Thursday, January 13, 2011

A time for unity??

Last night President Obama called for unity, he called for civility in our debates. I do agree, BUT... I can't help but feel that ONCE AGAIN Democrats have to come to the plate, be the adults in the room and BACK DOWN!! Why do we have to constantly retreat and cower to the holier than thou conservatives?? For the past 3 years we have endured horrible lies, distortions and criticisms from those hypocrite Republicans!! Why do we have to take that and turn around and be civil Mr. President?? We have heard our president ridiculed, called every sick and nasty name in the book. His beautiful wife mocked, laughed at, portrayed as an ape.....even the Obama children have been made fun of.  So why do we have to cower to those thugs, to unify, to try and play nice with each other.... I SAY NO MR. PRESIDENT, I will NOT! As long as the righties feel they can be hateful  and disrespectful to my party and to Americas president then I will not calm my partisan viewpoints.

During President Obamas address to the nation, we hear YOU LIE in the Republican side of the room, how disrespectful, how degrading! We also witness a Supreme Court Justice shake his head and mouth the words THAT'S A LIE! Never in our history has that happened. Those Republicans show no respect for our president. If such disrespect happened under a Republican president the Dems would be lambasted!

Joe Scarborough this morning shows a clip of Jon Stewart speaking with Tim Pawlenty about Glenn Beck. Scarborough and Stewart are so Right on this issue of Republican hypocrisy!

 Joe said this on his Tuesday show talking about Beck....
"I have a lot of family members that listen to him and watch him and are frightened by the things that he says every night with his mom and a lot of other people like her that watch him every day start to believe if they hear every day, every day, that there's this guy in Washington D.C., this black guy that hates all white people and he wants to take your money . . . and he wants to destroy the country you grew up in. You feed that vile message to Americans every day, it's going to have an impact."

I like Joe, he's the only one speaking from the right who speaks the truth about conservative rhetoric crossing the line of civility.

Mr. President I hear you, I understand where you are coming from, but until I see changes from the right wingers you won't see any change coming from this blogger. Somebody has to stand up to those thugs!

UPDATE: Immoral Minority proves my point! Here are the live tweets from Tammy Bruce, conservative Palin lover, during last nights memorial service...

Live tweeting Obama's Massacre Rally Theatre
13 hours ago via web

Urkel and Mrs. Urkel have walked in, applause like they're rock stars. Amazing.
13 hours ago via web

OMG, the "Native American" says he's Mexican and the crowd goes wild. Whistles, hoots, cheers.
13 hours ago via web

Urkel is mouthing the words of the anthem, I think the Big Elbow of Karma may have moved into his vicinity
13 hours ago via web

Once again Urkel has found his props--a bunch of murdered people.
12 hours ago via web

It's just a little weird to see The Urkels try so hard to they care.
12 hours ago via web

Oh I see! The Obama Admin are the New Priests. Holder also reading fro Bible. Shouldn't they be reading from Mao's Little Red Book?
12 hours ago via web

Did TOTUS fail? He keeps looking at his notes
12 hours ago via web

This is why Obama should not have gone--he turned it into a circus because he needed it to be "his Oklahoma City."
12 hours ago via web

Once again Urkel has found his props--a bunch of murdered people.
12 hours ago via web

The crowd reaction is making this more like grief porn instead of a memorial. Something is very wrong here
12 hours ago via web

This man has no shame. "If this tragedy prompts reflection and debate--as it should--lets make sure it's worthy of those we have lost"
12 hours ago via web

Obama *used* Giffords opening her eyes as an *applause line*. Saying it over and over again. Stunning.
12 hours ago via web

Chris Wallace also thinks the speech was great. I guess the Dems were right, Obama did need mass murder to rally his base
11 hours ago via web

I rest my case...


The CDM said...

Right wing hypocrisy.

Notice that Pawlenty defended himself by referring back to "the bush era". You know what, I'm sick of people using that excuse. "Well they did it first, nyah, nyah."

This same lame excuse was used when I addressed the issue of tithing to a local cult around here. The response was, "Well, other churches do it."

So, Pawlenty, you have an opportunity to rise above past issues and show the world you belong to the party of righteousness and you lay THAT egg...says a lot about how the are progressing as a party.

Shaw Kenawe said...

When small-minded people like that have nothing going for themselves except fear and ignorance, all they can do is what those tweets show: Exhibit crass cynicism and hatred for America.

