Thursday, January 21, 2010

WTF is going on????

Kucinich Denounces Supreme Court Decision in Citizens United Case

WASHINGTON - January 21 - Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today released the following statement following the 5-4 Supreme Court ruling in the case Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission:

"Today's decision will allow corporations to spend unlimited funds in support of political candidates. It will increase the stranglehold corporations now have over politics. There is no more effective way to concentrate even more money and power in the hands of the wealthy.

"Already, Wall Street is thriving on government largesse while America struggles with rising unemployment and foreclosures; insurance companies are preventing meaningful health care reform; and fossil fuel companies are preventing meaningful climate change legislation. The foundations of our democracy are at serious risk.

"The five-man majority has overreached considerably. The five-man majority brought up this issue of its own volition and has now legislated from the bench. The Supreme Court's actions and decision violates 100 years of precedent as well as the Constitutional prerogative given to Congress to legislate," said Kucinich. "In his dissent, Justice Stevens somberly remarks, ‘The Court's ruling threatens to undermine the integrity of elected institutions across the Nation.' Congress can hardly ignore such a stark and foreboding comment.

"Now, it is incumbent upon Congress to act. We must reclaim the democratic process and protect the voice of American citizens. If we allow corporations, many of whom are owned by foreign interests, to exert the kind of influence allowed by today's ruling, we will have, finally and completely, abandoned Lincoln's government ‘of the people, by the people, and for the people,'" said Kucinich.

Alan Grayson said if we let a corporate coup take over our electorate, our country is doomed!!


Oso said...

Kucinich and Grayson are what the Democratic party used to be,and still oughta be.Along with Barbara Lee who has bigger balls (sorry but it's the best way to put it)than any guy in congress.Maxine Waters,Diane Watson and Lynn Sanchez.There's some others but most are just trash like the trash across the aisle. Except for Ron Paul.

There's been a little pushback from the right, saying this would also apply to unions.In principle yes, in reality unions are hard pressed to just stay in existence while due to lowering of corporate and high marginal tax rates business has infinitely more funds on hand. Hence Democratic triangulation.

Oh well hang in there Sue.Think on this too much and we'd jump off a bridge.Should that happen try to aim at a teabagger to cushion your landing.

Sue said...

Hi Oso,

Yes, Kucinich and Grayson, my 2 favorite guys, and I adore Maxine Waters!

Barney Frank spoke on this tonight, he said there will be talks and possibly something can be done. I hope so because it's scary. I will take your advice and try not to dwell on it but I will be listening closely to this congress to see if they do make a move.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Let's be frank. The Dems take their share of the corporate largesse as well. We may hear a few of them talk tough but when the insurance companies and Wall Street bankers come around with suitcases full of cash, how many of them will say no.

I'm curious to see if this takes the rule off advertisers that they must charge the lowest rates for political ads. It does mean that one political advertiser can buy a whole block of advertising, shutting everything else out.

Sue said...

Truth I understand that, thats why I said this is not a left or right issue. It will affect our elections in a negative way for all of us. So we will see who stands for the people in the upcoming debates on this issue.