Monday, August 9, 2010

Tomorrows big state- aid vote, Guess who's voting NO!!

Please pay attention to this boob Boehner. Do we want him as the next speaker of the House? Say what you will about Nancy Pelosi, but we have a smart, hardworking, dedicated House leader and shame on America if they vote Bonehead to replace her! It's unimaginable to think that bozo could be a leader this country would be proud of!  He can't even be truthful with David Gregory, how honest and hardworking do you think he has the balls to be??

Then you have Mike Pence, he pretty much says the same things Boehner says. These GOP have NO answers to get the economy moving except for one thing, TAX CUTS. Trickle down, voodoo economics. Has it been working for you middle class? The tax cuts are in place now....

So, tomorrow the House will be brought back into session to vote on the 26.1 billion dollar state aids bill. Even though this bill is paid for, and to me most significant, is the closing of loop holes that allowed tax breaks for corporations that shipped jobs overseas. This isn't mentioned much, I have Googled and Googled and get only a few sentences mentioning this. Is it because the bill does not go far enough? Here's what the Washington Post says...

The Washington Post: The funding in the bill ""is only about half what Obama had sought for the two programs and is far less generous than desperate governors had hoped for. Anxiety in Congress about the mounting national debt forced Democratic leaders to devise a plan to cover the cost of the package, blunting its impact on the economy. To offset the new spending, the package would cut off in March 2014 an expansion of food stamp benefits enacted last year. It would also eliminate tax breaks for some multinational corporations based in the United States that have operations abroad -- a centerpiece of a House Democratic campaign to promote domestic manufacturing and discourage companies from shipping jobs overseas"

Whats wrong with that?  Governors are promised 16.1 billion to help meet Medicaid payments for next year, and 10 billion for state and local school boards to preserve teachers jobs. The bill is paid for, teachers will be working not standing in unemployment lines, and my favorite part, it stops rewarding some corporations for killing our "on Americas soil" jobs! Oh yea, I forgot to mention, the GOP plans on voting NO, saying it is not paid for, LIE, it will add to the deficit, LIE.... 

Teabaggers are getting in on the protesting too urging members in the House to vote against the state-aid package. Dumb, just plain dumb, but thats okay teabaggers, keep talking keep siding with those who side against the American people. 

 Pelosi and other Democrats say the funding will prevent layoffs, stem higher unemployment and contribute to a growing economy.
“Democrats will return next week to save or create hundreds of thousands of jobs for our teachers, nurses, firefighters and police officers — and close loopholes that allow corporations to ship American jobs overseas,” Pelosi said in a statement issued Friday.
This is critical as over the last three months, state and local governments have cut more than 46,000 jobs in education.”

 Thank you Nancy Pelosi and Democrats for standing with the American people!


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

THis voting "no" nonsense started right here in my hometown with a guy named Melvin ""Bud Niekamp. He began voting no on everything agter he got elected to the county board 15 or 20 years ago. He ended up being the biggest vote getter in every election since. He even ran for school board and got elected with the most votes. The voters keep reelecting him as a joke. They all know he's a clown of limited scope and intelligeance as most republicans are. But the public never gets tired of the joke. Maybe this explains the success of the republicans like Boner and Bush. People love a good joke.

Annette said...

I hope they continue to vote no on everything. It is just guaranteeing the Dems stay in power longer...

TOM said...

As usual (health care bill and others) this bill does not go far enough, but is what we have.
I still think Obama should be going farther with his legislation. He's not going to get Republican votes, so what is he compromising for? Could it be he's not actually for more liberal legislation?
Screw the Republicans.
Pass this bill!
Voting no has a strategy. It will backfire on the Republicans, because it is so lame a strategy.

Sue said...

Truth the religious right wants our country to live by Gods word from the OLD Testament in the Bible, they want our leaders to be old school religious MEN, and they think without that kind of leadership we are doomed. To even think we have liberals in Washington makes them gag, they can't except it and will work to destroy our country if they can't have it the way they want it! Why the people can't see through these wolves in sheep's clothing is baffling! I'm not an athiest but I also know we can't live by the Old Testament. These so called Christians should really get their act together because they are doing a terrible job of obeying the Ten Commandments. They care more about the Founding Fathers then their Father in heaven. They are hypocrites!

Sue said...

Annette the GOP will continue to vote NO but I'm not so sure the voters will reward the dems for it. The voters are pretty dumbed down and it worries me.

Infidel753 said...

The Democrats do need to do a better job of getting across to the public who is voting for and against what. I've heard of people who plan to vote Republican because they're mad at the earlier failure to extend unemployment insurance by the Democrat-led Senate, even though it was the Republicans who were responsible for that.

The Republican strategy is to mess things up as much as possible by paralyzing the government, knowing that the "low-information" crowd will blame the Democrats for whatever goes wrong, just because they're in power. Dealing with that will take effective communication, which is what Obama is supposed to be good at. Hopefully it will be more in evidence before the election.

Sue said...

Tom the watering down of all these bills makes no sense to us democrats. I don't know what Obama is compromising for. We have to blame the House and Senate more so, if they lose the power they have only their lame asses to blame. Just look at what Boehner says! What will he do for America?? NOTHING but 2 years of bill busting and impeachment hearings! Could that backfire on them? YES, we could look at it in a positive note, it'll give the country 2 years to watch their hypocrisy and do-nothingness which will only hand the dems the presidency in 2012!

Sue said...

Infidel, the GOP does have a strategy but my fingers are crossed for their demise. I'll be looking forward to September to hear their plans for the country should they win in November. How exciting is this gonna be!?

Jerry Critter said...

Unfortunately, I think the watering down of bills has more to do with blue dog democrats than republicans.

Annette said...

Let me clear something up for you.... Pres. Obama did NOT water this down or reduce it... He actually wanted much much more, but the House members are the ones who cut it and compromised... We have to remember the President does NOT write the laws.. He suggests and Congress does the rest... So if you want to blame someone find out who wrote this bill in committee, in the Senate who has already passed it... and yell at them.. Not the President.

TOM said...

Jerry, Annette,

Your probably right, but then he needs to lead his legislative party with a bigger fist.

Sue said...

Yes Annette I do realize that, but the compromising with the GOP is something Obama hasn't given up on. The watering down is like Jerry says, because of bluedogs. If it wasn't for the bluedogs the dems would be passing bill after bill alone with no help from the GOP. So is this what the people want, 2 partisan parties who work alone with no give or take, no help whatsoever from either side for bipartisan bills that benefit American people? What a sad state of affairs, its a shame for our country...

Some say it would be a good thing for the GOP to win back some power, I'm thinking it will surely show the voters exactly what the GOP can and is willing to do for them. So come on GOP, show us what you have in mind, can't wait!!

TomCat said...

Actually, it was not the House members that watered it down. It was Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins who insisted that it be scaled back before they would vote it in. The original House verson was stronger. They passed it and left town. The whole reason for calling them back is that the Senate amended it.

Anonymous said...

another union payoff because the original 800 billion dollar jobs bill worked so well like all those other"unread" bills.Who's going to get the nex payoff for votes? Illegals and inmates?
Oh but not the overseas military God Forbid.