Monday, January 4, 2010

OMG, this is batshit CRAZY!!

Bachmann: GOP should ‘allow themselves to be re-defined by the tea party movement.’

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) addresses a crowdAt the inception of the tea party phenomena, organizers insisted that “the movement is not tied to the Republican Party.” But in recent weeks, the Republican Party has been going all out to bring the vocal activists into the GOP’s fold. “We need to stop looking at the tea parties as separate from the Republican party,” Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) told National Review last month. In a Dec. 29 interview on Fred Thompson’s radio show with guest host Jed Babbin, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) said that if the GOP were “wise,” they would “allow themselves to be re-defined by the tea party movement”:

It does sound grotesque, rethugs embracing the teabaggers. But... alot of news sources are saying 2010 won't be good for dems. Unless you want tea to be the drink most favored by the USA then we better get to work. I wish I could say "bring it on batshit crazy Bachmann", but right now I'm a little nervous. Will teabagger republicans help or hurt us??


Lisa said...

What is batshit crazy about saying the Tea Party movement can help Republicans re-define themselves?
The thing that is hurting your party are the policies they are looking to enact. Government takeover of health care,cap and trade,out of control spending,distribution of the wealth and let's not forget one of the most damaging will be comprehensive immigration reform in other words legalization of 20 million illegal immigrants.
Oh and the demonetization of American citizens who disagree with this administrations policies is alienating a big percentage of Americans also no matter how much Rachel Maddow likes to thing they are insignificant the fact is I believe she has to say that being MSNBC has so much invested in Obama's success and I don't mean that in a good way either.

Sue said...

Help me God...

lisa, when a movement in the USA forms and bases its agenda on hate, calls our president Hitler, compares his administration to a socialized regime, and does nothing but LIE, then the thought of this bunch of teabaggers actually having influence in our country is BATSHIT CRAZY!

do not respond to this or I will delete it!

Lisa said...

Sorry Sue I have to respond. That is the the biggest BS statement ever said about the Tea Party movement. They are not based on hat but based on fear of the direction of our country. Did it ever occur to you that not everyone wants the "change" you so desire?
You can paint it anyway you want but you really haven't been paying attention or you purposely believe something that is not true. AT ALL!!!
I was at a few of them and there was no hate spewing going on. AT ALL!!!
Too bad you never took the time to really try and understand people's real feelings about the state of the country.
Next time you pass by one stop get out and engage. You may surprise yourself.
Oh and calling them tea baggers and astro turfers does create hate another tactic used by this administration to keep the attention off their own failing policies and focus it on supposed "haters".

Sorry but I don't need a president to fill a void in my life.
Not his/her job.

Tao Dao Man said...

LISA; RE "The thing that is hurting your party are the policies they are looking to enact. Government takeover of health care,cap and trade,out of control spending,distribution of the wealth and let's not forget one of the most damaging will be comprehensive immigration reform in other words legalization of 20 million illegal immigrants."
All of these things are good, not bad. The only bad thing is that theya re not done quick enough, and not enough of it. All [TBTF] banks should have been Nationalized. Socialized medicine should already be in place. We will need a larger stimulus plan. The rich need to be taxed out of their fat asses. All Illegals should have a path to citizenship.

Sue said...

thank you for taking charge RZ!

lisa if you get out of hand I will delete, so mind your manners, I gotta get my beauty sleep!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The tea partiers were made and organized by Dick Armey. On local levels their "parties" are mostly organized by republican activists. Generally people from losing campaigns who have axes to grind.

Their agenda is not low taxes or less government. It's rage against the machine for the sake of raging against the machine. Watch videos of their speakers. All a speaker has to do is act angry and he gets a big hand.

If I spoke to a tea bag crowd and all I said was "warm beer sucks. It's the government's fault!" These deluded fools would piss their pants cheering for my anti government screed.

Tao Dao Man said...

ass-ill: Neocons, Rethugs, and Fascists are null and void.
Your party of naysers are the saboteurs of Humanity. Keep up your infighting while America swirls into the global sewer.

Annette said...

I have an old post that is the best answer to Lisa and other conservatives and tea baggers ever.. if they bother to read it.. anyone who wants is more than welcome to come read it and take it.. I just reposted it from last September after reading Sue's last few posts.. It is very good... and it shut down all the Tea Baggers that were attacking me after I posted the lie that was the Tea Party pictures from 9-12.

