Monday, October 18, 2010

Where's the Respect?

Here we sit, just weeks before the big elections and Democrats are gettin' no respect! Why is it so when this Congress was the most productive in nearly half a century? It's beginning to sound like a broken record but I will say it again, President Obama has done a good job and you naysayers need to stop listening to wingnuts and read for yourselves the progress made in the past 2 years.

Not since the explosive years of the civil rights movement and the hard-fought debut of government-supported health care for the elderly and poor have so many big things — love them or hate them — been done so quickly.

 I feel increasingly sad and disillusioned when my party gets no respect, because Democrats do deserve respect.  All throughout our history Democrats have consistently made great strides. In 1966 after creating Medicare and Medicaid and passing civil rights laws they got hammered in the election. They lost 48 seats in the House and 4 in the Senate but managed to hold on to the majorities in both houses. We are waiting, not so patiently, for November 2nd to come and go. Optimistic are you?

In the 1960s Democrats paid the price for events largely outside their control — an escalating war in Vietnam going badly, rowdy anti-war protests and violence in American cities, said Linda Fowler, professor of government at Dartmouth College.
"I think that's what's going on this time too," Fowler said, "despite a very significant record of accomplishment."

In terms of legislative successes, the current session of Congress is "at least on a par with the 89th Congress" of 1965-1966, said Norman Ornstein, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.
But, he added, Republicans have done all they could to discredit Congress and Democrats have failed to sell their agenda. Moreover, it will take years to fully feel the effects of the health care law and financial regulation.
"A world dominated by bickering and epithet-throwing and bomb tossing in Washington obscures accomplishments," Ornstein said.

Yes, and it will probably take years for the people to understand the effects caused by Republicans which resorted in drastic moves by President Obama. The bank bailouts have been paid back AND with intetrest. But do the people know this?? Who is touting this accomplishment for Obama? The President had no choice but to ask Congress to pass a stimulus package to avoid a depression, thanks to Republican policies....Has the country grasped the severity of the problem and given Obama credit for saving us from economic collapse? No, two years is not enough time to see real change, it will take longer. But sadly the people do not want to be patient so we're headed back in the ditch. I believe if this does happen then the GOP will be forced to actually do some work, they will have to show Americans that they can govern or they will pay dearly in 2012. I say GOOD!

Two landmark acts of this session were the health care overhaul, a giant step toward universal coverage that had eluded presidents back to Franklin Roosevelt if not Teddy Roosevelt, and the Wall Street accountability act.
Obama has also signed into law at least a dozen other pieces of legislation of significance. They include:
_Making college loans more affordable.
_The Cash for Clunkers program that helped rejuvenate the auto industry.
_New consumer protections for credit card users.
_Making it easier for women to challenge pay discrimination.
_Increasing federal regulation of tobacco products.
_Cracking down on waste in Pentagon weapons acquisition.
_Making attacks based on sexual orientation a federal hate crime.
_Giving businesses tax incentives to hire unemployed workers.
_Tax credits for first-time homeowners.
So where is the love?

Do you remember the cries of socialism in the 1960's during the bitter debate over Medicare? Back then even with the fighting on both sides, the polls showed the country had faith their government was doing the right things. Today the polls tell us something very different. The country trusts neither party. This erosion of trust has enabled the Republicans to score points by arguing that Democratic big government programs are destroying our foundation.  It is shameful Americans are not paying attention, they are letting extreme rhetoric tell them what to think and believe. Too much bitterness and partisan divide keeps people from opening their minds to the truth.

"The amazing thing is that we have had such a productive Congress despite the obstructionism," Steny Hoyer said. "Republicans and their media have successfully sent out a message that the Congress has failed."
Democrats cling to a hope that voters in the last two weeks before the election will come to a more favorable view of how the party handled health care and the economy.

We Democrats know there is still much to be done. We are not blindly following Obama like the righties think. We do hold his feet to the fire as we do Congress too. Immigration reform, tax cuts expiring, jobs programs, DADT, universal healthcare, wars ending, these are all on the Obama agenda the next few years. If he doesn't get the support and cooperation he needs then who do we blame? We always have to blame someone don't we...


Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

I'm going to state the obvious Sue...but you're preaching to the choir.

