Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Republicans are STUPID.....

 Oh Nancy, do ya have to hand over the gavel to THAT????

Those dumb Republicans, standing and cheering on John Boehner today. Ya gotta pity them, they really don't have a formidable leader, someone with a little brain power. They keep saying they are listening to the American people but they are not. They don't care what the people want, they care about power. The next 2 years will be more than enough time to prove that. The next 2 years will also show us the real Barack Obama. Will he cave to the GOP demands or will he use his veto power when they throw repeal after repeal at him?  It's gonna be an extremely interesting two years, I'm ready for it.

The Republican Party is not only stupid, I think they are fractured. Here's proof the Republican Party is broken, they are out in LaLa Land, there is not a single credible Republican who can hold a candle to President Barack Obama.....
Michele Bachmann??? PRESIDENT of the greatest nation on Earth?? Sarah Palin?? PRESIDENT??

According to ABC News, Tea Party maven Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) is “seriously weighing whether to seek Republican nomination for president in 2012.” Bachmann will travel to Iowa to meet with “political forces” and “party elders close to the caucus process” before making her final decision.

This has to be a joke. NO??  I don't care how much you conservatives hate Barack Obama, if you put Palin or Bachmann up against President Obama in a debate look for your party to be humiliated and irrelevant for decades to come. Go Ahead, make our day....

Romney, Huckabee, Jindal, Pence, Palin, Gingrich, Bachmann........has it ever been more clear, Republicans are STUPID. These people don't scare me. They want you to believe they are a force to be reckoned with but no,  they are counting on fear and stupidity to steal some power, I don't believe Americans are that stupid.....


Mycue23 said...

Welcome back, Sue. We missed you.

Sue said...

thanks Mycutie....

being away for a few weeks has turned my brain to jelly, well some might say it was already jelly!
Seriously, I can't seem to be able to put together a clear thought and write a post worthy of reading. It's making me nervous...I sure hope I can get back to normal soon. Thanks for the support Mycutie.....

Malcolm said...

It's good to have you back Sue. I saw on "The Ed Show" that Michele Bachmann is considering a run for The White House. She can't really think she has a chance to win. If she does enter the race, watching the Repubs tear each other apart in the primaries is going to be even more fun!

Silverfiddle said...

I gotta say, San Fran Nan gave a very gracious speech.

Palin Bachmann 2010?

I've got a blog post on that planned for tomorrow. Even liberals will enjoy it...

I hope all is going well getting your mom settled in.

Mary said...

Welcome BACK! I missed your clear or unclear thoughts...that said:

I think you are giving the American People too much credit. I'm sorry but I believe the American Right and Center Right (aka: independents) are infinitely stupid. I thought they had recovered from that stupid after Bush, but the continued love affair with Miss Sarah, Crazy Michele and 'I have no ethics or morals' Gingrich is proof positive they are still STUPID!

Then there is the 'fear factor'. I think they were shocked at how successful playing their deck of fear was during Bush and so they just kept playing it. After two more years of them beating the drum of "everybody is out to get you white people" I wouldn't be shocked to see a Palin/Bachmann ticket winning in 2012...sicken to point of death, but not shocked.
(Believe it or not I am in a good mood don't want to see me angry!LOL)

Jolly Roger said...

Give Junket John a break. He couldn't even sneak his flask out while he was standing up there, for Dog's sake.

Infidel753 said...

It's gonna be an extremely interesting two years, I'm ready for it.

I predict two years of no real action -- sound and fury, signifying nothing.

With Republicans holding the House, Democrats won't be able to get much more of their agenda through. With Democrats holding the Senate and Obama his veto pen, Republicans won't be able to enact their agenda either. Expect a lot of theatrics playing to the base, like the vote to repeal health-care reform, which will pass the House and then go nowhere; expect Issa wasting time and money "investigating" figments of his imagination, and efforts to impeach Obama for not having a dog license or something similarly inane.

By 2012 the public will be pretty tired of this, and perhaps mad at the Republicans, if their histrionics have proven as distracting and wasteful as the Clinton impeachment was. But the real question will be which party the public gives credit to as unemployment declines.

Bachmann running for President? The only purpose that could serve would be to make Palin look qualified by contrast.

One Fly said...

They might be real stupid but they sure know how to play the game and win.

They know right now who their candidate will be. These people do not do a thing with out a plan in place well in advance.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Welcome back, Sue!

