Tuesday, January 25, 2011


                                    THANK YOU MR. PRESIDENT, GREAT SPEECH!!!!        

Republicans this morning are criticizing the speech, so what's new...One guy said the "investing" the president talked about was just more of the same "spending money we don't have" rhetoric. What don't they get?? We need to invest in OUR COUNTRY!  We will find the money and put it where it should be! President Obama showed me last night how much we need a Democrat in office and how terrifying it would be to go back to the same ole same ole with a Rethuglican! Which BTW, the Republican on Morning Joe said Obama gave us the same old tired worn out plans... That my friends is psycho talk!!!      
 words used by President Obama last night......words used by Republicans.....doom, doom, doom, gloom, gloom, gloom, cut, cut, cut, no, no, no, stop, stop, stop.....yada yada yada.....


skylark said...

Yes, he's a great speaker. But does he believe that Single Payer, Public Schools and Social Security are worth fighting for, or does he believe that Capitalism will solve everything?

Jerry Critter said...

Want to find the money? Get the hell out of Iraq and Afghanistan! Bring the troops home and invest the money here!

Schools not bombs.

Sue said...

skylark I want him to be a fighter, I'm not 100% convinced he is, but we have 2 yrs to find out. If he fights for us we'll have 4 more too.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Skylark- I think he believes in all of the things you mentioned, but he is a pragmatist and a realist, and has smelled the coffee.....the circumstances for single payer aren't there but Social Security will be funded and untouched, and public schools do need to be examined for their individual performances.

We've seen what can happen when the "free" market is allowed to regulate itself; the government always has to be called to the rescue when the walls come crashing in, and it's the Main Street that pays.

Clearly the President has moved to the center, and that's not really a bad thing considering the mood of the country. The trick will be to get the GOP to move to the center as well.

One thing about John Boehner....he is a survivor, and one who probably isn't too happy about Michelle Bachmann and the fringe trying to grab the spotlight. I think Boehner knows that if the House gets nothing done in these two years they'll be out in 2012.

The economy is on an upswing, and Obama will probably get most of the credit for it....and if the GOP fight him they'll be portrayed quite effectively as "The Party of No".

Sue said...

Jerry I wish. That is where the money is going NO DOUBT ABOUT IT!!

Sue said...

thanks Hugh. Elaborating on my one sentence replies is what makes my comments section interesting. I have the smartest friends in blogland!

TOM said...

We will have to differ on President Obama. I'm becoming less and less a fan everyday.

Sue said...

am I in the minority thinking the speech was good? I'm hearing alot of criticisms today Tom, I guess I heard the speech differently than some of you. But you all are much wiser than I so I respect your feelings.

Lisa said...
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TOM said...

Maybe we heard the speech differently, but I am not wiser than you. My post today explains some of my thinking.

Leslie Parsley said...

A CBS poll of 500 people right after the speech found that 92% thought it was a good speech. So, no Sue, you are not in the minority. It is the far-right and far-left who are in the minority.

Ron Chusid (Liberal Values) posted this on FB: "Those who are saying Obama is moving towards the center are missing the fact that Obama is redefining the center."

Sue said...

I'll be back to read again Tom, I glanced thru it but didn't have time to stop and comment. I'll be by in an hour...

yes you are smarter....you all are smarter, well except for lisa

Jerry Critter said...

The president, no matter which side he is from, will never satisfy the extremists, no matter which side they come from.

Sue said...

I like that, "redefining the center" Leslie. Obama is not a progressive, I had to come to grips with that earlier, so for me the speech was good.

I wish the 2 sides hadn't sat together so we could have seen more clearly when the GOP sat on their hands.

Sue said...

Jerry I wish the ones who thought Obama sounded too far right would look at any of the rethuglican candidates running in 2012,
that might shake some sense into their thinking! Huckabee, Gingrich, Pawlenty, Romney, Bachmann, Palin, they all scare me to death!!

Sue said...

