Tuesday, January 18, 2011

There is NO equivalency....

There is NO Progressive equivalent to the hateful violent rhetoric coming from the right......

There is no leftist equivalent to the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC), a group which was created from the mailing list of the old white supremacist White Citizens Councils,

There is no leftist equivalent to Glenn Beck, longtime user of eliminationist rhetoric, including equating universal healthcare to rape, joking about victims of forest fires being America-hating liberals, comparing Al Gore to Hitler, condoning the murder of Michael Moore, accusing Holocaust survivor George Soros of being a Nazi collaborator, joking about poisoning Nancy Pelosi, equating immigration reform with burning US citizens alive, publicly endorsing violent revolution, and winkingly telling his viewers not to get violent,

There is no leftist equivalent to Bill O'Reilly, he  has lied about and stalked his critics, said that
progressive bloggers should be dealt with "with a hand grenade," said Air America hosts were traitors and should be "put in chains," as well as: "And if Al Qaeda comes [to San Francisco] and blows you up, we're not going to do anything about it. We're going to say, look, every other place in America is off limits to you, except San Francisco. You want to blow up the Coit Tower? Go ahead."

There is no leftist equivalent to Pat "The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians" Robertson, host of The 700 Club,

There is no leftist equivalent to the Minutemen and other radical and eliminationist-spewing anti-immigration groups, some of whom have been subcontracted to work the border by the US government.

There is no leftist equivalent to radical and eliminationist-spewing anti-choice groups, who openly target doctors and call for their assassinations—and had a success just last year in the murder of Dr. George Tiller—and whose leaders get featured in whitewashing profiles in the Washington Post.

I know the righties won't read this Alternet article, it's a great one pointing out the wingnuts hateful rhetoric while also saying the left is not without their extremists. But you can not equate the 2 sides and that is a fact, not just my humble opinion. There is NO left equivalent to Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter... that's a fact. Sarah Palin likes to talk about the crosshairs map of hers saying it originated with the left, while not once pulling back and denouncing that kind of violent advertising. She says she has no intentions of shutting up, she will continue speaking out against the presidents policies as she has been doing, so I guess she takes no responsibility for the political atmosphere today. Thank you John McCain for introducing the country to Sarah Palin, the country will forever be changed, and NOT for the better. Her divisive attitude has permeated our politics. While the right claims Obama ran a campaign on bringing the country together but failed miserably, they have made it a priority to tear us apart. While President Obama has been reaching out to all citizens no matter their party affiliation, the right has maintained they will never take his hand, they will not work with the left to quiet the hate and violent rhetoric. They thrive on that kind of talk....that is who they are... guess we have to get used to it.


Leslie Parsley said...

You're right but the right - and the media - keep spinning their lies. SP's latest video is a perfect example.

Dave Miller said...

While there have indeed been left leaning people about whom you can make the equivalency argument, one will be hard pressed to find such a multitude of "leaders" on that side using the level of rhetoric we see coming from the right.

Nice post Sue.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

This debate is never going to end, Sue (human nature simply won't allow it, I'm guessing). O'Reilly spent a large chunk of his show displaying liberal hate and depravity and Olbermann did the same regarding the right (I personally would like to send both sides to their room without dinner).............Here's what I think is going on here. a) Being that talk radio is dominated by the right-wing, a lot of their vitriol gets a jump start/far more exposure. And b) being that the mainstream media is generally far more sympathetic to Democrats, right-wing hate speech and stupidity gets infinitely more coverage (and ignoring stuff like Obama not knowing that Austrians speak German, for example). Look, if you think that the right is inherently more evil than the left, I guess that that's your prerogative. All I ask is that you recognize the implications.

Sue said...

I have stated more than once the left has their extremists, they have their TV hosts who get a little carried away, but as Dave said it's the "leaders" on the right who are participating in the rhetoric, not just TV hosts. This is an ongoing rightwing phenomenon that is not going away, not for the next 6 years anyway...

Mary said...

When I can get myself in a better mood I would like to research exactly what, when and how the left has "done it too." But for now, I just can't stomach the dark road into Wingnut World that something like that would requires...unless Dave and Will would like to help me out? The thing is you have to find people with the amplified voice equivalent to Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly...no just heading over to my blog and pointing out things I said, because frankly NOBODY READS MY BLOG! Like Sue, I believe there is no equivalency.

Every time I hear Sarah Palin speak (I try to refrain from listening to her, because she and I sound alike...'also', also used to be my favorite word. And for the record, she has a Yooper accent.)...as I was saying every time I hear Mrs. Palin (besides hearing Keith Olbermann in my head saying "This woman is an idiot") I think, this woman is a mother? That to me is the scariest thing. She is blatantly in it for the cash, and what is this teaching her children, she will say anything, no matter how inciting, never apologize and rake in the dough. I guess they have already learned from her example, because Bristol and my daughter are the same age. Where as my daughter went on to the University of Wisconsin will a full 5 year tuition scholarship after HS graduation, Bristol got the cover of People Magazine with a cap and gown and a babe in arms, a "Pause before you play" PSA (I am still laughing over that one!) and Dancing with the Stars. I guess her mothering is working!

