Monday, August 23, 2010

Exposing the hypocrites and fearmongers

I was going to stop posting about the Manhattan Community Center but I won't because there's so much hypocrisy and lies going on that I want to highlight them for you. Let's start with this Beck and Rauf video. It's from 2006, watch how Beck seems kind and accepting of  Imam Rauf, but today 2010, it's a totally different story as Beck, along with a huge audience of wingnuts, show hatred and bigotry towards the Imam and Muslims in general.

 Listen at 5:30 in the video where  Imam Rauf starts to talk about Christian evangelicals are trying to bring on the second coming of Christ....He is absolutely correct...

From Media Matters:

One of the loudest voices in conservatives' fight against the center has been Glenn Beck, who has specifically targeted Imam Rauf with blatant falsehoods and hypocritical attacks in a desperate attempt to smear him as a radical.

Additionally, among other offensive comments, Beck has asked, "after you've killed 3,000 people you're going to now build your mosque?" He's also absurdly labeled the center an "actual danger" and suggested it is an "Allah-tells-me-to-blow-up-America mosque." Though we -- and many other outlets -- have repeatedly pointed out that Rauf is widely viewed as a moderate and has often denounced the extremists who carry out violent attacks in the name of Islam, Beck and his fellow demagogues continue to push the dishonest attack.

Yesterday was the "mosque" rally in NYC, and today this from the Wall Street Journal, 

Islamic radicals are seizing on protests against a planned Islamic community center near Manhattan's Ground Zero and anti-Muslim rhetoric elsewhere as a propaganda opportunity and are stepping up anti-U.S. chatter and threats on their websites.
One jihadist site vowed to conduct suicide bombings in Florida to avenge a threatened Koran burning, while others predicted an increase in terrorist recruits as a result of such actions.
"By Allah, the wars are heated and you Americans are the ones who…enflamed it," says one such posting. "By Allah you will be the first to taste its flames."

 Some counter terrorism experts say the anti-Muslim sentiment that has saturated the airwaves and blogs in the debate over plans for an Islamic center near ground zero in Lower Manhattan is playing into the hands of extremists by bolstering their claims that the United States is hostile to Islam.

Evan F. Kohlmann, who tracks militant Web sites at the security consulting firm Flashpoint Global Partners, said supporters of Al Qaeda have seized on the controversy "with glee." On radical Web forums, he said, the dispute over the Islamic center, which would include space for worship, is lumped together with fringe developments like a Florida pastor's call for making Sept. 11 "Burn a Koran Day."

"It's seen as proof of what Awlaki and others have been saying, that the U.S. is hypocritical and that most Americans are enemies of Islam," Mr. Kohlmann said. He called the anti-Islam statements spawned by the dispute "disturbing and sad" and said they were feeding anti-American sentiment that could provoke violence.

Fabulous, just fabulous. Is this really what America wants? Is this how we want to be portrayed, as bigots and Islam haters? Get real people, America is not innocent. Yes we were attacked on 9/11 and it was horrific, but it was not Islam that attacked us it was Islamic extremists Al Qaeda.  This lashing out with hate a venom is only giving the enemy the ammunition it needs. It looks very much to me like American radicals are asking for trouble .


Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Ron Paul sure hit all the right notes in talking about the "mosque".

One thing even his harshest critics can't deny....he's a man of principle.

I'm outta here, it's time for SEINFELD. And speaking of religious controversy, this is the one where George converts to the Latvian Orthodox Church to please his girlfriend!

Can the Latvian Orthodox build a church in lower Manhattan without drawing protests?


Jolly Roger said...

You have to be of an infantile mentality to not realize that flim-flam man Beck is running a game on you.

magpie said...

It's not just in America. People are taking sides everywhere, as if they want a global version of the Bosnian War.
Is this what we ended the Cold War for?
All this is... is tribalism.
If Jonathan Swift were alive he'd be laughing his wig off.

Anonymous said...

