Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Don't do it President Obama!!

Don't do what Foxnoise and rightwingers are demanding! DON'T even think about giving Bush credit for the end of combat in Iraq! First, let me agree with the experts, the war is not over, not for the 50,000 who are still in Iraq for God knows how long. But today on Fox Gretchen Carlson was seething, she practically jumped Robert Gibbs demanding an answer to her question whether President Obama would give Bush credit for the surge that brought the "wars end"! This is what that disgrace of a president, Bush, deserves credit for....

- Total deaths: Between 110,663 and 119,380
- Coalition deaths: 4,712
- U.S. deaths: 4,394
- U.S. wounded: 31,768
- U.S. deaths as a percentage of coalition deaths: 93.25 percent
- Iraqi Security Force deaths: At least 9,451
- Total coalition and ISF deaths: At least 14,163
- Iraqi civilian deaths: Between 96,037 and 104,7542
- Non-Iraqi contractor deaths: At least 463
- Internally displaced persons: 2.6 million
- Refugees: 1.9 million

And don't forget the cost, a staggering almost 1trillion dollars for these hideous wars.  What that money could have done for our own country.... our country is in desperate condition, yet these wars continue. It's obscene...
  Tonight President Obama will remind the country the true threat to our national security lies in Afghanistan.
But just 38 percent of people support the war in Afghanistan, according to a new Associated Press poll, and only 19 percent think things will get better in the next year. On Iraq, unsurprisingly, Obama finds more support in pulling troops home: 68 percent approve of his ending the formal combat mission.

If you can stomach the Fox and Friends moron, here's Carlson and Gibbs. I don't know why in the world democrats go near FOX!!

President Obama says, "It's time to turn the page".

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Rev. Beck is a false prophet

Thanks to Immoral Minority for highlighting this Daily Beast post by John Avlon,

The talk sensation looked more like a televangelist at his “Restoring Honor” rally this weekend, but his preaching about unity only proved that his biggest adversary is himself.

The Rev. Glenn Beck staged a religious revival on the National Mall in Washington yesterday.

His “Restoring Honor” rally sidestepped politics, instead offering a tribute to the troops and calls for a new Great Awakening, proclaiming “We’ve got to go to God Bootcamp,” to the applause of hundreds of thousand of followers.

But the most striking thing about Beck’s heartfelt evangelism was its hypocrisy.

“We’re dividing ourselves,” Beck lamented. “There is growing hatred in the country. We must be better than what we’ve allowed ourselves to become. We must get the poison of hatred out of us, no matter what smears or lies are thrown our way… we must look to God and look to love. We must defend those we disagree with.”

It made me wonder if Glenn Beck has ever watched the Glenn Beck show.

The man offers a daily drumbeat of division for a living, earning $32 million last year selling his paranoid snake oil. It’s almost impossible to keep up with Beck’s serial fearmongering, though a stroll through Media Matters will give an authoritative sampling. Just a few of his greatest hits include:

• “We are a country that is headed toward socialism, totalitarianism, beyond your wildest imagination.”
• “There is a coup going on. There is a stealing of America… done through the guise of an election.”
• “The president is a Marxist... who is setting up a class system.”
• “The government is a heroin pusher using smiley-faced fascism to grow the nanny state."
• “The health-care bill is reparations. It's the beginning of reparations."
• And of course, speaking of President Obama, “I believe this guy is a racist” with “a deep-seated hatred of white people.”

You can’t profit from fear and division all week and then denounce them one Saturday on the National Mall in Washington and hope nobody notices.

But Beck sure tried, offering a string of aphorisms in a rambling speech that was equal parts sermon, history lesson, and motivational seminar: “We, as individuals, must be good so that America can be great;” “We must not just explore outer space; we must explore inner space;” “Somewhere in this crowd is the next George Washington;” “What you gaze upon you become;” “I testify to you now that one man can change the world!”; “There is a lot that we can disagree on. But it is values and principles that unite us;” “We must not have fear and we must not get lost in politics.”

What accounts for this split personality? I’ve argued in the past that there is a Good Beck and a Bad Beck, and they are usually struggling for supremacy inside his head.

The Good Beck is genuinely patriotic and deeply religious, ascribing his recovery from drug and alcohol addiction to his family and his newfound Mormon faith.

The Bad Beck is such a talented broadcaster that he knows how to manipulate an audience’s emotions. He uses conflict, tension, fear and resentment to keep their attention day after day, buying his books, attending his rallies.

The two coexist uneasily under the justification that the Bad Beck promotes the Good Beck. He is advancing himself in order to advance a greater cause. And I can only imagine that in the Beck-centric universe, yesterday was supposed to represent the triumph of the Good Beck over the Bad. The fact that his 100-year Plan for America was abandoned in favor of “faith, hope and charity” set to an Aaron Copland score, symbolizes the elevation of religion over political ambition.

John summed it all up rather masterfully didn't he?!  My thoughts exactly as I listened to Rev. Beck speak about the growing hatred in our country, to teabaggers no less!! Who does he think is spreading hate and division?? It's surely NOT LIBERALS and Coffee drinkers!  Duh liberal haters, Obama haters, wake up and smell your teapot, it's boiling over!  That ignorant buffoon is a hypocrite and you who fall all over his words are too.....

Look out Christians, that self-righteous rodeo clown is the false prophet God warned you about!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sounds to me like a Jimmy Swaggert crusade.....

Comment from CNN reader...polomint82

Glenn Beck is a modern day crook. It used to be the preacher on TV telling you to donate to the church. Now it is a man from a news station telling you that God is communicating with him. Are you serious? This great nation is going down the toilet because people are sooooooooooooo desperate to believe in ANYTHING.

From what I am seeing and hearing from this Beck rally, it sounds exactly like a fuckin' Jimmy Swaggert, torturous, evangelical gathering of the masses, BUT they will tell you they are the PATRIOTS! Lots and lots of military talk, lots of religion, lots of Swaggert type crying from Beck, lots and lots of prayers and talking to God. This is definitly a call for our country to turn from the evils of liberalism and run to God and the conservatives, for they will SAVE US ALL! But it's also a call for money! Yup, this a money grabbing fundraiser, Beck talks about charity and giving today, he wants you to give to the foundation for children of special ops military who have been killed in the line of duty. He and his people are keeping a tab on the incoming $1,000.00's  so he can report during the rally how much money he is getting....

"Something beyond imagination is happening," Beck told the large crowds gathered at the National Mall in Washington. "America today begins to turn back to God. For too long, this country has wandered in darkness."  I guess the darkness means the ungodly liberals. See, he thinks liberals should NEVER have power in this country. We are the reason God has turned his back on America. The conservative party must fight the evil liberals. So this rally wasn't about politics per say, just the liberals.

Sarah Palin spoke today too, she was mostly focused on the military talk. She nor Beck were overtly political in their speeches (it was reported),  But Palin did say  ...  "It is so humbling to get to be here with you today, patriots. You who are motivated and engaged ... and knowing never to retreat."
"We must restore America and restore her honor," said the former Alaska governor, echoing the name of the rally, "Restoring Honor."