I'm prepared for a worst case scenario in November.....and my mind has been boggled beyond mindboggled at the voters of this nation who are willing to go back and give control of Congress to the same guys who were driving the bus to the Great Recession of 2008. America wants a quick fix...but there isn't any....and add to the equation that there are some crazies and some actual, authentic morons who will be elected to the House and possibly even to the Senate next month.

But on the bright side, it proves to the whole world we are a great democracy.....even loonies and dimwits can achieve positions of power in America, providing a beacon for masses yearning to be free.... and loonies and dimwits....everywhere.

Jerry Critter said...

It is amazing what has been accomplished particularly given the obstructionism of the republicans in the Senate. They have a backlog of over 400 bills held up by the republicans.

See. The republicans are even incompetent at stopping the government. Republicans can't run it and they can't stop it.

What good are they?

Malcolm said...

The Obama administration (esp. the President himself) are in a bit of a quandary. If they keep listing the accomplishments in the midst of the problems we are having with the economy, some will view it as them tooting their horn as millions of Americans suffer. If there was a way for the administration to somehow walk that fine line of mentioning their accomplishments while also acknowledging the fact that many people are huring financially, that would be ideal. In the meantime, since we stand a better chance of spotting Elvis than the conservative media mentioning the accomplishments of this administration, it's up to folks like Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz, etc. to do it. So far, I think they and other liberal pundits have been.

Sue said...

thanks for stopping by guys. Do ya read your friends blog lists? Theres some good stuff out there today. Caffeine Convoy talking about our "Christian nation", Daily Kos talking about Dan Quayles baby boy trailing in his race in a very conservative district, just for starters. Oh, and I left a very colorful comment at Grung-e-Genes today too, he always has something to say that fires up our base. I usually stick close to my little circle of friends but it's always fun to get out and about and see what's happening.

ExpressoSelf said...

Hey Sue-
Thanks for the shout out, we greatly appreciate it!

The truth is (where did he say was going? lol) people have a short term memory and digging deep for the facts is just beyond them. To really know what the heck is going on in this great nation of ours we need to dust off our history books and take a good look at what was intended by our Founding Fathers. But people are too lazy to dig so they just go by what the media tells them and next thing you know we've got stupid people believing the world is flat.

Thank goodness for blogs like yours and all those who participate in the comment section, even Linda.

Respect comes in the form of intelligence which I'm sad to say, is a dying breed.

Sue said...

thanks Expresso...

I was just saying to my husband I wish I was blogging when Bush was president so I would know if the left was as hateful to him as the wingnuts are to Obama. It really does seem to me the right is playing payback. To me the left had legitimate reasons to attack Bush and his administration for his policies that took our country down. And the right, what are their reasons for Obama bashing from the very first day of his campaign til today, just 2 years into his first term?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

"In the 1960s Democrats paid the price for events largely outside their control - an escalating war in Vietnam going badly...." You've got to be frigging kidding me, Linda Fowler (boy, has Dartmouth ever lowered its standards for academic rigor). LBJ and McNamara - those 2 lying bastards (Gulf of Tonkin - HELLO!!!!!) - have the blood of tens of thousands young American soldiers on their hands. I mean, come on here, people, is there not a point in time in which partisanship can literally take your soul away?

The Wool Cupboard said...

Republicans deserve respect as well, but I see very little if any respect on your blog for the more than 50% of Americans who disagree with all that legislation that your party forced upon them. Perhaps if liberals had listened to the average American citizen who didn't want the health care takeover or the higher energy costs that will come with cap and trade, there would have been more respect offered. Instead, the grass roots groups who are trying to save our country from the President's destructive legislation are disparaged, called vile names, lied about and generally ridiculed. The President is out and about lying about the conservative agenda every day trying to get someone to vote for the Democrats that his policies have left in jeopardy. It seems to me that the lack of respect falls mostly on the left side of the isle.

Infidel753 said...

Linda: Republicans deserve respect as well,

Speaking for myself, I have a lot of respect for some Republicans. People like David Frum who are trying to take the Republican party back from the crazies. People like Jan Brewer who are trying to do something about illegal immigration, in contrast to the attempted Bush-McCain amnesty of 2007.

