Thursday, October 28, 2010

Voter Fraud accusations... AGAIN!!!!

When the going gets tough the right resort to LIES..... This is from a conservative blog, of course...

The reports are rolling in from all over the country.  A Craven County, NC resident attempts to vote a straight Republican ticket but his choices come up straight Democrat four times, despite receiving assistance from poll workers.  In NC's Lenoir County, registered Democrat Ervin Norville also tries to vote straight Republican but finds that his ballot has the names of several Democrat candidates selected.  Boulder City, NV resident Joyce Ferrara says that when she and several others went to vote for Sharon Angle, they found that Senator Harry Reid's name was already checked off.  In Dallas County, TX' congressional district 30, Democrat Eddie Bernice Johnson's name was the only one on the ballot in a few locations (no, she isn't running unopposed).  And some states have been late in mailing out military absentee ballots, whose recipients, interestingly, are known for their Republican leanings. 
These happenings are generally referred to as "mistakes" and "glitches," but if that's all they are, then we're witnessing a truly historic anomaly.  Because either the mainstream media is now suppressing stories of mistakes and glitches benefitting Republicans, or the laws of probability have suddenly been rescinded and tossed coins are coming up donkey tails every time.  Welcome to American elections, Venezuelan style.

OMFG!!! This is typical rightwing insanity! Typical close- to- election- day theatrics. They destroyed ACORN, they stole the Gore v Bush election,  and now they want Americans to believe their losses this election will be the result of FRAUD! LMFAO!! 

Remember this from the Bush /Gore election.......
an anonymous leaflet explaining to voters that because of heavy voter registration, the rules had been changed: Republicans would vote on Tuesday, Democrats and independents on Wednesday.

this is from an '07 Salon article.....
Republicans do cherish their little practical jokes -- the leaflets in African-American neighborhoods warning that voters must pay outstanding traffic tickets before voting; the calls in Virginia in 2006 from the mythical "Virginia Election Commission" warning voters they would be arrested if they showed up at the polls. The best way to steal an election is the old-fashioned way: control who shows up. It's widely known that Republicans do better when the turnout is lighter, whiter, older and richer; minorities, young people and the poor are easy game for hoaxes and intimidation.
The latest and most elaborate of these jokes is the urban legend that American elections are rife with voter fraud, particularly in the kinds of poor and minority neighborhoods inhabited by Democrats. In 2002, Attorney General John Ashcroft announced that fraudulent voting would be a major target of the Department of Justice. As the New York Times reported last month, the main result of this massive effort was such coups as the deportation of a legal immigrant who mistakenly filled out a voter-registration card while waiting in line at the department of motor vehicles.

Sickening isn't it? Get real wingnuts, we know your games....

The wingnuts are INSANE and it's getting worse, scary worse. People wise up, look around you. The latest arrest, a nasty, man-handled, knock-down drag out arrest by thug cops, of a democrat minding his own business in a public coffee house waiting for Eric Cantor to show up for a small town question /answer gathering, is proof of something very evil creeping into our society by the wingnutfucks. It is something I plan on calling attention to and begging, daring, any rightwinger to come here and defend their thug party! This man was accused of causing a disturbance, he was in a public coffee house, he was told to leave because he was a democrat and the righties FEAR democrats asking questions of their candidates!! THAT'S IT, That's why the man was knocked to the ground and jumped on by 3 or more thug cops!! Sorry guys this is not my America!

Sarah Palin thinks she can win the GOP nomination in 2012 based on her "common sense  sensibilities"

Where's God when you need Him??


Shaw Kenawe said...

Our own little Fascistas, the GOP.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

"Where's God when you need him?"

Better off asking Sharon Angle....her latest is that she's in "the party of God"....(see THE LAST WORD with Lawrence O'Donnell).

No, you can't make this stuff up.

One Fly said...

and the whore media gives this credibility as it is pure bull shit as you well point out

magpie said...

"Sarah Palin thinks (...those three words are the first problem with this statement...) she can win the GOP nomination..."

For what exactly?

The role of Fran Fine's lost Alaskan relative?

A scholarship for astrology school?

A class in remedial geography for first graders?

Sorry, nukes or no, no other country will take America seriously if she became president.

Sue said...

Mornin my intelligent liberal friends. What would this country be without our common sense sensibilities?? Voter fraud?? That is laughable, and sick if they think the SANE people are even listening to their CRAP!!! A party with 24% approval rating is about to take over the House of Representatives and they are STILL using the OLD tired LIE about voter fraud! ACORN is no longer with us so who is it this time?? President Obama and dear wife Michelle have rigged ALL the machines, arm yourselves wingnuts, the country is going DOWN!

Flying Junior said...

