What is the problem in Utah?? Those rich Mormons in their mansions, the ones who worship in those gold-plated temples, I believe they hate poor people! They stick their haughty taughty noses up at those less fortunate!
I used to like Orrin Hatch, I thought he was a distinguished member of Congress, but lately he's been saying the most outrageous things, he almost sounds senile! While referring to Democrats he said, "I hear how they are so caring for the poor and so forth, the poor need jobs and they also need to share some of the responsibility." Wow, that's something isn't it?! Do you think Mr. Hatch personally knows someone who makes, oh say 15 to $20,000 dollars, no not hourly, not daily, not even weekly or monthly, how about yearly? Do you think he has a clue what it feels like to live paycheck to paycheck? I'm not talking about welfare recipients, I'm talking about the working poor, yes Mr. Hatch there really are people who live on $20,000 a year and must house and feed their families. When you rich bastards say the poor should buck up and contribute to your deficit reduction ideas, even when you continue to fight to keep tax breaks for the uber rich, you really sound quite ridiculous!
Mr. Hatch is outraged that a family of 4 living on $80,000 a year receives subsidies for their healthcare needs. He can not fathom why this family is categorized as deserving of subsidies, he accuses these poor "rich" people as the reason we are running out of monies!
YET!...his party refuses to budge on the tax subsidies for oil companies, claiming the wise policy leads to shared prosperity!! LOL
I just don't get them, and never will.
Tax revenues are at a 60 year low, President Obama is agreeing to trillions in spending cuts, but Republicans and Sen. Hatch are still clinging to the old argument..."you can not raise taxes in this fragile economy"...What they are really saying is it's ok to raise taxes on the poor and middle class cuz they have been so spoiled lately, but do not touch our friends the rich cuz they are the job creators....OKAY then.....
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
3 hours ago
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