Sunday, July 17, 2011

Democrats, by far, out number Republicans when it comes to brilliance!

We have so many great Democratic governors, we need to start talking more about them.  Before you know it 2016 will be here and one of these governors could very well be our next president. One such governor is from the great state of Maryland, Gov. Martin O'Malley,  he is speaking up and speaking out loud and a chorus of Democratic governors should be following his lead.....O'Malley says the GOP debt negotiators in Washington are trying to undermine the economy so President Obama will lose his re-election bid next yr.

"I think that there is an extreme wing within their party who have as their primary goal not the jobs recovery, but the defeat of President Obama in 2012," O'Malley said in an interview. "They know that their formulations, their policies of less revenues and less regulation badly failed our country and plunged us into this recession. So their only way of evening the playing field is to keep the president from being successful in the jobs recovery."

O'Malley is absolutely correct,  I'm so glad he is speaking out! What we are seeing in the states with the newly elected GOP governors laying off thousands of state workers because they claim their states are "broke", is why we keep seeing high unemployment numbers. When the GOP led House takes jobs bills after jobs bills and throws them in the shredder, then turns around and says they are doing everything they can to help the economy grow, well that's enough to make a grown woman laugh out loud!  Bwahahahahaha!!  They keep going back to the tired old "out of control spending spree in Washington" line. I guess it's ok if the out of control spending is done under GOP rule though...such hypocrites. We all know the game, we have the charts to prove it, spending sprees and deficits rising happened most under Republican presidents... The Lefties are NOT dumb sheeple like the Righties, we can read charts and graphs, we know how to dig for facts.....

O'Malley says key Republican members of Congress, through their intransigence, have cleverly set up a situation for the American economy to fail, either by needlessly driving us to default, or like I just said, needlessly driving us into massive public sector layoffs. It is so true it's scary.  Their game is to stall the economic recovery because they think it will mean the black dude is a one idiotic is that?! Do we trust a Republican to come back in and fix their own disastrous mess? I know I don't. They know how to get us into these messes but they haven't a clue how to get us's time for the party of intelligence, wisdom and grace to move full steam ahead, we just gotta kick to the curb those do-nothing obstructionists!  Now some will say but Obama has been president for almost 3 years, the mess is his. Well not true. We are still in the clean-up process from the last administration. You see, 8 yrs of out of control spending sprees can't be cleaned up in 2 yrs when you have the other party not willing to give a little help in the process....

When you are having those doubts, when you are feeling not so in love with President Obama and the choices he makes...Please remember this, THE PRESIDENT HAS LIMITED ABILITY TO CONTROL THE ECONOMY,  ESPECIALLY WITH REPUBLICANS RUNNING THE HOUSE!

There is no doubt about it, the GOP is out for blood. They hate President Obama and want desperately to defeat him.....It's our job as ObamaCrats to protect and defend our president. We do that with our voices,  and at the voting booth......


Jerry Critter said...

2016 will be an interesting election assuming that Obama wins in 2012 and Biden is his vice president. Biden will not run for president in 2016, so we will have a wide open field for both Democrats and republican. We will have intelligent Democrats against wingnut republicans. Sounds like a replay of 2008. I can't wait.

Sue said...

Jerry don't just assume, be positive! :)
You're right tho, intelligent dems against wingnut non-intelligent repubs. Take your pick America!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I figure Mitt Romney will keep running till he either wins or dies. Most likely he'll die because as cynical as I am, I can't belive that most Americans want to go back to the republican crap that nearly wiped out our economy and mired us in two occupations without end.

Plus, despite my sometime's getting pissed at something President Obama had or hadn't done, damn right I'm voting for him again in 2012. I'd even be willing to sign a petition and get the bsll rolling to repeal the two term limit on presidents so Obama can run in 2016 also. And 2020.

Sue said...

Truth I hate the 2 term limit, if you get the ball rolling I'll be the first to sign!

sounds like you are an ObamaCrat, good for you!

Flying Junior said...

Well, instead of the old retired governor of Massachusetts, Deval Patrick is a very groovy cat. Just read The Globe. He makes the news almost every day.