God gave us a free will. He can't just make republicans be good. But a Palin nomination? Surely not divine intervention. But I'll take what I can get. Nothing could be more humiliating for the republican party.

It's funny, sixteen months ago when she quit her government job, Palin had never really said anything overtly inflammatory compared with the rhetoric she has learned today after one year on the FOX payroll. It's too bad Katie Couric couldn't have waited a little longer to ask her what newspapers she read. Today she could have chimed in, "I get most of my news from FOX!" My thoughts from July 2009.

I applaud Sarah Palin for her decision to resign as governor for the greater good of her nation. By participating in the debate which will one day give birth to the new incarnation of the Republican party, she is an invaluable asset to all Americans. I do, however, see it as a sign of weakness that she would quit her job, an easy job, at that. It only can speak to her loyalty to the Republican party, or any party, or no party at all! Party on Garth and Sarah!

This has become the defining match of our time. I, for one am thrilled. I could not think of a better person to go up against Obama.

Silverfiddle said...

These reports are verifiable.

As to rightwing tactics of scaring people off... If people are so stupid that they fall for these tricks, I am glad they are not voting... It's a kind of electoral Darwinism!

Lying, cheating and stealing are all the dems have left.

Sue said...

Junior I think you are right, the few sane republicans hate Palin as much as we do. Well maybe hate is a little harsh, I'll say they are embarrassed by her, they think she is an incompetent boob who couldn't get hired as dog catcher in her state let alone PRESIDENT of the greatest nation on Earth! Magpie says it correctly, the whole world would be laughing at us if she were nominated by the republican party who gave us G Dubya Bush for 8 painful years. This hideous woman needs to go far into the wilderness of Alaska and hibernate. And for the wingnuts who say we fear her, thats a hideous joke. We are smart enough to know our country needs a leader with brains.

Sue said...

OH SF, you are funny...

Who in the democratic party is lying, cheating or stealing??

Chris said...

You libs are out of your minds. Did you forget how unglued you idiots became when Bush won? What kind of crack are you smoking?

Chris said...

SF if they didn't bus in those libs in to the polls they wouldn't have a chance at the polls. Just look at the crackheads they have within their party.

Sue said...

for someone who says their favorite book is the Bible, you don't sound like you read and understand the words of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Try being a little more tolerant of your fellow man Chris.

This is why liberals are so critical of the so-called Christian right., you don't act like the Christians I grew up with....

you people have so much hate, it's really unbecoming and far from Christ-like...

And don't try to twist my words, because I never claimed to be Christ-like.

The CDM said...

I find it absolutely HILARIOUS when alleged "christians" lose their religion like chris. What would jesus do, indeed.

Go with God.

By the way, One Fly pretty much summed it up proper, as you know, when it bleeds, it leads.

I'm still laughing at chris.

Sue said...

C, doesn't Chris look cute with his little boy? See, we liberals are nice....

The CDM said...

Cute kid indeed, Sue. I just hope he doesn't try to influence his kid politically at such a young age. My family allowed me to actually form my own opinions. I find it deplorable when EITHER side gets their kids involved when they really don't know why the hell they're even there to begin with. That, to me, is tantamount to child abuse.

Question of the day: What will gun owners do when they die and God won't let them have guns? Remember, I'm a gun owner too.

Dave Miller said...

Silverfiddle, your side is so out of bounds on this, certainly at least as it relates to Nevada.

The accusations in my state are the result of a comment Sharron Angle's lawyer made before voting began that "If Harry Reid cannot win legally, he'll steal the election." Given that this statement was made before voting began, doesn't it seem to follow that perhaps they were trying to develop a narrative of problems before hand?

has there been a history of this in Nevada? No. So why would someone think it was going to start now?

If you think this stuff is verifiable, again at least in my state, why don't you get on a plane and come take a look?

Everyone, and this includes the Secretary of State, the Director of Elections, the liberal newspaper the Las Vegas Sun, the conservative newspaper, the Las Vegas Review Journal, former governors from both parties, FOX 5, and the FBI are saying, and reporting that these charges are reckless and without evidence.

So what is verifiable regarding voter fraud in Nevada? Absolutely nothing. Yet the narrative continues, not from the liberals, from the conservatives and the tea partiers. Why is that? Perhaps you can give us a reasonable answer.

What we can factually say is this:

The people that sponsored commercials encouraging people likely to vote for Reid, to not vote, were Republicans and conservatives.

The people crying voter fraud in Nevada in spite of a lack of any evidence are Republicans and conservatives.

If you or any other conservative thinks the charges of election fraud in Nevada are verifiable, maybe you should help us find the evidence.

Sorry Sue for going on so long. We've got enough problems here in Nevada without having to listen to or read baseless charges of voter fraud, whether it comes from inside, or outside the state.