Great to se how you support a bigoted religion who is so tolerant of women ,gays ,cartoonists,infadels and Jews?
And here I thought it was the Christians that were bigots.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

"Great to se how you support a bigoted religion who is so tolerant of women ,gays ,cartoonists,infadels and Jews?"

No one is supporting the fear, intolerance, and ignorance of those Muslims and their regimes that practice that of which you speak.

But we are a great country; and we should be better than to respond with fear, intolerance, and ignorance.

Unfortunately, their are many in media and government who are using Islamaphobia to solidify their own positions and expand their base of power.

And it is good to know that their are true statesmen, on both sides of the aisle, who have the courage to call this for what it is.....manufactured hysteria.

Dubya....we're waiting to hear from you.

Grung_e_Gene said...

This is what the White christian Fascists who have seized control of the Republicans and Conservatives want. They want religious war with islam.

Conservative christian Fascists have been busily infiltrating and co-opting the US Military for this purpose.

And we can see their evil daily with their attacks on anyone they deem not worthy. Conservatives will never consider non-whites, non-Heteronormative, non-christians as Americans.

Anonymous said...

your people are nuts.
If this is such a great country why are you and the president all gung ho on fundamnentally transforming it?
"We are better" thst's why we have freedom of speech.
That's why a filmaker was able to make a movie of Geroger Bush getting assasinated while he was in office no less.
Kill the white guy!
I bet that would go over real well if they did the same movie about Obama.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anonymous said...
Great to se how you support a bigoted religion who is so tolerant of women ,gays ,cartoonists,infadels and Jews?
And here I thought it was the Christians that were bigots.

Anonymous, let's talk about how welcoming certain evangelical and radical Christians are toward women:

Southern Baptists, not long ago, proclaimed wives should "submit graciously to their husbands."

The major spokespastors (Falwell and Robertson) for Christians--the ones who get the most coverage in the MSM, blamed 9/11 on feminists and gays.

"infadels?" Just read what Billy Graham said about Jews while visiting Pres. Nixon. And it appears his "seed," Franklin is no better.

And I won't mention--oh heck, yes, I will--what the organization situated in Rome, Italy, has tolerated through decade after disgusting decade. The molestation and rape of children.

As I said on another blog, that's right up there with the monsterous crimes "religion" encourages.

There is no "holier than thou" in any religion. Almost every religion I've studied has perpetrated horrendous carnage on their own kind, and especially the kind that do not believe in their dogma.

In fact, religion often gives spirituality a bad name.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Here's a link to the Billy Graham anti-semitic conversation with Nixon.

Graham apologized for his remarks after they were exposed to the public. However, one must have a deep seated dislike of Jews to express what Graham said when he thought he was in a private conversation.

Grung_e_Gene said...

Anonymous posters are usually stupid:

To wit: anonymous brings up the following: That's why a filmaker was able to make a movie of Geroger Bush getting assasinated while he was in office no less.

Which was done by a British man. But, that doesn't matter it's existence allows him to pick up a gun, declare Obama illegitimate an plan to use "Second Amendment Remedies".

Conservatism is Terrorism, it's unthinking aggression, it's raw hatred of anyone who deviates from White Christian Fascism.

Anonymous said...

socialism is terrorism . It's a Short trip from socialism to communism especially when you have arrogant self serving politicians who look down their noses at the stupid little people.
Just like your gavel carrying elitist speaker who talks like she's on a permanent acid trip.

Leslie Parsley said...

Hey Lisa - aka Anon - shame on you for talking about Pelosi that way. It's Boehner who's on the acid trip.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Anon.....I just have two comments.

"It's a Short trip from socialism to communism........."

(1). We're nowhere near socialism. It's not even close. Believe it or not, the Cold War is least for most of us.

(2). SPELL CHECK- would you like to try it sometime?

I am assuming all three Anons are the same person. But then again, like the rest of you, I'm nuts and a hypocrite.

But at least I'm not stupid.

Sue said...

I'm dumbstruck by these lisa fact I really have nothing more to add. I'm talked out and think I want to change the subject. This is getting depressing. By all means comment on, I love having your visits!