Sunday, January 31, 2010
surprising trip to the Rx
A few minutes later she called my name over the loud speaker! Yikes! She said she wanted to give me a discount, I was being placed in a program and she will refund me 96.00 from the 106.00 I just gave her! I said "excuse me"! lol. She said she didn't know how long the program will last though.
So as I'm on my way home I said to thehusband, this is what it would be like to have medicare for all the US citizens. Other countries have similar, why can't we?? Does our government really care more about insurance companies making huge profits then it does it's own citizens?? Apparently, YES.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Just too hot to drop,.... .just too hot.....
One of my favorite moments of the day, this is the Loooooong question asked by Jeb Hensarling, President Obama answers it in the video. Look at his expression, at the 40 second mark, to me it looked like a mixture of anger, hurt and frustration. He handled himself perfectly!
THE PRESIDENT: How are you?
CONGRESSMAN HENSARLING: I’m doing well. Mr. President, a year ago I had an opportunity to speak to you about the national debt. And something that you and I have in common is we both have small children.
THE PRESIDENT: Absolutely.
CONGRESSMAN HENSARLING: And I left that conversation really feeling your sincere commitment to ensuring that our children, our nation’s children, do not inherit an unconscionable debt. We know that under current law, that government — the cost of government is due to grow from 20 percent of our economy to 40 percent of our economy, right about the time our children are leaving college and getting that first job.
Mr. President, shortly after that conversation a year ago, the Republicans proposed a budget that ensured that government did not grow beyond the historical standard of 20 percent of GDP. It was a budget that actually froze immediately non-defense discretionary spending. It spent $5 trillion less than ultimately what was enacted into law, and unfortunately, I believe that budget was ignored. And since that budget was ignored, what were the old annual deficits under Republicans have now become the monthly deficits under Democrats. The national debt has increased 30 percent.
Now, Mr. President, I know you believe — and I understand the argument, and I respect the view that the spending is necessary due to the recession; many of us believe, frankly, it’s part of the problem, not part of the solution. But I understand and I respect your view. But this is what I don’t understand, Mr. President. After that discussion, your administration proposed a budget that would triple the national debt over the next 10 years — surely you don’t believe 10 years from now we will still be mired in this recession — and propose new entitlement spending and move the cost of government to almost 24.5 percent of the economy.
Now, very soon, Mr. President, you’re due to submit a new budget. And my question is —
THE PRESIDENT: Jeb, I know there’s a question in there somewhere, because you’re making a whole bunch of assertions, half of which I disagree with, and I’m having to sit here listening to them. At some point I know you’re going to let me answer. All right.
CONGRESSMAN HENSARLING: That’s the question. You are soon to submit a new budget, Mr. President. Will that new budget, like your old budget, triple the national debt and continue to take us down the path of increasing the cost of government to almost 25 percent of our economy? That’s the question, Mr. President.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Obama and the House Repubs square off!
Obama said a GOP-driven "politics of NO" was blocking action on bills that could help Americans obtain jobs and health care. He accused Republicans of portraying health care overhaul legislation as a "Bolshevik plot," saying that strategy, when they talk to their constituents, doesn't give them any room to negotiate. There were moans and groans from the repubs after that remark! But it's the truth, don't they remember last summer and the death panels discussions?? How quickly they forget!
During the sometimes-barbed exchange, he said some in the audience have attended ribbon-cutting ceremonies for projects funded by the stimulus package they voted against. Obama also questioned why Republicans have overwhelmingly opposed his tax-cut policies, which he said have benefited 95 percent of American families. One repub asked Obama if he would agree to an across the board tax cut. It's always about taxes for them isn't it! I don't get it! Anyway, Obama said he could not see giving a tax cut to those like Warren Buffet, the billionaires don't need tax cuts! (you will NEVER convince a repub of that though!)
Afterwards an Arizona republican spoke, he said last year President Obama promised to work in a bipartisan way but he has not kept his promise. Total bullshit again from the whiny repubs. Obama has tried and will continue to try to work with the GOP. It's time for them to realize they are the minority. It can't always be about them.
Great job Mr. President!!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
California leading the way!
California Senate Passes Medicare for All Legislation
New Energy for Healthcare Reform After National Bills Stall
by California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
SACRAMENTO - To ecstatic applause from healthcare advocates, the California Senate today breathed new life into national prospects for fundamental health reform by passing on a 22 to 14 vote a major bill to guarantee healthcare in the state through creating a Medicare for all system that would cover every Californian.
![CA.jpg []](
“It is unclear what the prospects are for health reform at the national level,” said CNA co-president Geri Jenkins, RN, “but this vote offers California the chance to chart a new course for the nation. SB 810 will guarantee healthcare for every family through a humane system that controls costs and allows patients and their doctors--not insurance agents--to make decisions about healthcare,” said Jenkins. “People will pay less, and no longer be denied care based on their income, age, location, or pre-existing health conditions.”
Noting during the floor debate that, “consistently 59 per cent of California voters say yes” they want a Medicare for all system in the state, Sen. Leno added that single-payer is not just a bill for a humane health system, but also a jobs program for a state that desperately needs one: “We can’t compete in a global marketplace where all our competitors have had the government take the burden of healthcare off the shoulders of their employers….as we move towards single-payer in this state, and have better universal coverage, this will attract employers to California. We are already underwater in our healthcare system. We can’t keep up.”
