Sunday, January 10, 2010

Open Massachusetts Senate seat and Cyber-Space

Conflicting polls show very different outcomes in the race to replace Ted Kennedy in the U.S. Senate.

Are you watching the Coakley-Brown race for the Massachusetts Senate seat?

This is from According to Public Policy Polling group, the race is looking like a toss up, with Republican Scott Brown up 48-47 percent on Martha Coakley.

Brown is benefiting from depressed Democratic interest in the election and a huge lead among independents for his surprisingly strong standing, the poll takers conclude.

Those folks planning to vote in the special election are actually opposed to Obama's health care plan by a 47-41 margin and only narrowly express approval of the president's overall job performance 44-43 percent.

"The Massachusetts Senate race is shaping up as a potential disaster for Democrats," said Dean Debnam, president of Public Policy Polling.

Click here to see more from the poll. (pdf)

And this is from The Boston Globe:
Democrat Martha Coakley, buoyed by her durable statewide popularity, enjoys a solid, 15-percentage-point lead over Republican rival Scott Brown as the race for US Senate enters the homestretch, according to a new Boston Globe poll of likely voters.

After reading the Boston Globe article I read the comments about it. I found the one below to be typical of conservative mentality. Bostfan is responding to a comment from someone complaining about Fox polls....

Bostfan wrote:
Fox is the only investigative news organization left. They understand their job is not to be a Presidential cheerleader, but to challenge and look for more answers. Do we really need Chris Mathews on MSNBC saying there goes Obama into enemy territory when he gives a speech at West Point? You know the truth about the lame stream media. To quote, "You can't handle the truth!" Fox News is blowing away the competition. If you have DirecTV, check the application that tells you the programming which people are watching at any given time. Fox News is almost always in the top 3, and often #1, and there is no other news station to crack the top 5 in general beyond Fox. Those numbers don't lie. As for the race here in MA, Rasmussen had your candidate up by nine points.
I'm sure Rassmusen would be more accurate than the Globe. As for a Fox Poll, was this a scientific poll, or just a response page? In typical Democrat fashion, you mislead the people.


But this one I thought interesting because todays races also must include polls and numbers from Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube! I don't know how you feel about this cyber-gobley goop, but I don't care for it! Boston
State Sen. Scott Brown made a lot of noise in the polls in the race to succeed late U.S. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy this week - and he’s also winning the social media battle.

Brown, a Wrentham Republican, is crushing Attorney General Martha Coakley on the popular social networking site Facebook: He has 20,183 supporters on the site while Coakley has 6,702.

And Coakley, who is vying to become the first female senator from Massachusetts, is getting trounced by Brown when it comes to female Facebook supporters. The “Facebook Women for Brown” group has 1,128 members, while the “Women for Coakley” group has just 45.

Over on Twitter, Brown has 4,156 followers while Coakley has just 2,032.

And on YouTube, Brown’s channel has had 11,204 views while Coakley’s channel has been viewed just 2,724 times.

What remains to be seen is whether Brown can turn his cyber-victories into votes.

I don't know what's going on in cyber-space, I just hope a Democrat wins the Senate seat in Massachusetts!


Oso said...

I work with teabaggers so I hear the same stuff (like what the commenter bostfan wrote)parroted every day.

Occasionally to amuse myself I'll check out what Fox/Beck have to say in the evening.Without fail it's what the work teabaggers rant about the following day.

They are so predictable.

I would enjoy working with conservatives, small govt fiscal responsibility types who debate the issues and don't call me a koolaid drinker cause I read books and think.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

This goes to what I've been touting about the loyalty of righty bloggers. if you want "
followers" blog, and twitter and Facebook as a righty. Tell them what they want to hear and these mindless sheep will follow you anywhere.

That is kind of funny that having many twitter followers makes one credible. Paris Hilton has over a million followers. FOX must think she should be president.

Annette said...

That's the first I have heard of Coakley being in trouble.. but I suppose it could be. I have a hard time believing it though, with the record in MA of being such a Democratic state.. it would be hard to see it going with a Republican..

Infidel753 said...

And on YouTube, Brown’s channel has had 11,204 views while Coakley’s channel has been viewed just 2,724 times.

And this video of a cat playing in a bathtub has had over five million views. I doubt that such measures are of much use in predicting election outcomes.

On the discrepancy between the Public Policy poll and the Fox news poll, one would need to review both groups' previous track record for accuracy in predicting election outcomes.

Rasmussen polls tend to produce more conservative-leaning results than most polls do, because they define "likely voters" differently (Andrew Sullivan has written several posts about this). The same may be true of Fox. It doesn't necessarily mean they're wrong. But the general consensus of polls tends to be fairly close to actual outcomes, in the absence of obvious factors that could cause people to lie to the pollsters.

Pamela Zydel said...

Sue: So, having MORE followers on cyberspace makes one MORE qualified to be a Senator? Wow, learn somethin' new every day.

I'm thinking though that cyberspace followers aren't going to mean jack squat come election day. I could be wrong, but I don't twitter...tweet...whatever...heck, I don't even text for cryin' out loud. I hate it. I'd rather TALK TO you.

In any event. I don't even like "polls" but Rasmussen seems to be the most accurate. As we know things change daily. I'll just wait to see what happens ON election night.

Leslie Parsley said...

I do not trust those ridiculous online polls for a minute. They are as organized as polls for Palin and the ones about the sale of her book. I wouldn't touch an online poll with a 10-foot pole - so to speak.

According to the Boston Globe today:

Two recent polls show very different outcomes in the battle between Democrat Martha Coakley and Republican Scott Brown in the race for the Massachusetts U.S. Senate seat once held by the late Sen. Ted Kennedy.

A new Boston Globe poll gives Coakley, the state's attorney general, a 15-point lead over state legislator Brown. But a survey conducted by Public Policy Polling showed Brown inching ahead of Coakley by one point.

Sue said...

hey guys thanks for commenting! I don't tweet, or text or do the facebook thing either. I don't know how people have time for all that cyber stuff, hell half my life is sitting in this computer chair as it is!
So if is saying PPP group puts Brown up 1 point, and BG puts Coakley ahead by 15, then I guess all we can do is wait for election day. I hate polls too but thought the difference in these polls was interesting. I sure hope cyberspace isn't gonna predict election wins Pam! lol God knows we don't need Paris Hilton for president! BTW, didn't she run for prez last year? :-)

Oso I haven't forgot about all those links from your comment last week, I'll get to that soon! :-)

Leslie Parsley said...

Only twits tweet. Texting is murdering the English language, making our already illiterate youth more so. I'm on FB but only to keep up with my kids who are on the other side of the country. Basically, though, I think it's a narcissistic wasteland. I place Fox 50 feet below the much pile.

I must have skimmed by your Boston Globe quote. Didn't mean to be repetitious.

Leslie Parsley said...

Well, shit, that should be the "muck pile."

Infidel753 said...

Even Rasmussen shows Coakley significantly ahead. Analysis here.

Leslie Parsley said...

Infidel: Interesting in light of their close ties to the Repubs: See at Liberal Values -

Sue: I saw an article about a month or two ago that said righties have a much bigger prescence on FB, Twit, etc., than libs. That will explain some of this.

Lisa said...

ahhh what we need is common sense: