Saturday, January 30, 2010

Just too hot to drop,.... .just too hot.....

One of my favorite moments of the day, this is the Loooooong question asked by Jeb Hensarling, President Obama answers it in the video. Look at his expression, at the 40 second mark, to me it looked like a mixture of anger, hurt and frustration. He handled himself perfectly!


THE PRESIDENT: How are you?

CONGRESSMAN HENSARLING: I’m doing well. Mr. President, a year ago I had an opportunity to speak to you about the national debt. And something that you and I have in common is we both have small children.

THE PRESIDENT: Absolutely.

CONGRESSMAN HENSARLING: And I left that conversation really feeling your sincere commitment to ensuring that our children, our nation’s children, do not inherit an unconscionable debt. We know that under current law, that government — the cost of government is due to grow from 20 percent of our economy to 40 percent of our economy, right about the time our children are leaving college and getting that first job.

Mr. President, shortly after that conversation a year ago, the Republicans proposed a budget that ensured that government did not grow beyond the historical standard of 20 percent of GDP. It was a budget that actually froze immediately non-defense discretionary spending. It spent $5 trillion less than ultimately what was enacted into law, and unfortunately, I believe that budget was ignored. And since that budget was ignored, what were the old annual deficits under Republicans have now become the monthly deficits under Democrats. The national debt has increased 30 percent.

Now, Mr. President, I know you believe — and I understand the argument, and I respect the view that the spending is necessary due to the recession; many of us believe, frankly, it’s part of the problem, not part of the solution. But I understand and I respect your view. But this is what I don’t understand, Mr. President. After that discussion, your administration proposed a budget that would triple the national debt over the next 10 years — surely you don’t believe 10 years from now we will still be mired in this recession — and propose new entitlement spending and move the cost of government to almost 24.5 percent of the economy.

Now, very soon, Mr. President, you’re due to submit a new budget. And my question is —

THE PRESIDENT: Jeb, I know there’s a question in there somewhere, because you’re making a whole bunch of assertions, half of which I disagree with, and I’m having to sit here listening to them. At some point I know you’re going to let me answer. All right.

CONGRESSMAN HENSARLING: That’s the question. You are soon to submit a new budget, Mr. President. Will that new budget, like your old budget, triple the national debt and continue to take us down the path of increasing the cost of government to almost 25 percent of our economy? That’s the question, Mr. President.


Jerry Critter said...

Brains and facts are hard to beat. I guess the republicans are use to talking to themselves because Obama sure handled their "gotcha" questions easily.

The Bush years showed that they could not govern and this shows that they can't even ask questions. How pathetic are they?

Sue said...

Jerry, PATHETIC is right! Did you see 'ole Jeb kinda hang his head as Obama spoke to him? Obama wanted to explode all over him but he kept his cool! Great clip!

Hank Rearden said...

Temper, temper, that's a might lousy post, even for a liberal. We must remember that at the end of a temper tantrum there is always the feeling of pleasure and, at its beginning, the anticipation of pleasure. This is the crux of the issue of temper: the anticipation of pleasure places a premium on the outburst. To curb temper, then, means to forgo a keen pleasure. And the average person is not easily induced to give up pleasure even if it is a pleasure that hurts. Even the most liberal democrats are wakening up to Obama’s inability to understand finance He is starting to show frustration because they do not follow him without question. Soon the opposition will have the momentum to really pressure Him and then the sparks will start to fly.

This can be best summed up with a phone call that would sound about like this;
Ring Ring, Hello? Hi Kettle this is Pot, um have you looked into he mirror lately? Click.

Come on this is a quasi liberal who obviously spent too much time in the shower and his brain has gotten to be mush.
But note how Liberals and Socialists on these blogs will invariably attack not using intelligent argument but rather with crude ad hominid diatribes.

Sue said...

Hank the liberals are fully and completely behind Obama and his policies. Obama knows finance,he proved it by answering every question the thugs threw at him on Friday. They were squashed like little ladybugs, and it's about time you all got on board and come to appreciate our presidents intelligence and understanding of the needs of our country. Refreshing change isn't it?? Hey did ya notice how all the thugs ran up to the president after the meeting scrambling for his autograph? They all had hardons they were so flippin excited!! I wish I could find a video of it! lol

Leslie Parsley said...