Restore America in what way Ms. Palin?? Resore honor because our honor has been stripped from us by Barack Obama and liberals?? EXACTLY!! In their round about kinda way, they were talking politics and sticking it to us! Uuuuuuugggghhhhh!!!

Hope the rally goers had a fab time. Let's see if they listened to Beck and hold their hands out to ALL Americans and stop hating. Yes, hating. The hate is coming from the evangelicals intolerance for equality in America. So if Beck tells them to be charitable, does that mean love thy neighbor as thy self, (even if you are a Muslim)?? We'll see what happens tomorrow...

Beck is the new Swaggert....
Palin is the new Schlafly

A DC residents take on the visitors guide and rallies, Simon Owens.

little 'ole me got an email from Simon Owens, here's his blog, he's a cutie but much too young for me...:-)

 He said he read my post about the DC visitors guide and sent me the link for this article he wrote at
the next web   and in the email said he thought I and my readers would like it, so here it is. From what I've read from his blog, (he hasn't responded to my email yet) he is a social media consultant and online journalist.

Simon says "HIRE HIM".   He has worked several years both writing for the media and in digital PR. He consults with clients about online brand intelligence and marketing, and he writes regularly for several news outlets. If you would like him to write and/or blog for you, or if you’re interested in hearing about his online PR and consulting services, contact him via the contact page.

Does anyone know Simon?? Seems very smart and hardworking! I asked him how he found my humble little one yr old blog, I'm waiting for a reply. He's probably at the DC rallies today, which BTW, can't friggin wait to see reporting about so I can bring you a new post!

Local DC bloggers transform Tea Party attacks into PR opportunity for the city

On any given day in Washington, DC protesters march along the city’s streets and sidewalks with signs and synchronized chants. Not 50 feet away from me there are union construction workers walking in circles outside a nondescript building; they’re protesting the “unfair” wages allegedly doled out by the corporate overlords within it. Protesters are so commonplace, in fact, that most DC natives hardly notice them and for the most part the local media ignores them. That includes local DC blogs, which range from you hyperlocal neighborhood bloggers to your restaurant food critics. Why, then, are so many local bloggers and Twitter users giving pre-coverage of the Tea Party event this Saturday?
The last major Tea Party protest in the city occurred on September 12 last year, but despite round-the-clock Fox News coverage, it wasn’t until a Texas Congressman issued a rather ironic complaint regarding the city’s metro system that most DC bloggers seemed to care about it. But for nearly a week now DC residents have been storming blog comment sections and Twitter to opine on the upcoming Tea Party extravaganza. “I sure hope Glenn Beck tbaggers visiting DC this weekend refuse public transportation and clean up after their signs and trash #Socialism” wrote someone with the Twitter handle @DCdebbie. It was retweeted by more than 50 people.
Most the bloggers I spoke to about this sudden interest traced it back to a single source: a blog post — written by a local Tea Party member — offering itself as a guide to DC for visiting protesters. Titled “So you are coming to the 8/28 Glenn Beck March on Washington?” the post triggered national attention mostly for the parts of DC it warned visitors to avoid. “If you are on the Blue or Orange line do not go past Eastern Market (Capitol Hill) toward the Potomac Avenue stop and beyond; stay in NW DC and points in Virginia. Do not use the Green line or the Yellow line. These rules are even more important at night. There is of course nothing wrong with many other areas; but you don’t know where you are, so you should not explore them.” Many noted that the neighborhoods along the Green and Yellow lines have large percentages of blacks and hispanics and others pointed out that the blogger had effectively banned Tea Party members from visiting virtually the entire city.
“I completely forgot that this whole Glenn Beck Sarah Palin thing was coming up this week until this guy wrote his little Tea Party guide for the District,” DCist blogger Martin Austermuhle told me in a phone interview. Austermuhle had been one of the first to notice the “guide,” and his DCist post on it has gathered close to 300 comments. “Every other weekend there could be a protest in DC and you kind of get used to it. I don’t think a lot of District residents pay attention to what’s down by the [National Mall] where the protests happen. The protest itself is kind of insignificant from a local angle but what this guy wrote is more of a story.”
Part of what offended Austermuhle was what he considers an unfair portrait of the city, particularly its crime rates. “He just said avoid entire parts of the city, especially at night, because the chances of you getting robbed, shot, raped, stabbed, any of that, it’s most likely going to happen,” the blogger explained. “Anyone who’s been in the District for the last 10 years knows that that’s not true. Even 20 year ago when the District was as dangerous as it was, it wasn’t like you walked out on the street and you were going to be shot on sight. It’s a pretty unlikely occurrence. He basically condemned anyone who read his piece to absolute fear.”
He also felt that the “guide” gave poor recommendations for food and entertainment, and regardless of the Tea Party’s political beliefs Austermuhle wanted them to enjoy their stay in DC. “I would be more happy if they did their protest thing — see Glenn Beck, see Sarah Palin — and then go look at the rest of the city and see that it’s not at all as bad as they’ve been told. This is an interesting area with interesting, dynamic people and they just have to go and meet them.”
Ben Rome, a blogger for We Love DC, viewed the controversy as a PR opportunity for the city. Rather than mocking the Tea Party guide, he used it as a springboard for a mostly tame post defending the area. “Does DC have issues?” he wrote. “Yes – but then again, so does every other city around the globe. However, many cannot claim to be the most photogenic, or the most picturesque, or one of the best caretakers of a national heritage. Washington, DC can make a very strong claim for any of these titles.”
“I found it kind of annoying that someone who claims to have lived in DC for decades has such a closed-minded view of the city,” Rome told me. “And that personally to me made me kind of angry. I’ve been living here coming up on five years — I used to live in Pittsburgh until I moved here — and now this is my favorite city ever. And I felt as if my family was getting impugned by some guy who painted us with such a really broad brush.”
But even though the blog District “guide” spawned so much pre-coverage of the Tea Party event, does that mean that local bloggers will cover the protest itself? Both Rome and Austermuhle seemed skeptical. Yes, many outside the nation’s capital have delighted in attending Tea Party protests to take pictures of their misspelled, ungrammatical signs. But when it comes to DC protests, local residents have pretty much seen it all.

I hope you all get to see these rallies on TV if not in person. Talk to ya tonight!  Sue

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

COMIC RELIEF! Glenn Beck in Washington DC to steal your money and waste your time,

Some comic relief. If you want a good laugh read Shaw's comment to lisa in the previous post comments section, you'll pee your pants!! Anyway....This rightwinger has posted a piece to teabaggers who show up to Glenn Becks "big speech", how to get around in Washington DC and how to avoid the boogey man. Don't go venturing into the outskirts of DC, you might run into some minorities, some ANGRY minorities! LOL. Clarence Page said it sounded like satire!