But respect for theocrats who want to wipe out the separation of church and state, and ban abortion even for rape victims? For those who want to re-ban funding for embryonic stem-cell research, condemning millions of sick people to preventable suffering? For flaming bigots like Paladino? For Rand Paul, who thinks private businesses should have been allowed to go on practicing racial discrimination? For teabaggers who are convinced Obama raised their taxes when those taxes actually went down?

Conservatism is not well served by the mutant Republican party of today. Republicans have turned into the people that Goldwater told you to kick the asses of.

all that legislation that your party forced upon them.

Politicians are elected to legislate. In 2006 and 2008 the public gave the Democrats huge majorities. They had a mandate.

Perhaps if liberals had listened to the average American citizen who didn't want the health care takeover

Polls have repeatedly shown that the majority of the opposition to health-care reform stems from it not having gone far enough. The public option and the Medicare expansion were its most popular provisions -- which conservative opposition forced the Democrats to remove, thus weakening the reform and rendering it less popular.

The President is out and about lying about the conservative agenda

Can you point to something specific which Obama has said about the conservative agenda that is not true?

The Democrats' position is threatened mostly by low turn-out caused by low enthusiasm among the liberal base. The nation has not turned against the Democrats agenda; rather, much of the base is losing interest because they perceive that the party has failed to enact as much of it as they hoped.

Jerry Critter said...

I think you will find that most Americans agree with these accomplishments of Obama.

Sue said...

Will I am not a Vietnam expert nor am I a vet, so I hope someone like Hugh or RZ will come by and speak to your comment.

Infidel you always say it so well, thanks! I was just gonna say, Linda I'm bored to death of your GOP talking points... Obamacare and cap and trade.. OMG...

We had 8 yrs of a republican president and a depression was the result. So does your party deserve respect?? Not from me, sorry...especially since the GOP candidates have NO NEW plans, NO answers to the voters questions, NO idea on how to take the country forward... Morons...

Thanks Jerry!

Sue said...

Jerrys link has 108 accomplishments!

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

The way that I see it (and, yeah, I guess that I'm somewhere in between Linda and Sue, politically), the Republicans, while they still seem to be on the verge of making some huge gains, are also being extraordinarily generous to the Dems - in terms of stupidity. I mean, between Angle's "second amendment remedies" and running from the press, O'Donnell's saying that "evolution is a myth" (she evidently thinks that monkeys evolve in real time), Rand Paul's total flub on civil rights, Miller saying that unemployment compensation is unconstitutional (this, despite the fact that his wife had once collected this benefit on a job that he himself laid her off from), Paladino threatening to "take people out", and that idiot dressing up like a Nazi, it almost, ALMOST, seems like they want the Democrats to win. Some crazy stuff happening, folks.

Sue said...

Will I'm glad you see these freaks for what they are. Where are the NORMAL republicans?? There aren't any! Some say they believe McCain chose Palin so the GOP would lose because the hole they dug and the ditch we dropped into was so massive they had no clue how to get us out and wanted the dems to end up the bad guys in 2010. It sounds extremely well thought out and very believeable. The GOP are a bunch of non-governing good for nothing idiots and don't deserve anything from the people, EVER!

Anonymous said...

Sue... (((HUG)))) Send me your email address. I keep sending you email to the wrong address.

This is a bit off subject but check it out anyway!

Seriously, this is a racist e-mail
By Laura Conaway
Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:30 AM EDT

The chair of the Virginia Beach Republican committee has reportedly stepped down after a racist e-mail allegedly sent from his account in March ended up all over the Internet on Monday.

Gary Byler, GOP chair in the state's 2nd Congressional District, tells the Washington Post:

"Let me make it clear David Bartholomew does not tolerate racism. He never has. David would never knowingly forward racist material.''

That leaves unclear whether someone else secretly forwarded the e-mail under Barthlomew's account, or whether Bartholomew forwarded the e-mail without realizing it was racist. And if that's true, wow, because here's the text as posted first by Blue Virginia:


I went down this morning to sign up my Dog for welfare.

At first the lady said, "Dogs are not eligible to draw welfare".

So I explained to her that my Dog is black, unemployed, lazy, can't speak
English and has no frigging clue who his Daddy is.

So she looked in her policy book to see what it takes to qualify...

My Dog gets his first check Friday.

Is this is a great country or what?

The Maddow Blog

Shaw Kenawe said...