Palin and Bachmann are not serious people.

Why the GOP encourages them and ignores other GOP females--serious-minded, informed women, is a mystery. Or is it?

Palin and Bachmann are pretty women who are on the fundamental fringe of the GOP. Could that have something to do with it? Both of them appeal to a minority of Americans. You cannot get elected to the presidency, thank Darwin, with a minority of American voters.

PS. Please excuse a bit of blog whoring: I've got a cartoon caption contest going on over at my blog. I invite everyone here to participate.

Pamela Zydel said...

Sue: Welcome back, glad you’re feeling better!

I have to say this: I can NOT believe Boehner cried again! I didn’t realize it until I say your post (picture). I have no problem with men getting emotional, but enough is enough already. Someone needs to teach Boehner how to control his emotions. He is the Speaker of the House and emotions are not befitting of that position.

I thought Pelosi was very classy when handing Boehner the gavel. She was extremely hurt when she lost her position, so it must’ve been hard for her to do that—just goes to show that a Speaker CAN control her emotions.

I have to agree with Infidel in that nothing is going to get done in the next 2 years. I hope I’m wrong, because it won’t be fair to the American people if the Dems and Repubs cut off their noses in spite of their faces.

Sue said...

thanks Malcolm! I can't figure out those republicans, I don't know how Palin or Bachmann could think they could win a general election after that horrendous show of stupidity in 08. But thats the new republican party, they think the country loves them.

Sue said...

SF, I'm hearing the opposite about Nancys speech. They are saying the gavel part of the speech was a dig, I didn't see it as that.

I guess I'll pop in and read your post on Palin Bachmann.

Mom is adjusting, so am I. I only ALMOST cried twice! Thanks for asking!

Sue said...

thanks Mary!

I think a segment of our population is stupid too, and I guess Bush didn't cure that because all those stupid people think alike. They loved Bush no matter what he did. Republicans depend on stupid and fear to get elected. It's a pretty sad thing

Karl Rove will see to it Palin Bachmann never win an election.

Sue said...

hey JR. all that crying does point to alcohol doesn't it? Emotion is one thing but damn the guy is so overboard with it all!

Sue said...

Infidel I don't know about the people tiring of GOP theatrics. Ater all the impeacment crap with Clinton the country put Bush in for 2 terms. How quick they forget. Of course we should all demand they stop the bullshit and get some work done for us the people, Boehner promised didn't he.

Sue said...

OF they do know how to play the game, they are shrewd and dangerous. I'm not so sure they know who their candidate is. The republican establishment doesn't want Palin or Bachmann going up against Obama, they have to know it's a sure loss. Maybe they don't want the presidency. They don't scare me, none of them do.

Sue said...

thanks Shaw,

who are these serious- minded, informed GOP woman? I'm a total partisan, I can't name a single republican I admire. I do try..Oh wait, I like Joe Scarborough, I think he is fair for a conservative. I can stomach him and watch his show every day.

I'll be by soon, I promise!

Sue said...

thanks Pam,

I can't believe Boehner didn't cry MORE than what he did! LOL. Crying like that when you are third in line to the presidency is out of line. Ridiculous!

I liked what Pelosi had to say too but she has been criticized for some of the speech.

I sure hope Congress puts the peoples needs first this next 2 years, Boehner said he will work hard on that, we'll see.

Infidel753 said...

Ater all the impeacment crap with Clinton the country put Bush in for 2 terms.

That was the Electoral College. Gore got half-a-million more votes. Without the Nader factor, Gore would have been President, even with the Electoral College.

B.J. said...

Wow, Sue, you came back with a bang. I’ve caught up on your last three posts. Glad to see you’re managing to balance all your responsibilities!

I’ve got to disagree with you on this: “I don’t believe the American people are that stupid.”

I do. You can feed them facts until you are blue in the face, but if they choose to ignore them and to rely on Fox News and undocumented and unsourced emails full of lies and propaganda, they are stupid. I cannot think of any other word to describe such closed minds.

Good luck with the blogging!


Sue said...

Hi BJ! I'm slowly coming back and it feels so good!

Yes you are right about the American people. They choose to believe the lies and distortions coming from the GOP rather than fact checking for themselves. Conservatives will always vote against their own best interests, I don't get it. I guess that means they are stupid...:-)