Here's the blog posting the visitors guide to the rally,

Safety and Mores

DC's population includes refugees from every country, as the families of embassy staffs of third world countries tend to stay in DC whenever a revolution in their homeland means that anyone in their family would be in danger if they went back. Most taxi drivers and many waiters/waitresses (especially in local coffee shops like the Bread and Chocolate chain) are immigrants, frequently from east Africa or Arab countries. As a rule, African immigrants do not like for you to assume they are African Americans and especially do not like for you to guess they are from a neighboring country (e.g. Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia) with whom they may have political or military tensions. It's rare to meet anyone who gets really offended, but you can still be aware of the issue.

Many parts of DC are safe beyond the areas I will list here, but why chance it if you don't know where you are?

If you are on the subway stay on the Red line between Union Station and Shady Grove, Maryland. If you are on the Blue or Orange line do not go past Eastern Market (Capitol Hill) toward the Potomac Avenue stop and beyond; stay in NW DC and points in Virginia. Do not use the Green line or the Yellow line. These rules are even more important at night. There is of course nothing wrong with many other areas; but you don't know where you are, so you should not explore them.

If on foot or in a cab or bus, stay in Bethesda, Arlington (preferably north Arlington), Crystal City, Falls Church, Annandale, or Alexandria, or in DC only in northwest DC west (i.e. larger street numbers) of 14th or 16th streets, or if on Capitol Hill only in SE Capitol Hill (zip 20003) between 1st and 8th Streets, not farther out than 8th (e.g. 9th, 10th etc). (Or stay on the Mall and at the various monuments.) Again there are many other lovely places, from the Catholic University of America to Silver Spring, Maryland. But you don't know where you are so you cannot go, especially at night, unless you take me with you.


Nancy Pelosi's condo
Washington DC 20007

Harry Reid's condo
Washington DC 20037

Bob Bauer/Anita Dunn
Chevy Chase, MD 20815

Tom Daschle's house
Washington DC 20007

(Feel free to protest!)

I deleted the addresses they offered, how rude to post these addresses and then say go protest in front of their homes! These teabaggers are disgusting!

Now a bit of info about Becks "big(or not) speech"
Washington — Glenn Beck says he didn't intend to schedule Saturday's "Restoring Honor" rally in front of the Lincoln Memorial on the anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech. But it's a convergence of time and place that the demonstrative political talk-show host describes as "divine providence."

Some have used other words.

Civil-rights leaders aligned with Democrats are recoiling at the Fox News superpundit's plan to gather his faithful on the same steps where King delivered his call for racial justice. They're planning their own march in honor of the speech and criticizing Beck for trying to "hijack" King's legacy.

Beck says, this has nothing to do with politics. (HA!!)

"This has everything to do with, 'Who are we?' " he says, over an earnest soundtrack of soft piano, in a video promotion of the rally posted on his website. "There is profound change happening in America, and there is a window of opportunity that comes in the lifespan of every republic, every civilization, a window of opportunity to reach for that brass ring or to miss it. We're not the people that we've allowed ourselves to become."

Beck is hoping for a crowd of more than 100,000. (HA!)
There was an estimated 250,000 at King's 1963 address.

Highlighting what they see as Beck's hypocrisy, the Rev. Al Sharpton and other civil-rights leaders have decided to hold their own rally.

Sharpton's National Action Network, the National Urban League and the NAACP are planning to march from a Washington, D.C., high school to the site of a planned King memorial, just blocks from the Lincoln Memorial.

The original emphasis of their gathering was on closing educational disparities, and Education Secretary Arne Duncan is among those scheduled to participate. But recently, the groups' leaders have focused on Beck and Palin as philosophical opposites of King's supporters.

"In '63, they went to Washington for a strong national government to protect civil rights," Sharpton said in an interview. "He and Palin are going there for a weak national government and to advocate state rights."

Wow what a piece of crap Beck is! If you are a Beck lover of course then you will think this rally/speech is something of a divine intervention. But what it really is, is a man who craves your undivided attention so he can steal your money!

Childish Americans, a good description

A videographer at the mosque rally sums up what he saw during this confrontation....

A man walks through the crowd at the Ground Zero protest and is mistaken as a Muslim. The crowd turns on him and confronts him. The man in the blue hard hat calls him a coward and tries to fight him. The tall man who I think was one of the organizers tried to get between the two men. Later I caught up with the man who’s name is Kenny. He is a Union carpenter who works at Ground Zero. We discussed what a scary moment that was for him.

Glenn Greenwald observes that the video “shows some extremely ugly stuff that’s been unleashed.”

Here's your people lisa! See these hateful bigots attacking a man just because of his looks? What the hell are these morons afraid of?? There are mosques all over this country and have been for decades upon decades. Islamophobia, Obamaphobia, it's all intertwined and it's the evangelicals call to bloody holy war. They are salivating over a war based on religious superiority. Go ahead people put these kinds of hate mongers and war mongers in our government, just as long as we have gotten rid of the Christian half black president you don't care who replaces him!

this second video I stumbled upon on YouTube, it's pretty cool...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Exposing the hypocrites and fearmongers

I was going to stop posting about the Manhattan Community Center but I won't because there's so much hypocrisy and lies going on that I want to highlight them for you. Let's start with this Beck and Rauf video. It's from 2006, watch how Beck seems kind and accepting of  Imam Rauf, but today 2010, it's a totally different story as Beck, along with a huge audience of wingnuts, show hatred and bigotry towards the Imam and Muslims in general.

 Listen at 5:30 in the video where  Imam Rauf starts to talk about Christian evangelicals are trying to bring on the second coming of Christ....He is absolutely correct...

From Media Matters:

One of the loudest voices in conservatives' fight against the center has been Glenn Beck, who has specifically targeted Imam Rauf with blatant falsehoods and hypocritical attacks in a desperate attempt to smear him as a radical.

Additionally, among other offensive comments, Beck has asked, "after you've killed 3,000 people you're going to now build your mosque?" He's also absurdly labeled the center an "actual danger" and suggested it is an "Allah-tells-me-to-blow-up-America mosque." Though we -- and many other outlets -- have repeatedly pointed out that Rauf is widely viewed as a moderate and has often denounced the extremists who carry out violent attacks in the name of Islam, Beck and his fellow demagogues continue to push the dishonest attack.

Yesterday was the "mosque" rally in NYC, and today this from the Wall Street Journal, 

Islamic radicals are seizing on protests against a planned Islamic community center near Manhattan's Ground Zero and anti-Muslim rhetoric elsewhere as a propaganda opportunity and are stepping up anti-U.S. chatter and threats on their websites.
One jihadist site vowed to conduct suicide bombings in Florida to avenge a threatened Koran burning, while others predicted an increase in terrorist recruits as a result of such actions.
"By Allah, the wars are heated and you Americans are the ones who…enflamed it," says one such posting. "By Allah you will be the first to taste its flames."