In addition to the blatant racism of that email, we've all the homophobic remarks by candidate Paladino, running for governor of the great state of New York.

Today we hear that on Monday of this week Rush Limbaugh called the President of the United States "demonic."

And Linda comes here and whines about liberals?

She needs to clean up the sewer that passes for the GOP these days. And she's proudly a member of that group.


Sue said...

Donna that email was sickening and yes racist. We always like to highlight the righties and their horrendous stupidity! Thanks sweetie!

Shaw, Limpy is a fuckwad, I don't know how this person has followers, but then again they are just like him I suppose! Linda loves her Limpy and Beck and has no problem admitting it.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ Quote..."the GOP candidates have NO NEW plans, NO answers to the voters questions, NO idea on how to take the country forward..."

The GOP have plans, answers, and plenty of ideas as to how to improve the country. You, however, would not even consider listening to them, so there you have it.

Quote..."The GOP are a bunch of non-governing good for nothing idiots and don't deserve anything from the people, EVER!"

You, Sue, are absolutely the QUEEN of blanket statements. :0)

Shaw ~ Quote..."Today we hear that on Monday of this week Rush Limbaugh called the President of the United States "demonic."

I heard Limbaugh's comment, and it was that the President's pictures on the Drudge Report looked demonic...he did not say that Obama WAS demonic. He was commenting on how angry Obama looked in the 3 or 4 pictures shown. Thanks for the attempt at accuracy.

Sue said...

Wrong again Linda, I have listened to every GOP candidate running and I stand by my opinion they are dumb, dumber and dumbest. privatize SS, tax cuts for the rich be permanent, repeal HC reform, shut down government, and IMPEACH the president... wow great candidates!!

Did you ever hear Limbaugh comment on how demonic Cheney looks in his pictures?? UGH! He looks like Satan himself but you never heard any righties claim that...

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ Cheney may not be tall, dark and handsome, and I admit that listening to him speak is the equivalent of watching paint dry, but he does not "look like Satan" to me...BTW, the Bible states that Satan was the most beautiful of the angels...perhaps you just complimented Dick Cheney!

Sue said...

oh good grief.....

Leslie Parsley said...

Terrific comment, Infidel. Obviously it flew right over the cuckoo's head. Funny thing about facts and Republicans.

The CDM said...

Cheney is dark, referring to his lck of having a soul. Also, doesn't matter what the bible says about what lucifer looked like, it's all a sham, the bible, the holocaust and even that mormon cow from Utah.

I love stirring pots.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Sue, you're right, there have been a lot of accomplishments. But whether or not these accomplishments end up accomplishing anything is still to be determined. The heath-care bill, for example. The penalty for an individual not buying insurance, even when you figure in the subsidies, will probably end up being less than the insurance. This will clearly be an incentive NOT to buy the insurance. And then, being that we can no longer discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions, the people will wait until they're sick until they actually buy insurance. The end result being that only sick people will have insurance. Not a good business model.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

The holocaust was a sham. Wow. I cannot wait to see how the liberal blogosphere responds to that one.

The CDM said...

It's my homage to Greg Giraldo.

By the way, I mispoke while ago about the mormon cow from Utah. What I meant to say was the FAT mormon cow from Utah.

The Wool Cupboard said...

tnlib ~ Thank you for pointing out so kindly that I missed a comment directed my way. I unfortunately do not get to spend all day blogging (watching a 22 month old takes some time), so occassionally I miss something.

Infidel ~ I wholeheartedly agree with your opinion of Jan Brewer's attempt to do something about illegal immigration. I also agree with your negative comment about the Bush/McCain non-solution to the problem.

Quote ~ "But respect for theocrats who want to wipe out the separation of church and state, and ban abortion even for rape victims? For those who want to re-ban funding for embryonic stem-cell research, condemning millions of sick people to preventable suffering? For flaming bigots like Paladino? For Rand Paul, who thinks private businesses should have been allowed to go on practicing racial discrimination? For teabaggers who are convinced Obama raised their taxes when those taxes actually went down?

To whom are you referring when you talk about theocrats? I don't know of anyone who is suggesting that we institute a national religion or dig out the 10 Commandments and use them as the outline for writing law...give me a break! Just because a politician talks about their faith in God does not mean that they are going to drag you into church the Sunday after they are elected. Why are so many liberals afraid of Christian faith?