Referring to opposition arguments about supposed ballooning costs under the bill, Sen. Leno pointed out that a single payer system would simply redirect current spending on healthcare, away from insurance overhead and towards a more direct and efficient way of providing care. Additionally the bill would not go into effect immediately; the current SB 810 creates a system to propose revenue streams that would then go back to the legislature for final review.
Medicare for all or “single-payer” healthcare reforms, such as SB 810, would help create the kind of quality jobs so urgently needed today, and do so while providing a huge economic stimulus. A CNA/NNU study last year documented that national single-payer reform would generate 2.6 million jobs and $317 billion in additional business and public revenues. Further, CNA/NNU research last year found that six of California’s largest insurance companies reject more than one-fifth of all claims, an experience many California patients know all too well.
Way to go California! This is how it's done. Mr. President and Democrats, are you listening??
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Some Progressives have Balls!!
great speech. I strongly support the President's agenda. Barack Obama never fails to amaze me as to how smart he is. He will go down in American history as a great President. He is a lot like having your high school history teacher as President. Not to mention being the basketball coach. Good things will happen to America under his leadership. The Republicans look like a herd of deer in the headlights. Now the only thing missing is that the Democrats need to grow some balls.
This sums up my feelings on the speech. My favorite parts have to be when the repubs sat there like the dickheads they are while the rest of the chamber was applauding the president. I believe the country is tired of the GOP's do-nothing attitude and I hope enough to punish them this November. Do we really need more of them in Washington??
This article was in my email yesterday....
HOUSE PROGRESSIVES PUSH REID TO PUT PUBLIC OPTION BACK ON THE TABLE Published on Wednesday, January 27, 2010 by The Huffington Post
by Ryan Grim
House progressives organizing to rescue health care reform are pressuring their Senate counterparts to go back to the provision that has most energized the party and a majority of Americans throughout the debate: The public option.
The effort was discussed during a closed-door meeting on Tuesday night, with a faction arguing that the best way to salvage reform is to persuade the Senate to pass the public health insurance option using the budget reconciliation process that needs only a majority vote.
They argued that the current bill before the House, which passed the Senate, lacks the votes needed to pass because pro-life Democrats don't believe the abortion restrictions go far enough and progressive Democrats don't like the lack of a public option, the weak affordability measures or the tax on private insurance. And nobody likes the Cornhusker Kickback, a provision won by Nebraska Sen. Ben Nelson that would cover the state's Medicaid bills in perpetuity. Not even Nelson likes it anymore.
So, in order to move health care through the House, Democrats either need to pick up progressives or conservatives. And the budget reconciliation process does not lend itself to altering abortion language reform, because that wouldn't have a direct, substantial impact on the budget.
That leaves progressives as the bloc available to pick up. Their demands -- changes related to the tax on insurance, a Medicaid or Medicare expansion, and a public option -- would likely be allowable using reconciliation. (The Senate parliamentarian would have the final say.)
Two House freshmen, Reps. Chellie Pingree (D-Maine) and Jared Polis (D-Colo.), circulated a letter, looking for signatures, that will be delivered to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Thursday on behalf of the plan, Polis told HuffPost.
Reid is not generally receptive to advice from the lower chamber, but health care reform has stumbled into territory where there is no map.
If Reid and President Obama decide that the House Democrats have a workable plan -- perhaps the only viable plan left, after the New York Times declared that the brakes had been slammed -- they may be able to accomplish it.
Pingree told HuffPost that the pair's proposal was met with excitement from some quarters and skepticism from others. "There are plenty of people who say there's no way we're going to bring it back, but there's nothing predictable about this political year," she said. "Never say never."
House and Senate negotiators were working out the final details of health care reform when the Massachusetts special election deprived the Democratic caucus of the 60 votes it needed to break a GOP filibuster and pass the final bill.
That could lead Democrats to use reconciliation, which requires only 50 votes. Once that decision has been made, deciding to go for the public option is less of a leap.
"It is very likely that the public option could have passed the Senate, if brought up under majority-vote 'budget reconciliation' rules," reads the letter. "While there were valid reasons stated for not using reconciliation before, especially given that some important provisions of health care reform wouldn't qualify under the reconciliation rules, those reasons no longer exist."
The major obstacle to reconciliation has always been the fear that popular insurance reforms would be carved out and ruled unrelated to the budget. But the Senate has already passed those particular reforms. The House could pass them and send them on to the president, then pass the package of reforms that moves through reconciliation.
It's a long-shot, but not impossible. And it's just the kind of aggressive action that voters showed they want in Massachusetts, said Pingree, and have long been supporting in surveys. It's a matter of political survival: "People will lose their seats because they want Congress to deliver what it promises," said Pingree.
Polis said that the response has been "very exciting."
"There's enthusiasm that if a majority of senators are on board with it, then we should go for it," he said. "I think the inclusion of the public option would make that route much more attractive to House Democrats."
Health care reform became less popular, Polis argued, when the public option was taken out but the requirement to buy private insurance or pay a fine remained.
"I think the fading of the public option from the Senate bill really hurt the Democrats' prospects in the Senate [race], because they were seen as following the typical pattern of tax and spend and caving to insurance companies," he said.