Infidel753 said...

It's important not to set the bar too high. The party holding the Presidency usually loses some House seats in an off-year election -- about 15 on average for elections since 1960. If the Republicans pick up 15 House seats this year, it will be only an average performance for them. less than that and it will mean they're in trouble, not us.

In reality I think the Democrats will be judged mainly on the performance of the economy. The actual recession is already over; the real question is whether jobs and wages have solidly recovered by November. I'm pretty optimistic about that; all the economic indicators are positive, and it's just a matter of time for the recovery to work its way through the system to improve employment. There's also the possibility of a jobs bill in the meantime. If the Democrats do something stupid like pushing an illegal-alien amnesty they'll get blown out of the water by the voters, but I suspect Obama is too politically savvy to let that happen.

If anyone seriously doubts that the teabaggers are delusional nutjobs, Annette's post does have a lot of solid specifics which should convince you.

Leslie Parsley said...

Annette: Thanks for your link. Excellent and I've bookmarked it.

Jerry Critter said...

Thanks for the clarification. You said "They are not based on hat[e] but based on fear..."

I not sure that being based on fear, of anything, is any better than being based on hate.

How about a party being based on sound principles?

Infidel753 said...

There's more here on factors likely to influence the House races this year.

Sue said...

lisa your chatroom is closed. You come here and monopolize a whole thread and i'm done playing. You don't do this to any other blogs that I know of so stop doing it here. GET YoUR OWN BLOG!

Sue said...

Infidel, Annettes post is a great one!

I know we have to expect to lose some seats but I believe what I'm hearing this week, dems will hold onto the majority. If the economy improves, jobs and wages recover then we will be fine. I'm optimistic too. This country cannot possibly want to go backwards, I can't believe we are that stupid!

Grung_e_Gene said...

That would be fantastic because we would be on the Eve of the Republican Party Destruction. The Tea Party Party would be funny to say every time.

However, the TPP would be chock full of Right Wing Terrorists who would probably try murdering Liberals because jesus, sean hannity, racist limbaugh karl rove, and michele bachmann told the too.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Annette ~ Quote ~ "I have an old post that is the best answer to Lisa and other conservatives and tea baggers ever.. if they bother to read it"

"CROOKS AND LIARS"????? THAT is your wonderful source of truth? Every source in that post was some far left biased partisan...Come on, why don't you try to find some REAL sources? You would never accept a source from a conservative, so why do you expect conservatives to accept the opinions and slanted figures from a leftist? Sheeeeesh!

Sue said...

haven't you heard Linda? Liberal sources don't lie.... :-))) We have no reason to lie, we love our country and will help her people and defend her from rethuggery....We will abide by the rule of law, we will keep separation of church and state, we will honor and obey our parents til the day we die... :-)))

Liberals are THE BEST aren't they??

The Wool Cupboard said...

Reality Zone ~ Quote "Government takeover of health care,cap and trade,out of control spending,distribution of the wealth and let's not forget one of the most damaging will be comprehensive immigration reform in other words legalization of 20 million illegal immigrants."
All of these things are good, not bad. The only bad thing is that theya re not done quick enough, and not enough of it. All [TBTF] banks should have been Nationalized. Socialized medicine should already be in place. We will need a larger stimulus plan. The rich need to be taxed out of their fat asses. All Illegals should have a path to citizenship."

I respectfully disagree with your opinion that all of the above would be good. Good for whom? I would like to know why there is such hatred for the wealthy among liberals. Hey, is it only the conservative wealthy that you hate? I don't hear much hate speech aimed at Hollywood rich dudes or sports stars. You don't seem to hate Nancy Pelosi (a rich person) or any of the Kennedy family (all rich). Why do you find rich taxpayers so detestible? Class envy??? Jealousy??? Just feel like re-distributing some wealth???? Or is it much deeper? Are you possibly a Socialist or a Marxist? Maybe you just plain don't like America. Perhaps you don't like the fact that America was founded upon Christian principles and Biblical ethics. It does seem to bother you that many conservatives seem to be Christians. Seriously, I'm interested to know the reason for your apparent dislike/ok...hatred for those of us on the right.