Sue said...

Dave I just logged in because I was thinking about silverfishes answer and here you were saying exactly what I was gonna say, BUT BETTER!! Bravo Dave!! All this fraud talk PLUS ACORN out of the picture is OUTRAGEOUS!! Liberals do not need to cheat, that's a rightie game....

I agree C, kids are so influenced at a tiny age and that usually happens with conservatives. I actually know some kids who were raised by VERY strict conservative parents and once they grew up and left their rule they went wild!

Sue said...

remember this??
From the RAW STORY...from June,

Alvin Greene handily defeated opponent Vic Rawl in Tuesday's primary, winning with 59 percent of the vote to Rawl' 41 percent, despite not having run any sort of visible campaign, not having set up a campaign Web site, and being unemployed. And it quickly emerged that Greene is facing a felony obscenity charge over an incident in which he allegedly showed a college student obscene photos from the Internet.

So how to explain the unlikely election result? One theory, propagated by BradBlog's Brad Friedman, is that Greene was the beneficiary of phony voting-machine results. In 25 precincts, Greene received more votes than were actually cast; and while Rawl won absentee ballots by a whopping 84-to-16 percentage point margin, the election-day results showed Greene winning by 18 percentage points.

This smells like Republican Election FRAUD...I don't think anyone believes otherwise.

Annette said...

To add to Dave's point, the so called cases of election fraud in Nevada are very questionable. All of the complainers went to the media instead of the election board. Why? I think it is a set up by the supporters of Angle to try to cover up the fact she is going to lose. If they can color it as voter fraud and intimidation it calls the entire election into question.

Not one, NO ONE complained to the election board, they all went to the media, that makes it suspect in my book right there.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I think that Dave has pretty much nailed it here. This whole thing appears to be nothing more than a pre-emptive strike. Oh well, as long as it doesn't hurt my favorite candidate, Mr./Mrs.None of the Above......

Lisa G. said...

Considering that the Repubs stole the election in 2000 and that they have no evidence whatsoever of voter fraud, I'd say they are insane.

Silverfiddle said...

Well, we've got things under control here in Colorado. I spoke with Ken Buck at a Veterans for Buck get together today, and it looks like the Dem smears aren't working

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Everyone, and this includes the Secretary of State, the Director of Elections, the liberal newspaper the Las Vegas Sun, the conservative newspaper, the Las Vegas Review Journal, former governors from both parties, FOX 5, and the FBI are saying, and reporting that these charges are reckless and without evidence."--Dave Miller

The problem is, Dave, that these facts won't deter the conservatives from spreading their lies and deceit.

Those are their values.

If they can't win on debating the facts, they will always use dishonesty.

And we've seen in other countries where that has been successful. And we've seen those countries slide into oblivion.

Flying Junior said...

Hi Chris,

It's never really safe to generalize. But personally, despite the fact that I was a little bit freaked out by the SCOTUS-led coup d'etat that was Bush v. Gore, I wasn't overly haired to have another republican president. The hatred and loathing sort of kicked in when we saw him and his satanic overlord in action. Energy industry execs on the FERC. Secret meetings with the devil. For God's sake, that beady-eyed, little son-of-a-bitch started a war over nothing more than a personal vendetta and a huge revenue grab by Halliburton, Carlyle Group, et al. Torture. You name it. It was the end of our reputation around the world. 200 years undone inside of two years.

If it wasn't for all that shit, I could have been okay with a republican president.

Sue said...

SF good to know Buck speaks the truth to your face. How refreshing! LOLOL!

Chris said...

Why don't you try being more critical of yourself for a change. It is the left that has been doing all the violence. Did you see how we left the National Mall after our rally? You people left it like a war zone. That says more then enough about you libs. Get ready because we Christuians aren't going to lay down for your BS and violence any more.

Sue said...

what does a mess after a rally have to do with violence?? Chris you are a total asshole!! I'm sorry but you holier than thou so called Christians are the most hateful and violent we have seen in generations. Get over yourself!

Sue said...

Liberals mind their own business, it's the wingnuts who are trying to rule this country thru God and Guns and Violent rhetoric!

lbtrd said...

This is also a lie:

and this:

And Chris, you will learn that anyone who disagrees with Sue gets called names. She can't hold an intelligent reasonable discussion. She's just more proof that liberals, who claim they want everything to be equal for all, are really intolerant for anyone with different beliefs and ideas.

Anonymous said...

It happens on BOTH sides and it needs to stop.

Sue said...

yes turd, if you come here and call liberals the violent party then you will get called an asshole.

I'm watching the hugely fabulous Jon Stewart rally....

lbtrd said...

thank you for proving my point.

Anonymous said...

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