Pingree and Polis both noted that Obama's focus on fiscal discipline and cutting spending makes the public option -- which the Congressional Budget Office estimates could trim more than $100 billion from the deficit in ten years -- that much more appealing.
It would also give Democrats something else to run on in 2010.
The night of the Massachusetts election, three liberal groups -- Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Democracy for America and -- paid for a poll of a thousand people who voted for Obama in 2008 and either switched to support Republican Scott Brown for Senate or didn't vote. It was conducted by Research 2000.
More than 80 percent of both groups favored a public option.
The poll also upended the conventional understanding of health care's role in the election. A plurality of people who switched to Brown -- 48 -- or didn't vote -- 43 -- said that they opposed the Senate health care bill. But the poll dug deeper and asked people why they opposed it. Among those Brown voters, 23 percent thought it went "too far" -- but 36 percent thought it didn't go far enough and 41 percent said they weren't sure why they opposed it.
Among voters who stayed home and opposed health care, a full 53 percent said they opposed the Senate bill because it didn't go far enough; 39 percent weren't sure and only eight percent thought it went too far.
"The public option," said Polis, "is not dead.Another try and more of the same NO votes
From Politico:
South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, one of 16 Republicans to vote in favor of the commission, expressed despair over the Senate’s lack of progress on the deficit — or much of anything else.
“I’m willing to try anything because I’m desperate,” Graham said in an interview. “Immigration: hard, tried, it went nowhere. Social Security: hard, tried, it went nowhere. Health care: hard, tried, went nowhere. We’re running out of opportunities to try hard and go nowhere. Time is not on our side.”
The tepid support from Democratic leaders contributed to the loss, but more decisive was the number of Republicans switching under pressure from their party to block the measure.
Six Republicans who had co-sponsored the bill as recently as last month voted against it. A seventh co-sponsor, Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), was absent for family reasons, but her office said she would have backed the amendment if she had been present.
Look below at your shining examples of pure disgust. Do you think these Senators have your best interest in mind when they cast their NO votes time after time? And to think rethugs are on a roll, they are gonna "take back their country!!!" Take it back from who, and do what with it?
You GOP are worthless, absolutely worthless...
Barrasso (R-WY)
Bennett (R-UT)
Brownback (R-KS)
Bunning (R-KY)
Burr (R-NC)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cochran (R-MS)
Crapo (R-ID)
DeMint (R-SC)
Ensign (R-NV)
Grassley (R-IA)
Hatch (R-UT)
Hutchison (R-TX)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Kyl (R-AZ)
McCain (R-AZ)
McConnell (R-KY)
Risch (R-ID)
Roberts (R-KS)
Sessions (R-AL)
Shelby (R-AL)
Snowe (R-ME)
Thune (R-SD)
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
It's all up to you, Democrats
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Ed Schultz is interviewing Rep. Phil Hare of Illinois, he has a a plan some say will rival FDR's New Deal. This 180 billion dollar, 3 year jobs bill will be paid for out of TARP money, money that's being paid back from the banks. Rep. Hare says it will put 3 million people back to work. He has so far 75 co-sponsors in the House. How many Republicans have come forward to work with Hares committee you ask? ZERO, NOT ONE Republican. It's appalling. It is so representative of the NBC News/WSJ poll out tonight saying 48% of Americans blame the Republicans in Congress for not finding solutions to America's problems. 41% blame Democrats, and 71% say it's not President Obamas fault.
It does surprise me when you see polls like this, while Republicans lay claim to winning many House and Senate seats this November. Can the people, out of anger, fill these seats with the party who has no intentions of working with Democrats for solutions like HC reform and JOBS? What will it take for the light to come on in peoples brains?? Don't get me wrong, I do realize Dems have blown their 60 vote majority by being to passive, I get it. What I am hearing from the progressive members in the House, change is coming, we'll see.
Which leads me to introduce the next video. If progressive dems don't step up to the plate......
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Good job Ed Schultz, Adam Green, and Alan Grayson. These guys give me hope!
Tomorrow nights State of the Union speech has me anxious to hear President Obama's plans for the economy, jobs, healthcare reform, among other problems we face. I'm really looking forward to a great speech, I think he will deliver!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Why do Conservatives Hate Hollywood??
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NEW YORK - Grim-faced celebrities and musicians with mournful tunes set the tone for the all-star, international "Hope for Haiti Now" telethon, which raised more than $57 million, preliminary figures showed.
The telethon featured two hours of desperate pleas for an even more-desperate nation, but it ended on a hopeful note, with a buoyant call for Haiti's revival by native son, Wyclef Jean.
"Enough of this moping man, let's rebuild Haiti, let's show 'em how we do it where we come from!" Jean shouted after singing the slow song "Rivers of Babylon," with a Haitian flag around his neck.
I don't get it, do you? No, not ALL conservatives hate Hollywood, but I have come across many bloggers who do. Why would they think native son Wyclef Jean or any of the celebrities would have an ulterior motive for volunteering to help Haitians in this disaster? Some people in this country use their celebrity status to actually do GOOD works. These Hollywood stars and the musicians, among many others, have huge hearts, they are caring and giving people. It's a shame those who ridicule and make fun of celebrities have nothing better to do with their time. Maybe they could volunteer, give of themselves to help the less fortunate.
