Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I said it in my last post, Mr.Ed, the Bush tax cuts to the rich (top 1 to 2%) are in place, they have been in place for the Bush reign and the Obama first 18 months, SO WHERE ARE THE JOBS these tax cuts are supposed to be growing?? Why have the jobs disappeared yet Wall Street is doing fabulously?? I'll give you an example....My niece worked for Bank of America in Delaware for 15 years, her hourly pay was 18.00, her WHOLE department was eliminated last year and it went to NY. Do you know she had to travel to NY to train people from Bosnia who were that departments replacements?? Can you guess the BANK probably pays these Bosnians minimum wage?? So it's either our good paying jobs are overseas or are just plain eliminated for minimum wage workers. The right complains about minimum wage hikes, they complain about union wages being too high, so what's the real story?? The right hates middle America and wants it to die. There is NO DOUBT ABOUT IT!!


TOM said...

We need another union movement. This time for the service workers.

Lisa said...
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JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Your ignorance defies the laws of physics Lisa.

There is a temperature known as absolute zero. Theory says that's as cold as it can possible get. You're similar in that there is also known to science a phenomena called "absolute stupid."

Congratulations Lisa. You have achieved what science declared impossible. You are stupider than absolute stupid.

The new term to describe miserable shit that is made more miserable will be "Absolute Lisa."

What's even more incredible is your stupidity has most likely not even reached it's limit. It's akin to the largest black hole in the universe. It just keeps growing. Just like your stupidity.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Agreed...it's been time for an expanded union movement for about 20 years now. We used to be a nation that made things....we became a nation of day traders.

Anybody who thinks lower corporate taxes will give "the powers that be" the economic patriotism to put America back to work, all I can say is....no, I won't go there.

It's too easy.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

LOWER corporate taxes?! The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities says "A weak economy, new tax breaks, and aggressive tax sheltering have pushed corporate income tax receipts down to historically low levels", and "Corporate revenues are further diminished by aggressive tax avoidance strategies, including the sheltering of corporate profits overseas. ...abusive corporate tax shelters [are] one of the most serious and current compliance problem areas. ...IRS studies on tax sheltering ... indicate that tens of billions of dollars of taxes are being improperly avoided..."

Corporations aren't paying the taxes they owe now! We need stronger collection enforcement, NOT lower corporate taxes. In any case (also according to CBPP), "corporate income tax revenues are lower in the US than in most European countries".

We should incentivize corporations to produce in the US through the use of tariffs and other penalties, not by lowering already-to-low corporate taxes.

Anonymous said...
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Sue said...

hilarious!! Romney couldn't get the nomination, evangelicals hate Mormons. Is that the best ya got?? WHAT? Palin doesn't get the nod from you??

Sue said...

money spent on babies? You hate babies now lisa??

Infidel753 said...

We don't need lower corporate tax rates, we need a corporate tax policy that penalizes companies which send jobs overseas or employ illegal aliens.

What would really be nice is corporate executives who realize that pushing the American middle and working classes to the wall is not in their own self-interest -- you can screw people down only so far before you get an explosion, either of violence or of political radicalism -- but I suppose that's too much to hope for.

Infidel753 said...

You hate babies now lisa??

Probably depends on how they're cooked.:-)

Lisa said...

don't worry the SEIU wil unionize all the illegals once your president gives them amnesty than not only will jobs be sent overseas they will be stolen right here at home.

Leslie Parsley said...

Great comments Truth and Infidel. Anon Lisa makes one wish that idiots and the insane could be deported. If ignorance is bliss, she has to be one happy hen.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Lisa's an idiot. She doesn't deserve any reasonable attempts at conversation or understanding. It wouldn't surprise me if she was one of the bloggers created by the Long Beach troll to make it appear there are a larger number of backward thinking, closed mind and deluded right wing fools that there really are. Mongol hoard of idiots.

Grung_e_Gene said...

Unless you have a giant off shore bank account the Republican Party hates you and wants you to work as a Wage Slave and Die once you get old.

Republicans also love to personally kill Miners and Soldiers, it excites them.

Jolly Roger said...

I usually have something to add for our dear friend lisa, but really.... I cannot do her any better than she does herself.

I am about 50% convinced that she's a caricature, a persona who amuses herself by pissing people off. If she is, then I congratulate her. Or him. Whatever.

Leslie Parsley said...

I've always suspected that Lisa is a hired ho. I doubt if there are many people who would deliberately make themselves look like a total ass without getting paid for it. But hey, maybe this being an ass thingy isn't an act.

TOM said...

It's not an act and there are many who do it. Check my post today.

Anonymous said...
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TOM said...

Republicans only get 30% of the vote, unless they lie, and they have lied a lot over the last 30 years.

Anonymous said...
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TOM said...

Facts are facts. Look at the facts of the results of Republican policies over the last 30 years. How are we doing?

Lisa said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Sue said...

I know trolls are alot of fun but it takes away our message when we feed them...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Sue, you deleted the comment I was going to respond to! I was working on my reply for awhile, then decided to refresh before posting it to see if any new comments had been added in the meantime that I would also like to respond to... and it was gone. Why not just let them be? The anonymous trolls only serve to display how ignorant the Right really is.

In any case, the anonymous post I was going to respond to was a comment which said "Fannie Mae is not Republican policy".

My response to that comment is (or was, prior to it being deleted)...

Destroying Fannie Mae certainly IS Republican policy! Because the purpose of Fannie Mae is to assist credit worthy lower and middle class people in purchasing homes.

We need to un-privatize Fannie Mae. If it had never been privatized it undoubtedly would be facing only a fraction (if any) of the problems it currently is.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Sorry for feeding the trolls, but I wanted to respond to that. Here's an interesting article regarding Fannie May -- If you're unfamiliar with the history of the organization, you might assume that it was the Republicans who pushed for the privatization of Fannie Mae...

Although if LBJ hadn't done it I'm sure the Republicans would have gotten around to it. If they can't get rid of a popular government program they hate -- they will attempt to corrupt it and use it as a money making vehicle for the wealthy elites. Which is why they're so desperate to privatize Social Security.

Sue said...

sorry w, all that stupidity comes from lisa, she really isn't worth the debate. I'm starting to believe she is one of the Long Island malcontents.

I do appreciate your comments and expertise debate, you guys are what makes my blog interesting and a place to come for the TRUTH about whats going on in politics!