Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Another try and more of the same NO votes

Tuesdays vote for a bi-partisan commission on reducing the deficit failed, 53-46. The 23 Republican Senators listed below voted no. The party who claims to be the party of fiscal responsibility. This was their chance to work in a bi-partisan fashion to find solutions to reduce the deficit. Do they not think it's their problem too? This is purely political to further try and destroy President Obama. SIX rethug Senators co-sponsored the bill as recently as last month, but still voted NO! That my friends is truly rethug pressure, amazing.....

From Politico:
South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, one of 16 Republicans to vote in favor of the commission, expressed despair over the Senate’s lack of progress on the deficit — or much of anything else.

“I’m willing to try anything because I’m desperate,” Graham said in an interview. “Immigration: hard, tried, it went nowhere. Social Security: hard, tried, it went nowhere. Health care: hard, tried, went nowhere. We’re running out of opportunities to try hard and go nowhere. Time is not on our side.”

The tepid support from Democratic leaders contributed to the loss, but more decisive was the number of Republicans switching under pressure from their party to block the measure.

Six Republicans who had co-sponsored the bill as recently as last month voted against it. A seventh co-sponsor, Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), was absent for family reasons, but her office said she would have backed the amendment if she had been present.

Has anyone seen anything like this before? Pressure from a party to block a measure that would be of positive help for our country and her problems, problems which are the result of BOTH parties?

Look below at your shining examples of pure disgust. Do you think these Senators have your best interest in mind when they cast their NO votes time after time? And to think rethugs are on a roll, they are gonna "take back their country!!!" Take it back from who, and do what with it?
You GOP are worthless, absolutely worthless...

Barrasso (R-WY)
Bennett (R-UT)
Brownback (R-KS)
Bunning (R-KY)
Burr (R-NC)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cochran (R-MS)
Crapo (R-ID)
DeMint (R-SC)
Ensign (R-NV)
Grassley (R-IA)
Hatch (R-UT)
Hutchison (R-TX)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Kyl (R-AZ)
McCain (R-AZ)
McConnell (R-KY)
Risch (R-ID)
Roberts (R-KS)
Sessions (R-AL)
Shelby (R-AL)
Snowe (R-ME)
Thune (R-SD)


TOM said...

It's hard enough to debate the differences and try to agree on some course of action. It's impossible when some refuse to even enter into the discussion.
Although, I don't know what constructive ideas a party who has refused to cut spending in the last 30 years would have.
I thinks that's the motivating factor here. Republicans have no ideas, and they are afraid to expose that lack of thinking to Americans. To late guys. The secret is already known.

Sue said...

Tom I love your description of republicans, they have NO new ideas, so true. How do you explain their wanting to take the country "back" and what will they do then?? lol

TOM said...

Simple thirst for power. They will do what they have done for 30 years, continue to destroy America.

Lisa said...

Just say no to more government expansion so we don't wind up like Argentina,Zimbabwee,Venezuela or Cuba.

Jerry Critter said...

Looks like it was a bi-partisan rejection -- 23 republicans and 23 Democrats voted no.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ Why aren't you mentioning the 23 dems who also voted "no?" It is misleading to just throw out the numbers for conservatives and ignore the same numbers for libs. I think there is a major objection to giving a commission the power to make decisions that are rightfully to be made by the entire congress. Some conservatives and some libs are afraid that the commission would just turn the whole thing into a tax raising committee, and tax increases are decisions that should be made by all the legislators not just a handful.

Not every congressperson is eager to turn all their powers over to others...thank goodness!!

Sue said...

Republicans have donned the mantle of being deficit hawks (all of the sudden now that it's a Democrat in the White House) and have criticized the administration at every turn on the budget and overspending. But when it comes down to a legitimate way to examine government spending and provide legitimate answers to budget problems that aren't influenced by politics, the Republicans couldn't even get HALF, much less their Minority Leader, to support it. The Dems on the other hand got MORE than half of their members, including the Majority Leader to vote on behalf of it, Obviously, the Republicans aren't genuine or sincere about providing solutions to their own criticisms of the Administration and are just playing bandwagon populist politics when it suits them by talking the talk that concerned citizens and independent voters want to hear, but can't walk the walk when public policy changes are at their disposal. THAT'S partisanship. THAT'S the reason why Congressional Republicans still have a lower approval rating than Congressional Dems, which is already nearing rock bottom..

I was ready for ya Linda! The post does say "tepid support from dems contributed to the loss but more decisive was the number of repubs switching under pressure to block the measure." Thats the story. Republicans can talk all they want about being shut out and we ALL know it's a friggin lie. The country KNOWS!

Leslie Parsley said...

Linda, even though I almost never, if ever, agree with you, I don't think you're all that stupid. By now you should know that there are several Democrats - especially from the South - walking around with big elephants on their backs.

Frodo, tunin' in The Man, said...

Holy Catfish, Sandy! Do you mean that the two Senators from Georgia (Simply Useless and Son of the Guy Who Fought Against Desegregated Housing) are not listed? Are they both ill? Are they visiting our troops in Germany, Afghanistan, Iran, South Korea, or Las Vegas? Did they push the wrong button? Or are they waiting for Newt to tell them what to do?

Inquiring Minds Want to Know.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ I did discuss the reason for the republicans not endorsing the commission, but you seemed to ignore it. The decision to raise taxes and where to spend money belongs to the electorate. Pushing the decision making power onto a handful of chosen ones under the guise of a "commission" is just another trick to get an agenda through. It is easier to get agreement with a cherry-picked handful than to do it the right way...voila we got it done! Aren't we doing our jobs well?!

tnlib ~ Hooray for them for standing for their principles. Conservatives also have the same problem...we have some eastern republicans with great big old donkey teeth!

PS. I'm really glad that you don't think I'm completely stupid.

Leslie Parsley said...

Linda: "we have some eastern republicans with great big old donkey teeth."

Funny, the only one I've noticed is JL and he only has the ass part.