 Some counter terrorism experts say the anti-Muslim sentiment that has saturated the airwaves and blogs in the debate over plans for an Islamic center near ground zero in Lower Manhattan is playing into the hands of extremists by bolstering their claims that the United States is hostile to Islam.

Evan F. Kohlmann, who tracks militant Web sites at the security consulting firm Flashpoint Global Partners, said supporters of Al Qaeda have seized on the controversy "with glee." On radical Web forums, he said, the dispute over the Islamic center, which would include space for worship, is lumped together with fringe developments like a Florida pastor's call for making Sept. 11 "Burn a Koran Day."

"It's seen as proof of what Awlaki and others have been saying, that the U.S. is hypocritical and that most Americans are enemies of Islam," Mr. Kohlmann said. He called the anti-Islam statements spawned by the dispute "disturbing and sad" and said they were feeding anti-American sentiment that could provoke violence.

Fabulous, just fabulous. Is this really what America wants? Is this how we want to be portrayed, as bigots and Islam haters? Get real people, America is not innocent. Yes we were attacked on 9/11 and it was horrific, but it was not Islam that attacked us it was Islamic extremists Al Qaeda.  This lashing out with hate a venom is only giving the enemy the ammunition it needs. It looks very much to me like American radicals are asking for trouble .

Sunday, August 22, 2010


On today's CNN's Fareed Zakarias show he speaks about Sufi Islam. If you are STILL questioning the Community Center in Lower Manhatten and the man behind it, Imam Rauf, I hope you will watch this program.

Have you heard of Sufi Islam? Well, Al Qaeda sure has.

It is the mystical brand of Islam that embraces a more liberal interpretation of the Koran. Sufism embraces music and song. It is an interpretation that Al Qaeda views as its mortal enemy. This is the sect of Islam embraced by Imam Rauf, and Al Qaedas hatred of Sufi Islam should tell you where the Imam stands on the Islamic spectrum.

After 9/11 Pres. Bush reached out to the Sufi sect, to spread the message of peace across the world. He used Imam Rauf to do this important work. Imam Rauf is a bridge builder and Bush embraced that. You can read more of the Bush story at Shaw's Progressive Eruptions, it's fascinating.

I was watching C-Span this morning(I'm a C-Span nerd!), Bobby Ghosh, Deputy International Editor for Time Magazine was on.  A guy from Georgia called into the program,  he said to Ghosh there was no condemnation coming from Muslim religious leaders around the globe after the 9/11 terror attacks. Ghosh answered him saying that is absolutely false. Tens of thousands of leaders in the Muslim community denounced the attack! So my guess is this guy from Georgia gets his news and info from Fox...

A segment of our population are just simply bigots and won't open their minds to what Islam is, sadly Fox adds fuel to the fire and these people are misinformed and led astray. Also interesting, callers who were simply wrong in their assumptions of Islam and while knowing not what they were talking about tried to portray themselves as more knowledgeable about the subject than Bobby Ghosh! People need to educate themselves before they pass judgement on other cultures...

Today was the rally in NYC.
Police estimated that by 11:30 a.m. supporters of the center numbered up to 250, and critics numbered about 450. Oh well...
 It was pouring rain,  I hope Pam G. came away looking like a drowned rat! :-)

Friday, August 20, 2010

It's deranged thinking..

The latest polls show 18% of Americans believe Barack Obama is a Muslim. A small percentage but still very disturbing. The percentage of people who think he is a Christian has fallen from 51% to 34%. Those who call themselves conservative Republicans are more likely to say he is a Muslim then say more moderate repubs and democrats, NO kidding!

President Obama does not NEED to flaunt his religion so fanatics can feel at ease. If you are a true Christian that is your personal journey, you don't have to wear your religion on your shirt sleeve. There is no reason to constantly talk about your faith and throw it in peoples faces the way GW Bush did. So, according to religious rightwingers, Bush was a Christian because he told them so and President Obama is a Muslim because he did not tell them so..

Joel Hunter, an evangelical pastor who is part of a small circle of spiritual advisers who frequently talk to Obama by phone, said this in an interview, "There is a downside to not wanting to expose what is personal to the political arena, it leaves all kinds of room for speculation and conspiracy and people who are just not informed."
"You know what happens with a vacuum?" he said."It gets filled."

Joshua DuBois, the president's chief faith adviser in the White House, said the president does not intend to suddenly practice his faith in public in an effort to counter misperceptions.

"The president's spiritual life, his Christian walk, is something that is important to him not for communications reasons or political reasons," DuBois said. "We're not going to shift course in any way on the basis of a short-term event."

That's smart Mr. President, to all of a sudden appear in church would just add fuel to the fire.

President Obama is the Christian son of a Kenyan Muslim father and a Kansas mother. From age 6 to 10 Obama lived in Muslim Indonesia with his mother and Indonesian stepfather. His full name is Barack Hussein Obama. That makes you fearful? This is one of the most ridiculous, outrageously stupid, arguments coming from fearmongering fanatics I have ever heard! Well, besides the "sky is falling chicken little story"....


Thursday, August 19, 2010

She loves herself, she hates Muslims

This self-righteous moron in a youtube video. It's like her own little movie, of herself, how fun! Why do people fall for this fearmongering crap? It's August, I guess that's why!

 Jeffrey Goldberg  posted this piece....

The Rise of Shrieking Bigot Pamela Geller

Aug 18 2010, 12:52 PM ET
There is a very depressing story today in The Washington Post about the lunatic racist Pamela Geller, who has been leading the crusade against the so-called Ground Zero mosque. This is a woman who once called me a "Jewicidal Jihadi" for advocating for peace and compromise in the Middle East. It's a clever phrase, true, but, moi? In other dank corners of the Interwebs, I'm thought of as a blood-and-soil Jewish nationalist. I didn't really address her charges at the time, because it was my impression that Geller was a marginal nutbag, but it seems as if she's setting the national agenda now on matters related to Islam and religious freedom. To which I say, Jesus H. Christ.

This woman has waged war on ALL Muslims, she and her blog are the epitome of hate and bigotry. Those who add her to their bloglists should be ashamed....pitiful

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Who is Feisal Abdul Rauf??

"Lose your ego, find your compassion."
If Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf has a mantra it is this: "Islamic extremism for the majority of Muslims is an oxymoron; It is a fundamental contradiction in terms."

Feisal Abdul Rauf is the force behind the building of Cordoba House, the now-controversial Islamic cultural facility in Manhattan. Fear mongering conservative politicians have called him "a radical Muslim," a "militant Islamist" and simply - the "enemy." His Cordoba House project has been framed as a conduit for Hamas to funnel money to domestic terrorist operations.

For those who actually know or have worked with the imam, the descriptions are frighteningly unhinged from reality. The Feisal Abdul Rauf they know spent the past decade fighting against the very same cultural divisiveness and religious-based paranoia that currently surrounds him.

