Thursday, August 20, 2009

Come on people get mad!!!

More than 3 in 4 support the public option

This poll was sponsored by Political Action, 1200 adults surveyed August 19, 2009:

Question: In any health care proposal, how important do you feel it is to give people a choice of both a public plan administered by the federal government and a private plan for their health insurance--extremely important, quite important, not that important, or not at all important?

Extremely important....58%
Quite important........19%
Not that important..... 7%
Not at all important...15%
Not sure............... 1%

For those conservatives who will say "oh yea right, like we can believe", this same question was asked in a poll by NBC news and the Wall Street Journal,
If you have something smart to say about them then tough shit!

Mr. President I sure hope you are on board with this, Your job is on the line, the people are speaking loud and clear!
The progressives are banding together, Pelosi is bargaining, and I know this bill will happen, it will have a public option!

Republicans are supporting the insurance companies, not Americans. Their scare tactics will not work this time. Election after election we have listened to their fearmongering, we have looked at their ugly faces on commercial after commercial, NOT THIS TIME! Your death panels aren't believeable, we aren't listening to you when you say money will fund abortions, we aren't listening to you when you say illegals will have free coverage! We aren't afraid of you when you come to townhalls with your precious guns strapped to your legs. We don't read your stupid signs, ya know the ones that say NO PUBIC OPTION! Yes that was how the sign was printed, not my spelling mistake! LMAO!!! These wingnuts are stupid and we will never back down and let the likes of Palin and co. get the upper hand. Not as long as we have Barack Obama in the White House!!! Go get 'em Mr. President!!!


Anonymous said...

Amen, sista. :) Thanks for stopping by my humble blog and commenting. I love yours and am adding it to my roster.

Isn't it something, our health "care" reform charade? One would think it is a brain surgery, the way they drag their feet on it, not knowing what to do (or afraid, or both -- or whatever the hell it is that keeps our lawmakers from doing what's right and just by American people for once... Hm. Could it be those six lobbyists per lawmaker that make it such a chore? Nah. Our representatives represent *our* interests, after all, and not the special groups' -- right? Right? Please say it's right...)

OK, no need to say anything.

Anyway, nice to meetya, Sue. :)

Sue said...

you too Elizabeth, your blog is one of my new favorites!!

nope, sorry its not right!