have to make the hard choices between "lesser of two evils."

When I vote I vote on what, or who I view as the best choice all things considered. If in my analysis it is a toss up I don't cast a ballot for that particular office because, well it really won't matter in my view who wins. I also don't vote for unopposed candidates.

Lately I been screwed I admit.

I will work for a reasonable conservative republican, or Libertarian candidate to defeat Obama in 2012. If the outcome is the republican or libertarian party nominates a buffoon I just won't vote the presidential slate.

Which is as much as casting a vote FOR Obama. Principles actually do matter Jerry. and when the little birdie whispers in my ear that you're going to get screwed either way then I just walk away... for now. Didn't used to be that way. It is today.

I'm old enough to vaguely remember Eisenhower, and certainly Goldwater vividly... I'll say no more.

Jerry Critter said...

"Which is as much as casting a vote FOR Obama."

Actually not voting is not the same as a vote for Obama.

Let say you have a voting pool of 1000 people. They all vote, 550 the for republican candidate and 450 the for Democratic candidate. If 51 republican voters chose not to vote, the republican candidate would still win 499 to 450. If those 51 voters voted Democratic instead of republican, the Democrat wins 499 to 501, clearly a very different outcome.

Jerry Critter said...

Obviously, the Democrat wins 501 to 499.