I say, thank God we have Americans who give so freely, celebrity or non-celebrity. So, the next time you want to make fun of Hollywood, remember you are making fun of GOOD and CARING Americans!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
McCain gives in...
McCain says campaign finance reform is dead
WASHINGTON – Sen. John McCain says the movement he led to reform how political campaigns are financed is dead.
McCain says the Supreme Court has spoken on the constitutionality of political contributions by corporations. The Arizona Republican had sought to regulate them with a landmark campaign finance law he wrote with Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis.
Last week the Supreme Court ruled that corporations may spend as freely as they like to support or oppose candidates for president and Congress.
McCain says there's not much that can be done about campaign financing now. Still, he predicts a backlash over time from voters once they see the amount of money that corporations and unions pour into political campaigns.
McCain spoke Sunday on CBS' "Face the Nation."
This is what I said, I predict a backlash from the voters once the airwaves are saturated with negative ads. The corporations will have to add their names to the commercials so we will know who to boycott won't we! The people are tired of corporate America and this will only make them madder. As we saw in Massachusetts, the voters will exercise their rights, I believe this will backfire on the republicans, and I say republicans because it is their party who will benefit from this terrible ruling from the Supreme Court. IF that was not the case then explain the 5-4 vote!
I will be interested in hearing from Sen. Feingold on this ruling.
Edited: Linda said the ruling will make a level playing field for both sides, not according to Laura Chapin and this article from U.S. News and World Report,
According to the Center for Responsive Politics, business and corporate interests accounted 70.8 percent of the total U.S. political contributions in 2007-2008, while only 2.7 percent came from labor. Political Action Committees (PACs) show a similar disparity: 69.5 percent from business, 15.7 percent from labor. The center does issue this caveat: "CRP uses employer/occupation information to categorize donors, and because just about everyone works for a business, contributions from members of labor unions and ideological groups are often classified under business."
Still, the gap is big enough that it's clear corporations have both the will and the ability to vastly outspend unions. And yes, this includes "527s"--tax-exempt organizations that engage in political activities. Republican-leaning 527s spent almost $13 million in 2008, Democratic ones about $8.3 million.
If the GOP and its corporate allies have their way, you can kiss the will of Colorado voters goodbye. And no, the fact that the Supreme Court ruling would potentially lift the limits on union contributions doesn't make things equal. The checkbook for corporations dwarfs that of labor. It's not a level playing field in any sense of the phrase--corporations versus unions is like the Texas Longhorns going up against an NCAA Division III team.
And at least that contest would involve real persons.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Thanks and a little smalltalk

This is the picture I used on my first blog post back in August of '09! Here I am with over 12,000 views and over 200 posts! Thanks so much my fellow bloggers for your friendship and especially for my liberal friends, thank you and keep doing what you do, spreading our message of hope and change!
Addressing a town hall meeting in Elyria, Ohio today, President Obama was speaking to us, his base. His tone was different, he admits mistakes, he says he hears us, he IS on our side. He will be accused of being in campaign mode, but ya know what, let 'em talk!
What happened in Massachusetts was a wake up call, I believe we are going to see a new President Obama this year, the Obama we liberals voted for. While the right is crying he is TOO liberal, the truth is, he was too conservative. It's what the polls are saying and it's why dems lost the Senate seat in Massachusetts. President Obama HAS to move to left of center or he will continue to alienate his base. He is on a course correction, and that will prove to be a wise move.
Obama also mentioned in Ohio that a key part of his State of the Union address will be about pushing for major reform of the financial regulatory system. Last week, he proposed a tax on banks to recoup taxpayer bailout funds. He said, "I want to charge Wall Street a modest fee to repay taxpayers in full for saving their skin in a time of need. You can rest assured, we're going to get that money -- your money -- back, each and every dime." He said a fight is brewing but he is up for the fight, "I didn't run for president to turn away from these challenges. I didn't run for president to kick them down the road. I ran for president to confront them, once and for all", he said.
We even have some rightwingers giving the thumbs up for Obamas course correction, Mike Huckabee said “Let me go out on a limb and tell you, this is probably the beginning of the re-election of Barack Obama.”
Then we have Billo on his show tonight talking about the FALL of the Democratic Party!!! Oh yea, he's naming all the left leaning cable shows and newspapers, they are on the decline he says! You see what he's doing, when the right gets scared, they fearmonger. That's all they have! They TRY to make the left look bad and think that makes them look good. LMFAO!!!
So anyway, thanks again my loyal friends for visiting my humble little blog. I appreciate each and every one of you!
We The People!
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Will the average American citizen be able to cast their vote for a candidate and be assured it actually means something? Chuck Schumer says from now on the winners will be predetermined, they will not be Republican Or Democrat, they will be corporate America.
Do we as citizens have the willpower to exercise our rights and make this decision backfire on the corporations who will seek to control the electorate? The ads will be fast and furious this summer, but we must make it our job to investigate each candidate up for election. We must tell ourselves WE will decide who is best to represent our state in the Senate race, NOT who corporate America thinks will do the best job representing THEM.
Will we the people be bombarded with negative ads? Yes, and just like what happened to John Kerry and the swiftboat ads, we will see this ten-fold. Also, pay attention to who is praising this ruling and who is speaking out against it.
