Sunday, October 31, 2010

It's not gonna happen with smaller government and tax cuts, stupid...

 The Republican Party is the party of small government, lower taxes, less spending.....

Well how has that worked for YOU?

In a recent cover story in Time magazine and in a special on CNN this weekend. Fareed Zakaria traces the growing loss of faith in the American dream and the ways that technology and globalization have put millions of middle-class jobs at risk.

This article from, author and host of CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS spoke to CNN on Thursday, here is some of the interview...

CNN: What can we do about the threat to American jobs?
Fareed Zakaria: The first thing we have to do is to stop doing what we've been doing for almost 20 years, which is pretending we don't have a problem. We've been kicking the can down the road, we've blamed other people, blamed other countries for these issues. And most important, we've deluded ourselves that there is no crisis because we've kept the economy going by overconsuming.
From the 1950s, America had a very stable pattern of consumption. Consumer expenditures made up between 60 and 65 percent of GDP [Gross Domestic Product] -- in the 1950s, the 1960s, the 1970s, that was the pattern. Then in the early 1980s, that starts going up, and it goes up to 70 percent of GDP by 2001 and it stayed there ever since.
Now this wouldn't be a problem if we actually had that money, but we have been consuming using borrowed money for the last 20 years. So the average American household now has 13 credit cards, 40 percent of which have an outstanding balance. Debt has gone from $700 billion in 1974 to $14 trillion now. This is completely unsustainable. A fundamental way to think about it is that we have to shift this economy from an over-reliance on consumption and move it more toward investment.

 Zakaria says,  "One of the things I'm struck by in talking to corporate CEOs -- these are all real free-market types -- but they all agree that the key to getting growth and middle-class jobs back is that we make massive investments, investments in technology, investments in research and development, investments in infrastructure. That is in a sense, investing in the middle class, because that is investing in the industries of the future, the industries that will create middle-class jobs.
We used to spend 3 percent of GDP on research and development. We don't do that now even though Obama has raised it a lot. I would argue that we actually need to do a lot more than we did in the 1950s, because in the 1950s there were millions of jobs for semiskilled labor, manufacturing jobs, making steel, making cars. All those jobs are under enormous competitive pressure from both technology and globalization.
And so we need jobs in the new industries, industries of the future, knowledge based industries, scientific industries. To get those jobs and to make sure that American companies dominate them will take huge investments.

CNN: Should they be government investments?
Zakaria: That's what's produced the semiconductor industry, it was government investment. That's what created the internet. Al Gore may not have created the internet, but DARPA certainly did. That's the Defense Department venture capital group. And GPS, the technology that's now fueling the next internet revolution, the mobile revolution, that was also a U.S. Defense Department project. Those are now producing hundreds of billions of dollars for the private sector, all started by government funding.
Zakaria: The middle class is being hollowed out
There's another urgency. We're falling behind. Just today in the news, on the front page of The New York Times, China has developed the fastest computer in the world. Why was that? Was it because of unfair trade practices or an undervalued currency? No. It was because the government of China has made massive investments in technology ... in many of these areas we've lost a lot of ground.

Here's the rest of the article, it's a great read and shows us why we do need our government, NOT less government at this time. Zakaria talks about the US paying for the investments in technology, he talks about Germany, (something the rightwing lies constantly about), And he talks about the importance of education (something the rightwing wants to dumbdown)
CNN: You don't think there could be consensus on this in Washington right now?
Zakaria: The problem in Washington is that the minute one side suggests something, the other side demagogues it. So the incentive to come to the center is vanishing. The minute you try to come to the center, if you're a Republican, Rush Limbaugh will denounce you, Glenn Beck will denounce you. There will be a primary opponent in your district who will be able to raise money.
CNN: Will Tuesday's election change that?
Zakaria: No. I fear it will actually exacerbate it. A lot of Republicans will get elected, will tell you they are mad as hell about the deficit, and the solution is to cut taxes. This is insanity, cutting taxes will create an even larger deficit. This is math, this is not politics. ...
In the face of the problems we have, to have one more experiment in the idea that if we cut taxes, this will somehow goose the economy, we've been there done that. [President George W.] Bush had this massive tax cut and it produced almost no growth. What it did produce was an $800 million hole in the budget.

Zakaria: The countries that have been able to maintain a manufacturing base, such as Germany, are really worth studying.
The Germans have high taxes, they have lots of regulations, they have strong unions and yet they've seen their imports increase year after year. They've weathered the economic crisis very well, they've had 15 months of falling unemployment numbers, and why is that? Because they have really focused on scientific education, technical education, apprenticeship programs, retraining. They focus on high-end manufacturing, they train and retrain their workers. We don't have any such systems in America. We need there to be more of a coordinated effort by government, business and educational institutions -- a triangle of training.
We've been too cavalier about letting skills of higher manufacturing erode among American workers. That work has not gone to India or China, that work has gone to Germany and Canada and Japan, other high wage, high income countries.

These opinions by Zakaria are worth reading. The country is about to put Republicans back into power in our House of Representatives , because they are impatient? What a crock of shit! They need to educate themselves instead of listening to Fox noise. They are about to reverse the hard work of the past 2 years. The top CEO's spoke to Zakaria about the problems facing our out of work Americans, yet they pour millions into putting the GOP back into power! When will common sense and the idea of caring about the people of the United States of America come first? Where are the smart people who can implement these simple ideas to bring our country back to prosperity? Why are smart people like Fareed Zakaria talking and writing about how to fix our problems but we are not listening?


Jerry Critter said...

