Comment from CNN reader...polomint82
Glenn Beck is a modern day crook. It used to be the preacher on TV telling you to donate to the church. Now it is a man from a news station telling you that God is communicating with him. Are you serious? This great nation is going down the toilet because people are sooooooooooooo desperate to believe in ANYTHING.
From what I am seeing and hearing from this Beck rally, it sounds exactly like a fuckin' Jimmy Swaggert, torturous, evangelical gathering of the masses, BUT they will tell you they are the PATRIOTS! Lots and lots of military talk, lots of religion, lots of Swaggert type crying from Beck, lots and lots of prayers and talking to God. This is definitly a call for our country to turn from the evils of liberalism and run to God and the conservatives, for they will SAVE US ALL! But it's also a call for money! Yup, this a money grabbing fundraiser, Beck talks about charity and giving today, he wants you to give to the foundation for children of special ops military who have been killed in the line of duty. He and his people are keeping a tab on the incoming $1,000.00's so he can report during the rally how much money he is getting....
"Something beyond imagination is happening," Beck told the large crowds gathered at the National Mall in Washington. "America today begins to turn back to God. For too long, this country has wandered in darkness." I guess the darkness means the ungodly liberals. See, he thinks liberals should NEVER have power in this country. We are the reason God has turned his back on America. The conservative party must fight the evil liberals. So this rally wasn't about politics per say, just the liberals.
Sarah Palin spoke today too, she was mostly focused on the military talk. She nor Beck were overtly political in their speeches (it was reported), But Palin did say ... "It is so humbling to get to be here with you today, patriots. You who are motivated and engaged ... and knowing never to retreat."
"We must restore America and restore her honor," said the former Alaska governor, echoing the name of the rally, "Restoring Honor."
Restore America in what way Ms. Palin?? Resore honor because our honor has been stripped from us by Barack Obama and liberals?? EXACTLY!! In their round about kinda way, they were talking politics and sticking it to us! Uuuuuuugggghhhhh!!!
Hope the rally goers had a fab time. Let's see if they listened to Beck and hold their hands out to ALL Americans and stop hating. Yes, hating. The hate is coming from the evangelicals intolerance for equality in America. So if Beck tells them to be charitable, does that mean love thy neighbor as thy self, (even if you are a Muslim)?? We'll see what happens tomorrow...
Beck is the new Swaggert....
Palin is the new Schlafly
As the US retreats, Europe rises
Of all the consequences of Trump's shambolic presidency, among the most
shameful is the backstabbing of Ukraine. For the first month there was
some doubt...
4 hours ago
His real value is in what he does to liberals. The ranting and raving is hilarious.
Beck ranted and raved?? Whatever do you mean SF? Surely you don't see me ranting and raving, just reporting for my readers about Becks call to the religious right today....Oh and don't forget his call for money too....
You rant and raver you!
Snake oil salesman.
From Crooks and Liars today: "In Beck's words, the rally will mark a "turning point" in American history, where "miracles" will happen.
In a new promo posted on a "Producers' Blog" at his website, Beck humbly places the rally in the context of the moon landing, the Montgomery bus boycott, Iwo Jima, the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and other landmark historical events. It also not-so-subtly suggests that Beck is following in the tradition of Martin Luther King (which is a farce), Abraham Lincoln, most of the Founding Fathers, Martha Washington, the Wright Brothers, and other notable historical figures. To give you some sense of the egomania on display here, it starts with the line, "Every great achievement in human history has started with one person. One crazy idea."
heh heh heh...
I've been following this story, and according to what I've heard, Beck claims this event will be "non-political" and no signs will be allowed... or they've asked people to not bring signs. Maybe because they plan to sub in footage from Obama's inauguration, which is how they know it will be "similar in size"?
Last night on Keith Olbermann's show I heard that country singer Jo Dee Messina will be performing. Anyone who agrees to show up at this event has GOT to know that it will be political. I own several Jo Dee Messina CDs... Everything she's released except for the last two... I was planning on buying her last 2 CDs, now I'm not sure I should.