"Imam Feisal has participated at the Aspen Institute in Muslim-Christian-Jewish working groups looking at ways to promote greater religious tolerance," says Walter Isaacson, head of The Aspen Institute. "He has consistently denounced radical Islam and terrorism and promoted a moderate and tolerant Islam. Some of this work was done under the auspices of his own group, the Cordoba Initiative... This is why I find it a shame that his good work is being undermined by this inflamed dispute. He is the type of leader we should be celebrating in America - not undermining." You can finish reading here.

 Park51's main movers, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and his wife Daisy Khan, are actually the kind of Muslim leaders right-wing commentators fantasize about: modernists and moderates who openly condemn the death cult of al-Qaeda and its adherents — ironically, just the kind of "peaceful Muslims" whom Sarah Palin, in her now infamous tweet, asked to "refudiate" the mosque. Rauf is a Sufi, which is Islam's most mystical and accommodating denomination. (See the very best #Shakespalin tweets.)

from AOL news...
WASHINGTON (Aug. 17) -- The political battle over plans to build an Islamic center two blocks from ground zero is reaching biblical proportions as Republicans pummel President Barack Obama and Democrats for being insensitive to victims of 9/11.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich on Monday compared the center -- which many prominent Jewish officials support -- to Nazis trying to protest outside a Holocaust museum. Republican campaign staffers send out e-mails placing Obama on the same page as the leader of Hamas. And GOP candidates in places far away from lower Manhattan quickly launched TV ads declaring, "Mr. President, ground zero is the wrong place for a mosque."

and what would GW Bush say...

A spokesman for the former president told AOL News that Bush would have no comment on the matter.

But days after the 9/11 attacks, Bush had much to say about the need for religious tolerance even after Islamic extremists carried out the worst foreign attack in history on U.S. soil.

"The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam," Bush said at the Islamic Center of Washington in a speech that set the tenor for when he later sent U.S. troops to fight on Muslim soil in Afghanistan and later Iraq. "That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don't represent peace. They represent evil and war."

He went on to say millions of American Muslims "need to be treated with respect. In our anger and emotion, our fellow Americans must treat each other with respect."

All across America peaceful American Muslims are trying to live their lives, but fanatics are terrorizing them in the name of Christianity. It's embarrassing for our country to be labeled as bigots. The right wing fanatics just had to have something to drive a wedge into the the presidents agenda. Yes this argument is rightwing driven and it's turning hateful to the point of scary. Who would you rather have for your neighbor, a rightwing NUT or an American Muslim??

What if those planes flying into the twin towers were piloted by Germans, or Russians, or Frenchmen? Would the wackos be acting the same way towards those Americans whose ancestors immigrated here generations ago? I kinda doubt it. This fight is with Islam, I believe it's religion based not terror based. Christians claim Muslims hate Christians and Jews therefore they are the enemy whether or not they are peaceful....  

Sunday, August 15, 2010

An All White America

Do you think right wingers sound Hitler-like when they spew hatred for Muslims and want to rid the country, and even the world, of Muslims?? Don't deny it righties, there are some of you with hatred that deep...

Today on CNN's State of the Union, NY congressman Jerry Nadler says the right wing is blaming ALL Muslims for the terrorist act on 9/11, "they are ascribing collective guilt on all Muslims".

NADLER: [W]hat they are saying essentially is how can you put a mosque there when, after all, Muslims attacked us on 9/11, and this is ripping open a wound? Well, the fallacy is that Al Qaeda attacked us. Islam did not attack us. Islam, like Christianity, like Judaism, like other religions, has many different people, some of whom regard other adherents of the religion as heretics of one sort or another. It is only insensitive if you regard Islam as the culprit, as opposed to Al Qaeda as the culprit. We were not attacked by all Muslims. And there were Muslims who were killed there, there were Muslims who were killed there. There were Muslims who ran in as first responders to help. And we cannot take any position like that.

“[O]bjecting to this mosque would be as objectionable if you wouldn’t object to a church or a synagogue in the same place because that’s blaming all Islam and you can’t blame an entire religion,” Nadler explained. He then ticked through three prominent examples of GOP hypocrisy on the “Ground Zero mosque”:
1) Nadler: “One, there is a mosque in the Pentagon, which is also hallowed ground. No one objects to that.” [Link]
2) Nadler: “Second, the people who want to build this facility, which is partially a mosque and partially a community center, have a mosque a few blocks away from there, which no one has objected to.” [Link]
3) Nadler: “I would take the sincerity of many of the Republican critics of this…if they were supporting, as Peter is, but very few other Republicans are, the bill to give health care coverage to the 9/11 heroes and responders which all but 12 Republicans voted against in the House last week.” [Link]

This argument and hysteria has gotten so out of hand and so heated with rage and hatred from Americans who are not thinking with their brains, but with their hearts. They are WRONG in their arguments. It's turned into a political fight and that is WRONG. The right loves putting the blame on President Obama and even accusing him of planning this whole fight. If righties don't like being called insane then why do they act that way?? What they want to do is turn this country into White America. They cringe at the thought of minorities having the same rights as they have. States rights, let the states decide whether or not Muslims, blacks, Hispanics, Mexicans etc. shall have the same rights as white Americans. That's what the righties want. How embarrassing for our country!! Where is the Melting Pot this country was so proud to be called generations ago? What has happened to our nation?? Stop saying "give us our country back", nobody took your damn country!! You hateful bigots have turned your backs on our nation. You are the reason we have hate taking over!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Atlas Shrug THIS!!!

Pamela Geller, what a hideous piece of crap her blog is...She and the other rightwing wackos can cry all they want about the mosque,  they are just more proof of the bigoted, hateful, morons they are!

HER WORDS.....Obama came out for the Islamic supremacist mosque at the hallowed ground of 911 attack. He has, in effect, sided with the Islamic jihadists and told the ummah (at an Iftar dinner on the third night of Ramadan, of course) that he believes in and supports a triumphal mosque on the cherished site of Islamic conquest.
If you had any doubt who Obama stood with on 911, there can be no doubt in our minds now.
I believe he planned it all along. He waited until Ramadan. Symbolic. He has now turned our Ground Zero protest on 911 into a mega-event. The very idea of a 15-story mega-mosque on hallowed ground in indecent, offensive and outrageous. If Imam Rauf and his wife Daisy really wanted to "reach out" and "heal," they would give the $120 million to the first responders suffering from exposure to the toxic environment at Ground Zero after Muslim terrorists brought down the World Trade Center and slaughtered 3,000 Americans.
The president is incapable of common decency?
Obama knows this is not about religious liberty. No one has suggested abridging the first amendment to stop the mosque. There are hundreds of mosques in New York, thousands in America.  This is not a religious issue. This is a national security issue.
Once again, Obama puts himself directly at odds with the majority of the American people, as is his way and the hallmark of his presidency. This is all explained in detail, in my book.

Your book Ms Geller?? Fuck you and your stupid book of lies, distortions and pure rightwing hysteria! You people are a disgrace to the USA!! ALL the crazies are talking about this, pathetic...