This is our America, we can roll over and let corporate America destroy our Democracy or we can fight them. We MUST fight back. Please listen to what Alan Grayson says at the end of the video. WE THE PEOPLE can collectively come together, we can say nobody will predetermine our elections. WE MUST, this is the United States of America!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
WTF is going on????
Kucinich Denounces Supreme Court Decision in Citizens United Case
WASHINGTON - January 21 - Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today released the following statement following the 5-4 Supreme Court ruling in the case Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission:
"Today's decision will allow corporations to spend unlimited funds in support of political candidates. It will increase the stranglehold corporations now have over politics. There is no more effective way to concentrate even more money and power in the hands of the wealthy.
"Already, Wall Street is thriving on government largesse while America struggles with rising unemployment and foreclosures; insurance companies are preventing meaningful health care reform; and fossil fuel companies are preventing meaningful climate change legislation. The foundations of our democracy are at serious risk.
"The five-man majority has overreached considerably. The five-man majority brought up this issue of its own volition and has now legislated from the bench. The Supreme Court's actions and decision violates 100 years of precedent as well as the Constitutional prerogative given to Congress to legislate," said Kucinich. "In his dissent, Justice Stevens somberly remarks, ‘The Court's ruling threatens to undermine the integrity of elected institutions across the Nation.' Congress can hardly ignore such a stark and foreboding comment.
"Now, it is incumbent upon Congress to act. We must reclaim the democratic process and protect the voice of American citizens. If we allow corporations, many of whom are owned by foreign interests, to exert the kind of influence allowed by today's ruling, we will have, finally and completely, abandoned Lincoln's government ‘of the people, by the people, and for the people,'" said Kucinich.
Alan Grayson said if we let a corporate coup take over our electorate, our country is doomed!!
Democracy is dead

This morning, I watched five Supreme Court Justices stab at the heart of democracy, our electoral system.
They overturned over 100 years of statute and precedent, and declared that corporations can spend all the money that they want to buy elections. In fact, these five men in robes declared that they have a constitutional right to do so.
I was there. I saw it. And one seat away was Senate Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who could barely contain his glee.
If you signed our petition, you were there, too. Right in the courtroom. Because your petitions were with me, and I delivered them to the Supreme Court. If you signed our petition, you were one of almost 15,000 people who told these judges that "we cannot have a government that is bought and paid for by huge multinational corporations."
And now, we have to fight. We have introduced six bills to prevent the sale of our government to the highest bidder. The "Save Our Democracy" package must pass. As Lincoln said in his first inaugural address, the war is forced upon us. And if we fail, then as I said yesterday, "you can kiss your country goodbye."
Forward this message to your friends now. Tell them to sign the petition at to support the "Save Our Democracy" package now.
Alan Grayson
Member of Congress
A comment from CommonDreams:
When are WE THE PEOPLE going to rise up and say no more will we allow corporations to CORRUPT OUR POLITICAL PROCESS? There has to be a grass roots movement and find a way to make our voices heard.
Every generation of Americans had their battles that they had to fight. Will we do the right thing and fight or will we do nothing( which is the same as surrender)? I say we fight the evil corruption that is overpowering our government because they are corrupting the political system. I say we find men and women who have the courage to fight and who have good character to run for office for a true Progressive party like the Green Party. We also need to roll up our sleeves and help those men and women who are willing to fight. Working as hard as we can to get them elected. Once elected we give them all the help and support they need to achieve what needs to be done to save this country.
The hour is late but I believe we still have time. Future generations of Americans deserve for this generation to fight and not just give up and allow the corporations to continue on the path they have been on. We must fight them and all who seek to destroy our Consitution.
I think of the statue of Liberty and see her torch falling. Will this generation of America pick up her torch and do the morally right thing and fight against those who by their actions and visions seek to destroy the America that was founded on the principles of truth, justice, freedom, equality and being a light of hope and good in the world? If all of us are willing to pick up that torch and fight than I believe we can win and the children today will have a brighter future than if we just do nothing and allow our government to be destroyed.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Rome wasn't built in one day...
she says this.."One of the smartest, old-fashioned, honest politician's life, as a governor, has come to an end. You know I sometimes wonder what in the name of God did the smart, dumb or independent people of N.J. expect from a good and decent man like Gov. Corzine? We elected this man for his knowledge of finance and his ability to arrange and gather fellow workers to work together. He did so much of that. So, where did he fail you people? Did you expect this man to erase all of New Jersey's problems in four years when it took 15 to 20 or more years to create them?
The first three years the pieces of the puzzle were put on the table. The fourth year he started to put the pieces into place(Rome wasn't built in one day). So why would you expect New Jersey to be cleaned, prosperous and become a land of paradise in four years? Why didn't you people have sense enough to let this man finish what he started? Why didn't you give him four more years to finish what he promised? How sad, how sorry we are going to be."
How profound...
This letter could be written for President Obamas ex-supporters 3 years from now if they don't wake up and smell the coffee! A president who is elected to bring change to a country that was destroyed from a previous administration NEEDS more than 4 years to do the hard job at hand.
What is happening in the Massachusetts Senate race is another good example of dems weary after just one year. I'm shocked and disheartened democrats can not see the big picture. Have they forgotten in just one teeny, tiny short year why we elected Barack Obama? Why are they letting the repub run media scare tactics fog up their brains, distort their thinking, feed their fears and anxieties?
