Something is terribly wrong in our country when the public service workers are losing their average wage jobs while Wall Street fat cats are swimming in their billions. We thought it would change under President Obama but so far, no change.....All we keep hearing from the Republicans is denigration of union workers.....The rich in this country abhor the working class Americans who just want a decent job with a decent pay......
Open Thread February 22 2025
Yesterday, The Conversation newsletter included an article titled “Making
sex deadly for insects could control pests that carry disease and harm
crops.” I ...
2 hours ago
That 90 billion dollars would pay for 2,250,000 workers at $40,000 each. I wonder which group, the banker executives or the workers, contribute most to the welfare of the country?
The Republicans, The Rich, and the Tea Party Scum, think that all unions should be busted, that everyone should work for minimum wage or less, pay for their own high priced healthcare and just be glad they have a job. They blame unions for the loss of jobs, when it is the greedy corporations that have destroyed lives, communities, small towns and even cities by running off to Mexico and Third World Countries where they don't have to worry about unions and people standing up for themselves
I think everyone who has the opportunity, should ask those newly elected republicans EXACTLY what they mean by "honoring our American values".
You won't get a straight answer.
Hey guys, I'm officially back cuz I can feel my blood boiling!!!!! YEE HA!!
Jerry and jb, I forget the Senator who said he thought Americans should be working in sweatshops, working for slave wages, I know I heard this recently maybe when I was sick and half listening. I'm gonna do a GOOGLE search...
The righties hate unions, they hate the blue collar hard working American, it's never been more clear. Corporations move to other countries so they can employ slaves and children, so they can have their American dream come true. We elected Obama to bring change, so all Americans can experience their dream, I don't believe it's gonna happen. Simple changes can be made, which could be a beginning for Americans, but it's not gonna happen is it....
hey C, you'll never get a straight answer from any politician, Greed will trump values any 'ole day
Sue, that's pretty much my point. They'll never give a straight answer as these tea party dolts are finding out quickly but are too damn stupid to figure out.
If the tea party doesn't turn on these people they just elected, they might as well put a gun to their head and pull the trigger and decrease the surplus population.
I'm not sure the teabaggers will turn on the GOPpers because the teaparty was just a veil to cover the fact those baggers are plain 'ole hypocrite rethuglicans.
No less a giant of American business as Lee Iacocca has said years ago that America became an economic superpower due to the partnership of manufacturers and organized labor in the 1950's and '60's, like he had at Ford in those days.
Chris Matthews has the simplest answer for what ails the economy; we don't manufacture GOODS in America anymore. We manufacture wealth via investment houses and banks, but we don't make things in America anymore. And until we revive a new industrialization, we'll continue to have higher unemployment than in recent years no matter who the president is or what party is in control. The hope of the Obama administration was the creation of a "Green Economy", that could generate a trickle down effect. That got off to a rocky start, and now you can "faggedaboutit!" with the GOP running the House.
What good are tax cuts for the wealthy when the money is not kept at home and reinvested in America and it's working class?
Where is the sense of economic patriotism?
conservative RN said at Shaws in defense of the corporate fat cats..
"I find it interesting that none bother to consider the charitable contributions the "very wealthy" make, or the jobs the "wealthy" business owner provides."
I said..."when corporations stop outsourcing jobs so huge profits can be made with the employment of slave labor and slave wages... when corporations start putting American workers first by keeping jobs here and pay living wage...when corporations stop killing the jobs of hardworking Americans so they can then employ people from Bosnia and pay them slave wages....then will I consider my stance on corporate fat cats. And charitable contributions are tax write offs for the wealthy. Are their hearts as big as their bank accounts? SOME may be....
Wow, we need job creation, not talk of charitable contributions. Just goes to show where they stand on their priorities.
We, as voters, need to press these assholes on where the cuts they want to make are going to come from. They campaigned by telling that they KNEW where they needed to make cuts, but since then, they've clammed up.
If they knew where to cut, why is it so bad to tell the people that voted them into office? What are they so damn afraid of? Reprisals?
Where, pray tell, did AFSCME get this 90 BILLION figure? According to Executive Pay Watch, the top SIX banks that received bailout money distributed a total of 92 MILLION in executive compensation. I mean, yeah, that itself is WAY too much (considering that we bailed out their sorry asses, etc.) but for these union slicks to add another 3 zeros to the end of the real figure is certainly sleazy, too.
You are confusing the six banks CEOs pay ($92 million) with with all executives in 5 banks.
Quote from the New York Times: Wall Street’s five biggest firms put aside nearly $90 billion for bonuses in 2010.
Jerry, the article (at least the way that I understood it) says that the 90 billion was "put aside", not that it was actually distributed. And not that I'm necessarily defending this, mind you, but that money was going to be divied-up between thousands of employees. AFSCME's making it sound like it's only going to be given to a couple of sinister madmen.......P.S. I was reading some of those side articles. The average salary at Goldman Sachs for 2010 was $569,000. The average salary at Citigroup was $83,000....I think that I'd rather work for Goldman Sachs.
My point was that you and AFSCME were talking about two different things.
Indeed. And I do stand corrected.
I might have missed it, but I didn't read anything that said that the bonuses were paid on condition of shareholder approval.
The “The Shareholder Vote on Executive Compensation Act” of April 2007... whatever happened to that?
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