But seriously folks, when was the last time Ed Schultz brought on a faux anyone to faux poison them? Him getting mad is not equivalent to wondering aloud if you need to hire someone to kill a documentary movie maker. Of course by me just citing those examples of Glenn Beck's violence, according to Sarah Palin I am inciting violence...haha!

Great Post as always Sue.

Sue said...

Mary I'm a real live person and I read your blog! You're such a cutie! You don't really sound like Palin do you?? NAH... Ya know I feel sorry for her kids because she is teaching them hate and intolerance. She doesn't hide her hate for liberals and the media, political rivals, and anyone who doesn't fall over her. Her kids are growing up to be just like her. Ever see little Piper and her attitude! Yikes!

Ed Schultz fires me up with his passion. He apologizes when he goes overboard too. He's a good guy and my fav show host. My fav repub show host is the fairminded Joe Scarborough. See, I can be bi-partisan!

C-Span is broadcasting the HC bill debate, good stuff!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Will (tnp) Hart:

"...being that the mainstream media is generally far more sympathetic to Democrats, right-wing hate speech and stupidity gets infinitely more coverage (and ignoring stuff like Obama not knowing that Austrians speak German, for example)."

Plus, Will, I don't think you mean to conflate conservative talk radio hate speech (Michael Savage is not a liberal, nor Levin, nor Limbaugh) with President Obama screwing up and making a mistake about a country's language.

Let's have some proportionality in this discussion.

The fact is that being passionate and heated about one's political philosophy is fine, fantasizing about murdering a film maker on your program, or suggest that Pelosi should drink poisoned wine as Beck did, or saying a Supreme Court justice should be poisoned, as Coulter did are two different things.

I would challenge our conservative friends here to find any leading liberal pundit who has ever advocated murder of someone politically opposite in his/her philosophy, and some obscure blogger doesn't count.

We all know that Limbaugh, Beck, Palin, Hannity, etc. all have audiences in the millions and have access to that audience 5 days a week via teevee and radio.

No liberal pundit comes close to having that reach.

Mary said...

Thanks for the heads up about C-Span, I totally forgot.
Also, (<--see there I go again) sorry for taking over your blog with such a large comment, another way SP and I are alike, we need to learn when to STFU! Yeah, I sound like her, I talk backwards like her, too...I just don't say 'deal' like her.
If it wasn't for you and your faithful followers I wouldn't have anyone reading my blog...thank you!

OK, Shutting up now and heading to C-Span ;)

Sue said...

it's true Shaw, the one liberal righties always throw out there is Olbermann, yet the Fox crew is quick to point out Keiths audience is teeny weeny...nope no equivalency!

Sue said...

Mary I can not explain why my blog is attracting commenters. My brother likes to point out it's the same 8 people commenting! LOL. I am not a writer like all my highly qualified, intelligent friends, so I can't figure it out. I am humbled and appreciative, really I am. Infidel once said it is my kitchen table chat that makes people come by and talk, I like that. I love blogging, what can I say! Come by and leave LONG comments any time!

Jerry Critter said...

"being that the mainstream media is generally far more sympathetic to Democrats"

You mean that consolidated, integrated, big corporate-run mainsteam media? The right likes to say it, but saying it doesn't make it true. I just don't see much evidence of it. If anything, I would say the media is more sympathetic to the republicans...although I am sure we could go back and forth with examples of each.

That's not my intent with this comment. I am just throwing out my opinion.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

No, Shaw, I wasn't comparing a gap in Obama's knowledge with one of Limbaugh's idiotic rants. I was comparing it more to the fact that the media jumps all over, Bush's miscues and basically ignores those of Pelosi, Obama, Biden, etc.. The comparison with Limbaugh would probably be somebody more along the lines of Mike Malloy - though, yes, you are correct, there is in fact a huge disparity in the ratings.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"The comparison with Limbaugh would probably be somebody more along the lines of Mike Malloy - though, yes, you are correct, there is in fact a huge disparity in the ratings."

I've heard OF Mike Malloy, but I've never heard him speak. I don't think I can get him on any Boston AM station--but I don't listen to radio except for NPR and my classical music.

But more to the point, what do WE do about this? US. You and me?

Can we agree that we can be passionate about our opinions without wishing harm on our opponents or demonizing them? Calling them anti-American Marxists?

Do you think we will ever be able to get to that place ever again?

We were there once. I remember having debates and disagreeing with the loyal opposition without having to think of them as vermin and as being liberal a disease.

Can we stop it now?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Shaw, I'm old enough to remember President Carter working well with Howard Baker and Bob Michael. I also remember William F. Buckley and Daniel Patrick Moynihan debating, not just on a high intellectual plane but civilly, too. You're right, it certainly has changed a lot.

Sue said...

Would you agree the inception of the tea party and the rightwing extremists who put the tea party candidates in leadership roles is when we saw most of the hateful rhetoric. Then we have moderate republicans who are losing their jobs because of the teabaggers ousting them for extremists. So republicans, now that the tea parties favorable numbers are dropping will you get back to a more civil tone, will we get back a more moderate GOP?

Sue said...