Those comments are an example of the complete descent of a segment of our population into the pit of boiling hatred and toxic speech.

Luckily for us, they are a sad, classless, and irrelevant minority.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Sue- I think you answered your own question about Dems being the adults in the room.....because somebody has to be. Obama was elected president partly because of his cool, calm, collected presence....and last night we saw the President at his best.

The problem with the Republican Party today is there are not enough Joe Scarborough's out there, guys in the middle who aren't afraid to point out mistakes and missteps by the GOP leadership. The Republican base has gotten so conservative that there is no more center, and if an elected official looks for middle ground and is not in lockstep with the base they are dead meat.

I do have Republican family members who remain Republican, but tell you at the dinner table they aren't happy with alot of rhetoric and lack of political courage of too many in their party to do what's right rather than what the base wants.

Sue said...

thanks C, Shaw and Hugh,

I went to bed thinking about this post. I'm certainly not gonna shut up and be a pussy when those people on the right continue with their hateful ignorance.

Sorry I have to use moderation, the trolls were out in force!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Just heard on MSNBC (Chuck Todd) that President Obama wrote the major portion of his speech.

Sue said...

I can see why the speech was so terrific then Shaw!

If any liberal reading this post thinks for a minute I am being too harsh and not trying to put forth some semblance of civilty towards our conservative citizens, please take a look around blogland at the conservatives saying horrific things about the memorial service last night. I'll be friggin damned if I'll be any different in my views of those morons!

Mary said...

I was thinking during the speech...while crying buckets of tears...he just keeps reaching out and they just keep biting back.
I would love to see the President someday show up to a press conference with band-aids all over his right hand. When asked what happened he would reply, "I just reached across the aisle again."

The Wool Cupboard said...

So, are not going to change your heated rhetoric and name-calling - but you expect the conservatives to do that which you are unwilling to do.

Sue said...

Love it Mary!!

No Linda I didn't say that. If the conservatives changed so would I, BUT YOUR side has NO intention of changing. YOUR side hates Obama no matter if his policies are right leaning, and they are, so what's your excuse on that?? Obama has bent over backwards to give the right what they DEMAND and gets shit on EVERY SINGLE TIME. Your side even votes NO on legislation they wrote during Rethug rule. It's all such disgusting game playing and the people are wising up to your antics on the right.

TomCat said...

Sue, thanks for an excellent job pointing out the Republican hatred and hypocrisy. To the best of my knowledge, not one single Democrat of note has used violent speech against Republicans. Those few that do are in the wing-nut fringe, while Republican violent speech has come from Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly,Breitbart,Palin,Bachmann,West,Angle and many more. For someone like Linda to claim that your steamy rhetoric, which has never embraced violence, is equivalent to what we have seen from Republicans is irrational.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Apparently radio hate-monger, Limbaugh has his prodigiously over-sized boxers in a twist because a majority of the folks over a FAUX NOOZ praised the President Obama's speech.

Limbaugh knows quite well that the money will keep rolling in so long as he keeps his ditto heads in a froth of hate. But if even the FAUX NOOZ people are conceding that this president acted as the National Healer, then who will Limbaugh turn to to keep his Circus of Detestation going?

It is interesting to note that Tucson removed this gun fetish sign advertising Limbaugh's toxic hate program. Limbaugh has his work cut out--he's going to have to ratchet up the hate speech in this moment, however brief, when Americans are saying Enough! Take your guns and bullet images and stuff them, Rush, where the Arizona sun don't shine.

Rush Limbaugh: Keeping his ditto heads hating on America.

What a guy!

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Shaw just bottom lined it.

The Far Right will never tone it down because as soon they do the money will stop flowing in. As long as there are angry people who feel threatened for whatever reason there will be cheerleaders egging them on, whether they be in government or in the media.

The late George Young was the general manager of the New York Giants. One of his most famous lines was when any player negotiating a contract said "it isn't about the money", Young would say "It's ALWAYS about the money".

The same can be applied to buys power for pols, and money runs the media. You tell a certain audience what they want to hear, and the money flows. You soften the message, the supply dries up.

That's democracy in the 21st century.

Malcolm said...

As hard as it can be sometimes, I'm going to continue my style of dealing with Republicans/conservatives in the blogosphere. In reference to Patrick Swayze's character in "Road House", I call my approach the "Dalton philosophy". I consider myself civil, but I won't hesitate giving a verbal smackdown to a Repub/conservative blogger who tries to give me shit.