You democrats and independents who have already begun to jump ship may as well be watching Beck and Palin, because it will be you who put them in the White House in 2012. Is that what you want??
Be wise, be patient, be helpful, be organized.... be proud Democrats and show support for your president, and for all democrats in office. AND, always remember the alternative....
Saturday, January 16, 2010
The hour is upon us
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Yes, there will be a bill, in just a matter of time..I don't get it why this is hurting Democrats, this bill will save lives, save money, Americans will be healthier.
Republicans are experts at lying and deceiving Americans. They have put their blood, sweat, tears and lies into obstructing this HC bill. Why aren't they the ones suffering?
I wonder...after the bill is passed and America thanks the Democrats and sees this bill as a great piece of legislation long, long overdue, will Republicans agree, finally? If not even then, I must assume it's because a Dem president is responsible for HC Reform.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Palin, what a dipshit
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Look, I know it's hard to watch, but damn people you are missing out on some terrific, eye-opening, mind-boggling CRAP! There are lessons to be learned from this woman, don't get on national TV without first READING about the history of your country. Will she be the republican nominee?? God I hope so!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Just incase you missed this...
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Wednesday, January 13, 2010
this is some scary shit, Beck and Palin
With the Haiti earthquake on all our minds I feel guilty posting these disgusting videos, but I couldn't help myself. These 2(Beck and Palin) are so fuckin' insane I am stunned and sick to my stomach from watching them. Now realize, Beck says Palin is his CHOSEN ONE to get our country back on the road to recovery! SHE is the only person he knows who can do the JOB!! People listen if you can, I'm listening as I type, all I can do is shake my head and laugh, even though not a bit of it is funny.....The things they say about HC reform is stunning. WHY do you M F 'ers believe having health insurance is a privilege and not a right?? Why do you believe everything that is happening in the country is the fault of Obama and liberals?? YOU, Beck and Palin, are the INSANE ones! My God, I must be nuts. Sorry but sometimes we must watch just so we know who we are up against. This, my friends, is the right-wing party, get ready.....
There are many more segments of this program on youtube, watch if you can.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Closed-door event, except for Fox I'm sure
Teabagging Behind Closed Doors: Tea Party Plans Media Blackout at Its First Convention
Posted by Steve Benen, Washington Monthly at 8:43 AM on January 12, 2010.
TEABAGGING BEHIND CLOSED DOORS.... As a rule, when political activists organize large events, featuring high-profile speakers and guests, the goal is to generate as much media attention as possible. It's about getting the organizers' message out to an audience far beyond those literally in the room.
Next month, however, an outfit called "Tea Party Nation" is hosting a big gathering in Nashville, with the first ever Tea Party convention. Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann are among the notable right-wing speakers who will be paid handsomely to rally the troops. But don't expect to see too many reports from major media outlets -- they're not welcome.
It looks like the revolution will not be televised, after all. At least not the Tea Party's revolution. Word from Nashville on Monday was that the First National Tea Party Convention next month will be closed to the press, other than for a limited number of "selected" journalists. No word on who or how many.
This includes a media blackout of the Palin and Bachmann speeches.
Like Dave Weigel, I find this pretty surprising. I've covered all kinds of right-wing events over the years, and while there are occasionally closed-door strategy sessions held for select attendees, the notion of preventing reporters from major outlets from even stepping foot in this conference seems bizarre, and kind of paranoid.
It's worth noting that the public will probably get some sense of what transpired during the festivities. A few undercover reporters -- you know who you are -- may sneak in past the list-checkers desperate to keep out those who may disagree, and some hand-picked, right-wing media types will probably get some access that the rest of us will be able to read.
But for the most part, this will likely be the first ever national political convention held in secret. Given all of last week's bitter complaining about health care policy negotiators working out their differences in private, I suppose the obvious question is, "What do the Teabaggers have to hide?"
Could it be because the room will be filled with all whites? That would look kinda odd for a "grass-roots" organization. There really should be some minorities to represent middle-America. :-)
Maybe it has something to do with weird religious rituals going on. Maybe Palins' Pastor will be there to bless the women in their run for the White House, Palin/Bachmann 2012.... You Betcha!!
Would you pay 549.00 to listen to Palin??
MSNBC's Rachel Maddow and the Washington Independent's Dave Weigel have been covering the profiteering aspect of the conference, with Weigel reporting that Palin may be making as much as $100,000 for her speech to the Nashville Tea Party gathering. But it's not just progressives who find the situation a bit slimey. Check out Red State's Erick Erickson, one of the most Tea Partiest bloggers I can think of:
Let me be blunt: charging people $500.00 plus the costs of travel and lodging to go to a “National Tea Party Convention” run by a for profit group no one has ever heard of sounds as credible as an email from Nigeria promising me a million bucks if I fork over my bank account number.
Erickson also frets that the event will reflect poorly on Palin, writing, "I am afraid Sarah Palin is going to harm herself unintentionally over this tea party convention in Nashville."
PityMonday, January 11, 2010
BIG NEWS!! or not so big

The New York Times reports that former Alaska governor Sarah Palin has been signed as a contributor to Fox News.
The network confirmed that Ms. Palin would appear on the network's programming on a regular basis as part of a multiyear deal. Financial terms were not disclosed.
