Monday, January 11, 2010

BIG NEWS!! or not so big

The New York Times reports that former Alaska governor Sarah Palin has been signed as a contributor to Fox News.

The network confirmed that Ms. Palin would appear on the network's programming on a regular basis as part of a multiyear deal. Financial terms were not disclosed.

Ms. Palin will not have her own regular program, one person with knowledge of the deal said, though she will host a series that will run on the network from time to time. This person would not elaborate, but the network does have a precedent for such a series. Oliver L. North is the host of an occasionally running documentary series on the military called "War Stories."

The chief strategist to John McCain's campaign said in an interview with "60 Minutes" this weekend that Palin has a tendency to say things that are "not accurate":

"There were numerous instances that she said things that were - that were not accurate that, ultimately, the campaign had to deal with. And that opened the door to criticism that she was being untruthful and inaccurate. And I think that that is something that continues to this day," he said.

Okaaay..can't wait, you betcha! LOLOLOLOL!


Infidel753 said...

Good grief, what a photo! It does make me wonder what she was doing when it was taken.

Sue said...

I think she was trying to

Karen said...

Good! faux news is where she belongs!!

One Fly said...

As usual this nobody will be given credibility where none is due. But the fux whore nutters will love her even more.

Here everybody have a piece of nutter blubber from up north to chew on - you betcha!

Infidel753 said...

The photo looks to me like she was having some kind of transcendent ecstatic experience. Maybe being signed to appear on Fox News just naturally has that effect on Republicans.

The CDM said...

She's not accurate? No Shit??? Then she'll be right at home. right alongside of the Huckster, another piece of crap.

Time alone will kill 2 terds with a one sad tone.

Lisa said...
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JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Don't laugh friends. There is a willing audience of deluded right wing fools that hang on Sarah's every word. She has a pulpit to continue to feed these wackos their daily fix of bullshit.

Just as Obewan warned Vader, "She will become more powerful than we can possibly imagine."

Jerry Critter said...

I think this is a win-win all the way around. Lots of Fox viewers will be thrilled. Makes Fox happy.

Everyone else will get lots of great Sarah Says quotes to make fun of. Makes everyone else happy.

Annette said...

Truth is correct.. it is not a funny situation.. it is scary... This woman now has a HUGE platform to spew her garbage and a loud microphone to use... There is a very large audience out there just waiting for her to speak to them and hanging on her every word...

This is the chance she has been waiting on to get her face and her name out there in front of the entire Country once again... Just as she did during the campaign..... Now she is going to be setting her self up for 2012 in style... lots of money, lots of exposure, and lots of time to get her name and face out there to drum up the votes... Where is the down side for her? The people who follow her discount her lies and believe every word out of her mouth.... That's not going to change no matter what she says.... trust me....

Jerry Critter said...

We get what we deserve. Don't censor her. Let her speak loudly and often. If what she says is crap, call it crap. Point out how she is wrong. If the majority of people believe her, then so be it. We get what we deserve.

Sue said...

yes she will have a platform, but remember the Fox viewers who will watch her and believe every word she says are a very small minority. They are not the repubs, they are the rightwingnutfucks, just as OneFly says. And being on TV for all to hear, those on the left will have much more ammunition as Jerry says. I don't see an up side for her at all. She is a fanatical wingnut and a proven liar and exaggerator.

jadedj said...

Wait, wait, wait...Lisa withdrew her comment? That's the only reason I come over here, to read her funnies. Maybe she'll be back. I'll check later.

BTW-has anyone ever considered the possibility that Lisa and Sarah are one and the same? Huh, huh?

Leslie Parsley said...

"She is a fanatical wingnut and a proven liar and exaggerator."

So was Hitler.

Sue said...

Hmmmmm.. Jaded I didn't notice that, wonder why lisa left us high and dry?? Maybe she'll be back with bigger and better!

Leslie, thats too friggin scary!

Leslie Parsley said...

It may be scary but the similarities are there and you know that old saying about history repeating itself.

The Wool Cupboard said...

I don't know why there is so much angst about Sara Palin. She is free to speak just as are the far left. Why don't you try watching with an open might just be surprised.

I admit that her folksy speech and dropped "g's" get on my nerves, but if you really listen, you may find that she is not the dragon that you believe her to be.

Hey, we on the right are regularly subjected to Alan Colms, Ellis Henican, Bob Beckel and Penny Lee on Fox!

Exposure to the public in frequent doses will either show her to be more normal/intelligent than you are willing to admit, or it will reveal to everyone that she is not up to the job of President (should she decide to run.)

Sue said...

"or it will reveal to everyone that she is not up to the job of President (should she decide to run.)"