Barack Obama does not scare me, nothing he said scared me

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Obama is not a progressive...,"

When he was a US Senator, Mr. Obama had one of the most liberal voting records in that chamber.

He was quite progressive as a state senator from Illinois--in fact he introduced a state universal health care bill with a public option, but no one supported the public option part of it.

Mr. Obama knew that the ACA would fail if he pushed for the public option--"fighting for it" would have gotten him nothing, except failure.

What Mr. Obama did get was a CHANGE in how this country deals with health care--and a bill that passed both houses of Congress. And he accomplished something that presidents have been trying to accomplish for the last 100 years.

As president, Mr. Obama understands, and has frequently said, that he is president of all Americans, left, right, and center.

I wanted a public option, single payer health care package, I wanted the tax cuts for the wealthy 1% ended, I want the Afghan war over.

I also know that you can't always get what you want, and if you try sometime you find you get what you need.

No matter how Mr. Obama fought, pounded his desk, or stomped his feet, he was NOT going to get a public option.

He got what he could get, and eventually it will be what we need.

Leslie Parsley said...

I thought the sitting together was an absolute stroke of genious. It made it almost impossible for a Republican to yell "you lie" or to sit there with frowning and smirking while a Democrat was sitting next to them.

To Boehner's credit, he did turn a little red when Obama acknowleged his humble beginnings. But for te bulk of the speech he sat there looking blank and bored which is what stupid people do.

Sue said...

Shaw all I heard from my friends when I got upset with the president was he's a pragmatist, he is not gonna give the progressives what they want. So if he is a true progressive then he is also what Hugh says, a realist, he knows he has to stay center but I'd love a little MORE center left then what he gives us. I have learned alot from you all and my hopes for Obamas presidency has become softened and more realistic. We can't have all we want and the far right can't have what they want(thank God!)

Sue said...

some ways it was good yes, but I still like the country to see the GOP acting like big, fat, whiny babies, and they would have if they sat separated.

Leslie Parsley said...

Speaking of Nazis, wouldn't it be grand if Lisa had a lobotomy? Experimentally, of course.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I agree with Jerry. Scale back on the foreign adventurism and use some of those savings for R and D, infrastructure, debt reduction, etc..

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Lawrence O'Donnell said the speech was vague. Ed Schultz said he is disappointed that Obama didn't mention outsourcing.

The clip Ed played featured Obama talking about India getting competitive through education... but the cost of living (and thus the salaries workers NEED to live) is higher here.

Spending more on education is a good idea, but it isn't going to change that fact.

There were a number of other things the President said I had problems with. For that reason I think I'm leaning more towards "disapprove".

Mary said...

I think the President gave a little to everyone last night. I liked the speech for the most part, but I was following along with Keith Olbermann on twitter, that was FUN! (he has started his own twitter channel, that I hope will stick around, it is called @FOKNewChannel for those on twitter. FOK=Friends of Keith)I agree that he may have had high progressive dreams when he was running for President, but once he was in office and found out that the Right-Wing Machine is one powerful bunch of dummies...that is when you become pragmatic.

Paul Ryan got a lot of press around here for his "Scare the Masses" rebuttal. He's from our neighboring Congressional District. He is also from Janesville WI, the city in Wisconsin with the HIGHEST unemployment, due to the GM and Chrysler Plant closing. My husband, who drives truck, and was just there this morning, said that if the Food Plant he picked up at today closes, there will be NO more factories in that factory town. I wish Paul would worry more about his constituents in Janesville and Racine (they lost there Chrysler Plant too)and less about getting rid of my Social Security and Medicare!

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

The biggest disappointment that I had with Mr. Obama's speech was the fact that he said nothing on sensible gun control; keeping guns out of the hands of lunatics, outlawing those 30 bullet cartridges, etc..

Sue said...

Will, that night Chris Matthews announced there will be a big speech given by Obama on gun control, he didn't say when, just soon.