Ms. Palin will not have her own regular program, one person with knowledge of the deal said, though she will host a series that will run on the network from time to time. This person would not elaborate, but the network does have a precedent for such a series. Oliver L. North is the host of an occasionally running documentary series on the military called "War Stories."
The chief strategist to John McCain's campaign said in an interview with "60 Minutes" this weekend that Palin has a tendency to say things that are "not accurate":
"There were numerous instances that she said things that were - that were not accurate that, ultimately, the campaign had to deal with. And that opened the door to criticism that she was being untruthful and inaccurate. And I think that that is something that continues to this day," he said.
Okaaay..can't wait, you betcha! LOLOLOLOL!
Enough already!
In a private conversation reported in the book, Reid described Obama as a "light-skinned" African-American "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one."
Reid apologized to Obama on Saturday, and the president issued a statement accepting the apology and saying the matter was closed.
On Monday, On White House Chief of Staff Rahm
"He knows Harry Reid, he trusts Harry Reid," Emanuel said. "Harry Reid has — absolutely — the confidence of the president and the rest of the Democratic caucus to do the job that he needs to do as Senate majority leader and as senator of Nevada."
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So what we have here is Republicans thanking God for Harry Reids stupid comments coming out this week. The comments in my opinion were just describing who Obama is and I don't believe they were said with malice or were racially offensive. With elections coming up and HC being debated, Repubs are backed in a corner and running scared, so what do they do when they are in this situation? Run off at the mouth, calling for Reid to step down even after Obama has accepted his apology and Senate Democrats accepting the apology as sincere. If you can stomach Cornyns remarks here you will hear typical Republican whining, it's really starting to sound like a pathetic broken record. Lets move on GOP, it ain't gonna work. If Reid loses his seat in the Fall thats fine, but step down over this?? NO WAY!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Open Massachusetts Senate seat and Cyber-Space

Conflicting polls show very different outcomes in the race to replace Ted Kennedy in the U.S. Senate.
Are you watching the Coakley-Brown race for the Massachusetts Senate seat?
This is from According to Public Policy Polling group, the race is looking like a toss up, with Republican Scott Brown up 48-47 percent on Martha Coakley.
Brown is benefiting from depressed Democratic interest in the election and a huge lead among independents for his surprisingly strong standing, the poll takers conclude.
Those folks planning to vote in the special election are actually opposed to Obama's health care plan by a 47-41 margin and only narrowly express approval of the president's overall job performance 44-43 percent.
"The Massachusetts Senate race is shaping up as a potential disaster for Democrats," said Dean Debnam, president of Public Policy Polling.
Click here to see more from the poll. (pdf)
And this is from The Boston Globe:
Democrat Martha Coakley, buoyed by her durable statewide popularity, enjoys a solid, 15-percentage-point lead over Republican rival Scott Brown as the race for US Senate enters the homestretch, according to a new Boston Globe poll of likely voters.
After reading the Boston Globe article I read the comments about it. I found the one below to be typical of conservative mentality. Bostfan is responding to a comment from someone complaining about Fox polls....
Bostfan wrote:
But this one I thought interesting because todays races also must include polls and numbers from Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube! I don't know how you feel about this cyber-gobley goop, but I don't care for it! Boston
State Sen. Scott Brown made a lot of noise in the polls in the race to succeed late U.S. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy this week - and he’s also winning the social media battle.
Brown, a Wrentham Republican, is crushing Attorney General Martha Coakley on the popular social networking site Facebook: He has 20,183 supporters on the site while Coakley has 6,702.
And Coakley, who is vying to become the first female senator from Massachusetts, is getting trounced by Brown when it comes to female Facebook supporters. The “Facebook Women for Brown” group has 1,128 members, while the “Women for Coakley” group has just 45.
Over on Twitter, Brown has 4,156 followers while Coakley has just 2,032.
And on YouTube, Brown’s channel has had 11,204 views while Coakley’s channel has been viewed just 2,724 times.
What remains to be seen is whether Brown can turn his cyber-victories into votes.
I don't know what's going on in cyber-space, I just hope a Democrat wins the Senate seat in Massachusetts!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Tea Party madness..
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Thursday, January 7, 2010
GOP reacts to Obamas speech, I bet you can guess how that went...
I can dream, can't I!?
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Wednesday, January 6, 2010
positive words from Anita, Chuck and Norah... with a little Joe thrown in
We also have on this video Chuck Todd and Norah O'Donnell talking about the Senate seats. Retirements coming from some of our beloved dems might not be such a bad thing! 2010 is gonna be a big year, but we can't just sit on our hands and watch, we need to vote!
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Tuesday, January 5, 2010
sorry republicans, looks like you'll be shredding that memo!
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Monday, January 4, 2010
OMG, this is batshit CRAZY!!
Bachmann: GOP should ‘allow themselves to be re-defined by the tea party movement.’
At the inception of the tea party phenomena, organizers insisted that “the movement is not tied to the Republican Party.” But in recent weeks, the Republican Party has been going all out to bring the vocal activists into the GOP’s fold. “We need to stop looking at the tea parties as separate from the Republican party,” Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) told National Review last month. In a Dec. 29 interview on Fred Thompson’s radio show with guest host Jed Babbin, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) said that if the GOP were “wise,” they would “allow themselves to be re-defined by the tea party movement”:
It does sound grotesque, rethugs embracing the teabaggers. But... alot of news sources are saying 2010 won't be good for dems. Unless you want tea to be the drink most favored by the USA then we better get to work. I wish I could say "bring it on batshit crazy Bachmann", but right now I'm a little nervous. Will teabagger republicans help or hurt us??