I'm sure that you know that there is no actual separation of church and state written into the Constitution. The amendment simply states that the Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

I also do not know of anyone who would force a rape victim to deliver a baby resulting from the crime committed against her. That being said, a person who believes that life begins at conception would naturally like to see the end of abortion as a way of "contraception." I personally believe that abortion is the murder of a human life.

In the instance of stem-cell research, I believe that if a human embryo is destroyed in the process, then that would be ending a human life. You would not murder a two month old baby to use his body for research to find a cure for Parkinson's, but you would ok it before birth? I find that to be wrong and deplorable...sacrificing one life to find a cure to save another. Who has the right to make that decision?

I don't know about Paladino's personal feelings about race...he may be a bigot, but I just don't know.

Rand Paul is against the government getting into most of society's business, so I believe that he was not saying that racism was good and should be ignored. I think he was saying that government should not dictate anything about how business is conducted. I don't believe him to be racist...just libertarian.

If you do not accept that your taxes will be going up under Obama's policies, then you have been duped. Wait and see. It will happen in many forms.

Is that good enough, tnlib????

The Wool Cupboard said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Wool Cupboard said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Wool Cupboard said...

Sorry, Sue. When I hit "publish your comment, it showed up in threes!

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Linda, if these stem cells were being created simply for research, I would probably agree with you. But these are pre-existing stem cells (from in vitro fertilization) that are ultimately going to be discarded. I don't know, to me, it would be far, FAR, MORE of a "sin" NOT to use them for research. Sorry, but I gotta agree with the libs on this one.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Will ~ That is why there should be strict guidelines on invitro. Why create a situation where life must be discarded? Ending human life is ending human life. Who should take upon themselves the right to decide if innocent life should end? That decision belongs to God alone.

Experimenting on that human life and killing it is wrong IMHO, so I have to disagree with you, Will.

The CDM said...

Linda, I take it you are against the death penalty as well, correct?

If so, you need to tell the lot that are pro-life, yet pro-capital punishment that they are misguided.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

At least you're intellectually honest, Linda. A lot of other people on the right stop short on this issue; i.e., saying that we should ban the research, but failing to say that we should stop/limit the in vitro. I really have to give you credit on that account and respectfully disagree with your conclusions.

The Wool Cupboard said...

CDM ~ No I am not against the death penalty. God instituted the death penalty when his Word said in Genesis 9:6 “Whoever sheds the blood of man,
by man shall his blood be shed;
for in the image of God
has God made man."

I firmly believe, however, that there must be no doubt as to the guilt of the person who is to be executed. If there is doubt or question, then they should not be executed, in my opinion.

The CDM said...

Linda, that's not his word, that is a culmination of books/brochures from over 2000 years ago when people sought order in a time of chaos. What better way than to have an omnipotent being punish you with eternal damnation. Worked on the primates over 2000 years ago and I see it still works.

So, I take it that your quote of this is sorely open to interpretation and not be taken seriously:

"Ending human life is ending human life. Who should take upon themselves the right to decide if innocent life should end? That decision belongs to God alone."

Because I can't even begin to take that seriously with that kind of answer.

Infidel753 said...

Linda: To whom are you referring when you talk about theocrats?

To people who want to use state power to impose religious taboos on the whole society. For example, those who favor laws against abortion, official positions intended to disparage or discourage homosexuality, or mandating the teaching of primitive mythology alongside evolution in public science classes.

Why are so many liberals afraid of Christian faith?

Because of its long track record of support for the reactionary side in every debate in centuries, its hundreds of years of persecution of unbelievers and homosexuals, its disdain for science, its bottomless arrogance and smug superiority, etc., etc., etc., etc.

You would not murder a two month old baby to use his body for research

Of course not, but a microscopic early-stage embryo is not equivalent to a baby. It has no nervous system or awareness and is less similar to a developed human, in any meaningful way, than an ant is. Something like half of all pregnancies spontaneously abort at that stage, before the woman even knows she was pregnant, but these cases are not counted in infant-mortality statistics.

As Will points out, the stem cells used in research are derived from embryos which would be thrown away anyway.

I don't know about Paladino's personal feelings about race...he may be a bigot, but I just don't know.