I agree Jerry. I don't get where the right cries the liberals are treated more fairly in the press. I guess they just cry about EVERYTHING!

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

"Mary I can not explain why my blog is attracting commenters. My brother likes to point out it's the same 8 people commenting! LOL."

Because, Ms. Sue....your blog is kind of like Jerry Seinfeld's apartment- it's where all the action comes together.


Anyway....yesterday Sarah Palin said in that "interview" with Hannity on FOX (Paula Abdul would have asked tougher questions) that Democrats and liberals used crosshairs on their websites as well- and then she failed to give a specific instance. And of course Hannity did no followup, and went on to pitch his next softball.

Yes, there are instances of lefties saying some pretty stupid and harsh things....but it seems the righties get a list of those few faux pas and keep repeating the same ones over and over again.

And all the while, the Right finds bigger and better outrages to scream about....just enough to keep the cash coming in, ladies and gents.

Great job Sue!

Sue said...

thanks Hugh, actually I was just about to delete that comment from myself because it sounded like I was boasting and that's the last thing I want anyone to think about me. I really do like to help my fellow bloggers by putting them on my sidebar, I want everyone to have a great blogging experience. Do you know what I mean?? I get comments from friends saying "nobody reads my blog" and it makes me feel really bad!

you're right about the few instances being thrown around of lefty hate. I have to say it's rare compared to rightwingers, and even more rare is a democrat in Congress spewing hate and lies like the republicans frequently do.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

My suggestion, folks, would be to try and seek out some of the more reasonable Republicans; folks like Mark McKinnon, David Frum, Chuck Hagel, David Brooks, Linc Chaffee (actually, he might be an independent now), Michael Smerconish, Lisa Murkowski, etc. - and try to get a substantive discussion going with them. Maybe through something like that we can get something going and eventually marginalize these freakish extremes.......A good example, Shaw, was the discussion that you had in the last thread with Heathen Republican. That was not only civil, but it actually seemed like the 2 of you were coming together a little.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I forgot to include Scarborough in that list. He seems pretty decent, too.

John Myste said...

OK, my comment was for a post where you disabled comments:


1. I wanted to know the prophesies that have all been fulfilled. A good number of my posts are religious parodies and I suspect I could use these.

2. Why did you disable comments on that article? It was very good, though it may have been hard for you to maintain, I guess.

3. Should use resurrect that post, shoot me an email and let me know.


Leslie Parsley said...

I'm just finishing up a piece on the media. In-depth research has found that over the last two years the media has most definitely NOT favored the liberals - not by any stretch of the imagination.

Sue said...

good work Leslie as always, I'll be by to read when it's finished.

I lost a follower, must have been the religion post....

Leslie Parsley said...

Life goes on. ; )

okjimm said...

Arguing whether there are more hateful pundits on the left or the right misses the larger point that they are all just talking heads. The prime thing to remember is, as Marshal McLuhan stated, the "medium is the message". All of them thrive on premise that, as McLuhan further stated, THEY have become the content 0F rather than the delivery of a specific message. Example: the perception of factuality of whatever Bill O'Reilly says is more defined by the fact that HE said it and said it on FOX. The truth no longer matters. Just saying. I gotta go get a coffee and a doughnut.....remember, you heard THAT here, first!

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

If you folks are saying that the MSM, as typified by CBS News, NBC News, the Washington Post, the New York Times, Newsweek, NPR, the Boston Globe, etc., has a tendency to favor Republicans, then, no, we clearly do not see the world through similar lenses.......Now, am I saying that it's as bad as O'Reilly says - NO, I am not. And neither am I saying that it's as biased as Fox News (Shepard Smith, excepted) is. But, come on, favor the Republicans, please!

Lisa said...

All this hate started with Bush and then magnified when Sarah Palin made her debut and the concerted effort of 99% of the media attacking her was a sad state of affairs for our country. I feel like we were in the days of communism when the media was used to go after people they didn't like. And they are still doing it.
I've said this before even if you don't like her this should bother any American.
The media was able to turn everyone against Bush and then her and you worry about FOX.
You just hate anyone with a different POV other than yours that's all it boils down to.
You would just love all dissent to be silenced because you guys are sooooo smart and everyone else,even doctors and business owners are all sooooo stupid.

Sue said...

Lisa, for me I turned on Bush because of his idiot wars and his spending on the wars while we were told Iraq oil would pay for the wars. That was a bold faced lie. The guy is a fraud.

As for Palin she is a religious extremist and they do not have any business running for higher office. Look what happened to us with Bush, same thing...

Malcolm said...

I'm tired of members of the media saying there is a left equivalent to the toxic talk coming from the right. In addition to the excellent points you made as to why the equivalency angle doesn't work, another difference is how each side reacts when one of their own says something inflammatory. When Mike Malloy expressed his wish for Glenn Beck to commit suicide, I said there is no place for that kind of talk. I also didn't hear anyone else on the left defend his comments either. However, you have a better chance of seeing Elvis than to get someone on the right to admit that a pundit on their side is ever guilty of hateful rhetoric. They will either duck the question or offer up some lame ass excuse (for example, they'll say Beck and Limbaugh are just entertainers).