California Senate Passes Medicare for All Legislation
New Energy for Healthcare Reform After National Bills Stall
SACRAMENTO - To ecstatic applause from healthcare advocates, the California Senate today breathed new life into national prospects for fundamental health reform by passing on a 22 to 14 vote a major bill to guarantee healthcare in the state through creating a Medicare for all system that would cover every Californian.
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“It is unclear what the prospects are for health reform at the national level,” said CNA co-president Geri Jenkins, RN, “but this vote offers California the chance to chart a new course for the nation. SB 810 will guarantee healthcare for every family through a humane system that controls costs and allows patients and their doctors--not insurance agents--to make decisions about healthcare,” said Jenkins. “People will pay less, and no longer be denied care based on their income, age, location, or pre-existing health conditions.”
Noting during the floor debate that, “consistently 59 per cent of California voters say yes” they want a Medicare for all system in the state, Sen. Leno added that single-payer is not just a bill for a humane health system, but also a jobs program for a state that desperately needs one: “We can’t compete in a global marketplace where all our competitors have had the government take the burden of healthcare off the shoulders of their employers….as we move towards single-payer in this state, and have better universal coverage, this will attract employers to California. We are already underwater in our healthcare system. We can’t keep up.”
Referring to opposition arguments about supposed ballooning costs under the bill, Sen. Leno pointed out that a single payer system would simply redirect current spending on healthcare, away from insurance overhead and towards a more direct and efficient way of providing care. Additionally the bill would not go into effect immediately; the current SB 810 creates a system to propose revenue streams that would then go back to the legislature for final review.
Medicare for all or “single-payer” healthcare reforms, such as SB 810, would help create the kind of quality jobs so urgently needed today, and do so while providing a huge economic stimulus. A CNA/NNU study last year documented that national single-payer reform would generate 2.6 million jobs and $317 billion in additional business and public revenues. Further, CNA/NNU research last year found that six of California’s largest insurance companies reject more than one-fifth of all claims, an experience many California patients know all too well.
Way to go California! This is how it's done. Mr. President and Democrats, are you listening??
Right on California. Businesses all over are dropping health insurance benefits. Imagine the economic boom when that burden is removed from all business in America. Moving jobs to China wouldn't seem like that good a money saving idea.
Go CA! The most progressive state in the Union, does it again. I guess Focus on the Family (a misnomer if there ever was one) blew their wad (bwahahaha) on the gay marriage thing and couldn't get it up (pun intended) for this.
I'm so funny, I make myself laugh!
Thank you SO MUCH for posting this!! I have been fighting for universal healthcare since 1985 and since 1995 as a nurse... and it's so encouraging to see this bill in action.. kudos to the CALIFORNIA NURSES who also worked so hard to get this bill rolling!
Hopefully it'll start a trend...
Now if AHNOLD will just sign it into law.....
Cal-e-FOR-NIA here I come, right back where I started from. LOL.
Me singing. LOL
Holy cow! That's just awesome. I'm starting to pack now! ;)
I hope this is the beginning of something big happening all over the country!
I always wanted to live in California. Korea or Cali? Hmmmmm I would choose California!
Lisa G: You crack me up with your witty, but oh so true, comments.
Go California! I bet the folks on medicinal marijuana are happy. I'm thrilled with the part that says doctors and patients - and not the insurance industry - will make medical decisions.
Don't get your hopes too high. Even if it passes the Assembly, Schwarzenegger has pledged to veto it as he has with two similar bills in the past.
We probably have to wait for a Democratic governor. You know, someone who helps the people instead of big business.
How does a state that is, for all intents and purposes, BROKE and needing the US taxpayers to bail them out, going to pay for adding everyone to Medicare (which is, ironically, also BROKE)??? People are delusional if they think this will ever work. Every place that has universal health care discovers that it costs much more than estimates ever reveal. We now have a health care system that works very well for most people and could be easily made available and affordable to those who do not have their own insurance. The whole system is not broken (contrary to what President Obama would have you to believe), but it definitely WILL be broken when he shoves this unwanted government intrusion down the throats of Americans.