I was referring to his anti-gay remarks.

Rand Paul said that private businesses should be allowed to discriminate. Yes, this is a libertarian position, and it's that position that I was objecting to. It doesn't matter whether he's personally racist.

If you do not accept that your taxes will be going up under Obama's policies,

You're misstating what I said. I said most people's taxes have gone down under Obama -- past tense factual statement -- and that the teabaggers ignorantly believe they have gone up -- verifiably false belief about a past event. I did not take any position about where taxes might go in the future.

Infidel753 said...

Will ~ That is why there should be strict guidelines on invitro.....That decision belongs to God alone.

More writing of religious taboos into law. There's no basis except religion for the preposterous viewpoint that an early-stage embryo is morally equivalent to a human being. Wanting something outlawed because "That decision belongs to God alone" is clearly a theocratic position.

Thought experiment: You're in a hospital room. On one side of you is a newborn baby, gurgling and waving its arms and legs. On the other side is a flask containing 100 microscopic embryos. A fire breaks out. You can save only the baby or the flask, not both. Which will you save? We all know we'd save the baby, because we all know that microscopic embryos aren't the same thing as babies.

I also do not know of anyone who would force a rape victim to deliver a baby resulting from the crime committed against her.

Anyone who favors a law against abortion with no exception for rape is taking that position, and many teabagger-supported Republican candidates do.

I believe a woman should be able to make that choice in the case of any pregnancy, without interference from religious taboos codified into civil law. I mention rape only because it shows how extreme these Christian fanatics are, and how indifferent to human suffering.

No I am not against the death penalty. God instituted the death penalty

And this should be a basis for civil law? More theocracy.

Infidel753 said...

Finally, what about long-term self-interest? An intelligent conservatism is necessary. Deficits need to be restrained (though note how much better Clinton did at that than Bush). We need a tougher foreign policy to deal with Islam and China. We need real immigration reform with none of this nonsense about a "path to citizenship" for illegals (based on the interests of American workers, that should be the liberal position, but for whatever reason, it isn't). We need a serious debate about the appropriate scope of government.

But we can't have any of that as long as the Republican party is in the grip of the people Goldwater warned you about, and ultimately this problem will destroy conservatism if it isn't addressed. Every year the country becomes more religiously (and racially) diverse, with non-believers being the fastest-growing category. Whatever they tell pollsters, the public votes against theocracy when it gets the chance (recall the recent defeat of the anti-abortion law in South Dakota). Support for gay equality is growing rapidly, especially among young people. Half the population tells pollsters they don't believe in evolution, but most people want the medical breakthroughs which are based on scientific biology. Embryonic stem-cell research is supported by strong majorities.

Republicans will probably do well this November, mostly because unemployment is still high and some critical number of swing voters have lost track of whose fault that is, but it will be a dead-cat bounce unless the broader right wing can honestly acknowledge the problem created by the theocrats and deal with it.

Sue said...

Will, CDM's comment on the holocaust was only his sense of humor, of course he believes the holocaust happened.

Hey C, she has been missing for quite some time, wonder what's up with that?

Sue said...

Linda it seems to me the teabagger candidates do want to bring out the Ten Commandments and use them as the rule of law. What we fear is them turning a country of MANY different religions into one that only Christians inhabit. Sure it sounds stupid but that's what the candidates sound like, stupid! One or 2 teabagger fanatic House members might not be able to put into law these things("I also do not know of anyone who would force a rape victim to deliver a baby resulting from the crime committed against her.") they so desire, but how can we be sure? These types of extreme candidates do not need to be in our US Congress.

Sue said...

thanks for your superior insight Infidel!

The CDM said...


There are 2 real problems I have with knowing the whereabouts of that fat cow: I don't know and I don't care.

Trivia: Tea Party participant translated into German is Douchen-Baggen.

Since I have no other zingers for the wanna-be christian party crashers....that is all I have to contribute.

Lisa G. said...

Linda - do you have any links for the crap that you espouse, any polls or anything that would support your vast illogical conclusions? Nope. You called me out for it, now I'm calling you out for it.

Sue - lisa is back, with a capital "L" this time, quoting shit from the Cato Institute. See your last post comments.

OTOH, it's amazing that someone from the AEI said what they did in their post!