Hank: I'm too old to listen to lectures from cowardly nonentities.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It will be a long time before the republicans ask Obama to come back and give them another intelletual spanking.

I'll bet when Jeb was reading his long and boring "question" he thought he was really someting. It's akin to a fat guy reeking of Old Spice looking in a mirror and thinking to himself, "Man I'm a good looking guy. Chicks really dig me." Then the reality sets in when the chick tel the fat, smelly slob he's a loser and to get lost.

I'd feel sorry for Jeb but just as the fat smelly guy could go on a diet and take a shower, Jeb could stop reciting mindless republican talking points and open his eyes to the disaster they left President Obama when they were running things.

Sue said...

Truth you are a hoot!! LOLOL! I think Jeb was kinda embarrassed afterwards! They all probably said to themselves, Damn were stupid for doing this, this guy knows his shit!

rwnobles said...

Who are the shameless ones here. tell me Savage, Limbaugh, Robertson, Hannity, Beck, Coulter, O'reily, etc.. Take your pick..
As Haiti reeled and staggered and the rest of the world rushed to the aid of a humble, beleaguered people, two icons of American conservatism reared up last week and offered analysis of the earthquake that has devastated the impoverished island nation. The Rev. Pat Robertson opined on his program, "The 700 Club," that Haiti's woes stem from the fact that it made a deal with the devil two centuries ago and now is "cursed." Rush Limbaugh suggested the relief effort would "play right into" President Obama's hands, allowing him to appear "humanitarian, compassionate" and thus, "burnish" his standing within the African-American community.

It left me wondering, just for the briefest of seconds, whether conservatism has a conscience, whether conservatism has a soul.

But the Limbaughs and Robertsons of the world say some variation of, God hates you. Or, You had it coming. They call that conservative.Pathetic? Pathetic indeed!A fine representation of conservatism .. I'm sure you're quite proud of yourselves.

Grung_e_Gene said...

The Republicans just crashed. They were riding high with the Teabagger Party or Tea Party Party and and Senator Scott Brown but with that One Against Many Total Victory, Obama has cut them down.

Now, Sarah Palin is running around saying You Betcha! the Tea Party must be subsumed into the Republican Party.

Well, let's see if the Teabaggers shall just become another John Birch Society another faction in the Republican Party. Even if they don't the Republicans peaked too soon and now we have the specter of Watergate Jr and another Ross Perot style branch off...

TOM said...

"Ring Ring, Hello? Hi Kettle this is Pot, um have you looked into he mirror lately? Click."

The best recent example of this old saying about hypocrisy, is the Republicans screaming about President Obama's spending (to help corporations and people) will bankrupt future Americans. They are worried about the debt.

The Republicans have not only spent the last 30 years building the debt to 11 trillion dollars that has already hurt the future of Americans, but Obama's spending was needed to stop further harm to the country.

It takes a certain kind of twisted hypocrisy, for Republicans to take their current stance on Obama's spending.

It is totally understandable that some might have a negative temper towards those that show such a lack of concern for the people of the United States, in preference to their own selfish, egotistical needs, to try and defend their pathetic political ideology.

Anonymous said...

I recommend everyone go read the entire transcript.

This was not a big O victory. He acquitted himself well and he should be congratulated for going into the lion's den. His rhetorical skills are brilliant. He did blunt some republican charges, but he also did a lot of redirection and obfuscation.

Regardless, this exchange was great for the country. I hope we see more of it.

mommapolitico said...

God, it is refreshing to have a President who is smart and eloquent, can handle himself at an open microphone with out his handlers shouting, "Holy mother of God, who let him out there???" The GOP fell into a real Catch-22: turn down the cameras and they are afraid of transparency, and take them up on it, and have it made more obvious than ever that they are playing the fool. Brilliant Democratic strategy - The President is at his best when the GOP is in attack mode, as it shows the American people who the Republican party really is. Great clip - thanks for the highlight!

Sue said...

thanks for all the great comments today!

silverfiddle I did read the whole transcript and also watched it live AND replayed. I come away with the same conclusion. Obama rocked!!