Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's all up to you, Democrats

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Ed Schultz is interviewing Rep. Phil Hare of Illinois, he has a a plan some say will rival FDR's New Deal. This 180 billion dollar, 3 year jobs bill will be paid for out of TARP money, money that's being paid back from the banks. Rep. Hare says it will put 3 million people back to work. He has so far 75 co-sponsors in the House. How many Republicans have come forward to work with Hares committee you ask? ZERO, NOT ONE Republican. It's appalling. It is so representative of the NBC News/WSJ poll out tonight saying 48% of Americans blame the Republicans in Congress for not finding solutions to America's problems. 41% blame Democrats, and 71% say it's not President Obamas fault.

It does surprise me when you see polls like this, while Republicans lay claim to winning many House and Senate seats this November. Can the people, out of anger, fill these seats with the party who has no intentions of working with Democrats for solutions like HC reform and JOBS? What will it take for the light to come on in peoples brains?? Don't get me wrong, I do realize Dems have blown their 60 vote majority by being to passive, I get it. What I am hearing from the progressive members in the House, change is coming, we'll see.

Which leads me to introduce the next video. If progressive dems don't step up to the plate......

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Good job Ed Schultz, Adam Green, and Alan Grayson. These guys give me hope!

Tomorrow nights State of the Union speech has me anxious to hear President Obama's plans for the economy, jobs, healthcare reform, among other problems we face. I'm really looking forward to a great speech, I think he will deliver!


Leslie Parsley said...

Great videos, Sue. Good peice. I can't wait till tomorrow night either. Watch my TV go out!

Anonymous said...

Any government jobs program does not create economic activity. It is a palliative at best, which in itself is not bad thing if people are hurting and there are no jobs.

Where it is bad is when it crowds out legitimate economic activity that expands our economy.

Nowhere has something like this worked for more than to help people out until real economic activity picks up.

Think about it. Why doesn't the government just hire everybody who needs a job?

Or better yet, stimulate the construction market by burning down whole neighborhoods.


Unemployment benefits to keep people from losing their homes is one thing, but creating a good business climate so people can find real jobs is the way out.

It has worked every time it's been tried

Leslie Parsley said...

Silver - Nowhere has something like this worked for more than to help people out until real economic activity picks up.

I don't have a problem with this. If unemployed people can get work until the good economy returns, she says skeptically, why not?

TOM said...

He always gives a good speech. He's the best speaker we have had for a President since JFK. Very quotable.

He seems to think he will look better if he tries to be bipartisan. Doesn't make sense, he knows the country is not in a bipartisan mood.

If he wants to tap into the public attitude, he should start coming down on the Congress.

Both Democrats and Republicans said no to his deficit reduction panel, and early remarks about cutting spending has been met with negativity.

I guess that poll you quoted shows the Mass. vote was not an anti Obama vote. Rethugs still don't get that either.

Infidel753 said...

We all know Obama can make good speeches. What will be important is the substantive content. Will it be a call to action or just more retreat, timidity, and compromise?

Leslie Parsley said...

Sue said: Can the people, out of anger, fill these seats with the party who has no intentions of working with Democrats for solutions like HC reform and JOBS?

I've been pondering the same thing. It's kind of like shooting yourself in the foot. Stupid and naive thinking.

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...

they can say whatever they want but the facts keep staring them right in the face.
What about the 787 billion dollars stimulus that did no good that was supposed to create jobs. You know shovel ready jobs. Instead we lost 7 million jobs in 2009 and 180 billion will create 3 million jobs?

I thought the recession was over. Isn't that what we were told.

That first video says that Obama got the message,where do you think that message came from?
Massachusetts independents not Progressive dems which even though is 68% in the swing districts still isn't the majority overall.
Thy can spin those numbers all they want the facts again are clear painful as it is that Americans are rejecting these tax increasing policies that the congress wants to impose on us.

I don't think this speech of "reinvention" is going to be all that convincing knowing that Pelosi really only cares about her base and not the public in general.

Sue said...

Thanks for commenting! I'm waiting til after the speech to criticize, if need be. Yes he always delivers a good speech and this time I think he knows full well the trouble Congress is causing him, I hope he shows he is fed up and wants to see progress!

Kentucky Rain said...

I really like Ed Shultz but I think he is waging a fear campaign. To hear him tell it the president is already done, cooked, toasted along with the entire democratic party. I just don't believe that.

Leslie Parsley said...

MM: If you scan the news feeds, you'll see that all the media is negative. "Will Obama ...?" "If Obama . . ." "What if Obama finds Lisa and kidnaps her?"

Sue said...

Mike, Ed does get a little heated and he has been critical of the president. But he has not turned his back on Obama and still wants to see him succeed. Like I told you today, I sure agree with your optimism and
it's refreshing to hear amongst the doom and gloomers!

Sue said...

Leslie that would be horrifying! :-)

Leslie Parsley said...

I hope Lisa knows I'm just having a little fun.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Just so everyone knows, Phil Hare is my Congressman. The local righties like to make funny of Phil being a little "chubby" but that's mostly because they fear him. He's a sharp dude and a real Democrat.

Congress needs to "Phil" up.

Sue said...

I did know that Truth. He sounds like a great guy, like Grayson! Some different names coming up lately, maybe we're having a rising up of progressives, finally!

Lisa said...

I hear ya Leslie.

Leslie Parsley said...

Truth: Hare seems pretty jolly to me and smart, so who cares if he's carrying a pound or two too many. Boehner is fit and trim and stupid as shit.

Sue said...

LOL, Cantor fits that description too, come to think of it alot of repubs do!