Monday, January 11, 2010

Enough already!

WASHINGTON - Prominent Democrats defended Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Monday after a new book revealed racial remarks he made about Barack Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign.

In a private conversation reported in the book, Reid described Obama as a "light-skinned" African-American "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one."

Reid apologized to Obama on Saturday, and the president issued a statement accepting the apology and saying the matter was closed.

On Monday, On White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel told MSNBC's 'The Daily Rundown' that Obama has "absolute confidence" in the Nevada Democrat.

"He knows Harry Reid, he trusts Harry Reid," Emanuel said. "Harry Reid has — absolutely — the confidence of the president and the rest of the Democratic caucus to do the job that he needs to do as Senate majority leader and as senator of Nevada."

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So what we have here is Republicans thanking God for Harry Reids stupid comments coming out this week. The comments in my opinion were just describing who Obama is and I don't believe they were said with malice or were racially offensive. With elections coming up and HC being debated, Repubs are backed in a corner and running scared, so what do they do when they are in this situation? Run off at the mouth, calling for Reid to step down even after Obama has accepted his apology and Senate Democrats accepting the apology as sincere. If you can stomach Cornyns remarks here you will hear typical Republican whining, it's really starting to sound like a pathetic broken record. Lets move on GOP, it ain't gonna work. If Reid loses his seat in the Fall thats fine, but step down over this?? NO WAY!


Jerry Critter said...

The republicans have been reduced to whiners and naysayers. They are getting beat up by both the democrats on the left and the teabaggers on the right.

All they can do is squat there and take it.

Lisa said...

Wy waste time pointing out a racial statement that Harry Reid said when they have more important things to go after like Sarah Palin and juvenile things like government funded commercials attacking the free speech of Tea Party protestors.

Sue said...

Hi Jerry, aren't those rethugs the biggest damn whiners?? And they have the nerve to call dems whiners, lol!

I think MSNBC reads my blog cuz Frum said Reids remarks were stupid, and Buchanan said Reid is not a racist and his remarks showed no malice, Hmmmm my words too! LOL

Annette said...

There was NOTHING racial in the statement Reid made.. It was an honest assessment of the candidate Barack Obama. It was the same thing I said and thought about him several years ago when I first became aware of him and compared him to Jesse Jackson.

Look at a picture of them side by side and compare their speech patterns.. you will see the difference and tell why Reid's statements were on the mark and why so many people voted for Pres. Obama.

Maybe it is an age thing.. Younger people don't think the same way us older folks do and don't see color in the same way.. I grew up during the days of the Civil Rights battles and know how hard it has been. That can make a difference in how it is seen too.

Sue said...

lisa you betcha we have more important things to say, especially when it comes to stupid repubs like Palin and her new gig on Faux Noise!! Way to go Sarah, make the money when you can girl!!

Infidel753 said...

It shows how desperate the Republicans are to create a fake issue. They're definitely throwing everything they can get hold of in the hopes that something sticks. Congress needs to be working on health reform and the jobs bill, not worrying about this kind of stuff.

Obama has probably heard enough racist remarks that he knows the difference between real racism and somebody just speaking clumsily.

Sue said...

you are right Annette! Of course the rethugs just have to whine and complain, what else have they got to do?

Sue said...

I hope this ends today Infidel. Wonder whats around the corner for the desperados!?

Jerry Critter said...

I wonder what would have been said if Reid had said that Obama was a "dark-skinned white person. After all, he is as much white as he is black.

Infidel753 said...

if Reid had said that Obama was a "dark-skinned white person

From Strom Thurmond's grave, we would have heard the faint but distinct sound of his head exploding.

Lisa said...

I don't think Reid should have to step down over this but I do agree it was racial. The fact that he had to even bring up his "light skin' and lack of "Negro' Dialect
like it is something to be proud of? What was his point then if it weren't racial? Why would a statement like that even need to be said especially from the so called big tent party.
But I will agree that Obama is able to suppress his Negro dialect throughout the campaign.

The CDM said...

GOP is comparing this to the Trent Lott incident, which I thought was silly(believe that or not). I think this is silly as well. Besides, there were better reasons to oust Lott than a stupid remark.

Sue said...

C, the difference is Lott said the country would have been better off if Strom Thurmond had been elected president. Thurmond, in 1948, ran for president as a so-called states rights candidate and that his platform had only one plank: racial segregation. So, was Lott saying the country would be better off if we were racially segregated That does nothing for the Republican party does it? I don't see any racial implications from Reids statement.

The CDM said...

Lott was just running his mouth just as Reid did back then. People do it all the time. When you are in politics, you're just one microphone/camera away from public scandal. To me, it's just running off at the mouth when you truly look at the content.

Either way, I still say they're both silly and we should just move on, then and now.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Let's face it, both Lott's statment and Reid's statements were in poor taste, but not illegal. I'm not defending racist speech, but for crying out loud, can't people say anything without everyone dumping on them?? Where has our free speech gone? There are more important discussions to have. They gave their opinions - and people found them to be offensive. We should just let the voters be the judge and jury from their voting booths. (It goes both ways, though, Libs!)