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Damn it people, grow the hell up!!!
There's some fighting going on, a conservative blogger is being bashed and trashed by her own friends because she posted on a liberal blog. She has liberal friends and has liberal blogs listed on her sidebar. SO???? Whats the problem, we're all adults here, we can't pick and choose our friends?? We have to get permission from the possee when we want to talk to someone from the other party?? This my friends is the mentality of the self-righteous hatefilled conservative bunch of idiots in blogland! Conservatives like this blogger who posted this trash on the aforementioned blog.....
Over the years I've been writing this blog, I've been throwing out little self-evident truths that seem to have no exceptions that prove the rule. I've made a list of some of them and will add to it as I remember them or make up more. Most of this list I've come up with myself. A few I've borrowed from others.
1. Always expect the worst from a liberal and you will never be surprised.
2. Never try to reason with a liberal. They disregard any evidence that conflicts with their beliefs.
3. You can always tell what liberals are up to by what they accuse conservatives of doing.
4. Liberals don't debate, they argue.
5. The only standards liberals have are double standards.
6. Liberals feel, conservatives think.
7. Whenever you don't understand a liberal's motives, just look for the money.
8. Liberals cannot be embarrassed. They lack the gene to blush.
9. The Liberal creed is, "Do as I say, not as I do."
10. Liberals get older, but they never get smarter.
11. There are no honest liberals. If they were honest -- especially to themselves -- they would be conservatives.
12. A liberal's business is nobody's business, but everyone's business is a liberal's business.
13. Liberals have an inflated sense of self-worth. They are like house flies that criticize the air-worthiness of a Stealth fighter. (Sarah Palin, George W. Bush, ad infinitum are morons.)
14. Liberals lack a sixth sense that is standard equipment in conservatives -- common sense.
15. Liberals never stop hating.
16. There are only two types of liberals -- the deceivers and the deceived.
17. Every time liberals get on their high horse, they get bucked off.
18. Liberal programs are so wonderful that they have to be forced on people.
19. Liberals always choke on their own medicine.
20. When given a moral choice, liberals always come down on the wrong side of the fence.
21. The only way liberals can build themselves up is by tearing others down.
22. Liberals not only refuse to admit their mistakes, they refuse to learn from them.
23. Liberals can dish it out, but they can't take it.
24. Liberals are incapable of attacking the message, so they always attack the messenger.
25. Liberal diversity is only skin deep.
Every single thing this stupid conservative wrote here is hypocritical bullshit and I could erase the word liberal and replace it with conservative and hence you will have the real truth!!
Damn, what the hell is going on here, can't we all respect each other and have civil discourse??? This is why I do not comment on conservative blogs, they are a waste of my time and energy!!
Name me one please....
Can you??
I promise to listen and not judge your reply. I promise to respect your opinion about Republican Senators...
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Mitch McConnell says....

Associated Press/AP Online |
WASHINGTON - Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell says the United States will overcome war, recession and double-digit unemployment.
Challenges will be met, better days are ahead and the nation's leaders will unite for the common good despite sometimes sharp political disagreements, which are the hallmark of a vibrant democracy, McConnell said in the GOP's weekly radio and Internet address Saturday.
"The new year always brings with it renewed hope and a spirit of optimism - qualities that have exemplified our nation and its people from the very start," said McConnell, R-Ky.
He drew a historical parallel, citing the colonial army of 230 years ago winning a great military victory amid the exhaustion of a war in which the colonists were facing impossible odds against the British.
"Powerful forces may be aligned against us ... but when the challenges are greatest, Americans always join ranks," the senator said.
You don't look very convincing Mr. McConnell. I hope you actually believe what you say and can get the other GOPers to follow suit. Wouldn't it be great to have our elected leaders actually working for the good of the people and not just for themselves? We'll all be watching closely Mr. McConnell for the "uniting of our nations leaders".
Friday, January 1, 2010
Limpy is gonna be just fine...
Doctors 'don't know what caused' pain, he says from hospital
![]() | Rush Limbaugh speaks during a news conference Friday, joined by Joana Magno, chief of cardiovascular diseases at The Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii. |
Limbaugh couldn't resist a few political comments in the short press conference at the hospital. He said he got the best health treatment in the world "right here in the United States of America."
"I don't think there's one thing wrong with the United States health system," Limbaugh said.
Ok, first of all, do ya think Limpy was feeling a little left outta the news lately so he had to think of a way to get himself in front of the cameras??
Not one thing wrong with the US health system?? How about if you have no insurance to be able to partake in the US health system Limpy?? What about those people? Sure, I had great insurance, along time ago, but with no job comes no insurance. But you and your kind want the status quo and fuck the rest of us. Millions of Americans would be alive today if they had your insurance Limpy. You really are a blessed American Limpballs, have a great New Year....
I'm sure Rassmusen would be more accurate than the Globe. As for a Fox Poll, was this a scientific poll, or just a response page? In typical Democrat fashion, you mislead the people.