Even though the "proceeds" will be going to a veteran's charity, "the fine print says all contributions will first be applied to the rally [and] all contributions in excess of the costs will go to the troops".
So, what will be included in "expenses"... They say that Sarah Palin won't receive a speaking fee... However, the rally is simply a pretext for Beck to launch his latest book (according to Crooks & Liars). And he has also presold a lot of rally-related merchandise. This is just another moneymaking flim-flam from the self-described rodeo clown. It's pretty sad when Beck admits "if you take what I say as gospel, you're an idiot" -- and the tea-bagger idiots still flock to DC on 8/28 to throw money at him.
If anyone is "ranting" I think it is Glenn Beck. Laugh all you want Silverfiddle... you're not actually an admirer of this crazy loon, are you??
BTW I left this exact comment (my second one, apparently) in the thread where you said I got deleted because I was flagged as sp@m. Now I don't see it...
hey guys! W, this is the only comment I got from you today. I took off moderation as you can see, but I'll go see if blogger put it in spam. Their new spam bot thingy is a pain in the butt!
I'll be back later to comment on all your comments, I'm really busy right now. Thanks for reading!
BTW I read Lisa's blog, and what really stuck in my craw was her claim that Barney Frank recently "admitted" something stunning. Of course it turned out to be a complete lie. I wrote a rebuttal and posted it on my blog. It's titled "Republican Lies About Fannie, Freddie, And Frank". She specifically mentioned you in her post, so I returned the favor and specifically mentioned her in mine.
Another post I put up a few days ago that you may be interested is "Racist Arizona Law Passed For Political Reasons". I haven't written anything about the mosque debate yet, although I plan to. Also, I recently published a guest commentary by a guy who obviously would get along great with Lisa. Was it a mistake? If you feel so inclined you can check it out here and let me know what you think...
What a snoozer at Glenn Beck's rally for Glenn Beck!!! A long, boring religious revival/political sermon pretending to be the white version of MLK. I see that the skies didn't open up to drop Jesus Christ down on the crowd sprinkling miracles on his cult crowd. What an embarrassment!
"His real value is in what he does to liberals. The ranting and raving is hilarious. "
Not all of us....I managed to avoid it, but did check out CNN and CBS for their reports on it.
87,000, heh? Pretty impressive. Another 23,000 and he would have drawn about as many people as Penn State does for a home game- and they're in the middle of nowhere.
To anyone who watched....did he really try to walk across the Potomac? Or was it the Anacostia?
"And then he fed the multitude with two loaves and five fishes...and then he asked them to buy gold from his website".
I hope those people brought a lot of sun block.
And I agree with SF for once. Beck's ranting and raving IS hilarious.
IMHO, he is the funniest guy in America.
When I'm down and need a good laugh, I turn to clowns. Beck never fails.
Bless his tiny little mind.
Sorry, but you won't hear me rant and rave. I promised Jesus that I would never listen to so much as one word from Beck. I prefer to remain pure and holy. Near as I can tell, he fancies himself the new Mussolini.
Shaw you misunderstood SF, he's saying the liberals are ranting and raving.
Mornin bloggy friends,
the rally was most definitly a call to Americans to turn back to God and restore America back to what it was during rethug reign, LOLOL! Why do they think we are the reason the country is in big trouble? Why do they say we are not honorable?? It's crazy talk just to get the sheeple in line for November. Fear and anxiety, that's all they have to run with.
GB: "We've got to go to God Bootcamp."
At least Swaggart confined his fake crying to when something major was going down, like when he got caught with a hooker.
(I would love to see Glenn Beck get caught with a hooker -- especially if it was the same one Ted Haggard got caught with.)
"Something beyond imagination is happening,"
His imagination is awfully limited.
