Tuesday, October 26, 2010

George Soros gives $1 million to pot legalization measure

I don't care one way or the other about legalizing pot in America, but to post this George Soros piece just makes me giddy because the wingnuts HATE him!!

SAN FRANCISCO — Billionaire financier George Soros has thrown his weight behind California's marijuana legalization measure with a $1 million donation a week before the vote. The contribution reported Tuesday by The Sacramento Bee is the single biggest donation from an individual other than Proposition 19's main sponsor, Oakland medical marijuana entrepreneur Richard Lee.
Soros, a high-profile liberal and philanthropist, has long backed drug law reform. He was one of the top financial backers of California's first-in-the-nation measure that legalized medical marijuana in the state in 1996.
But Soros held off on openly endorsing the current measure until writing an op-ed published Tuesday in The Wall Street Journal. In the piece, Soros said legalizing and taxing marijuana would save taxpayers the costs of incarceration and law enforcement while raising revenue for the state.

You can read the rest here while you smile....

Have you seen the latest Jerry Brown ad? Meg Whitman is endorsing Jerry Brown and his policies which brought her to California 30 years ago! LOLOL!

"You know 30 years ago, anything was possible in this state," Whitman is shown saying at the beginning of the new commercial. Text then appears asking, "Who was governor 30 years ago?" Jerry Brown's name soon appears beneath the question.
The ad flashes back to clips from Brown's tenure as governor, while a narrator says that the Democrat "cut waste, got rid of the mansion and the limo." The spot continues to rattle off more of Brown's accomplishments before cutting back to more from Whitman. "I mean it's why I came to California," she says.

It's a great one, watch.....

Go Jerry Brown and Barbara Boxer! Just goes to prove money can not buy an election! YAY true blue California, this is for all my Cali friends!!


Jerry Critter said...

I say this Jerry Brown ad yesterday. Love it! The guy's got a good first name also.

Sue said...

Jerry this is the best ad I have seen all season! It's a scream, (Can ya hear Whitman screaming?)

Gotta love those Jerry's! Are ya happy with Brown back in the governors seat? Do you think it'll make a difference in Californias woes?

Lisa G. said...

Go George Soros - that is going to piss off the teabaggers/wingnuts in a HUGE way!

What a great ad - Carly has got to be FUMING mad. A repub endorsing a Dem - that's unheard of these days!

Unknown said...
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The CDM said...

Damn I hat google sometimes.


It'll piss of the staunch conservatives and republicans, but it won't piss off Libertarians. They don't give a damn about drug laws other than to just repeal them.

Jerry Critter said...

I think Jerry as governor will be much better than Meg. However, California's problems go beyond the governor's office. The biggest problem is the 2/3 requirement to raise taxes and pass a budget. It allows a minority to control the process, rather than the voters. One, or both, of those requirements should be done away with.

Leslie Parsley said...

Good for Soros and what a great ad.

Infidel753 said...

Brown and Boxer are both showing more secure leads.

The marijuana initiative is important for two reasons: It will probably increase the turnout of younger voters in California, and ideas which succeed in California often spread nationally. The war on marijuana is a failed experiment like Prohibition and needs to be abandoned as soon as possible.

Sue said...

It'll be their chance to say see told ya so, Soros gives to the liberal causes so whats the difference between him and Fox?

it'll piss off lisa to see Soros name here, that should make for a fun comment.

I hope Brown can fix your problems Jerry, this country needs California to get back on track.

Leslie the ad is super, one of my favorites this Fall!

Infidel I'm not surprised the 1 million gift came at this time, getting out the young vote is vital for dems. I'm not a pot smoker but I know some who have been for most of their adult life and it hasn't affected them, Unlike the few alcoholics I know.....

Shaw Kenawe said...

Wingnuts go batty over Soros money but remain silent over Koch brothers financing the TP movement and influencing the elections?

GOPoH = Grand Old Party of Hypocrites.

Flying Junior said...

Thanks for the encouragement Sue. Barbara Boxer is a hard-working and beloved politician who truly represents her constituency. She has one of the most sterling voting records you will ever see. The upstart Fiorina, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Republican Senatorial Committee are unleashing a $3 million TV blitz this week in a desperate attempt to unseat her. But truth stands unmoved in the face of lies.

Even the city council race in San Diego has gone out-of-control. I always try to use the cardboard mailers in the kitchen for meat and vegetable scraps like a paper plate.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

I was going to comment on legalizing pot but I forgot what I was going to say.

Who wants some ice cream?

Leslie Parsley said...

Not if it doesn't have pot in it.