Sue said...

you're all just sooooo, Ummmmm, self-righteous and bitchy I seem to have this entitlement...Repub=Rich.....keep your dirty, lazy self away from our hard-earned money....

BREAKING NEWS!!! Liberals don't want your money, we EARN our own!!!

Tao Dao Man said...

Linda, you do deserve an answer.
I do not hate rich people, I do not hate America. On the contrary i LOVE this country very much. I just do not like what has happened to it. We see things from a different spectrum. I am very left leaning to the point of that yes i am leaning toward socialism. Why? Because non-regulated capitalism has proven to be a failure. This form of capitalism is not for the people, it is for the 1% of the elite. They be repub, or Dem. It is not how much money you have. It is what you do with that money. That is what matters. We as a nation should be judged by our most misfortunate, not our most fortunate.
This Nation came about from freedom loving people. They were persecuted in their home land for their religious beliefs. Now the holiest of holy here have become the PERSECUTORS. We were not based on Christianity, that is a falsehood. True xtians would not have condoned slavery. They would have allowed equal rights for women. They would have allowed non property owners, and women the right to vote.
So please do not tell me about Christianty and our founding fathers. More of our founding fathers were FreeMasons rather than XTIANS. BTW; I believe Jesus was a socialist. LOL [think about it]lol

Tao Dao Man said...

Linda; btw. My wife is very much a xtian. But she never ever discusses politics.LOL.
If i were to be a xtian I would be considered a Gnostic as this fits in very nicely with Tao.
The even burned [books] back then. Shame, shame shame. What were they afraid of?
They had to mix in some paganism in order to sell xtiandom as the new opiate for the masses. LOL.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Reality Zone ~ Quote "non-regulated capitalism has proven to be a failure. This form of capitalism is not for the people, it is for the 1% of the elite. They be repub, or Dem. It is not how much money you have. It is what you do with that money. That is what matters."

No one wants unregulated capitalism...well, at least the thinking people do not. As I have stated in the past, I feel that there is a need for oversight to protect the public from those who would abuse their financial power. That INCLUDES the Federal Government. Capitalism works very well when people are ethical and there is accountability. In contrast, socialism is the system that does not work well. Look at all the countries where dictators hold an iron fist over their people. That is what socialism always deteriorates to - power hungry dictators full of greed. No form of government will serve its people well when greed or lust of power take the reins.

"Now the holiest of holy here have become the PERSECUTORS. We were not based on Christianity, that is a falsehood"

I disagree here as well. Who is being persecuted by Christians? For some reason, in our modern society, whenever a Christian gives his viewpoint (his right under the Constitution), he is immediately labeled a hate monger or accused of trying to push his faith onto the public. Because Biblical teachings offend some, we are to be denied the right to our viewpoint? Athiesm offends me, but I would not deny any athiest the right to state his views.

"True xtians would not have condoned slavery. They would have allowed equal rights for women. They would have allowed non property owners, and women the right to vote."

You expect too much of mere humans. The above actions were distortions of the true teachings of Christ. Just because one is a Christian does not mean that one is incapable of making mistakes and even of doing hateful things...human nature comes through frequently. Thankfully, God is willing to forgive if we truly repent. Please don't judge Christ by those who claim to love Him but do horrible things in his name. They are doing their own will, not His.

I wish you would read the Holy Bible with an open mind, and you would see that Christ was no socialist. He taught that we should love others, help the poor, "judge not, lest ye be judged", love our enemies, etc. People have a bad habit of taking something and misunderstanding it and then telling others how they should live, even though they, themselves, have misunderstood. Did that last sentence make sense?!

Thank you for your response, and I'm happy to hear that you don't hate America or the rich.

BTW, I think if you survey the world, our poorest of the poor are better off than most of the rest of the people. I'm not dismissing their situation, either. I agree completely that there needs to be a safety net for those truly in need. I draw the line, though, when it becomes an enabling mechanism which allows three and four generations to abuse the system and take advantage of the working classes and taxpayers. THAT helps no one...not the poor and certainly not the already overburdened taxpayer.

Sorry, I seem to have written a book here! Thanks for your reply.