Too bad Jerry Brown would be seventy-nine, not that that is really too old to govern. He's one helluva budget balancer! (It really is too bad that Arnold cancelled the car tax and placed his faith in slot machines. He wasn't the worst republican in the mix.) I'm sure glad Brown is in charge of my state instead of that crazy Meg Whitman! I guess his ship-of-state has pretty much come and gone, more or less the same way McCain or Ted Kennedy got a little bit too old to win.

Les Carpenter said...

JC "We will have intelligent Democrats against wingnut republicans."

Sue "...intelligent dems against wingnut non-intelligent repubs."

Truth "I'd even be willing to sign a petition and get the bsll rolling to repeal the two term limit on presidents so Obama can run in 2016 also."

Sue "Truth I hate the 2 term limit, if you get the ball rolling I'll be the first to sign!"

FJ "Too bad Jerry Brown would be seventy-nine, not that that is really too old to govern."

Did somebody say something about wing nuts?

The CDM said...

Courtesy of a friend of mine, posted this interesting bit of trivia:

Here's how many Republicans Senators voted to raise the debt ceiling each time it came up for a vote since 1997.

1997: 55
2002: 31
2003: 50
2004: 50
2006: 51
2007: 26
2008: 34
2008: 33
Then Obama was elected.
2009: 2
2009: 1
2010: 0


Flying Junior said...


I would be satisfied if Obama just got two terms. I think it would be madness to repeal the twenty-second amendment.

You can't be serious that you don't dig Brown. He cuts right through the gridlock. He's the Man!

Jerry Critter said...

Yeah! I did. I said wingnut republicans! What's your point, RN? Are you trying to suggest that I, Sue, Truth 101, and Flying Junior are wingnut republicans? If so, I would say that you have had a little too much Sunday joy juice.

Jerry Critter said...

It amazing how they find religion once they are out of power.

clif said...

Did somebody say something about wing nuts?


PS; look in the mirror for another one RN, the wingnut shoe fits you to a tee.

Jolly Roger said...

Rectal Nutter is trying his hand at projection. And failing.

The CDM said...

Jerry - Ain't it though? This is republican deby and now they want to kill Medicare, Social Security and a host of other social programs to pay for it. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear this was engineered from the start.

They want to take a chunk(of course this won't really solve much of the debt) out of the debt with some creative accounting manuevers. THAT'S THEFT!!!

Jerry Critter said...

Yes, the republicans want to kill social programs. They are clearly not interested in balancing the budget and reducing the debt. All you have to do is look at the Ryan budget that the House republicans passed. It does not balance the budget until 2063.

That's FIFTY-TWO YEARS from now and will add trillions to the debt!

clif said...

he's doing a good job at it already.


He got Phil Gramm, Jim Leach and Thomas J. Bliley, Jr. to sponsor a Wall Street lobbyist written bill to repealed part of the Glass–Steagall Act of 1933, so Citibank and financial conglomerate Travelers Group merger wouldn't be illegal in 1999;

Then he got Alan Greenspan to artificially lower interest rates to help Wall Street boost their profits, with the difference between what wall street paid in borrowing costs against their exuberant profit margins on all the pump and dump crap (IE Enron, Tyco, Worldcom, ET AL stocks wall street has scammed the public with);

Then he got Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers ET AL to finance the no doc loans with they rebundled as triple A value investments to scam the public at large more. Hell Goldman Sachs was betting against the investments even while selling the crap.

The he got Bush the Dumber to appoint the former Chairman of Goldman Sachs to be head of the US Treasury to con the congress to underwrite their scams with the TARP, and even got Bush the Dumber to sign TARP into law.

He even has US Corps sitting on over 1 trillion dollars, he must be forbidding them from investing in jobs here, since the rich fat cat corps holding all that money REFUSE to invest in the USA.

Yes given your cognitive dissonance in understanding simple facts, I can see how you would make-believe it is all President Obama's fault, too bad the fairytale land you tea-baggers live in doesn't resemble history or reality.

Keep on foolin'yerself all the deluded talking points faux noise fills yer head with daily are real.

Ignore the facts that faux news here is just as corrupt as the news corp propaganda orgs are in Britian.

You gotta hope the 75% of America which doesn't participate in your imaginary reality doesn't figure it all out .... because if faux news or news corp hacked the 9-11 victims, your propaganda cause is lost this election cycle.

Sue said...

thanks for that informative comment clif, even if I did have to delete the troll. It felt good to read it!