Rand Paul wants you to shut up!

I missed this Rand Paul story back in June, so thanks to Hillbilly Report from Leslies bloglist I GOOGLED and found some interesting words coming from teabagger, libertarian, wingnut Rand Paul!

He wants you, middle class and poor Americans looking for work, to stop whining and take a job, any job, even one with a lower wage then your before job that is now gone, possibly to Mexico! BTW, did you  hear about the new Mexico General Motors plant?? Why are Mexicans coming here for work when our corporations are taking OUR work to them???  You got some 'splaining to do Mr. President!

Remember when Bush was president and people had to work 2 and 3 jobs because there was so much wage stagnation and jobs going overseas?? Rand Paul is continuing that Bush legacy, he wants you to get off your ass and help the economy by working for poverty wages. Does he call for CEO's to take pay cuts? Does he call for the top1% to help the economy by paying their fair share in taxes? The teachers unions in my state have agreed to wage freezes, thanks to Chris Christie and his HUGE education budget cuts. Now complain a little more about unions righties!

Rand Paul, his answer to the sluggish economy and our growing demand for unemployment INSURANCE to put food in the mouths of babes...

 "It's time for America's unemployed to face facts and stop holding out for jobs similar to the ones they've lost.
As bad as it sounds, ultimately we do have to sometimes accept a wage that's less than we had at our previous job in order to get back to work and allow the economy to get started again," he said. "Nobody likes that, but it may be one of the tough love things that has to happen."

Can't ya just hear that southern drawl of his, saying these words!? Here he is righties, your guy Rand!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I have fuckin' HAD IT!!!!

From Linda, her rightwing talking points and utter absurdity has my heart rate up and my blood pressure at the boiling point!!
The Failure of Obamanomics
Time to Admit Obamanomics Has Failed
Washington Examiner
August 8, 2010

"Chairwoman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers Christina Romer is retiring during one of the worst economic downturns our country has experienced. (Gerald Herbert/AP file)

It's no coincidence that Christina Romer, chairwoman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, announced her retirement the day before Friday's brutal unemployment report. With 131,000 more jobs lost in July, and downward revisions of 97,000 for the previous two months, it's easy to see why she would start looking for the exits.

Romer is best known for drafting the February 2009 report "The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan," which the White House used as an ammunition belt in the fight to gain passage of its $862 billion economic stimulus bill (the actual cost of which exceeds $1 trillion when interest is included). Romer predicted that following passage of the stimulus bill, unemployment would plateau below 8 percent last fall and by this month register at 7 percent. That's not close enough for government work, as unemployment stands at 9.5 percent today. It would be higher except that hundreds of thousands of frustrated job seekers have given up looking for new jobs and dropped out of the labor force.

Predictably, the stimulus bill has proven to be an extraordinary waste of borrowed money that has failed to create jobs, generate economic growth or do much of anything other than line the pockets of White House political allies. That and give $308 million in subsidies to BP before the Gulf oil spill disaster, and subsidize a study on what happens when monkeys snort coke.

I left some out, it was making me ill....
here's more...the part that made me comment... 

Add Obama's determination to raise everybody's taxes by allowing the Bush cuts from 2001 and 2003 to expire Jan. 1, 2011, and it's easy see to why banks, businesses and consumers are hoarding trillions of dollars that could otherwise spur economic growth. And we haven't even addressed the destructive effect on economic growth of Obama's nationalization of major portions of the economy, including the banks, health care and the auto industry."

My comment on her blog....This is rightwing bull cr*P!!! the tax cuts will be rolled back to where they were in Clintons presidency, was the economy in collapse back then?? CRAPOLA, is what this is! (I'm not allowed to cuss on her blog, but she's allowed to lie)

You can't blame Obama for the depth of the recession, and you can't come crawling out from under a recession of this magnitude in 18 months! Its gonna be 10 years before Bush and rethugs policies quit damaging our economy. The trillions of dollars being hoarded are so the thieves hoarding it can invest, NOT spur economic growth. Its all about greed and who can make the most money. The rightwing is pure evil and greed. Every single policy plan they have is geared towards the rich getting richer and it has nothing to do with growing the middle class and our country prospering!!

Good fuckin holy crap, I get so sick of these idiots and their fuckin attitudes about our president and liberals. WHAT are their plans?? WHAT would they be doing different to spur job growth and grow our economy?? WHAT are their plans if they should be so lucky to get back some power?? I hope they do get some of the power so the country can get a taste of their KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ECONOMICS!!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ed and I... We are fired UP again!!

The state-aid bill passed, the vote was 247-161. JUST 2 Republicans voted for the bill. This bill, which was touted by Americas governors, will prevent around 161,000 teachers and 158,000 public works employees from being laid off.

Listen to Ed and you'll understand why I am fired up, why he causes my blood pressure to go through the roof. That's not a criticism, I love Ed, we think alike!!

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Barney Frank talked today about the rethugs obstructionism....

"I hate to have to say this," he said, "I think it's very clear: [Republicans] don't want to see things get better. That's why they're obstructing the small business loan bill which by every calculation they should have been for... If you looked at the numbers last week -- private sector jobs went up. Not by as much as they should have, but they went up. The job loss was because of the kind of public sector job layoffs that this bill would have avoided if it had passed a month ago. So that's the other point is that there's frustration, that [Republicans] are kind of benefiting politically from their economic obstruction."

The jobs bill is paid for by closing a loophole that allows U.S. companies to get a tax break for moving jobs offshore. Unions are particularly pleased about this provision.

"Not only did these Republicans vote against saving jobs in America," said AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka in a statement, "they voted to keep encouraging corporations to outsource jobs during this recession."

It's clear, Republicans hate middle America, they hate public schools, they hate union workers, they hate progress, they hate progressives because we stand for progress...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Tomorrows big state- aid vote, Guess who's voting NO!!

Please pay attention to this boob Boehner. Do we want him as the next speaker of the House? Say what you will about Nancy Pelosi, but we have a smart, hardworking, dedicated House leader and shame on America if they vote Bonehead to replace her! It's unimaginable to think that bozo could be a leader this country would be proud of!  He can't even be truthful with David Gregory, how honest and hardworking do you think he has the balls to be??

Then you have Mike Pence, he pretty much says the same things Boehner says. These GOP have NO answers to get the economy moving except for one thing, TAX CUTS. Trickle down, voodoo economics. Has it been working for you middle class? The tax cuts are in place now....

So, tomorrow the House will be brought back into session to vote on the 26.1 billion dollar state aids bill. Even though this bill is paid for, and to me most significant, is the closing of loop holes that allowed tax breaks for corporations that shipped jobs overseas. This isn't mentioned much, I have Googled and Googled and get only a few sentences mentioning this. Is it because the bill does not go far enough? Here's what the Washington Post says...