Sue said...

Just because Linda can comment in a different style then lisa doesn't mean she is any different. They have the exact same opinions about Obama and liberals. They believe with all their heart Obama is a socialist and want to destroy America, they believe liberals are godless unpatriotic sheep blindly following their leader. They quote Glenn Beck and follow his teachings. Same person, different name...

Neither of them deserve my time...

Tao Dao Man said...

LINDA; Yes I do expect a lot from "mere humans". So did Jesus. The problem with society today is that we have become complacent. It is a materialistic me, me ,me, world.
Just as you equate socialism with dictators, which is wrong. Many in the world equate Capitalism with oligarchs and the uber elite.
re""judge not, lest ye be judged"
We should all practice this wisdom. Obviously you have never been to my blog. I am not that much into the inner Dem Repub fighting. This is just taking us deeper into the sewer of the global night mare. I am more into geopolitical problems. Our system is broken, and both parties are to blame. If you liked Cheney, then you will love Hillary the Shillary she is Cheney in drag. She along witht the other Neolib war mongers will take us to places that Cheney never dreamed of.
I have recommended to you before to go to [the group for politics]. I posted there for 9 months. It was quite the experience.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ Please don't tell others what I believe about Barack Obama or anyone else...allow my own words to speak for me. You cannot possibly know how I feel about all things political. I am conservative and proud to be so. I don't hate Barack Obama, but I see the direction he is taking America and I don't like it. There are a lot of republicans that I don't like either...does that make me a liberal? I simply want our legislators to listen to their constituents and to above all FOLLOW the Constitution. It is the only hope we have of survival in our present world. I, for one, do NOT want to live the rest of my life under a socialist regime. I'm pretty sure that THAT is where the current administration will take us.

Sue said...

your problem Linda is you can't see past the Becks and Limbaughs, or is it Hannity and O'Reily? Obama is not a socialist and its the republican party who DID NOT follow the constitution, not the democrats. There is no reasoning with you. As soon as you say socialist and constitution I know who you are speaking for and where it's coming from. Just try and enjoy the next 7 years.

Tao Dao Man said...

LINDA; Replace fascist, with socialist. And there you have it. That is why I am making plans on becoming an EX-PAT.

Sue said...

RZ once again you confuse me. Did you not say in a comment above that you lean towards socialism? Besides the continuation of the wars, what is it Obama is doing domestically you are not happy with?

Tao Dao Man said...

SUE; The mind set of continuous endless wars without borders, is Fascism. When the Govt. is controlled by the MIC, the Pentagon, the Banksters, and global Corps, that is fascism. As far as I can see, Obama has no social agenda to speak of. He did not fight for health care as he should have. He kept pawning it off on the spineless Reid. He has given the Banksters, Corps, MIC, all that they have wanted. Obama is neither a Progressive, Liberal, or even a Centrist. SO, I do not understand why the Repubs hate him so much. As I said before Hillary the Shillary [Cheney in drag] will now come out beating the war drums against Yemen, and Somalia.

Sue said...

ok, when you said replace fascist with socialist you are saying you think our country is fascist. I thought you were saying our country is socialist and you were leaving because of that.

RZ please wait til the final HC bill, Obama will be sitting in the dem meetings and will have his say. Its far from over and in the end I believe we'll be happy. I understand what you mean about Obama being a right-leaning dem, rethugs hate him because he's not a conservative republican. They will Hate anyone who is not a conservative fanatical rethug.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ "your problem Linda is you can't see past the Becks and Limbaughs"

Well, perhaps you can't see past Rachel Maddow...

Could it be possible that we each have strong personal beliefs which result in our listening and watching those who reflect our beliefs. I would think that this is the more logical explanation.

I would love to watch Glenn Beck, but I can't unless I stay up from 1:00 until 2:00 am when his show is re-run. Since I am up at 5:00am, it is a little debilitating to stay up that late (I have on a few occasions, done it!) I think Glenn Beck is probably the most honest and well researched commentator on the air. He documents EVERYTHING with direct quotes and video records. You cannot prove one thing that he has said that is a lie. I dare you to try. He is just another conservative whom liberals love to hate and to smear. He deserves gratitude not derision. If you honestly listened to his radio program and watched his show, you would be angry, of course, but you would not be able to catch him in any falsehood. I'm telling the truth. He documents every statement.

