Saturday, January 16, 2010

The hour is upon us

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Yes, there will be a bill, in just a matter of time..

I don't get it why this is hurting Democrats, this bill will save lives, save money, Americans will be healthier.

Republicans are experts at lying and deceiving Americans. They have put their blood, sweat, tears and lies into obstructing this HC bill. Why aren't they the ones suffering?

I wonder...after the bill is passed and America thanks the Democrats and sees this bill as a great piece of legislation long, long overdue, will Republicans agree, finally? If not even then, I must assume it's because a Dem president is responsible for HC Reform.


Infidel753 said...

The reason it's hurting the Democrats is that the most popular features -- the Medicare expansion and the public option -- were taken out of it to appease Lieberman (at least that was the case with the Senate bill -- it's not clear to me whether this new compromise restores a public option based on the House version). Public support has fallen below 50% because it's not progressive enough.

(The reason the Democrats had to do that was to get to 60 votes because of the Senate filibuster rules which are the real problem here and which no one is talking about which is why everybody is missing the point.)

Even so, this bill is a huge improvement over the status quo. As you say, it will save lives, thousands of them every year. As the Democrats take more time to articulate what it will do, I think the public will support it, especially since the Republicans have no real alternative to offer.

The reason this particular compromise is good news is that, according to the video, it may be possible to do a final vote within ten days -- before the winner of the Massachusetts special election is seated. If so, even if Coakley loses, the reform can still be passed.

I suspect that issue was a big part of why they were able to hammer out this sudden compromise.

Oso said...

It's a good bill for the Democratic party.It's good for Obama. It's good for the health insurance industry.The only ones not benefiting are the people but what else is new.Obama delivered and the health care industry's down payment worked for them.

Lisa said...

If it's so great why did the Unions fight so hard to get exempt form the tax.
If it's so great why didn't Nancy Pelosi get on TV nd say I am canceling my insurance and signing onto this?
If it's so great why did senators have to be brided for their vote?
If it's so great why are democrats so worried about Coakley?
If it's so great what happened in NJ And VA
If it's so great why are people in the millions,yes millions coming out in revolt across the country?

Sally Farrar said...

Call me a Republican or call me a Tea Partier or all the other names you always call people like me.. , I don’t care……Call Scott Brown anything you want and I would still vote for him. At this point it is ABD. Anybody But a Dem.
Does anyone in the media or in politics GET IT? We, the people, are sick of all of you. Sick of all you bleeding heat Libs, Sick of this CROOKED administration, and Sick of this Marxist President along with his cronies.
I want you Out, out, out, all of you! You all make me sick.

Sue said...

ya know whats really sickening Sally, as I sat here this morning looking at my beautiful grandbabys picture, I was thinking about all those helpless kids in Haiti and the kind of miserable life they have. But if they are lucky to have family with them to keep them safe and fed and sheltered then thats whats important. We should ALL be ashamed of ourselves the way we talk and treat our fellow man. And I'm not excluding myself, ALL of us are guilty of hatefulness.

So Sally when you call our president(who was elected by the majority to serve the people)crooked, marxist, and all the other dirty names you've been spreading around the blogs, just remember where you live, be thankful you have a decent and caring head of state, be thankful you are an American and most of all, get a fuckin life!!

Sue said...

lisa if you take the time to listen you would have heard the dems last night saying we will have the same plan as Congress!!

Never in the history of our country has the public ALL at once stood behind legislation, that does not make this legislation wrong and bad for the country, just because Beck and teabaggers say it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sue said...

We'll see Oso, but I am more optimistic then you, I believe we are on the right track.

Infidel, yes it is a huge improvement, thats why rethugs are so jealous it didn't come from a republican president.

Leslie Parsley said...

I don't think the Republican resistance to the HC bill is only because we have a Democratic president, but because we have a BLACK Democratic president.

Now, a message to all you godless wing-nuts. If you subscribe to the uncharitable, unchristian, cruel bullshit that has emanated from those quacks on CBN and on Fox re this horrendous earthquake in Haiti - and all their other lies -I hope you roast in hell.

Furthermore, if you have such disdain for us liberals, take your ignorant crap somewhere else. In other words, Sally and Lisa, get the fuck out, out, out.

Joe-Joe Politico said...

So Sally when you call our president(who was elected by the majority to serve the people)crooked, marxist, and all the other dirty names you've been spreading around the blogs, just remember where you live, be thankful you have a decent and caring head of state, be thankful you are an American and most of all, get a fuckin life!!

Temper, temper Sue!

BTW, do you think that 50% of the people would vote for him today? I don't.
In fact I don't think he would even get 35 percent of the vote today, knowing what we do about him now.