You all cannot wait for the destruction to begin, can you? Let the redistribution of wealth/health begin, right?
When you are sitting in your government clinic waiting room one day, wishing for your old health care to be given back to you, I hope you remember all the hated conservatives who tried to save it for you but you, in your ignorance, wouldn't have it any way but YOURS.
One fifth of insurance claims in CA are rejected by insurance companies. That is a broken system.
This is not an "unwanted government intrusion". The majority of California citizens are in favor of it.
We have had redistribution of wealth going on for the last 30 years, ever since Reagan. It has been the redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the rich. It is time to turn it around.
JC ~ Reagan cut taxes on everyone... Why do dems always misrepresent that?
We Californians took charge of our own healthcare because the GOP wouldn't allow Americans at large to run the same sort of system that every other industrialized nation has for its citizens (for both moral and economic reasons). You'll note that the bill does not go into effect until the resources have been found to fund it, unlike the two wars The Shrub instigated which were funded by emergency measures as if they were a surprise.
The kids I work with each day will be able to go to the doctor when this bill is funded. They'll be able to get well-child checkups, immunizations and treatment for asthma. Their families can afford to go to the pediatrician. What a great thing for a state to do for its residents - making government work for families.
None of the major networks posted this news. Amazing. Just amazing!
Great post - keep up the good work!
We now have a health care system that works very well for most people and could be easily made available and affordable to those who do not have their own insurance. The whole system is not broken (contrary to what President Obama would have you to believe),
This bill was supported by the very people who WORK in the healthcare industry, who are uniquely qualified to know whether it's broken and if so, how and where.
The system is a WRECK. People cannot afford their healthcare and as a result they don't go to see the doctor about their blood pressure, and end up having a stroke. People don't go to get their diabetes medicine cause they can't afford to see a doctor for a prescription, and end up in kidney failure with multiple amputations. This is the REALITY of the situation, not the prettified middle-class-already-insured picture.
The people who work in this field, the people who deal with it every day, are the ones who support this bill because they KNOW how bad the system is and that despite all the egomaniacal lies to the contrary, our healthcare is as a giant ball of sloppy poo compared to most civilized Western nations. We pay higher prices than anyone else and get worse outcomes. And a vast number of our citizens have no practical access to healthcare.
Many people feel that only crack whores and lazy unemployed welfare moochers have no insurance. I can tell you otherwise. I'm an RN and have gone most of the last 5 years without insurance because the jobs I had either didn't offer it or had such ridiculous conditions (as when I worked in home health) that I was cancelled and reinstated on a monthly basis. And I cannot get private insurance for personal reasons besides the fact that it would have cost nearly 50% of my monthly income.
The people who actually work in the field know better than anyone else what the real situation is out there today.
Reagan did two tax cuts. The first one in 1981 cut the top rate from 70% to 50% while the bottom rate dropped from 14% to 11%. A 28% drop for the top and a 21% for the bottom.
Reagan's second tax cut in 1986 reduced the top rate from 50% to 28%, a 44% reduction. The bottom rate went up from 11% to 15% and he consolidated tax brackets from fifteen levels of income to four levels of income.
So, while overall he reduced taxes on everyone, he reduces the taxes on the top income people much more than on the lower income people. Hence a redistribution of income from the lower income to the higher income people.
Also, like Bush, he did not pay for these tax cuts. Hence he had huge deficits, just like Bush.
Linda, stop believing the republican propaganda and start thinking from yourself.
As an American this is the only time in my sixty plus years that I’m ashamed of the leader of my country. I still have a hard time of believing this BOOB is sitting in the White House. The MORON still thinks he’s campaigning. We tried to get people to wake-up about this IDIOT’S total lack of EXPERIENCE at anything other than signing people up for welfare. But we were RACISTS.. Now they’re finding out that putting some person in charge of the country with less experience in MANAGEMENT than a kid with a lemonade stand, may not be such a great idea.