The Washington Post: The funding in the bill ""is only about half what Obama had sought for the two programs and is far less generous than desperate governors had hoped for. Anxiety in Congress about the mounting national debt forced Democratic leaders to devise a plan to cover the cost of the package, blunting its impact on the economy. To offset the new spending, the package would cut off in March 2014 an expansion of food stamp benefits enacted last year. It would also eliminate tax breaks for some multinational corporations based in the United States that have operations abroad -- a centerpiece of a House Democratic campaign to promote domestic manufacturing and discourage companies from shipping jobs overseas"

Whats wrong with that?  Governors are promised 16.1 billion to help meet Medicaid payments for next year, and 10 billion for state and local school boards to preserve teachers jobs. The bill is paid for, teachers will be working not standing in unemployment lines, and my favorite part, it stops rewarding some corporations for killing our "on Americas soil" jobs! Oh yea, I forgot to mention, the GOP plans on voting NO, saying it is not paid for, LIE, it will add to the deficit, LIE.... 

Teabaggers are getting in on the protesting too urging members in the House to vote against the state-aid package. Dumb, just plain dumb, but thats okay teabaggers, keep talking keep siding with those who side against the American people. 

 Pelosi and other Democrats say the funding will prevent layoffs, stem higher unemployment and contribute to a growing economy.
“Democrats will return next week to save or create hundreds of thousands of jobs for our teachers, nurses, firefighters and police officers — and close loopholes that allow corporations to ship American jobs overseas,” Pelosi said in a statement issued Friday.
This is critical as over the last three months, state and local governments have cut more than 46,000 jobs in education.”

 Thank you Nancy Pelosi and Democrats for standing with the American people!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Damn it's only been one year? It feels like I've been here forever!

 It's August and my blogs one year anniversary! YAY!
It's been a great year, lots of ranting and raving, lots of arguing, lots of laughs and even some tears.
I started out with a home and family type of blog a few years ago but when I tried talking politics my friends got very quiet and didn't want to stick their toes in the water. I soon found out who my true friends were and decided to leave that blog and those rightwing housewives behind!

I don't know how it happened actually but I started out visiting only wingnut blogs. It started with a guy named Pappy from Texas. He was nice enough to me, he allowed me to comment and voice my opinion on his Obama bashing posts. One day I commented on the hideous cruel remarks from Alan Keyes towards Obama and Pappy said he agreed with Keyes! What a revelation I had that day. That might have been the day I decided I needed to get away from the dark side of blogland and find my people! I think Mat/Papamoka may have been one of my first liberal friends here. He likes to call himself my "brotha from anotha motha", LOL! You won't believe this but lisa was one of his visitors before she started bugging me! So from Mat came Michael Boh, and Nancy, Grandpa Eddie, BJ,  and the list goes on. Liberals are the nicest bunch of bloggers you will ever meet and it's been a huge pleasure getting to know all of you and making lasting friendships.
I'm not a writer(as you can tell!) but BJ told me to write like I'm sitting at the kitchen table talking to a friend. So here I am a year later still talking and you are actually listening, some of you even compliment me! LOL! I love everyone of you and am honored you read and follow my humble little blog!

When I read my archives it's unbelievable the amount of news that came out of this one short year. From Ted Kennedys death, the endless posts about the Public Option, will we get it or will we not.....and also the endless posts on the antics of the rightwing wacko nutjobs, will they say something insane or will they not, Yes! they never disappoint...... to the stories about war, and homelessness, joblessness, and oil gusher disasters.

I've had an amazing fun year, the next 6 with President Obama in the White House will be just as amazing with news stories that will get you fired up further strengthening your liberal philosophies.

So, march on my fellow liberal bloggers, don't allow the righties to silence your voices. Never give up the fight! I'll be here blogging, spreading truth, disputing the rightwing lies and distortions! AND if you want to put aside political talk sometime, visit me at my new blog.....

 We're listening to you Mr. President and company, I hope you are listening to us!

Thanks guys!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

The GOP and their LIES and Fearmongering about Social Security

 I'm posting this Alter Net article in it's entirety because it's a must read. The GOP spinmeisters want you to believe Social Security must be phased out because it's devouring our budget. NONSENSE!!! as usual....
The Social Security and Medicare Boards of Trustees today released their report on the Status of the Social Security and Medicare Programs. Here is what it says:
Social Security Just Fine Until At Least 2037
The summary of the report says, "The financial outlook for Social Security is little changed from last year. The short term outlook is worsened by a deeper recession than was projected last year, but the overall 75-year outlook is nevertheless somewhat improved..." and is otherwise fine until at least 2037 with no changes.
It is just fine forever, in fact, if we do something simple like raise the "cap" on earnings that are taxed to pay for the program. (That's right, when you make more than a certain income level you stop paying the tax!) Compare that to the military budget. We spend more than $1 trillion on military and related programs each year - more than every other country combined - and unlike Social Security that is completely "unfunded," and adds to the deficit.
Medicare Outlook Improved Substantially
The report also says, "The outlook for Medicare has improved substantially because of program changes made in the [Health Care Reform Bill]"
Those Are The Facts
Those are the simple facts: everything is fine. Everything will be fine. There are some things that should be changed to make them even more OK than they are. They are good programs that demonstrate that government works.
So What's The Problem?
The Social Security program collects money via the "payroll tax." Much, much more money -- trillions -- has been collected than needed to be paid out to cover the coming retirement of the "baby boomers," and the extra -- the "trust fund" -- was invested in US Treasury Bonds.
Under Reagan and then both Bushes that money was borrowed from the trust fund and used to give huge tax cuts to the wealthy. (Clinton was paying it back but Bush II cut taxes again for the wealthy.) Now those boomers are beginning to retire, and the trust fund money that was borrowed and given out to the rich is needed back to cover their retirement. The obvious solution is to get the money from where the money went. But those who it went to are trying to stop the obvious from happening. They say we should cut benefits, make us retire at 70, anything to keep them from paying back what is owed to the retirees.
Oh, and there is another conservative complaint about Social Security. Social Security is very successful and popular, and is a constant, living proof that government of the people, by the people and for the people works and works really well. Among a certain crowd, that just can't be allowed to stand.
So now, let the anti-tax, anti-government conservative bamboozlement begin.
Let The Bamboozlement Begin
The anti-government conservatives are using several approaches to undermine public confidence in the program (and therefore government). MoveOn.org has a "Top 5 Social Security Myths" page up that is worth looking at.
Myth: Social Security is going broke.
Myth: We have to raise the retirement age because people are living longer.
Myth: Benefit cuts are the only way to fix Social Security.
Myth: The Social Security Trust Fund has been raided and is full of IOUs.
Myth: Social Security adds to the deficit.
Please go to the website to learn the truth about these myths. And please answer with those facts when you hear people spreading these myths.
Let's see how the conservatives are doing at spreading myths today, and how the mainstream media covers it:
Heritage Foundation: Once Again, the Social Security Trust Fund Has No Money in It
Washington Times: Social Security in the red for first time ever (Note - that's only if you don't count the interest that the trust fund earns. Just more bamboozlement.)
FOX News: Social Security 2010 Outlays to Exceed Receipts
CNN: Social Security: More going out than coming in
NPR: 2010 Social Security Outlook: Not Great
CNBC: Social Security 2010 outlays to exceed receipts
That's just a quick sampling. Compare what these headlines lead you to believe to the facts above. When was the last time you saw a headline that reads, "Massive military budget causes huge federal deficit." Right. Bamboozlement, plain and simple. Expect to see a lot more like these. Don't fall for it.
Social Security Is Not Broken
Social Security is not broken. If we fight the myths and the anti-government lies it will be there for all of us.
Here is a statement by Nancy Altman, co-chairman of the Strengthen Social Security Campaign, a coalition of 60+ organizations, representing over 30 million Americans:
“Every year, the trustees’ reports become an excuse for fear mongering by those who should know better. This year, the news is especially good for Medicare, thanks to the enactment of health care reform. The news for Social Security is even better, revealing once again that Social Security’s promised benefits are fully affordable without benefit cuts and without increasing the retirement age. Poll after poll reports that’s what the American people want. Unfortunately, we know there are some in Washington, including a few members of the Administration’s fiscal commission, who will use this report to try to advance their agenda of cuts to Social Security benefits, including rising the retirement age. Politicians should stop scaring the American people. Social Security is strong and should be strengthened, not cut. The reality is the biggest threat to Social Security is the politicians in Washington who continue to play politics with this issue.”
Please visit the Strengthen Social Security website to learn more, and sign up to join the fight.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