Leslie Parsley said...

Joe: I think he'd get 60% of the vote. If that bubble-head were to be the presidential nominee, he'd get 90% of the vote.

Lisa G. said...

Thanks tnlib - you beat me to it.

I agree, it's not the best bill in the world, certainly not what I hoped it would be, but it's a start. And the Republicans have offered no alternatives except for more give aways to their constituents, the Insurance Cos. So unless they come up with something that will help actual real live PEOPLE, they can STFU.

And little "l" lisa, please for the love of God, learn how to spell and structure a sentence. Your posts are basically unreadable because a) you spout the RW talking points and b) you can't spell or write a coherent sentence.

Sue said...

Joe-Joe I am fed up with the hateful naysayers, so yes I lost my temper. I'm fed up with self-righteous windbags spewing hate and especially towards our president. The sane people in this country who voted for Obama know it will take years to right the wrongs from the repubs, so yes he would be re-elected today.

Karen said...

Just a little worried if Coakley doesn't win how in the world is this health care thing going to get through!!

Sue said...

Karen, from what I am reading on the blogs from Mass. the dems know the importance of their vote for Coakley and they will be out in full force! Believe!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You must understand that the republicans base of bigots, idiots and homophobes believe lies in the name of their deluded and America hating ideals is a good thing. It's almost as if they live in a "Bizarro World."

To them, the truth is the enemy. Anyone who speaks truth is evil in their eyes.

In their minds, the Haiti earthquake was God's solution to the problem of Haitian Boat People.

Tao Dao Man said...

Leslie Parsley said...

While I was at the grocery, I came up with some other thoughts for the wing-nuts here.

I have a couple of conservatives on my blog list and I visit theirs. Even though we don't agree on everything - in fact very little - I enjoy their visits for several reasons.

They do not come to my blog and simply spout right-wing propaganda. They know their facts because they do their research. They come to discuss the issues with well reasoned and intelligent arguments.

They do NOT come and simply bitch about the liberals. They do NOT call us names. They do NOT abuse us. In other words, they are courteous and respectful just as we liberals try to be to them - and there are several others. They mind their manners and we have thoughtful discourse - not stupidity.

I think it's outrageous that you think you can go to people's blogs
with the soul purpose of disrupting the discussion. I think you have your nerve to expect to be treated with respect and start whining when you act like yahoos.

I don't pretend to speak for others, but I'm not going to roll over and take your abuse any longer - whether it's my blog or another one. I feel no obligation to do so.

Lisa G: I think Lisa's inability to use proper grammar and spelling is symptomatic of the ignorance within the RW.

Leslie Parsley said...

Lisa B: Go stick your head in the toilet and then flush it.

RZ: Thanks for the link. Provides some hope.

TomCat said...

Lisa, it;s hurting Democrats for two reasons. First, it's best features were stripped away. Second, much of the public is unaware of the good features that remain because the truth is mixed in with a cacophony of GOP lies.

Oso said...

Lisa G is the REAL Lisa and I got the REAL Lisa's back.

The other(s)is Bizarro Lisa and needs to be marginalized.

Annette said...

Wow, what is left for me to say.. Except Way to Go all of Give Em Hell.... as old Harry would

Sue said...

a girl can't even walk away from the computer for a few hours without the wingnuts taking over! Leslie said it right, if right wing bloggers want to talk in a civil manner then fine, but if you spout stupidity and just plain wanna cause an uproar then I'll be deleting. Sorry if anyones comments are left hanging but I felt the need to delete the anons.
Thanks to the other commenters for coming by!

The CDM said...

Folks, you need to stop addressing lisa. Like a primate, she throws shit and moves on. Does it make sense? No and it never will.

Someone made note of lisa being off her meds. As many times as she has made stupid ass comments and then never responded back or made some other outlandish babbling, she never got prescribed the meds to begin with.

I've said this once and I'll take liberty of doing it again. From the United Negro College Fund:

"The mind is a terrible thing to waste."

However, in this case, lisa and those just like her are a waste that is a terrible thing to mind.


Leslie Parsley said...

CDM: Beautiful. I think if she were analyzed, the diagnosis would be passive aggressiveness.

Leslie Parsley said...

I posted this comment on a couple of other blogs:

On Jan. 10, the Boston Globe gave Coakley a 15 pt. lead. The Public Policy Polling people gave Brown a 1 pt. lead. Today's Washington Post reported that new polls show a tie.

Sue said...

exactly C!

Leslie I still believe Coakley will win, dems outnumber rethugs 2 to 1 in Mass. They'll come out in support, I know they will!