The funny thing about this was that all the rhetoric was so generic. "Restoring America" and "wandering in darkness" -- it's like saying "I'm in favor of good things and against bad things". It's so empty of specifics that pretty much anyone could agree with it, because anyone can read whatever they want into it. "Turn back to God" was about as specific as it got, and considering that almost everyone on all sides of every issue in this country claims that "real" Christianity backs up whatever their position is, that's pretty generic too.
I was watching CBS Sunday Morning, and Jeff Greenfield had an interesting comment about America and the aftermath of Katrina.
And it ties in to what Beck tapped into in the "Restore America" Beckathon.
For most of the 20th Century it was America that fed and rebuilt a world that was beset by war and natural disaster. 9/11 knocked us to ground, but we got up....and it was Katrina that did the most damage to the American psyche. We saw a nation and government on all levels that didn't help fast enough as 1,800 died as we watched on TV.
And that was a precursor to the Sept 2008 economic collapse....a sense helplessness that government seemed powerless to stop the calamity.
That fear hasn't gone away, and maybe that's what Beck is tapping into....and a segment of the population sees him as kind of a Messiah.
He could be in for a rude awakening...Messiahs have a way of falling very, very quickly. It took less than a week for Jesus to go from being hailed as a king entering Jerusalem on Sunday to being crucified on Friday.
Even Obama's downturn in the Gallup poll can't top that fall from the top.
Hugh Jee has made an astute observation, and I think he is correct.
We need government, and we need it to do things right.
We must also never lose our self-sufficiency. Katrina was a tragedy. People just sitting there as a hurricane hits them while school buses sit underwater.
Did government benumb them into inaction?
Government has its place, but so does freedom and liberty of each person to rule their own lives and make their own decisions.
We have an imbalance between personal liberty and government. That is what Glen Beck is (comically? cynically? self-servingly? genuinely? sincerely?) pointing to.
Too many look to government for too much. Meanwhile, over-reliance on government has caused our self-sufficiency to atrophy, like a muscle that goes unused.
It's about damning the DC-NY crony capitalist connection. It's a shout out to the politicians that the times they are a changin' (Apologies to Bob Dylan). We don't believe their crap anymore.
It's about restoring balance.
Have the republicans screwed us over? Of course they have. So have the democrats, who are just as deep in the crony capitalist sewer as the gop.
Our nation is too big and too diverse for outmoded one-size-fits-all solutions.
Restrict the federal government to their constitutional duties, which includes civil rights enforcement, for all of you who's knees jerk any time the constitutional principle of "states rights" is mentioned.
The only solution is to take it away from Washington and hand it back to the states and the people. If we screw it up there, then it's our own damned fault.
why do conservatives think liberals take away their liberty and freedoms? Where is this happening?? You come and go as you please, nobody stops you from living the kind of life you choose to live.
As for Katrina victims, yes some chose to ignore the warnings and died or were stuck with no way out, but what some critics of those people don't take into account is some people in this country are just plain POOR. They had no place to go, they maybe had no transportation, they didn't want to leave what little possessions they had behind. Yes, some people are dependant on government, but sometimes it's not their fault. The right doesn't budge on that point. They hate poor people.
I saw reports this week where the rebuilding of parts of New Orleans has left out many blacks. They are not coming back because they are not wanted back! We are still a sad, sad, racist country, yes we are...
Government makes decisions for us in health care, retirement, what size tank we can have on our toilets, what kind of light bulbs to use...
You cannon distill your own whiskey or grow your own marijuana.
It is a tragedy that we have so many people beholden to government for everyday sustenance. Government has done this to them.
Your last paragraph actually shows that New Orleans is a sad, sad racist place, not the entire US.
Call yourself a racist if you want, but leave me out of it.
SF, that is a friggin lie! The government is not telling you which toilet to buy, there are hundreds for you to choose from in HomeDepot! Not to mention light bulbs too! And if all you can find are the low voltage kind then that's a good thing for you and your electric bill, right?? DUH...