"Unalienable Rights"

Prop 8 by ~cheechwood on deviantART
  We must be allowed to live in a society where ALL in this country, no matter race, religion, gender, rich, poor, gay or straight... have the RIGHTS as human beings to choose a lifestyle we desire as long as it brings no harm to another human being. There are those who demand we live by the Old Testament of the Bible or we as a nation are doomed to Hell. That means the rights of some Americans are taken away and they will be treated not as equals, but as an abomination to their God. This Prop 8 turnover shows the citizens who live by Gods word can not dictate to gays how they should live their lives. Rightwingers have always tried to force their beliefs on the country as a whole. Why do they care if two people of the same sex want to marry legally? It will do absolutely NOTHING to the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman. The two sides will never agree, so I'm not here to argue. I'm just glad to see this ruling and will gladly follow it all the way to the Supreme Court.

I'll just add this....

 "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" is one of the most famous phrases in the United States Declaration of Independence, and considered by some as part of one of the most well crafted, influential sentences in the history of the English language[1]. These three aspects are listed among the "unalienable rights" or sovereign rights of man. It is a paraphrasing of an earlier statement by English philosopher John Locke.

The seventeenth-century English philosopher Richard Cumberland wrote that promoting the well-being of our fellow humans is essential to the "pursuit of our own happiness."[2] John Locke wrote in his 1693 Essay Concerning Human Understanding that "the highest perfection of intellectual nature lies in a careful and constant pursuit of true and solid happiness." [3] Also in 1693, Locke's philosophical opponent Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz associated "natural right" with happiness in the introduction to his Codex Iuris Gentium.[4] William Wollaston's 1722 book The Religion of Nature Delineated describes the "truest definition" of "natural religion" as being "The pursuit of happiness by the practice of reason and truth."[5] The 1763 English translation of Jean Jacques Burlamaqui's Principles of Natural and Politic Law extolled the "noble pursuit" of "true and solid happiness" in the opening chapter discussing natural rights.[6]

The United States Declaration of Independence, which was primarily drafted by Jefferson, was adopted by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. The text of the second section of the Declaration of Independence reads:

We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The rightwingers like to talk about Founding Fathers and the Constitution, but they are the ones who try to reword it to suit themselves and their religion. To them it starts with God and religion and if you don't believe what they believe then you are not worthy in their eyes. If the right truly believes homosexuality is a sin then they also must have read the passage where God says do not judge. It is NONE of their business how any person in this country chooses to live and with whom. So why waste time with these human rights issues. The "don't tread on me" flag you so proudly carry and display shows your true hypocrisy!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I said it in my last post, Mr.Ed, the Bush tax cuts to the rich (top 1 to 2%) are in place, they have been in place for the Bush reign and the Obama first 18 months, SO WHERE ARE THE JOBS these tax cuts are supposed to be growing?? Why have the jobs disappeared yet Wall Street is doing fabulously?? I'll give you an example....My niece worked for Bank of America in Delaware for 15 years, her hourly pay was 18.00, her WHOLE department was eliminated last year and it went to NY. Do you know she had to travel to NY to train people from Bosnia who were that departments replacements?? Can you guess the BANK probably pays these Bosnians minimum wage?? So it's either our good paying jobs are overseas or are just plain eliminated for minimum wage workers. The right complains about minimum wage hikes, they complain about union wages being too high, so what's the real story?? The right hates middle America and wants it to die. There is NO DOUBT ABOUT IT!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

We don't care about your crocodile tears!

Fareed Zakaria on CNN today...How can Congress make a huge dent in the deficit in one fell swoop?
                                         BY DOING NOTHING!!

 Letting the Bush tax cuts for the rich expire would be the right step in reducing the massive federal deficit. The big banks, big corporations, the rich are sitting on billions of dollars just waiting for the right time to invest.

The rich have their tax cuts, they are hoarding their billions, yet the economy sucks and there is no lending going on for small business, there is little hiring..... so how is it the tax increase will be a negative?? They have their tax breaks and THAT is causing a negative!


Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) on C-Span today says if the tax cuts are allowed to expire then a huge tax increase will effect small business and individuals.

                                              OH CRY ME A RIVER!!   GOP LIES!!

If the Republican Party were to gain the majority they would tackle healthcare, financial reform and work to lower taxes and create jobs, according to McCarthy. He went on to criticize the Democrats and their policies, saying, “If you look at national polls, more people believe Elvis Presley is still alive than that the stimulus created jobs.”
So there you have it, the GOP wants to cut taxes, they think that will stimulate the economy and grow jobs.  WE HAVE HUGE TAX CUTS IN PLACE NOW AND IT'S NOT DOING A DAMN THING FOR THE MIDDLECLASS!!

We all know tax cuts for the upper 1 to 2% do nothing for the middleclass. It only caused huge deficit increases.  Keep on crying GOP, this time it will not work.....

 Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan said that the push by congressional Republicans to extend the Bush tax cuts without offsetting the costs elsewhere could end up being "disastrous" for the economy.
In an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press," Greenspan expressed his disagreement with the conservative argument that tax cuts essentially pay for themselves by generating revenue and productivity among recipients.
"They do not," said Greenspan.

 Republicans want to keep the tax cuts in place but won't say how they will pay for them. Is this their secret plan to eliminate Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security? Is this the way for the GOP, the corporate whores to rid the country of poor people? Because we all know the top 2% don't need SS or Medicare, surely not Medicaid. Damn people don't be so dumb!!