Those tweets by Tammy are very telling. I would say she was behaving like a 5th grader, but those tweets don't even rise to that level. Calling the Obamas "The Urkels"? Come on! Although her tweets will earn her virtual high-fives from her blogger buddies, anyone over the age of 12 will see them for what they are.

Speaking of Tammy, I believe she's the same one who deleted my comments from her blog. Although what I said was respectful (I was debunking lies another commenter told about Van Jones), I guess Tammy wasn't about to have any truth from me seep into the brains of her regular sheep... I mean readers.

Joe Scarborough is my favorite conservative media figure. When he hosted "Scarborough Country", I used to wonder, "Who is this loudmouth"?! However, he is one of the few conservatives who isn't afraid to call one of his own out. Because he has a brain and isn't afraid to use it, I've heard conservative bloggers call him "wishy washy" and a "sham conservative".

Trust me, I have no plans to back down or curtail my passion. However, I have no interest in getting down in the mud with conservatives who don't have the skills to debate in an intelligent manner. I'm not sure if you were saying that's what you plan to do; I just want to be clear on where I stand. A lot of conservative bloggers want us to respond to any nasty name calling they throw at us with more name calling. They are pissed off because a democrat is in the White House and they want the rest of us to be as miserable as they are. You know what they say, misery loves company.

Sue said...

Thanks TC, Shaw and Hugh!

Malcolm, Joe is my favorite conservative too. He is very fair in his opinions of the left and right.

If I leave a comment on a conservative blog to stand up for my president it just increases their traffic and their idiot remarks, so I do not go back and engage them further. They love that kind of fight so I don't give it to them. They are so miserable and jealous whenever they are out of power, they CRAVE the power! LOL

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Tom, you used to routinely refer to conservatives as "The Reich Wing" and to Bush and McCain as Fuhrer. I'm sorry, but your outrage and indignation over this issue fails to persuade one iota.......It is good, however, to see that you've finally concluded that the Huffington Post, the Daily Kos,, Mike Malloy, and Ed Schultz (all of whom have engaged in violent, abusive, and sexually inappropriate imagery) are a part and parcel of the "wing-nut fringe". On that particular point, I completely agree.

Sue said...

I admire Ed Schultz, and if he crosses the line while speaking the TRUTH about the right then he apologizes. You will not hear a wingnut apologize for their crossing the line on the truth. If you have, tell me who that was please

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I support then President, too, Sue. I voted for him once and more than likely will again. But I will not in any way, shape, or form condone what Paul Krugman and Keith Olbermann did in terms of trying to make political hay over this tragedy. That, my friend, I found to be beyond contemptible.......And, Sue, did you also know - authorities ended up finding a worn, dog-eared, underlined, and marked-up version of Al Gore's book, "Earth in the Balance" in the Unabomber's shack? How would you have liked it if somebody on the right had tried to blame Gore for the actions of THIS lunatic? Not a whole hell of a lot probably, huh?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

"Dick Cheney is an enemy of the country...Lord, take him to the Promised Land, will you? See, I don't even wish that the guy goes to Hell, I just want to get him the hell out of here." Did Mr. Schultz apologize for that one, Sue?

Sue said...

Will you seem to be fixated on the lefts critique of the right. We on the left do call out our extremists, its the right who play along with theirs.

What we are trying to say is the rhetoric coming from the right is exploding with depictions of guns and everything to do with guns and shooting. The climate in this country right now can not handle any more of it. It is out of hand and I for one do not understand why they have to use such analogies.

Sue said...

I don't know if he did or not, but yes he should. I hear Ed all the time say on his show that he got heated and is sorry for it. Sometimes you can only take so much of the rightwing lies and inflammatory talk before you explode.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Sue, the depravity and idiocy of folks like Palin, Beck, etc. is obvious and well-documented. This I find to be in sharp contrast to that of the Huffington Post, Mike Malloy, etc.. That stuff doesn't seem to get much examination at all.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Sue, I wrote a post on my blog (which, let's face it, nobody, including Linda, reads precisely because I DO piss off everybody) called "Let's NOT Play the Feud!". If you succinctly want to know exactly how I feel about this whole left-right food-fight, I invite you to check it out sometime.

Sue said...

you're a good guy Will, I don't know why I haven't done it a long time ago, but I'm gonna put your blog on my list so I remember to come by and read!