He also promises that if and when he makes an error, he leads the next program with an admission and an apology.

Jerry Critter said...

"I do not understand why the Repubs hate him so much"

I think the Repubs hate him so much because he is not a Repub. If he was a member of the republican party and doing/saying exactly the same things that he is now, he would be praised by the republicans.

It is all about politic and nothing about policy.

Sue said...

Linda I have watched Beck, Hannity, O'Reily, and I sit there in shock and awe. They are fanatics and in their own admission they are entertainers working for millions, not for you! Rachel on the other hand is the most honest and wellread journalist on TV news today. Google her and you will see her extensive background.

you are correct, we will never change each others views on politics so I really don't know why you like coming here!

Tao Dao Man said...

SUE; I will wait and see about the HC. But i am not too excited.

I have said before that sprinkles of Socialism is the only thing that can save Capitalism. They can, and must work hand in hand. The emerging economies believe that our financial system is toxic, and will never return to the status quo. The greenback is on its way out of being the global reserve currency. Regions, and Nations are slowly using their own currencies to substitute for the greenback. China waits for no one. Least of all the U.S.A.

Sue said...

we are exactly right Jerry! Rethugs would love Obama if he was one of them!

Tao Dao Man said...


Even with that 15-20% would dislike him for the color of his skin.
It is one of the dirty little American secrets that we are not suppose to talk about. Racism is alive and well in America.

Would the [Birthers] be Birthers if Obama was considered white.
I rather doubt it.

Sue said...

Rachel Maddow...

A graduate of Castro Valley High School in Castro Valley, Maddow earned a degree in public policy from Stanford University in 1994. At graduation she was awarded the John Gardner Fellowship. She was also the recipient of a Rhodes Scholarship and began her postgraduate study in 1995 at Lincoln College, Oxford. In 2001, she completed her Doctor of Philosophy degree (DPhil) in politics from Oxford University. Her doctoral thesis is titled HIV/AIDS and Health Care Reform in British and American Prisons. She was the first openly gay American to win a Rhodes scholarship.

You can't dislike her because she's dumb, could it be because she's gay? just askin'...

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ I like the challenge. Plus, I just hate to let so much misinformation go uncontested.:-)

BTW, Obama is NO right-leaning moderate. He is progressive liberal through and through. He came to the White House as a young inexperienced winner of the presidential election...and then his eyes were opened to the way things work in DC and he found that he had to at least appear more centrist in order to rush his agenda (FAR left agenda) into place. It doesn't take long in Washington to discover that money rules, and you have to play up to those who have the most of it if you want to get ahead.

Don't you just hate politics?

Sue said...

we shall find out how progressive Obama is after the HC bill is completed. He is sitting in on the finality's of it so we'll see how much influence he has.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ ""You can't dislike her because she's dumb, could it be because she's gay?""

I didn't know she is gay until I just read your comment.

I find her style to be combative.

The Wool Cupboard said...

RZone ~ I don't think that you will find an argument against the fact that there may be some racism still alive and well in America (as is true of MOST places in the world), but you would be hard pressed to see evidence of widespread racism. I think America has largely succeeded in efforts to quell racism.

I'm convinced that much of the cries of "racism" when referring to the current administration are from those who want to smear citizens who disagree with the agenda...not with the color of the President's skin. In my own experience, I've never heard any conservative denigrate the President because of his race, rather they are disgusted by the extreme liberal policies he espouses.

Tao Dao Man said...

LINDA; What "extreme liberal policies" does he espouse?

Sue said...

I'll look forward to that response to RZ.

The Wool Cupboard said...

RZone ~ President Obama has had far leftist philosopies since he was a state senator here in Illinois. His views on abortion are that abortion should be allowed pretty much for any reason at any time. He would not vote for a measure that required babies born alive in botched abortions to be given care or help. The babies were to be allowed to die in hospital (basically garbage cans) with no attention by doctors. As a matter of fact, he stood up and voiced his opposition to the bill...the ONLY senator to do that. I call that EXTREME. He also would not vote to stop the barbaric partial birth abortion procedure.