Who is stopping you from growing pot or distilling whiskey?? Religious rightwingers? Who tries to stop you from marrying your best friend? Religious rightwingers? Who tries to stop you from adopting a baby? Religious rightwingers? Who wants to bring back segregation? Religious rightwingers? All your personal freedoms are in jeopardy because of religious rightwingers.
Light bulb law
Toilet Law
Yeah! And government banning all junk food would be good for our health, right?!
I am glad you brought up the "religious rightwingers." (Nice rant, btw)
You have just made my point. Thank you.
Religious righwingers have no more right to hijack the coercive power of government than irreligious leftwingers do. Limited government is the answer; I'm glad you've seen the light, Sue.
Social conservatives have failed miserably at forcing their will upon us. As Randal Hoven points out, it is a progressive nation we are living in:
Who are the true liberty killers?
The most obvious point to me is that it is the do-gooding liberals who are telling us all what we can and can't do. The religious right usually just wants to be left alone, either to home school, pray in public or not get their children vaccinated with who-knows-what.
Inasmuch as the "religious right" wants some things outlawed, they have failed miserably for at least the last 50 years. Abortion, sodomy, and pornography are now all Constitutional rights. However, praying in public school is outlawed, based on that same Constitution.
Just think for a moment about the things you are actually forced to do or are prevented from doing.
Seat belts. Motorcycle helmets. Bicycle helmets. Smoking. Gun purchase and ownership restrictions. Mandatory vaccines for your children. Car emissions inspections. Campaign ad and contribution restrictions. Saying a prayer at a public school graduation or football game. Trash separation and recycling. Keeping the money you earned. Gas tax. Telephone tax. Income tax. FICA withholding. Fill in this form. Provide ID.
All brought to us by doctrinaire we-say-so progressivism.
damn SF, we are a nation of laws, do you want us to go back to the cowboy and Indian era?? Yes, conservatives hate progress so I guess you do!
Half of your list prevents unnecessary accidental deaths and the other half is what runs our country. It's as simple as that!
Actually Sue, we are not a nation of laws. When our government passes laws that favor certain groups (sugar farmers, for instance), and creates literally tons of laws per year that they themselves admit they have not read, and when they selectively enforce others, or refuse to enforce them, then they have made a mockery of the very concept of the rule of law.
We are a decadent nation of capricious rule by fiat of the political oligarchy. But as long as they're doing things you agree with, who cares? Right?
I avoided most of it by following the Rude Pundit on Twitter and periodically looking at CSPAN in the background. He had no choice but to turn down the political for this rally. It would have cost the charity he was raising money for, the tax exempt status they held. As it is he had his donors stupidly pay for HIS rallying for a book and the extra would go to the charity named. All in all, some old folks were bussed in by AFP, Freedomworks and the like. Anyone even see the counter protest that was happening at the same time? Nope, but there is that liberal bias in the news, so maybe that's why we didn't see the people on the counter march.
SF- I think you might be misinterpreting part of what I said. Greenfield's piece was a comparison of the more effective federal government of the past (Marshall Plan, man on the moon in ten years, Interstate Highway System) as opposed to the less effective federal government of recent years. I think his point was it's not government over reaching it's bounds but government that has grown to lack the confidence of the people it serves.
And that segment of the population currently sees Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin as saviors. God help us.
To me, it's not a matter of reducing the size of government....because that will never happen again, no matter who's in charge. It should be about getting the right people in the right jobs and striving for the most effective government possible....that governs with the consent of the people, that is.
And consensus building (WOW, what a concept!) helps...but I'm not holding my breath.
So who would make sure "the right people get in the right job?"
I still agree with your underlying point. If government delivered all it promised and wasn't in hock to China, nobody would be complaining.
Glenn Beck is a bigger treat than the people planning the next terror attack in the country by radical Islam.
Yep white people are more dangerous that radical Islam.
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