Friday, July 22, 2011

Republicans for Obama!

Thank You Leslie for putting this link on Facebook! I know there are many Liberal sites that are turning very negative towards president Obama, but look what Leslie found,   

YES, Republicans for Obama! Does this mean I have to change my opinion about the righties and admit some are sane, thinking for themselves, putting ordinary Americans first, Republicans??  Okay, I'll do that and I'll read this blog with an open mind, I'll read the comments too because this will tell me if the tide is turning and people are listening to the president and weighing his words and actions against those GOPers who are seeking to oust him...

 I'm one who tends to believe our conservative Republicans, especially the extreme righties, don't even take the time to listen to Pres. Obama. They think every word he speaks is a lie, he is an incompetent and can not get our country back on track to prosperity....

Here's one of the posts on the blog...
It's Not Too Late to Compromise
By John Martin - Posted on 18 July 2011
Oh, Republican leadership. I don't know who does your polling or who you go to for advice, but right now you're on the wrong side of the tide. You stood up for the uber-rich, only to find out that "job creators" maybe aren't as popular as they once were (you know, when some were actually creating jobs).
Truth be told, the country isn't falling down in praise with how the President has been handling the debt ceiling situation, with about as many disapproving as approving. But too bad for you, that's where the so-so news ends.
66% of Americans think a budget/debt ceiling deal should include tax increases. That should be enough to bring you to the table. Assuming you've lost all your ability for rational thought, here's another one for you: 55% of Republicans would like to see tax revenues as part of the final package, as well as 53% of Tea Partiers. Tea Partiers!

Ain't that a bite?? Sane Republicans for Obama! This guy is serious!! Here's what else he says to his party..I sure hope they are reading!!

The worst part about how you've handled all this is that now you'll probably get a lot less than you could have. President Obama offered $3 in cuts for every $1 in revenue increases. (When Reagan negotiated a similar deal with congressional Democrats, the ratio was reversed.) The President even offered to stand up to the liberals in his own party and raise the Social Security retirement age to 67. You were too busy getting yelled at by Grover Norquist that you passed up a win-win deal. Once Obama showed that he was more serious than you were about tackling the deficit, your primary concern became not letting him outflank you.
Right now, all signs point towards Obama winning the political battle. With 85% of voters wanting you to compromise on a deal here, your priority should be in cutting your losses, and stopping the bleeding before more people wake up to how immature you're behaving.

I'm gonna read this blog and I'm also gonna put it on my bloglist because I do get conservative visitors from time to time. Maybe some will change their mind and come to support our president, he deserves it!


Anonymous said...


There are a lot of sane Republicans in the world but they are "in the closet" because of the crazies that have taken control of their party.

Its easy to bash the crazy ones on the left and to despise them for their anti-Obama rhetoric, but the extreme left has never had the control, the media attention, or the money that the crazies on the right enjoy.

The extreme right is anti-government and they are being financed to be disruptive. Anyone who was being offered a $1 revenue increase for every $3 in spending cuts would take that wager!

Not the crazies on the right!

There is a lot of support for Obama, but his polls show a lot of frustration too! The frustration is not so much about him but rather about the general sorry state of our political system.

The Tea Party was a big boost to the Republicans in 2010 and it is going to be a big drag in 2012.

The CDM said...

The problem I have with these "job creators" is that we are supposed to trust them that they will give Americans actual jobs. The problem is that outsourcing is so much cheaper, that they'll take the tax breaks and spend them elsewhere, because they can. If they want tax breaks, they need to put it in writing that they will support American job creation and pull from outsourcing to sweatshop countries.

Sue said...

I find it AMAZING the sane Right will NOT stand up to the teabaggers who are destroying the Republican Party!! Why are they so paralyzed by this minority of lamebrains??

When our side goes to the extreme we speak out. We have our extremists too but the moderates over power them, unlike on the Right their extremists seem to take over and control the whole message which is destroy Obama.

Les Carpenter said...

A refreshing post Sue.

jadedj said...

That's interesting. Who'd athunk? Thanks for posting this Sue. It is very encouraging.

Sue said...

that's why it's called corporate greed, C! Maybe Grover Norquist can make up a new pledge for the corporate greedmongers...

Sue said...

isn't it intriguing RN? Who woulda guessed a Republican Obama supporter would actually say it out loud, and on the web for millions to see! Maybe you should give the link to Mal...

Sue said...

I'm encouraged too JJ. I just wish the sane republicans weren't afraid to speak out. Maybe we can do it for them!

Dave Dubya said...

This is a welcome surprise. The owners of the Greedy Old Plutocracy are so far to the Right Nixon would be a liberal to them today.

Flying Junior said...

Not only are there sane republicans, but get this...

There are moral republicans and even, believe it or not, COOL republicans!

Granted, you may not ever meet any of them. But they exist.

Dave Miller said...

Sue, indeed encouraging, yet as you pointed out, we still see too much fear to go public from many...

The fear they feel from the extremists has paralyzed the realists that for years were a mainstay of the GOP.

RN, given that not one single GOP candidate has broken with the Norquist group, are you ready to declare for Obama if the group now running produces the eventual nominee, or will you rationally stick with the crazies?

Jolly Roger said...

It has to be said, so I'll say it.

The Klanbaggers, through their obstinance, kept the President from slashing Medicare. That is a flat-out fact.

When I no longer have facts like this one to recite, I'll stop criticizing the President.

Sue said...

JR, I found this comment at the new blog Infidel recommended in my newest post...

As bad as the GOP is, I never saw them attack a Republican the way the so-called "base" does to Obama. And then they have the nerve to wonder why the president is just not into them.

Isn't that profound? I hope one day soon you will change your thinking about Obama. He's gonna be around for a long time and I want you to be happy! :-)

Les Carpenter said...

Sue - Perhaps I should. But since Mal and I do not correspond (you see I am not "conservative enough for him) it wold fall on def ears.

I am fascinated watching the hard core progressives turning against the President because he is obviously moving towards the center to govern. Hence my recent postings on the current situation.

The President is winning this battle, and the repub leadership and freshman group are to ideologically pure to see the situation clearly.

On this one, and it is huge, he President is in the drivers seat. And ya know what Sue, I'm okay with that for now.

Hope you weren't unamused by this comment. ;)