Einstein is talking about creating JOBS. With him an almost all of his cabinet never signing a paycheck for anyone. So you can guess the confidence the business community has in the CHOSEN ONE..
Sorry allies, for our fearless leaders TOTAL lack of understanding of our mutual HISTORIES
Thanks for the awesome comments. Jerry and MommaP you live in California, Satyavati, you live there too?? When is your Gov. election? I hope this bill is law soon for you guys!! This needs to be a referendum for the whole country. Linda and That's Life, you are living in a delusional world surrounded by lies and fear. Break out before it's too late! How can you in all good conscience, look at the past repub presidents and say the country was better off with their economic knowledge? Obama didn't come to the White House straight off the basketball court. Get real people! Repubs are working overtime to block Obamas agenda because they fear a dem president being so successful. The only thing the right EVER says is cut taxes and go to war. Wow, how smart is that. But also tell me what the repub strategy was when Obama said he was cutting taxes for the small business and middle class and they smirked and laughed? That is their platform but yet they laughed? Explain it please.
Wow! This is big news indeed. Somehow I missed this when doing my web crawling. California has always been a progressive and forward thinking state. I agree that the congress and the WH needs to take lessons from Sacramento.
I live in NC... so I can just admire the California nurses from afar...
Hi Mike, always nice to see you!
Satyavati, Yes I remember now, infact I was reading your blog last night! So nice to have you here too!
""tell me what the repub strategy was when Obama said he was cutting taxes for the small business and middle class and they smirked and laughed? That is their platform but yet they laughed? Explain it please.""
They laughed because they know what has already happened with this President. His policies have raised taxes on every American whether directly or indirectly. We now owe $45,000 per every man, woman, and child in America for our indebtedness. The republicans also laughed when President Obama said that Congress needed to get the lobbyists out of our politics, a very hypocritical remark coming from the President who has dozens and dozens of lobbyists in the white house right now. He says he wants to get rid of earmarks, too, (he campaigned for two years on that issue)but he signed the spending bill that was bloated with thousands of pork projects (from both parties). When you don't walk the walk, people don't believe you.
ya know what is really so tiring about the right wingers? Their constant crying and whining about taxes. Every president claims a tax cut but in reality has to raise taxes at some point. My husband and I are living on unemployment and taxes are the LEAST of my worries. I NEVER give it a thought. Why be so obsessed about taxes?? I just don't get it...
The republican Strategy -- When you can't dispute the message, shoot the messenger. Unfortunately for them, the message is still true.
Why is it that some people can't just be happy and hopeful for the people of California? You sad fucks are such a condom blow-out, it ain't even funny. Want an example of how you should react to this? Here ya go:
"I hope Scott Brown SUCCEEDS and in a major way for the people of Mass."
It's that simple. It ain't about me and my "I know JUST what is going to happen because I ...yada, yada ,yada." What...the fuck...ever. Stop listening to the haters of the media and that is regardless of party. We need to focus on those elected and newly elected to succeed. Doing nothing and just voting "NO" isn't an option.
For the last few months, I haven't watched ANY of the big political shows on MSNBC, FOX, CNN. I'm really getting burned out on the whole blame game. Is it too much to ask for legislation and legislators from here on out to succeed? Some of you(and you know who you are) are acting like this country is headed for the big swirly and you can't tell me for one damn second that you are that stupid...or are you?
Go back to reading newspapers.
Would you like some cannabis along with your health care.
I guess you are packed and heading West Huh RZ?? lol
LOL. Back in the day we used to have so much of it, we would feed it to the racoons. It was the funniest thing you would ever hear or see. LOL. They thought we were pretty funny too. We all had the munchies. LOL
After that Rocky Racoon never went into his room to read Gideon's Bible. But he sure was yellow-mellow.
And here's another clue for you all---the Walrus is Paul.
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