That's the right answer Linda, we already heard enough to figure that one out and we don't need to be subjected to any more of her insanity and religious drivel. She is a fanatic and as scary as they come! It really does all boil down to religion with the right wingnuts. What do the lefties say that is so scary? Ummm don't answer that, I forgot who I was talking to!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Linda is correct about Colmes. That clown was no more a spokesperson for the left than Reagan. Good riddance to that lightweight turkey.

Kentucky Rain said...

This was inevitable and I think it was arranged a long time ago. I do not think this loon will be running for president anytime soon but I do expect to see her full time on Faux News.

Sue I am adding you to my BR RIGHT NOW. I am sorry that I keep forgetting:-)

Pamela Zydel said...

I like Palin but I'm NOT ga-ga over her but I have to admit that some of her "cutsie" verbage is annoying. What's up with "manifest"? She uses THAT word ALL the time!

As far as Palin and Fox, it's a marketing move for Fox because right now Palin is a "cash cow" and they're going to "milk it", also since she doesn't have any plans on running for office any time soon, she has time to work for them and make some dough. No matter what anyone thinks of her, it's a smart move and she's gonna walk away a wealthy woman.

Oso said...

Pamela I think that's exactly right,marketing move.
That's why Fox/CNN/MSNBC are around. It's not cause they run a charity they're all in it for the $.

Sue said...

Truth I think Linda is saying Colmes is a left wing extremist. lol

Mike you're a doll, thanks!

Pam I think the word most outta Palins mouth, during hardcore interviews that is, is Ahmadinejad. She appears to say, "oh look at me and my big word I can pronounce", lol. Bush was the same way with the word entrepreneur!

Pam and Oso it is all about the money, you're right!

Leslie Parsley said...

I doubt if she's going to be all that rich. I don't think the sale of her book began to touch her legal debts. And Boy Todd seems perfectly content walking ten paces behind her everywhere she goes.

Lisa said...

Sorry to disappoint you jadedj. I do aim to please.
My deleted comment said "So much hate,so little time" But I figured I'd wait for more comments instead of 5 to post that so now that this post got many hits I reiterate my original comment.

Leslie Parsley said...

"But I figured I'd wait for more comments instead of 5 to post that so now that this post got many hits I reiterate my original comment."

Can someone please translate this for me?

Lisa said...

I was going to translate that for you but I wanted to see if anyone else can.

jadedj said...

This I gotta hear.

Infidel753 said...

Lisa thinks we hate Palin -- apparently being unable to distinguish ridicule from actual hate, which is what is manifested by things like displaying a portrait of someone defaced to look like Hitler, or addressing him with a Bible verse praying for the death of the target.

The "so little time" part probably refers to how long her comments stay up:-)

Sue said...

Have at'er guys!

Jerry Critter said...

Not worth the time.

Lisa said...

Just trying to show you what the left sounds like. You know being they are the self appointed "hate" police.

Sue said...

Jerry! You don't want to play with lisa anymore? :-(

jadedj said...

I believe infidel made the point Lisa. If there's a hate element in this country, it's not coming from the left.

BTW Lisa, thanks for upholding your record of stating a position ad nauseam. I knew you'd come through.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

As a big fan of Tina Fey, I'm glad Sarah signed on with Fox.

The scriptwriters at SNL might have the biggest source of material at their disposal since the days of Chevy Chase and Gerald Ford.

"Roll over, Liberty" betcha!

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...
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Lisa said...

Yes and you all hate Sarah Palin. Things I have read written about her don't come close to anything I read on blogs about Obama.
Like the guy who hung her in effigy?
No hate there just ridicule when it comes from the left.

Infidel753 said...

You did see that story from Plains, didn't you?

The CDM said...

And they have nerve to say that Joe Biden is the walking gaffe machine, Palin outshines Joe exponentially.

Hugh Jee may have hit on something here. SNL writers must still be giddy over this. Talk about job security, theyll probably send a fruit basket at some point to the Faux Studio.

Sue said...

I was just gonna say that C! SNL will have lots of great material and Tina will be working non-stop! Good point Hugh!

Infidel753 said...

Sue, have you seen the blog Immoral Minority? It's written by an Alaskan and covers pretty much everything Palin-related.

Sue said...

I just came from that blog Infidel and added it to the list! Watched the videos of Palin on Billo last night, amazing! Thanks for the link!

Infidel753 said...

On a lighter note -- the top ten highlights of Palin's first day at Fox.

Kentucky Rain said...

Leslie while I am certainly no fan of Der Fuehrer I must point out the most significant difference between he and The Palin. He may have become a megalomaniac but he was very, very bright. The last word operating here to point out the difference between him and The Palin.....Bright!