He supports re-distribution of wealth...taking money (through taxation) from those who earn it to give to those who won't.

He is in favor of government interfering in private enterprise.

He has endorsed the borrowing of so much money, that the US will never be able to get out of debt, which will negatively affect the standard of living for all Americans for generations to come.

He has put into advisory positions many felons, socialists, old domestic terrorists, and tax cheats.

All in all, I consider him to be liberal to the extreme.

This is just my personal opinion, but I feel that he has no ethical or moral core belief under which he operates. I think that in his book, the end justifies the means. I also feel that he is so arrogant that he thinks that the world is so "wowed" by his "charisma" that he can straighten out any problem with his personal attention. That, so far, has proven to be true in his fantasy only.

The American public is becoming more aware of his liberal political intentions and is, thanfully, protesting the rush to "fundamentally change" America into his personal vision of a liberal utopia. His much lower poll numbers verify the public unease with his agenda.

Tao Dao Man said...

LINDA; Do you have a link to show your abortion claims against Obama? You make him sound like a mass murderer. Are you a [Diary Writer?].
Redistribution of wealth? The repubs have been doing that through the Corps, Pentagon, Mic, and Banksters. What socialists, and felons are you talking about?
The borrowing of money did not start with Obama. Like Cheney said ---deficits do not matter.---The republicans were not good stewards of our financial system. Who was the last fiscal conservative Repub? This recession started under the Repub regime. This stimulus and the one under W was not big enough. Unfortunately most of that money went to international banks. Bernanke will still not say where that 2.3 trillion went under the W regime. Republicans are null and void when it comes to the financial system, security, wars, health care, on and on. It is just a shame that the dems. do not have the spine to call them out on it.

Jerry Critter said...

Abortion, taxation, government regulation, deficit spending, and advisors with checker pasts are hardly far leftist philosophies.

Sue said...

OMG, I wish I could put into words my thoughts right now, but I am speechless. I'm also angry enough to delete the comment from Linda. Like I said before, Beck talking points....

Tao Dao Man said...

Sue; Like the Beatles sang.---Let it be.

They are the gift that keeps on giving. Even the " main stream " repubs are having a hard time with tea baggers. The republican establishment will purge the tea baggers themselves. As they know that they are turning their party into a pup tent.

The Wool Cupboard said...

RZone ~ Here are three sources regarding the abortion issue:

As I have said before, I am against runaway spending and borrowing no matter which party is guilty of doing it. George W. Bush, while not as freewheeling with money as is President Obama, did not do enough to stop the obscene spending done by Congress during his administration.

These people are spending our country into bankruptcy and not enough is being done to stop them. They (both parties) take and take from the taxpayers and become rich themselves by securing special deals (via earmarks) for their states without restriction. It is time to make them stop the spending.

There have been recessions and deficit spending under both parties for decades. If spending more than you can afford is not good for individual families, then why do the legislators think it is OK for the government to live above its means???

I'm not sure I understand your point about "[Diary Writer]"...

JC ~ If Obama is not far left, leaning toward socialism, then whom do you consider socialistic? He seems to me to be the progressive statist's dream.

Tao Dao Man said...

The Federal Reserve is buying most of our debt, not China or Japan. This should really scare people. Are you familiar with the [BIS] Bank of International Settlements? The IMF paid America a visit, they just forgot to tell any one. lol One always has to think. hmmmm are these mistakes after mistakes, are we that inept, or could it possibly be by design. Just like the global energy deals that i always post about. Ever read the book---The Creature From Jekyl Island--?

The [Diary Writer] comes from the guy that killed the abortion doctor several months back. I can not remember his name off hand. As i do not google instant info. lol

The Wool Cupboard said...

RZone ~ The Fed has scared me for a while. I have not read Griffin's book, but I have listened to parts of a discussion called "Secrets of the Federal Reserve" which was pretty scary, too! It seems the demise of the United States Constitution has been planned for some time.

And, no, I'm not a [Diary Writer]...:-)

Tao Dao Man said...

JFK, Executive Order 11110

The Wool Cupboard said...

RealityZone ~ Fascinating...

Grung_e_Gene said...

Michele Bachmann is a Socialist who has funneled American Tax Dollars to her father -in-laws Farm through odious Farm Subsidies.