The republicans are not the party of smaller government and lower taxes. They are the party of larger government and lower taxes which means they are also the party of big deficits.

Silverfiddle said...

Of course the CEOs want government to "invest." That means free money to them, which is much of how we got here in the first place.

Government-business partnerships leave the citizen holding the bag.

Sue said...

They SAY they want smaller government. Come to think of it they want NO government, just a republican dictator...

SF, government funding and projects like what is talked about here is not government business partnerships. When the private sector is sitting on millions and not hiring or investing in technology then the government has to step in or we shrivel up and die.

Jerry Critter said...

Thanks to the Citizens United decision, corporations cam now easily buy politicians. Government - business partnerships are no longer necessary. The government is becoming a wholly-owned subsidiary.

Sue said...

I must say you guys are confusing me,

Zakaria says,

"I would argue that we actually need to do a lot more than we did in the 1950s, because in the 1950s there were millions of jobs for semiskilled labor, manufacturing jobs, making steel, making cars. All those jobs are under enormous competitive pressure from both technology and globalization.
And so we need jobs in the new industries, industries of the future, knowledge based industries, scientific industries. To get those jobs and to make sure that American companies dominate them will take huge investments".

This is what I'm taking from the article, more government investment in new industries and new technologies. Not government takeover of corporations.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

I might me a little slow, so forgive do you fight a war in Afghanistan, conclude another war in Iraq, combat international terrorism, rebuild the nation's infrastructure (roads, bridges, tunnels), improve elementary and secondary education, make college affordable for all, maintain our standing as the world's only legitimate super power- and do so with lower taxes and smaller government?

Mantra and mythology.....tricks and no treats.

David Stockman, Reagan's budget director, was just on 60 MINUTES....he ripped his fellow Republicans for the "lower taxes will solve everything" mantra. And then he did the same to Democrats for using the same disingenuous line of BS to obtain and try and stay in power.

If you think gridlock is bad now, just wait until January 2011. Be prepared for two years of obstruction that will make the past two years seem like afternoon tea with the DAR.

We'll survive, my friends....but it's going to take lots of drinks.

Sue said...

I'm glad you always end your comments on a high note Hugh!

I'm still confused tho...

Do you believe government should make investing in new industries and technology a top priority? Do you think that is the job of government when nobody else will do it?

Steve Gravano said...

It's scary, if Republicans get their way we will never get out of this mess.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ Quote " Do you think that is the job of government when nobody else will do it?"

For a list of things that the government is mandated to do (or not do) please see the CONSTITUTION.

Sue said...

your party needs to read the CONSTITUTION TOO Linda! What would you like to see happen, a country that falls completely in third world status, or our government investing in it's people?? This is why you are called conservative=Stagnant, and I'm called progressive=Progress and moving FORWARD for the better of our country!! We have people here who need help, we are a country of human beings NOT just corporations! Who understands this POST, raise your hands!!

Leslie Parsley said...

Excellent post, Ms Sue. I just don't see how our country can grow, much less survivie, without investing in new technologies, R&D, etc. The way it is now, the only entities that are growing are the ones that are already obscenely huge and profitable - and to the detriment of the middle class and even the already poor, who are just getting poorer.

Sorry I missed Linda's comment. Not.

Jerry Critter said...

Corporations use to have a long range view of their business. They invested in new technologies and new methods/procedures to make their business more profitable in the long run.

Now, due in part to low tax rates and very high executive salaries based on immediate results rather than long range results, corporations no longer make these investments.

Government either steps in and picks up the slack, increases tax rates to encourage long range planning, or we get left behind.

It is already happening. BMW is paying American workers $15/hr to do what German workers get $30/hr to do.

Sue said...

Thanks Leslie, and here is Lindas comment, it was in spam and I don't know how it got there unless I did it inadvertently

Sue said...

Jerry there are 3 or 4 video clips of Fareed talking to the top CEO's, very enlightening words about jobs moving overseas and so on. It's all such a good read about this country and where we are headed if the corporations don't start putting America before profits. This is why government has to do some of the investing.

they(CEO'S) all agree that the key to getting growth and middle-class jobs back is that we make massive investments, investments in technology, investments in research and development, investments in infrastructure.

government investment produced the semiconductor industry. Read about the DOD too.

The righties fear Germany, it's Germany we need to follow, NOT FEAR. This country is going NOWHERE if we let the GOP have power again! We are going right back to the 1800's. And back then is not gonna put us on the track to the great and prosperous nation we once were.

Sue said...

Jerry they are still making the investments, just not here in the US because it's more profitable to open up new business overseas. We need companies to invest in the US with the kinds of jobs that CAN'T be moved overseas, and there are such jobs, like green energy. The government wants to invest in these kinds of jobs/business but who keeps trying to stop it? The wingnuts don't want America to get back to work!

Leslie Parsley said...

I see it. Didn't miss a thing - the usual prattle. What this Constitutional scholar doesn't understand is that the Constitution resembles the construction of a building. It is the foundation; it was built for and provides for change, much as rooms, electricity and plumbing are added to a building.

Sadly, a lot of that plumbing seems to be backed up.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Sadly, a lot of that plumbing seems to be backed up."--tnlib

Ah. So that's what Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh have been mucking around in!

Makes sense now.

Unknown said...

The Rethugs are nothing more than mouthpieces for the Corporatocracy. They have always been, at least in the modern era.

They lie and obfuscate their asses off about what our govt has done and can do to rebuild America's standing in the world.

People would rather believe the worst...always...unless they are progressives of course! ;)