I get it now.....I'm not a black woman therefore I didn't fully understand the inner workings of President Obama's brain, but Goldie Taylor, thegrio.com, has helped me. When President Obama does not get angry at the Rethuglicans it's because he can not. Do you know how the country would react to an angry black president? It wouldn't be positive I can assure you. Mr. President, I apologize for calling you a pussy and expecting you to show more anger towards those idiot Republiscums. I fully understand now the history of the black man and how that effects your day to day life....I understand now why you stay calm, cool, and collected, why it is you want to show the country you are open to negotiating with those Rethuglicans, even though they have no intentions of negotiating with you, OUR President of the Whole USA.
NOW, can someone tell that big mouth, know it all, Herman Cain... Barack Obama IS a REAL Black Man, more a MAN than you could ever pretend to be Mr. Cain...
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
Herman Cain is Black, Jesse Lee Peterson is Black, and Shelby Steele is Black. What they don't have is qualities of Negritude. Yes that is a real word.
Someone like Paul Wall, eminem, or the Beasties Boys would get more love than Clarence Thomas from black people. Also it's not about acting "black" like Anthony Michael Hall in "Weird Science". I grew up around a White Woman that her nickname is "Farrakhan". Both of her parents are white but she has black brothers and sisters. Jusst like Alfonzo Ribero "Charlton" of the Fresh Prince TV show is black but didn't have knowledge of his own Negritude.
My problem isn't if a Black person exibits qualities of Negritude, it's if they're a Conservative or a Progressive.
hey kid! I wonder how many readers will Google Negritude before they comment? I DID!!
I get where you're coming from.. I'll try one... Bill Cosby, he has Negritude. Am I right?
Barack Obama has Negritude.
Do you believe black conservatives pretend to have Negritude?
To say that Barack Obama is not a strong black man in the tradition of MLK Jr. is just about as personal as it gets. Then he actually talks about his mother!?! I have often wondered if the true Obama haters would have somehow have accepted him as president with a little bit more grace if he was a slightly less exotic flavor of black, maybe a professor from UCLA or the son of a black minister or a school janitor, maybe the great-great-great grandson of a slave from a family that adopted their slaveowners family name. It took Herman Cain to explain it to me.
I'm obviously not black. But I do know a great deal about the history of black music in the U.S.A. I'm going to go out on a limb here and venture that Herman's campaign jingle doesn't really delve into the history of black music in America in a very powerful way.
Wow what an awesome blog! I'm glad I found it! Rock on fellow liberal!:)
FJ: Thanks for the link. A really crappy ad all around. Cain is a light-weight, an ass, and obviously too stupid to see he's only the House N****r for the Republicans. He can fetch for them but they'll never let him even get close to the nomination, much less be elected.
mornin! I hope everyone is having a nice 4th weekend!
FJ I don't know why black conservatives have such an attitude problem, Michael Steele was the same way but seems a little more mellow since joining MSNBC. The things Cain says about Obama are so full of ignorance.
You're right Leslie, the GOP will not let that man anywhere near the nomination, a black man is a black man afterall...we used to say the same about Steele being the n****r in the house, he's been replaced.
Virgil welcome in! I skimmed your awesome blog but will def return when I have some time to linger! YOU Rock On!!
I believe we have another troll - a girl named Sue.
Yes L, she gets deleted quickly. She sounds very much like lisa/Mal...
our friend, dmarks, would probably criticize Cain for race bashing Obama.
I bash Cain for bringing race--Mr. Obama's blackness--into the discussion. His upbringing by his mother and mother's parents has nothing to do with Mr. Obama's policy decisions.
Cain obviously has no good argument on Mr. Obama's policies, or even the ability to tell people what he would do to create jobs or fix the economy, so he tells his fans that he's a "real" black man and Mr. Obama is not.
When you've got nothing of value to say, you attack a person's racial heritage?
BTW, Herman Cain will never be president.
As someone else pointed out, he should tell the American people how being the CEO of a pizza company will inform his foreign policy decisions.
I just read that two of his staff have quit - following two other who already quit. A Black Newt.
I am glad to hear that Steele is carrying on the proud tradition. We need good conservatives. I can't believe that cigarette-smoking loser, Böhner, got away with forcing him out as chief. He was trying to bring the republican party back to its progressive roots. Well, you didn't have to be the Wright Bros to know that would never fly! I hope he doesn't fuck up and be forced to take some shit job at FOX.
I'm not sure I'm as enthusiastic about Steele as you are, but I doubt seriously if there would ever be a place for him at Fox.
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